Caln Township Board of Commissioners
July 28, 2022
7:35 PM
Hybrid Meeting
Call to Order: Commissioner Mullin called the Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 7:35 PM. Commissioner Mullin then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary, Lisa Swan-Township Treasurer, Ray Stackhouse-Director of Building and Life Safety and Interim Public Works Director, Police Chief Elias, Chris Ward-Thorndale Golf Course Manager, Patrick Taylor-Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company Chief, and Scot Gill-Director of the Municipal Authority.
Professionals Present: Brad Underkoffler and Al Vennettilli representing ARRO, and Township Solicitor Kristin Camp
Special Guest: N/A
The Board of Commissioners July 28, 2022, agenda has been posted on the Township website, and at the Township building on July 27, 2022. Agendas were made available at the meeting for the public.
The 2022 Township Board of Commissioners meetings were published in the Daily Local News, on December 28, 2021.
Commissioner Evans Township Update
Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us. Our meetings are “Neutral Ground”, a place to hear and be heard. The Board of Commissioners (BOC) are here to represent everyone in Caln Township (Caln), and we strive to be sure our decisions address the needs of all. We are all in this together.
Just a reminder, only questions or statements regarding an agenda item will be entertained under “Citizens to be Heard” at the top of the meeting. All other matters will be recognized during “Public Comment” at the end of the meeting.
GOOD NEWS! I HAVE COVID! Commissioner Evans noted that he is one of those very high-risk people with a long history of severe respiratory issues. “How is that good news?”, you ask”. It’s good news because I was prepared for this. I’m fully vaccinated and have had both boosters. Otherwise, I’d be in the hospital right now, possibly on a ventilator. If you’re not vaccinated, quit the debating society, and get it done, please…
WHO’LL STOP THE RAIN: Commissioner Evans noted that after being clobbered by 2 storms in 2021 we promised to be proactive toward thwarting the flood issues that get worse every year. For the last few months an internal STORMWATER PLANNING group has been meeting to address potential problems head-on. More on that later in the meeting.
EMERGENCY: Commissioner Evans noted that the Township is scheduled to meet with local EMS providers on August 10, 2022, to hopefully navigate a clear path towards ensuring all of our residents are served, that they are served equitably, and that it stays that way moving forward.
Commissioner Evans noted that a resident reached out concerning the conditions on and around the Kurt Strauss Bridge. As I recall this was an issue last year as well. The bad news is that it is PennDOTs’ right-of-way, the good news is last year one of our fellow commissioners got it done. Maybe they could make a couple of calls again this year?
GREAT MINDS: Commissioner Evans noted that he recently received an email from a resident suggesting that the Board consider creating a "no solicitation registration" similar to West Bradford’s “Do Not Call” list. This would protect residents from unwanted disturbances. I believe we have a solicitor registration program, but not a do not solicit list. I think it’s a great idea. When someone registers for a solicitation permit, they’re given the list and must comply. It could ultimately be helpful in identifying and stopping unregistered solicitors – if you’re on the no solicitation list, and someone comes to your door, you know they’re not registered.
#lookoutforcaln: Buckle-Up Buckos! Commissioner Evans noted that they had a public hearing tonight on LERTA. There area couple more steps in the process, but soon we should really start to see Lincoln Highway reimagined as the place to be.
THESE TROUBLED TIMES: Commissioner Evans noted that Tuesday afternoon an individual with a concealed carry permit decided to carry their gun into Rite Aid. When getting back into their car and transferring the gun from their person to the vehicle, there was an accidental discharge and the gunowner shot themself in the leg. That accidental discharge could have hit anyone. It seems to me you would have to the safety off, and possibly a round chambered, for something like that to happen. Careless concealed carry is not acceptable. C’mon people, carrying a gun comes with great responsibility. Please take it seriously.
BUMMER ALERT: I have COVID and my homework’s late again. I’ll have my score card ready for our next meeting.
CLEAN UP TIME Ugh!: Commissioner Evans noted that this would be so much easier if those who created the spill in Aisle 5 would just take a minute to clean it up themselves. One local social media group recently posted that the Planning Commission started their meeting before the scheduled time, and citizens didn’t have the opportunity to be there for it. FACTS: The Planning Commission holds a “Pre-Meeting Workshop” at 6:30 PM that is open to everyone, followed by the actual meeting at 7:00 PM. This is nothing new, it’s been like that as long as I have been around.
