253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
May 9, 2019 Minutes
7:30 PM
Attendance – Jennifer Breton-President, George Chambers-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Kristin Camp-Solicitor, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Chuck Wilson-Finance Director, and Denise Miller Assistant Township Secretary.
Citizens to be Heard
Commissioner Breton called for Citizens to be Heard. There were none.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Motion of Preliminary/Final Land Development Approval for the Chester County Intermediate Unit’s New Horticultural Building – Ms. Camp offered a motion granting approval of the Preliminary/Final Land Development with twelve conditions. She noted that Chester County School Authority is the owner of the property at 1525 East Lincoln Highway consisting of 17.8 acres, and is located in the I-Institutional District. She noted the Applicant seeks to replace a dilapidated greenhouse and construct a new 7,684 square foot horticultural building with associated greenhouse, 10 new off street parking spaces, and garage facilities. She also noted that they do not need a NPDES permit because they are not distributing more than an acre.
Brian Kulakowsky noted that the Planning Commission recommended that the Board of Commissioners grant Preliminary/Final Land Development, and approve two technical waivers from Section 135-311C to allow a pipe slope of .05%, minimum diameter pipes of 12” and minimum pipe cover less than 19” and Section 135-311E to allow storm drainpipes to have less than a 2” drop from the inlet structure to the outlet pipe. He also noted his office nor did the Planning Commission had any objections to these waivers. Commissioner Young suggested review of these Sections, because they are requested to be waived a lot.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the Preliminary/Final Land Development for the Chester County Intermediate Unit for a Horticulture Building. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue had a question on the motion. Vote passed 4-0.
Request for Liquor License Hearing-Royal Farms – Ms. Camp noted she received a request on April 29, 2019 from Two Farms Inc., doing business as Royal Farms who is attempting to bring a liquor license to the store located at 5031 Horseshoe Pike. The license in question is from another Municipality which requires the Board’s approval under Section 4-461 (b.3) of the liquor code, and a hearing is required within forty five days from receipt of the application otherwise it is deemed approved. Ms. Camp offered June 13 at 7:00 PM, prior to the regular meeting. The Board acknowledged June 13 at 7:00 PM as the hearing date and time.
An Ordinance Guaranty Agreement for the Caln Township Municipal Authority – Ms. Camp offered an Ordinance Guaranty Agreement through the Delaware Valley Regional Finance Authority (DelVal) for a $2,800,000 bond for the Municipal Authority Pump Station Project. In order to get the bond, the Township Board of Commissioners have to execute a Guaranty pledging the full faith and credit of their tax dollars, in the event the Municipality Authority is unable to pay the bond through their sewer revenues. Ms. Camp noted that her partner, Steve McGuire, has reviewed all the documents and made a few suggestions for edits. She also noted review of the document by Helen Esbenshade, on behalf of the Municipal Authority.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adopt an Ordinance Guaranty Agreement for the Caln Township Municipal Authority for the pump station project. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commission Young. Vote passed 4-0. (DelVal) would like a roll call vote. Commissioner Tindaro yea, Commissioner Chambers yea, Commissioner Young yea, and Commissioner Breton yea. Vote passed 4-0.
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
Planning Commission Update – Mr. Kulakowsky noted discussions for the May 14, 2019 Planning Commission will be on the draft Capital Improvement Plan, proposed amendments to the sign ordinance, and the wireless ordinance.
