Board of Commissioners
May 12, 2022
7:30 PM
Call to Order: Commissioner Mullin called the Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Commissioner Mullin then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary, Lisa Swan-Township Treasurer, and Scot Gill-Municipal Authority.
Professionals Present: ARRO Assistant Vice President and Office Manager Al Vennettilli, Township Solicitor Kristin Camp, James Haigney from Commonwealth Engineer representing John J. and Ruth M. McLucas, and Gilmore and Associates P.E. Ross Bickhart.
Special Guest: N/A
The Board of Commissioners May 12, 2022, agenda was posted on the Township website, and at the Township building, on May 11, 2022. Agendas were made available for the public, at the meeting.
The 2022 Township Board of Commissioners meetings were published in the Daily Local News, on December 28, 2021.
Commissioner Evans Township Update
Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us. Our meetings are “Neutral Ground,” a place to hear and be heard. The Board of Commissioners are here to represent everyone in Caln, and we strive to be sure our decisions address the needs of all. We’re all in this together.
- Just a reminder, any questions or statements regarding an agenda item will be entertained under “Citizens to be Heard” at the top of the meeting. All other matters will be recognized during “Public Comment” at the end of the meeting.
- COFFEE AND CAKE ANYONE??? Welcome Farmhouse! Pete and Dana Petrizzio, owners of Farmhouse Coffee and Espresso Bar, Pastry Shop, and Creamery, voted best of the Main Line 3-years running, have chosen to put down roots in Caln Township as they continue to grow one of the most successful small businesses in Chester County. Last week they purchased 2 unimproved parcels of land along the south side of Lincoln Highway between Copa 82 and the new Hatt’s Farm Market, right across from Caln Village Shopping Center. Except for the annual Christmas Tree lot, and the old ice cream caboose, these lots have sat vacant for decades. No plans have been presented, and nothing has been approved, but based on what they have already done in Downingtown Borough, we should all be excited to see what they will come up with. This is a major step towards reimagining Lincoln Highway as a destination, not an afterthought.
- STOP RIGHT THERE: The Lloyd Avenue Bridge was closed today as workers installed the long-awaited traffic signals. There is still plenty of work to do before they are fully operational, and are currently flashing red in both directions, but we are getting there. We would like to thank the previous Board of Commissioners once again for getting this project approved in 2019, and Township Manager Ms. Denne for securing grant funds to pay for it.
- IT’S IN THE BAG! At our last meeting, we mentioned that a resident had asked if Caln Township had considered a single-use plastic bag ban, and that this was something we had been interested in exploring before COVID changed everyone’s focus. I’m pleased to say that we have begun looking into options. This will be a long process, but one that should ultimately prove good for our environment.
- FOUR!!! As announced at our April 24, 2022, meeting the Golf Committee is scheduled to meet May 31.
- Long Term Storage of Zoom Meeting Recordings: As I said last meeting, we are looking into various options. We’ll let you know when we’ve narrowing it down a bit.
- A citizen sent an email requesting information on the Cohen Brothers lot – if any plans, sketches, etc. had been presented. Other than what Eli Kahn presented a couple of months ago, at this time, there is no update to provide.
- LERTA is still being considered by the Coatesville Area School District (CASD), and we hope to have a decision soon.
- BUMMER ALERT: It’s worth repeating that the Downingtown-Thorndale Chamber of Commerce recently voted to drop Thorndale from their name. That is surprising considering how many of our businesses are members. Just my opinion, but if I owned a business in Thorndale/Caln I’d be asking myself why I am supporting a Chamber of Commerce that does not want to recognize the town my business is located in.
- THESE TROUBLED TIMES: On Wednesday May 11, 2022, the school day at Coatesville Area Senior High School (CASH) started with social media warnings of a planned mass shooting and ended with bomb threats. Kudos to the teachers, administrators, bus and van drivers, law enforcement, and local authorities for managing this crisis in a calm and professional manner. Their efficiency, organization, communication, and courage under pressure saved the day.