Commissioner Evans noted that another Social Media Group has people asking about the Municipal Bridge, and speculation running rampant. Yet the moderators don’t bother to say “hey, all that information is on the landing page of at”. Just makes sense, If you send people to the right place for answers, they’ll get them
CALN TOWNSHIP IS “OPEN FOR BUSINESS”: Commissioners Evans noted that nothing is ever perfect, but It’s our township, our community, our home. We can all be a part of the solution by eagerly spreading the good news about where we live.
Citizens to be Heard
Jason Carey from West Bradford, representing the residents who are electricians. Mr. Carey is with the IBEW Local 98. Mr. Cary would like to know if there is any responsible contractor language attached to the LERTA resolution. Commissioner Young replied that this resolution is declaring the area deteriorated that would allow for the school district, and the county to participate in the LERTA program. Ms. Camp noted that the school district and the county are taking steps to enact their own resolution.
Township Solicitor - Ms. Camp
Public Hearing – Ordinance 2024 Authorizing Tax Exemptions from Property Tax for Certain Deteriorated Industrial, Commercial or other Business Property, Defining Eligible Deteriorated Areas, Setting a Maximum Exemption Amount and an Exemption Schedule, and Providing a Procedure for Securing an Exemption – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp noted that this ordinance was advertised as a public hearing for the Board to adopt a resolution and ordinance. A copy of the ordinance was sent to the law library and the Daily Local newspaper, for public inspection.
Ms. Camp noted that the resolution reaffirms the boundaries of the LERTA district, which has not changed from the LERTA district that was adopted in 2013. The state legislation requires the adoption of an ordinance to implement the LERTA program. The main difference is that this one is for five years versus ten years, which makes the exemption schedule different as shown in Section 4 of the ordinance. The first year the portion of the improvement to be exempt is 100%, second year 80%, third year 60%, fourth year 50%, and the fifth year 20%.
For Board consideration, Ms. Camp offered Resolution 2022-24 and Ordinance 2022-04.
Commissioner Mullin waived the agenda to move the LERTA resolution and ordinance to “Township
Request for Consideration to Approve Resolution 2022-24 Establishing Boundaries of Deteriorated Areas Which Will be Eligible for Tax Exemption Pursuant to the Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Law (“LERTA”) – Commissioner Evans noted that he heard from a resident in that area, and they wanted to know if they have any reasons to be concerned. Commissioner Evans noted that he told them that this is for commercial properties only. Commissioner Young asked Ms. Camp if the Township changes the zoning map and because the parcels are included, will it take care of this concern. Ms. Camp noted that this is why all the parcel numbers are included.
Commissioner Young thanked Ms. Camp for reaching out to the school district and the county. He asked Ms. Camp if they are waiting on the Township to adopt this. Ms. Camp replied that the school district was in touch with Guy Donatelli from Lamb McErlane, last week. Ms. Camp will follow up with him to see when it will be on the school district calendar. The county Director of tax assessment sent an email explaining the process. Once the Township adopts their resolution and ordinance and the school district adopts their resolution, it will go before the county commissioners.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2022-24 establishing boundaries of deteriorated areas, which will be eligible for tax exemption pursuant to the LERTA law. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Jason Carey from West Bradford asked if construction for large new apartment complexes can be added to LERTA. Commissioner Young replied that the school district will not include residential in LERTA. Commissioner Young noted that the school district is against residential being tied to LERTA.
Commissioner Evans noted that he believes the vision of the Board is to create a beautiful Lincoln Highway that will include new construction and give Caln a complete overhaul.
Commissioner Kennedy lost internet during this vote.
Vote passed 4-0
Request for Consideration to Approve Ordinance 2022-04 Enacted Pursuant to the Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Law (LERTA), Authorizing Tax Exemptions from Property Tax for Certain Deteriorated Industrial, Commercial, or Other Business Property; Defining Eligible Deteriorated Areas; Setting a Maximum Exemption Schedule; and Providing a Procedure for Securing an Exemption – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Ordinance 2022-04 enacted pursuant to the LERTA Law, authorizing tax exemptions from property tax for certain deteriorated industrial, commercial, or other business property, defining eligible deteriorated areas, setting a maximum exemption schedule, and providing a procedure for securing an exemption. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Young asked Ms. Camp what the “out parcel” is. Ms. Camp replied that it is the Cohen property. Ms. Denne replied that it will not be eligible because it is potentially going to residential.