Lloyd Avenue Bridge Review – Mr. Kulakowsky introduced Mr. Paul Lutz from PennDot and Township Engineer Al Federico who are in attendance to answer Board questions regarding the signal procedure. Mr. Federico noted he reviewed available traffic data, coordinated with the Police and EMS regarding collision data and calls. They also completed some field observations, and performed preliminary analysis which then led to coordination with PennDot. He also noted that Lloyd Bridge is a county bridge just under eighteen feet which is why, per federal standards, it is designated a one way bridge. Per the County records the current yield signs were installed in 2003 as part of a land development application and before that there was one lane bridge sign, without yield signs. The Municipal boundary runs through that area and Downingtown has the pump station on the south east quadrant of the bridge. The county does traffic counts for bridges every two years and has provided traffic count data from April 2018. He also looked at some of the account data from recent developments which were mostly intersection account data from Manor Avenue. The County seemed a little more proximate and reasonable to look at which was showing the peak occurring in the morning a bit over 500 vehicles per hour, total in both directions. There were no documented collisions that occurred at this location. Consistent vehicle speeds were observed with what you would expect, with a few going over the speed limit. There are clearly site limitations on the bridge not just because of the curvature but the crest of the bride that creates a blind spot for vehicles that are coming north and vehicles approaching the bridge coming out of the Borough on the other side who may lose them briefly. While there may be congestion, it really doesn’t meet the conflict standards that would typically need signalization. Mr. Federico noted that Mr. Lutz feels that this bridge is a good candidate for signalization to ease the congestion, and noted Mr. Lutz, on PennDot’s, behalf stated that he indicated to him that he could use one of his open ended contracts to do the design. If the Township were to proceed they would have to provide a survey to PennDot, PennDot would do the operational design and the Township would need to coordinate with the county and Downingtown for the installation on the south side. Commissioner Young asked the project time frame. Mr. Federico noted nine to twelve months from the beginning, barring anything unforeseen. Commissioner Tindaro asked the cost of the project. Mr. Federico noted approximately $150,000 +/-. Mr. Federico noted that he spoke with Mr. Lutz with regards that this possibly being a good candidate for the ARLE Red Light Camera funds. Commissioner Chambers asked what the timing of the 500 vehicles per hour was. Mr. Federico noted the county did traffic counts for three days in April 2018 from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM. Commissioner Chambers asked about the recent accident and the potential savings on a temporary light versus the $150,000 for a permanent light. Mr. Federico noted that the accident was not associated with the bridge, and potentially an additional $6,000 to $10,000 over and above the permanent light cost.
Commissioner Young asked Mr. Lutz if there was anything that the Board is not doing to move the process along. Mr. Lutz noted that they have a software that analyze different types of traffic patterns and signals. He will take the one from the tunnel in Tredyffrin Township and modify it to show Lloyd Bridge with some of the numbers received from Mr. Federico. It will show a visual simulation with the yielding condition on how traffic backs up and with the signal in place. The signal will be red in both directions with the first car that pulls up to the detection zone getting a green light and the other vehicle getting the red light. The cars on the green light side will go across until it clears and then turn yellow for three seconds and then red. Mr. Lutz noted the tunnel on Boot Road is currently under construction, and he anticipated the lights turned on in the next six to eight weeks. Commissioner Breton asked if the ARLE Grant is available, how the ARLE Grant would work for the Township. Mr. Lutz recommended an ARLE Grant with a match however, it is not required. He also recommend contacting the Downingtown Borough and the School District to see if they would contribute, because not all the traffic is Caln Township traffic. Commissioner Young recommended calling Downingtown Borough and the School District first. If the Township did a 30% match, they could each do 10%. Ms. Denne noted that Mr. Lutz and Township Staff have previously met with Mr. Federico on how to proceed. She noted that he will provide a work order for survey and preliminary design and everything up to and through the ARLE Grant, at the next meeting. Ms. Denne asked Mr. Lutz if this is PennDot mandated. Mr. Lutz noted that PennDot cannot mandate anything onto the local roads, they work with Municipalities. Mr. Lutz also noted that his personal opinion is that he would not put in a temporary light.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue, Joe Reich of 400 Lloyd Avenue, Jim Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue, Jeff Trego of 2 Beaver Run Road, and Lee Worthington 580 Lloyd Avenue had questions and comments on this agenda item. Mr. Worthington also had comments on putting in stop signs to slow traffic down. Commissioner Breton noted that they can review this with Chief Elias.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Township Volunteer Vacancy Appointments
Planning Commission – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to open nominations for the Planning Commission. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 4-0. Commissioner Chambers made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Breton, nominating Michael Irvin to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Chambers made a motion, seconded by Commission Young, nominating William Schew to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to close nominations for the Planning Commission. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 4-0. Commissioner Breton called for a vote to appoint Michael Irvin to the Planning Commission. Vote passed 4-0. Commissioner Breton called for a vote to appoint William Schew to the Planning Commission. Vote passed 4-0.
Zoning Hearing Board – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to open nominations for a Zoning Hearing Board Alternate. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 4-0. Commissioner Chambers made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Breton, nominating Mike Noble as a Zoning Hearing Board Alternate. Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to close nominations for the Zoning Hearing Board Alternate. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 4-0. Commissioner Breton called for a vote to appoint Mike Noble as a Zoning Hearing Board Alternate. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 4-0.