A 16-year-old CCIU student was identified by Caln Township Police investigators and has been charged with both the shooting threat and bomb threat.
- CLEAN UP TIME – social media is once again all abuzz with chatter about the Township’s “lack of interest” in Lloyd Farm or any of the other historically important resources in the township.
- Another squatter at the Manor House is both disturbing and concerning. I wish the Township owned the land. But we don’t own it. It is private property, and as such, it’s against the law for us to do much more than alert the owner and ask that they do something about it.
Ms. Denne noted that the owner went out and checked the house and found that the doors were locked,
however, a window was open. They called a contractor to have it fixed, and they did not see anyone
living there.
- The Caln Township Historical Commission, under the leadership of Chair Paul Stephens (also our CCHPN Municipal Support Liaison), and former Chair Dawn Coughlan (also President of the Old Caln Historical Society), has worked tirelessly for 2 years on a draft Historical Preservation Ordinance, one that actually has teeth, one that requires Historical Commission review before a demolition permit can be approved, one that outlaws demolition by neglect. An ordinance that is almost ready for review.
- For the last year, the Historical Commission has been conducting a new survey of Historically significant resources in Caln.
- Lastly, this year they were working on a PA at Risk submission for Lloyd Farm, but they ran out of time. You know why they ran out of time? They ran out of time because the Historical Commission only has 8 of their 16 seats filled. That is because there are not enough “concerned citizens” willing to put their time and efforts into preserving our historical resources.
- CALN TOWNSHIP IS “OPEN FOR BUSINESS.” Nothing is ever perfect, but it is our township, our community, and our home. We can all be a part of the solution by eagerly spreading the good news about where we live.
Citizens to be Heard was missed and heard after the Engineers report.
Presentation: Caln Township Act 537 Report – Overview of Sewage Facilities – Commissioner Mullin waived the agenda to move the Act 537 presentation before Ms. Denne’s report.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Consideration of Approval, Subject to Certain Conditions Defined by the Final Written Decision, for a Minor Subdivision Plan Application for 4103-4105 Edges Mill Road Filed by John J. Lucas and Ruth M. Lucas – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp offered a motion for applicants John J. and Ruth M. McLucas who are the owners of two parcels of property at 4103 Edges Mill Road, tax parcel 39-1-38.3 and 4105 Edges Mill Road, tax parcel 39-1-38.2. Parcel 39-1-38.3 consists of approximately 5.6 acres and is improved with a single family detached dwelling. Parcel 39-1-38.2 consists of approximately 9.3 acres and improved with a single family detached dwelling and detached garage. Both parcels are in the R-1 Residential District and are serviced by on-site water and sewer facilities. Ms. Camp noted that the Applicants seek to adjust the lot line between the two parcels and add 224,965 square feet to parcel 39-1-38.3. Once the lot line is reconfigured, one lot will have 11.513 gross acres and the other will have 3.4645 gross acres.
At the April 19, 2022, public meeting, the Township Planning Commission recommended that the Board of Commissioner’s grant approval, subject to all conditions referenced in the review letter dated March 21, 2022, issued by the Township Engineer, ARRO Consulting, Inc.
Mr. Haigney asked if the Board has any questions for him.
Commissioner Mullin asked what the reasoning behind the lot line change is. Mr. Haigney noted that the McLucas’s want to get more acreage to the house that they are building.
Commissioner Evans asked if this would have any negative historical integrity or potentially cause any stormwater runoff. Mr. Haigney noted that the current house already has stormwater management in place and the existing house is from the eighty’s and there is no plan. Mr. Haigney also noted that you cannot see the houses from the road.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion of approval, subject to certain conditions defined by the Final Written Decision for a Minor Subdivision Plan application for 4103-4105 Edges Mill Road filed by John J. and Ruth M. Lucas. Moved by Commission Tindaro and second by Commissioner Kennedy.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Consideration of Approval, Subject to Certain Conditions Defined by the Final Written Decision, for a Minor Subdivision Plan Application for 4103-4105 Edges Mill Road Filed by John J. Lucas and Ruth M. Lucas – Commissioner Mullin waived the agenda to move Ms. Camp’s motion up on the agenda after Commissioner Evans township update.