Commissioner Kennedy lost internet during this vote.
Vote passed 4-0.
Review of Edits to Draft Historic Resource Ordinance – Ms. Camp noted that after the last Historical Commission, she made additional edits and sent them to Commissioner Evans. Ms. Camp also noted that policies also need to be made. Commissioner Evans noted that he will get documents to her.
Ms. Camp noted that the policy issues are that they need to know how exactly to identify what are Class 1 historic resources and what are Class 2 historic resources. Ms. Camp also noted that the ordinance has language in there, however, she wants to make sure that is what the Board is in agreement with.
Ms. Camp noted that Class 1 references a section “Resources that are deemed by the Chester County Historic Preservation office to meet national register criteria”. Ms. Camp also noted that she is not sure that the Board would want to rely on Chester County to do that. The Township should have their own determination as to what is considered a Class 1 or Class 2 historic resource.
Ms. Camp noted that she spoke to Mr. Stackhouse on the size of an accessory structure and where it would fall to do the historic resource impact, and Mr. Stackhouse recommended five hundred square feet.
Ms. Camp noted that they also spoke about additional use opportunities. At the last meeting they talked about rather than calling out specific uses for specific zoning districts, why not allow them in any historic resource in any zoning district?
Ms. Camp noted that she added to page 21 home occupations, professional or business office, cultural studio, day care center, bed and breakfast, retail business establishment, restaurant, municipal use, professional service establishment or multiple family dwellings. Ms. Camp noted that she needs the Board to sign off that these are appropriate additional use opportunities in a historic resource. Ms. Camp also noted that the ordinance requires that you must get conditional use to have that additional use opportunity.
Ms. Camp noted that the section that deals with alterations to historic resources seems like it is missing something. Ms. Camp also noted that this language is from the East Brandywine example. Their alterations rely upon the zoning officer to follow the guidance of the Historical Commission, and this Board does not want the zoning officer making subjective decisions; therefore, what exactly the Historical Commission and then the Board will be examining to determine whether a building permit should be issued for alterations to a historic resource, needs to be added to the ordinance.
Ms. Camp noted that she will send the ordinance to the Board with the highlighted changes that she made.
Commissioner Young asked if the renovations are interior or exterior. Ms. Camp replied that it is only exterior renovations.
Commissioner Mullin noted that there are six members of the public in attendance tonight, in-person and via Zoom.
Commissioner Mullin noted that Commissioner Kennedy is back on the meeting.
Township Engineer
Request for Consideration to Authorize to Advertise the North Bailey Road Drainage Improvements Project in PennBid – Mr. Vennettilli introduced Mr. Underkoffler to present the four requests for consideration to advertise.
For Board consideration, Mr. Underkoffler offered North Bailey Road Drainage Improvements Project for advertisement in PennBid.
Mr. Underkoffler noted that there are a few existing issues such as the outdated conveyance system, pipes dis-connected from inlets, sink hole and severe erosion at the discharge point of the system. In large storm events overflow of the golf course pond on the west side of North Bailey Road is occurring. The outdated system cannot handle the additional flow. Mr. Underkoffler also noted that they have seen in multiple storm events the flooding of North Baily Road as well as flooding of properties in the area. They intend to replace the existing conveyance system with updated larger pipes, correct the slope as well as replace the inlets, and install a few inlets on the west side of North Bailey Road. These inlets will work as overflow and capture the overflow of the golf course pond that discharges in that direction.
Mr. Underkoffler noted that this improved system will be able to handle the flows from the 100-year storms, and convey that to the discharge channel that is in the back of the properties on the east side of North Bailey Road. They will also install riprap as well as an end wall at the discharge point so that future erosion does not occur in that channel.
Mr. Underkoffler noted that they are in the final review stage of the plans and anticipate the project to go out to bid in August 2022, and potentially constructed as early as September 2022.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Commissioner Young noted for full disclosure, that he has family that lives along the area that was flooded during Hurricane Ida (Ida). He noted that part of it was the drainage swale that discharged into backups, and it flooded their homes.