Historical Commissioner – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to open nominations for the Historical Commission. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 4-0. Commissioner Chambers made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tindaro, nominating Mark Evans to the Historical Commission. Commissioner Chambers made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Breton, nominating Jim Spaulding to the Historical Commission. Commissioner Chambers made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tindaro, nominating Paul Stevens to the Historical Commission. Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to close nominations for the Historical Commission. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 4-0. Commissioner Breton called for a vote to appoint Mark Evans to the Historical Commission. Vote passed 4-0. Commissioner Breton called for a vote to appoint Jim Spaulding to the Historical Commission. Vote passed 4-0. Commissioner Breton called for a vote to appoint Paul Stevens for the Historical Commission. Vote passed 4-0.
Parks and Recreation Committee – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to open nominations for the Parks and Recreation Committee. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 4-0. Commissioner Chambers made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tindaro, nominating Licia Carini to the Parks and Recreation Committee. Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to close nominations for the Parks and Recreation Committee. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 4-0. Commissioner Breton called for a vote appointing Licia Carini to the Parks and Recreation Committee. Vote passed 4-0.
Commissioner Breton noted that there is a vacancy on the Municipal Authority Board and Parks and Recreation Committee, and several on the Historical Commission.
Consideration for Street Sweeping Award – Mike Fragale offered a street sweeping contract for the entire Township. Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to award the street sweeping contract to Thesing Power Sweeping, in the amount of $9,020. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Commissioner Young asked if the township property was included. Mr. Fragale noted that they had budgeted $13,000 and with the remaining money they can do the township building, parks, golf course, and parking lots. Vote passed 4-0.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
An Ordinance Guaranty Agreement for the Caln Township Municipal Authority – Adopted under the Solicitor’s report.
Finance Department
General Checks 43222 to 43270 – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve General Checks 43222 to 43270. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 4-0.
Minutes for Approval/Acknowledgement
April 11, 2019 Minutes – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the April 11, 2019 Board of Commissioners minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 4-0.
April 25, 2019 Minutes – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the April 25, 2019 Board of Commissioners minutes with the correction that Mark DeLong be changed to Mark DeYoung. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 4-0.
Acknowledgement of the March 19, 2019 Planning Commission Minutes – Commissioner Breton acknowledged the March 19, 2019 Planning Commission Minutes.
Boards and Commissions Updates-Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
Park and Recreation – Commissioner Young noted they worked on the summer series.
COG – Commissioner Breton had no report.
Municipal Authority – Commissioner Chambers noted discussion was held on the pump station financing.
DARA – Commissioner Young noted discussion was held on the agreement with Inframark that ends in 2028 with no clear outcome, so they are working on another extension to that deal.
Fire Board – Commissioner Young had no report.
Historical Commission – Commissioner Tindaro noted discussion held on membership.
Lincoln Highway – Commissioner Chambers noted discussion on strategic planning.
Additional Business
Commissioner Breton thanked everyone who attended Caln Pride Day, and a special thanks to Noel Bernard for her sponsorship.
Mike Bedrick noted there was less debris on Caln Pride Day.
Public Comments
Rick Urban of 54 Carlson Way thanked the Board for taking care on his concerns regarding the weeds on Lloyd Farm, along the street, and the removal of the sign on Lloyd Farm.
Mark Graham of 138 Ascot Court from Wedgewood Estates offered his service to initiate a community garden in the township. Board consensus was that they were interested in pursuing this further
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked if the 1.2 million dollar loan in 2017 was for the Golf Course. Commissioner Young noted that what they did was re-borrow money for a lower rate. He also noted the 1.2 million dollars was for road projects and other items. Mr. DeYoung noted that the golf course is at a loss and asked why it is not being sold. He also asked what percentage of his taxes are going towards the golf course. Commissioner Young noted that the residents pay $120,000 per year. Commissioner Young also noted that the golf course property was bought for open space for the township. Commissioner Breton noted that there has not been a majority of the Board in favor of selling the golf course however, at different times there has been different Board Members interested. She also noted that Commissioner Chambers and Commissioner Tindaro have been working with the golf course staff. Commissioners Chambers offered Mr. DeYoung his card so he can stay in touch with him. Mr. DeYoung noted that in 2016 and 2017 the fire company had significant deficiencies. Commissioner Breton noted that this can be followed up with Mr. Wilson. Ms. Denne noted that the Department Director’s attend the second Board meeting of the month, unless the Board requests their attendance for other meetings.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue informed the Board of the high grass at the location of the former Burger King on Lincoln Highway.
Adjournment – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adjourn the May 9, 2019 meeting, at 9:20 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers, Vote passed 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary

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