Township Engineer
Consideration of Award for the 2022 Road Program – For Board consideration Mr. Vennettilli offered a lowest base bid from Longs Asphalt, in the amount of $328,295.50. Mr. Vennettilli also noted that there are three alternates. Alternate A is for the Spackman Farm driveway for an additional $68,100.25, Alternate B is for grass pavers for the Spackman Farm parking area for an additional $10,935.00, and Alternate C is to gravel the Spackman Farm parking area.
Ms. Denne noted that she wants to keep an aesthetic value. She also noted that gravel maintenance would need to be regularly enforced. Commissioner Young asked Ms. Denne if $95,000.00 was budgeted. Ms. Denne noted that it was, and it would still be under that cost with the pavers.
Mr. Vennettilli noted that the base bid and alternate A and B totals $407,330.75.
Commissioner Young asked if the roads could be read for the public. Mr. Vennettilli noted that he does not have them with him tonight. Commissioner Young asked Ms. Denne to put these roads on social media. Ms. Denne noted that they will also be in the next newsletter. Mr. Vennettilli noted that it would be a good idea to list these roads on the website to let residents know that these roads will be restricted during construction, and there also may be some delays in those areas.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to award the base bid and alternate A and B to Longs Asphalt. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comments.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked who will maintain the grass pavers. Ms. Denne noted that the Township has a contract with a farmer that maintains that area.
Commissioner Mullin asked when will the project start. Mr. Vennettilli noted that it will start in a month.
Commissioner Evans asked if the Spackman Farm project will be completed by the end of the summer. Mr. Vennettilli noted that it will be completed by the end of summer.
Vote passed 5-0.
Citizens to be Heard
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked how many additional schools will be needed for the children from all the houses being built. He also spoke about the proposed 4.4% tax increase. Commissioner Mullin noted that he is not aware about the school situation. Commissioner Young noted that the schools must go by the CPI for taxes. Commissioner Evans noted that there are two charter schools that are taking $45 million dollars from the CASD. Commissioner Kennedy noted that school enrollment has decreased.
Chris Fritsch of 250 Seltzer Avenue explained to the Board about the stormwater pipe on her property that has eroded her yard and destroyed some of her electrical household items. She noted that she believes that it was installed by former Commissioner Yeoman in the 70’s, and it a Township connection, not a homeowner’s connection.
Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Mullin noted that they will visit her property within the next two weeks.
Ms. Denne noted that due to the cost of housing, the Chester County Housing Authority and Habitat for Humanity is changing their model because they cannot afford to buy land anymore. Ms. Denne encouraged Ms. Fritsch to contact them because they are looking for private projects like hers.
Ms. Fritsch noted that her neighbor has something on her downspout that directs stormwater directly towards her property. Ms. Denne noted that residents cannot direct water to another property.
Presentation: Caln Township Act 537 Report – Overview of Sewage Facilities – Mr. Bickhart noted that this document plans out how the Township is going to manage future wastewater needs and is subject to approval by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP).
Mr. Bickhart noted that the Township is split into three service areas. Downingtown Area Regional Authority (DARA), Pennsylvania American Water Company Treatment Plant (PAWC), and the Municipal Drive Pump Station and a portion of the flows are directed by the pump station back to the west to Coatesville for treatment at PAWC and any remaining flows can flow east to DARA.
Mr. Bickhart also noted that Caln Township is one of the five Municipalities that are members of DARA. In 2021 they collectivity agreed to pursue a 1 MGD treatment plant expansion. Caln Townships portion of the 1 MGD is approximately 180,000 gallons per day. Mr. Birkhart also noted that the next step to get the treatment plant completed is the planning for the wastewater approvals.