Commissioner Young noted that if the issue is from the Township property, then why wouldn’t the Township do something with the golf course drainage. Mr. Underkoffler replied that they did not do an analysis of the golf course pond. There is a spillway there, which is a car pad that operates as a spillway and when it discharges it goes into the conveyance system. Mr. Underkoffler noted that the biggest issue in this situation is the conveyance system not being able to properly get the flow out of there.
Commissioner Young noted that as property owners, the Township should hold as much water on their property as possible. Commissioner Young also noted that he would like to look at this as a future project.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the drainage system is going onto resident properties. Mr. Underkoffler noted that currently there is a corrugated metal pipe that runs parallel to the property line of two homes on the east side of North Bailey Road. This pipe will be replaced and improved. Mr. Underkoffler also noted that there are no new additional pipes going through their yards.
Commissioner Mullin asked if these residents know of the Township’s intentions. Mr. Underkoffler noted that ARRO met with the property owners on the east side, and they were very excited that the issue is being addressed.
Commissioner Young asked if there are easements for these properties. Mr. Underkoffler replied that he does not have easements showing on the plan. That information would have been information picked up by the surveyors. Commissioner Young asked how the Township is assuring that they know that this is their property. Mr. Underkoffler replied that if there are no existing easements then they can look into creating easements for the pipe as soon as it is outside of the right-of-way, as well as the discharge point.
John Hashum of 300 North Bailey Road asked where the discharge point is. Mr. Underkoffler replied that it is the location shown on the screen that says “EW1” on the east side of those properties. Commissioner Young noted that it is behind the first home on North Bailey Road. Mr. Hashum asked how is putting more water in that area going to elevate those residents. Mr. Underkoffler replied that the point of this system is to capture the water that is flowing over the road and put it back there. If there is flooding that is occurring from back there then it is the channel, past the homes. This would have to be a channel analysis of the downstream area.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked why these residents are taken care of and Loomis Avenue and Miller Avenue homes are not. Mr. Stackhouse replied that this is a failed system that occurred during Ida. Mr. Stackhouse also replied that there is a sink hole between the two properties and there is also pipe damage at the outfall.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the advertisement for the North Bailey Road Drainage Improvements in PennBid. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Authorize to Advertise the North Barley Sheaf Culvert Project in PennBid – For Board consideration, Mr. Underkoffler offered the North Barley Sheaf Culvert Project to be advertised in PennBid. Mr. Underkoffler noted that this is a piece of infrastructure that failed during Ida. Currently there is a 48-inch concrete pipe and the channel that is there is an intermittent stream, which has no water there during the hot summer months, however, during a storm there will be water in there for days after. Mr. Underkoffler also noted that the issue is the two inlets on the street, which cut directly into the pipe and deteriorated it over time. The bricks are collapsing, and it could potentially cause road issues like it has already caused issues in the curb line.
Mr. Underkoffler noted that the grading of the swale upstream and downstream of the street is not very constant. It has ups and downs and is not allowing flow to move and causing additional erosion, and potentially future issues with undermining of the pipe. They will replace the pipe with a 60-inch wide by 38-inch-tall elliptical concrete pipe.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Commissioner Young asked Mr. Underkoffler if this is where it comes down Barley Sheaf and then crosses behind properties and comes back underneath North Barley Sheaf Road. Mr. Underkoffler replied that it is the same channel that is parallel to Barley Sheaf Road.
Mr. Underkoffler noted that the final review of the plans are complete, and bid is anticipated in August and construction anticipated to start in September.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the advertisement for the North Barley Sheaf Culvert Project. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Authorize the Advertise the Barley Sheaf Swale Project in PennBid – For Board consideration, Mr. Underkoffler offered the Barley Sheaf Swale Project for advertisement in PennBid. Mr. Underkoffler noted that they regraded the channel bottom allowing for the 100-year storm to flow with this channel not within the roadway or yards. They properly designed R6 26-inch riprap. They will replace the end walls that are on each side of the driveway.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment.
Commissioner Young noted that just that just north of the point, the road has really been undermined, and the Township has packed stone in there several times. Is there anything further to do up road that is associated with this project. Mr. Underkoffler replied that this was not in the scope with this project, however, this could be looked at. It would be a similar design.
Commissioner Mullin asked if there is any work going to be done to the residents’ driveways. Mr. Underkoffler replied that the pipes are in working condition and there is not enough cover to increase the pipe size. Mr. Underkoffler also replied that the only thing they are doing with the residents’ driveways is replacing the end walls with concrete end walls.
Commissioner Mullin asked if there are any issues with the pipes under their driveways. Underkoffler replied that not with the condition, however, the only concern would be if the pipes can handle the anticipated flow. If they do not have capacity for a 100-year storm that is flowing into the channel, it will continue over the driveway and down the channel without going onto the roadway.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue noted that the water goes through the field and back to Loomis Avenue. Commissioner Young noted that the Township is trying to make sure that the road does not fall into this.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked if the Township is still within the $8.1 million budget. Ms. Denne and Commissioner Mullin replied that the Township is still within the budget.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the advertisement for the Barley Sheaf Swale Project in PennBid. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Authorize to Advertise the South Lloyd Avenue Streambank Project in PennBid – For Board consideration, Mr. Underkoffler offered the South Lloyd Avenue Streambank Project for advertisement in PennBid.
Mr. Underkoffler noted that the final plans and specifications review are waiting for the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) general permit approval. The anticipated bid will be August 2022 and construction September 2022.
Mr. Underkoffler noted that there are gravel bars forming upstream and downstream of the culvert. Both gravel bars are causing erosion around the culvert as well as encroachment onto the roadway. The plan is to replace the pipe with a 53-inch wide by 34-inch reinforced concrete pipe, install wingwalls upstream and downstream of the road. Which will help with assisting stabilization of the road, so it does not encroach anymore. Mr. Underkoffler also noted that they plan to armor with Scourloc, ninety linear feet of the eastern stream bank and one hundred linear feet of the western streambank.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Commission Mullin asked Mr. Underkoffler exactly where on South Lloyd Avenue is this. Mr. Underkoffler replied that it is 550 square feet of Deer Drive.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the advertisement for the South Lloyd Avenue Streambank Project, in PennBid. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Vote passed 5-0.
Township Manager - Ms. Denne
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Request for Consideration to Approve Resolution 2022-24 Establishing Boundaries of Deteriorated Areas Which Will be Eligible for Tax Exemption Pursuant to the Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Law (“LERTA”) – Commissioner Mullin waived the agenda and moved this up on the agenda, under the Township Solicitor.
Request for Consideration to Approve Ordinance 2022-04 Enacted Pursuant to the Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Law (LERTA), Authorizing Tax Exemptions from Property Tax for Certain Deteriorated Industrial, Commercial, or Other Business Property; Defining Eligible Deteriorated Areas; Setting a Maximum Exemption Schedule; and Providing a Procedure for Securing an Exemption – Commissioner Mullin waived the agenda and moved this up on the agenda, under the Township Solicitor.
Request for Consideration to Approve Resolution 2022-25 for the Designation of Agent regarding PEMA-DAP-1 Resolution for Hurricane Ida – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered Resolution 2022-25 designating her to sign for PEMA reimbursement for Ida.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2022-25 for the designation of agent regarding PEMA-DAP-1 resolution for Hurricane Ida. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Approve Resolution 2022-04 A Resolution Designating the 2022 Response Territories for Emergency Service in Caln Township (Tabled 01/13/2022) – Commissioner Young noted that there will be a Board meeting with the Emergency Management Services on August 10, 2022.Minutes to Approve/Acknowledge
Motion to Approve the July 14, 2022, Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the July 14, 2022, Board of Commissioners Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Acknowledgement of June 21, 2022 Planning Commission Minutes – Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion acknowledging Board receipt of the June 21, 2022 Planning Commission minutes. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Vote passed 5-0.
Finance Department- Ms. Swan
Financial Report – Ms. Swan noted that 70% of all revenues budgeted have been collected, and 41% of expenses have been spent.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comment. There were none.
Motion to Approve General Checks 48550 to 48620 and Manual Checks 270 to 272 – Commissioner called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve general checks 48550 to 48620 and manual checks 270 to 272. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Vote passed 5-0.
Directors Reports
Police Chief Elias – Chief Elias noted a few highlights from his department's June 2022 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Chief Elias noted that there has been an increase in theft of unlocked vehicles. He reminded residents to lock their vehicles for thefts. Also, because children could potentially enter an unlocked vehicle.