Mr. Bickhart noted that they ran all the numbers and did some analysis and the major take aways are that the additional capacity that the Township would get from this treatment upgrade in addition to what the Township already has in Coatesville, would be enough for a twenty-year outlook for wastewater flows for the Township. He also noted that this would provide plenty of time until the Township would be exceeding the total capacity available. It is important to get this treatment plan expansion done sooner that later because that delays the onset of when you start sending more flows to Coatesville, which has a much higher cost.
Mr. Bickhart noted there are three sections of existing piping that will need to be updated to get the flow rates to DARA. Those three pipes will need to be upgraded in approximately eleven years. The total cost of the plan upgrades for the treatment plant expansion, and the pipes is approximately $1.35 million.
Mr. Bickhart asked for Board approval to send the draft Act 537 Plan to DARA and to the PADEP for their review.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comments.
Commissioner Evans asked where the $1.35 million comes from. Commissioner Mullin noted that it comes from the sewer rate.
Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Bickhart if he knows how far along are the other four Municipalities on their draft. Mr. Bickhart noted that Caln is the farthest on their plan.
Commissioner Mullin asked what the Township savings would be. Mr. Bickhart noted that the Township would pay $525,000.00 every year to send their treatment to Coatesville instead of DARA. Mr. Bickhart also noted that the Township can delay the additional cost, however, it will still happen eventually because part of the capacity for the twenty-year outlook is still utilized by PAWC.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if it means you cannot do any more building once the capacity has been reached. Mr. Bickhart noted that every building plan must go through a planning process, which ensures that there is capacity for that specific project.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked Mr. Bickhart for a background on the 20-year development in the Township. Mr. Bickhart noted that they start with the baseline of existing conditions, then include any projects where a developer sends in any kind of plan and track those and all the other undeveloped properties of a size you could do something with. Then evaluate the zoning district and estimate how many equivalent dwelling units, estimate how many of those you can get per acre, and multiply those by that acreage in that zoning district and apply that across the township. Mr. Bickhart also noted that there are two scenarios one being the “ultimate buildout” where every property is accounted for and the “20-year outlook” where they assume only a portion of those.
Mr. DeYoung asked the Board why they do not keep the development down, so they have enough sewage. Commissioner Mullin noted that the Township wants DARA to increase their capacity because it is cheaper to send the flows to that area.
Mr. DeYoung asked if the sewage bill will decrease or increase. Mr. Birkhart noted that he does not see an increase.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion authorizing Mr. Birkhart to submit the draft Act 537 to DARA. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion authorizing Mr. Birkhart to submit the draft Act 537 to the PADEP, for their review. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Vote passed 5-0.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Lloyd Avenue Signalization – Ms. Denne noted that the insulation was put in today. She also noted that the parts are not working, however, they are back ordered and should arrive in two weeks. She also noted that the preamp system and timing are not communicating correctly.
Grant Submission – Ms. Denne noted that through the ARPA funds through the County, the Township applied for a grant for the design and engineering for the Beaver Creek Trail, and a Sanitary Sewer Project.
Consideration of Ratification of Standard Agreement with Environmental Hazard Control Contractor in the Amount of $2,856.00 for Removal and Disposal of Asbestos at 258 Horseshoe Drive – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered ratification of a standard agreement with Environmental Hazard Control Contractor, in the amount of $2,856.00 for the removal and disposal of asbestos at 258 Horseshoe Drive. Ms. Denne noted that there is a grant deadline so she had to sign the agreement so this would not delay the project.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion approving the ratification of a standard agreement with Environmental Hazard Control Contractor in the amount of $2,856.00 for the removal and disposal of asbestos of 258 Horseshoe Drive. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Vote passed 5-0.
Consideration of Authorization for the Police Chief to Post and Sign All Necessary Paperwork to Sell a 2017 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne noted that the police station has received two new vehicles making the 2017 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor eligible to be put out to bid.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion authorizing the authorization for the Police Chief to post and sign all necessary paperwork to sell a 2017 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Vote passed 5-0.