Chief Elias noted that the conditional offers have been accepted and should be working for the police department towards the end of August 2022.
Chief Elias noted that he attended the memorial service of Nate Alston who was a long-time resident of Caln Township and Carver Court. On behalf of the Board, Ms. Denne provided a citation to present to his family.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that there is a flash mob of approximately fifty girls in Carver Court fighting. Commissioner Kennedy also noted that vehicles were dropping people off. Chief Elias replied that he will get more information and present it during the meeting.
Fire Department Chief Taylor - Chief Taylor noted a few highlights from his department’s June 2022 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Chief Taylor noted that he had sixty-two volunteers helping with the parking at the Strawberry Festival. Chief Taylor also noted that beginning August 8, 2022, an EMS unit from Minquas Fire Company will be working out of the Thorndale Fire Company, 365 days per year.
Ingleside Golf Manager Mr. Ward - Mr. Ward noted a few highlights from his department’s June 2022 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
2022 2021
June 4,138 3,742
Revenue 2022 2021 Average Percentage
June $137,422 $120,776 $106,526 +13%
YTD $405,070 $406,363 $307,245 0%
Expenses 2022
YTD $319,874
5 Year Plan of Golf Course – Mr. Ward noted that the golf course will have approximately $72,000.00 additional revenue from 2022 to 2023, and $60,000.00 for 2024. Mr. Ward read his presentation for the purchase of golf course items.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Commissioner Young noted that additional rangers are needed for the golf course, and need to be scheduled towards the end of the day.
Commissioner Evans noted that he would like to help Mr. Ward put together a marketing plan. He also would like to see work done on their website.
Commissioner Mullin noted that he would like Mr. Ward to get a quote on purchasing new golf carts. Mr. Ward noted that a quote is currently being worked on. Commissioner Mullin noted that he would like to involve Ms. Swan regarding the budget.
Commissioner Mullin noted that he would like to see more signage for the golf course. Commissioner Young noted that as part of a conditional use, the township gets two months free access to the 30-bypass sign, and in the past, they used it for the advertisement of the golf course.
Commissioner Mullin noted that for the remainder of this year, and based on the numbers from last year, the golf course should be at negative $15,000.00 or less.
Chief Elias noted that he spoke with the supervisor on duty regarding the situation in Carver Court, and there were approximately fifty kid who arrived on location to target a young female in a residence. They started fighting among themselves when they arrived. The situation is being monitored and there are two locations in Coatesville believed where they will regroup. He also noted the Caln police have cars stationed on Foundry Street in Carver Court to prevent this coming back to the Township.
Commissioner Evans asked if the young female is still under threat. Chief Elias noted that at this point she is safe.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that there was discussion among the kids that they were moving east.
Director of Building & Life Safety/Interim Public Works Director Mr. Stackhouse – Mr. Stackhouse noted a few highlights from his departments’ June 2022 reports, which were previously provided to the Board.
Mr. Stackhouse presented ongoing Township developments.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that he had an email from Lomax Carpet and Tile (Lomax) and reminded them that part of their conditional use required them to have some resolution to the back shared drive prior to a use and occupancy being issued for Lomax or Aldi.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that he has a COVID close-out meeting on August 15 with FEMA and PEMA. He also noted that the Township should be eligible for a small second reimbursement.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that they are having a little problem with getting the water turned back on at Dawkins Park. He also noted that two bridges in the Municipal Park are in disrepair and have quotes and received approval to purchase material to fix them.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that the 2022 road program is scheduled to begin at the end of August 2022.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comments on the Director Reports.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road commented on the golf course meeting, and purchasing of the golf carts.
John Hashum of 300 North Bailey Road asked if there will be notification to the effected historic structures that will get more restrictions to them. Commissioner Mullin replied that they will, and asked Commissioner Evans to comment. Commissioner Evans noted that it is not about making more restriction on owners as it is from developers coming in and tearing those properties down. Commissioner Evans also noted that the Board would like to start having “coffee with the Commissioners”, in the future.
Additional Business
Discussion of Single Use Plastic Bag Ban – N/A
Public Comments
Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the July 28, 2022, Board of Commissioners minutes at 9:26 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary

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