Sweeping Bid Results –
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2022-04 A Resolution Designating the 2022 Response Territories for Emergency Service in Caln Township (Tabled 01/13/2022) – Commissioner Mullin asked if any Board member would like to un-table this Resolution. Board consensus was to further table this resolution until further discussion has been held.
Minutes to Approve
Finance Department
Motion to Approve General Checks 48165 to 48237 – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve general checks 48165 to 48237. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Boards and Commissions Updates – Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
Parks and Recreation – Commissioner Kennedy noted that some of the Parks and Recreation members were taken on a tour of all the township parks.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that the Summer Series will consist of the movie Sing 2 on June 17 at 8:30 PM, the movie Hook on July 1 at 8:30 PM, and a concert with Chico’s Vibe and fireworks on August 5 starting at 7:00 PM. Commissioner Kennedy also noted that there are fee tickets at the Township building for a Reading Phillies game.
COG – Commissioner Kennedy gave a brief update of their COG meeting. She also noted that they also had a presentation on stormwater systems.
Municipal Authority – Commissioner Mullin noted that the Township received notice that the Township was awarded a $216,940.00 grant for recycling development and implementation, through the PADEP. This grant will provide for an additional leaf vacuuming truck for the Township’s yard waste composing program.
Fire Board – Commissioner Mullin noted that their next meeting will be on May 19.
Historical Commission – Commissioner Evans noted The Historical Commission met as scheduled on April 20, 2022. Due to an emergency, our Chair was unable to attend, the meeting was led by Vice Chair Tindaro. Most of the focus was on the Proposed Historical Preservation Ordinance as we expect there to be a review meeting in May or early June. There are currently 65 resources on our list. There was discussion about the public’s misconception that a historic marker is the same as being on the National Register, and the importance of getting across that their properties are already considered to be of Historic value by the County - all the Ordinance does is add protections against developers infringing on the integrity of their properties, and that messaging is of utmost importance.
With some help from the State OHP, Edge’s Mill Historic District is one step closer to being a reality and could soon be considered for the National registry without spending any Township Funds.
Commissioner Evans noted that they have been revisiting Lloyd Farm. With PennDOT plans to re-route Lloyd Avenue through the center of Lloyd Farm, we could have a new opportunity to save it. We began to discuss the Crebilly Farm model as a good example. We have found inconsistencies between various existing Lloyd Farm histories and are now working on a complete, accurate history. The Downingtown Historical Society and abandoned Steve Photography have given us permission to use any of their images of Lloyd Farm in our preservation efforts. The current owner ripped out the door, mantels and banisters and we believe they were donated to the CCHS. Hopefully, we will be able to have them returned to the Township.
Commissioner Evans note that the Schoolhouse and Meeting House tours will resume this Sunday, May 15th. There have been some great additions to the Schoolhouse, including original oil paintings of the Pimms.
Commissioner Evans noted that the Historical Commission meets next Wednesday live and on Zoom, please consider joining us.
Commissioner Tindaro noted that the Historical Society flea market was postponed to June 4 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Commissioner Young asked when will Community Day be held. Commissioner Tindaro noted that it will be held on September 10.
Lincoln Highway – Commissioner Young noted that the Township is still working with the Coatesville School District regarding LERTA.
Additional Business
Commissioner Evans noted that “Jefferis Farm Market” has opened beside where the Farmhouse will be opening.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that she and some of the Board members went to celebrate the Caln Little League opening Day.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that there was an interview for a vacant position on the Civil Service Commission and asked the Board to do a motion to appoint Ms. Walker to the Civil Service Commission.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to appoint Francine Walker to the Civil Service Board. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Vote passed 5-0.
Public Comments
Commissioner Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the May 12, 2022, Board of Commissioners minutes at 9:00 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary
commissioners_minutes_05.12.2022.pdf |