253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
May 14, 2020 Minutes
7:30 PM
Attendance – Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Mark Evans-Commissioner, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Kevin Barron-Township Finance Director (Absent), Bryan Kulakowsky-Township Engineer (Absent), Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor (Absent), and Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary.
Commissioner Mullin called the meeting to order at 7:36 PM. He then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Commissioner Mullin noted at last month’s meeting he started with a moment of silence for all those who lost their lives to COVID-19, and all their families who were suffering because they were not able to be there for their loved ones in their time of need. He read an article from the Titan Tribune, a Central Bucks High School newspaper, written by Senior Julia Murphy. The article summarized what is going on around the world with the Pandemic and how it affected her life and her dad, his friend since junior high school, testing positive and hospitalized, and in isolation for 40 days.
Ms. Denne noted, for the record, that this meeting is being recorded.
Commissioner Evans noted a few updates.
COVID-19: Commissioner Evans noted that positive cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in Caln Township and surrounding Boroughs and Townships, and as of noon today, there were 79 positive cases and 6 deaths, in Caln Township. He encouraged residents to practice all safety measures, and check on their elderly neighbors.
Coffee with the Commissioners Town Hall Initiative: Commissioner Evans noted that exclusive of the regular Board meetings, they will be more relaxed forums where residents and the Board can ask questions and discuss visions and concerns together in a safe place, with the purpose of everyone getting to know one another. He noted that the Citizens group “Caln Watch” will be the first virtual meeting guest. They will be contacted to set up a date and time.
Bills: Commissioner Evans noted that residents can now pay their trash, sewer, real estate tax, local service, realty transfer tax, earned income, and street light bills on the township website.
Committee and Commissions: Commissioner Evans noted that Committee and Commissions will start having virtual meetings. The Planning Commission will meet on May 19, and the Historical Commission will meet on May 20. All meetings are public and will be posted on the township website.
Griffith Farm Roof: Commissioner Evans noted that Mike Fragale had a contractor look at patching the roof, and the Contractor said that the roof is beyond patching. He also noted that last year the Township received bids, for the project in the $50,000 to $80,000 range.
Caln Township Police Department: Commissioner Evans noted that the police have done Birthday drive-by’s for 2 young residents, one 80 and one 83 year old, and one graduation. They also joined the parade for the VA Heath Care Workers.
Citizens to Be Heard
Ms. Denne noted that you will need to raise your hand on your computer or press *9 on your phone, in order to be heard. Once you are identified, you may speak.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked why the lines between Loomis Avenue and Barley Sheaf Road previously were 2 feet wide and currently they are 7-8 inches wide. Commissioner Mullin noted that he will get back to him with an answer.
Mr. DiSario also asked what is happening on the empty lot on Norton Avenue that is staked out. He also stated that on the Municipal Authority’s spread sheet it shows four wells however, it was only awarded two wells. Commissioner Mullin noted that they can discuss this further, at the next Municipal Authority meeting.
Krista Carpenter of 11 Rock Raymond Road asked the status on the Lloyd Farm Property. Commissioner Mullin noted that they have not presented new plans to the Board, however when they do he will let Citizens know so they can attend that meeting. Commissioner Evans speculated that it could be the Farmer getting the land ready. Ms. Carpenter stated that it looked like the yard was tilled, but she got nervous when the backhoe covered it back up. Commissioner Evans noted that he does not think she has anything to be nervous about right now.
Krista Carpenter of 11 Rock Raymond Road asked about Taco Bell. Ms. Denne noted that they are asking for a Rescission Order to reverse their escrow. Ms. Carpenter asked if they are asking that it just be held up in the air without giving any money to “hold that”. Ms. Denne noted that they have gone through the land development process and once you go through that process, the deed, so to speak, and land development is recorded, so it sits on the property. It’s not saying they can’t present another land development or be another restaurant, besides Taco Bell. At this point they are choosing not to move forward with the development.
Pat and Danielle Lavalley of 11 Marshall Circle asked what the structure on G.O. Carlson is going to be. Commissioner Mullin noted that it will be a pump station that will divert the flows to the Coatesville wastewater treatment plant because they are running out of flow capacity at the Downingtown treatment plan. He also noted that the Municipal Authority approved this project in 2019.
Bob Hetzel of 584 Lloyd Avenue noted that there is a dead deer and a down power line in the area across the street from the Hyundai Dealership. Ms. Denne noted that she called the down lines in and suggested multiple calls to help with the awareness and solution.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky (Absent)
Ms. Denne noted that the 15 Fox Avenue sketch plan will be presented at the May 19 meeting, with a smaller amount of townhomes.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Ms. Denne noted that Caln Township is 70% received, with the census. She noted the importance of an accurate resident count in determining grant, education and transportation funding, and more. She encouraged Residents to submit their census form.
Commissioner Evans asked Ms. Denne for the new extended census deadline. Ms. Denne noted that she will get the date for him.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2020-16 A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Township Manager, Kristen Denne to Submit the Attached Application for Traffic Signal Approval to the Department of Transportation and to Sign this Application on Behalf of the Municipality for the Location of Lincoln Highway and North Caln Road – Commissioner Evans asked if this is covered by grant money. Ms. Denne noted that this is for the traffic and timing mechanism, and PennDot updates the signal and the Township does the maintenance. Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2020-16 Authorizing and directing the Township Manager, Kristen Denne to submit the attached application for traffic signal (add travel time sensor and change signal controller) approval to the Department of Transportation and to sign this application on behalf of the Municipality for the location of Lincoln Highway and North Caln Road. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2020-17 A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Township Manager, Kristen Denne to Submit the Attached Application for Traffic Signal Approval to the Department of Transportation and to Sign this Application on Behalf of the Municipality for the Location of Manor Avenue (US 0322) & Lloyd Avenue/Royal Farms Driveway – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2020-17 Authorizing and directing the Township Manager, Kristen Denne to submit the attached application for traffic signal (add travel time sensor and upgrade controller) Approval to the Department of Transportation and to Sign this Application on behalf of the Municipality for the location of Manor Avenue (US 0322) & Lloyd Avenue/Royal Farms Driveway. Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked if it is possible to ask that something be done with the left turn signal coming out of Lloyd Avenue. Commissioner Evans asked if Ms. Spaulding meant that when you’re at the corner of Lloyd and Manor and turn left onto Manor going westbound towards the bypass, you’re dealing with a lot of traffic now coming from the Royal Farms that are coming straight across Manor Avenue continuing on Lloyd Avenue, so Ms. Spaulding would like the Township to request a left turn only setting, for that light. Ms. Spaulding replied that this is correct. Ms. Denne noted that reportable accidents are entered into the PennDot system, which is how they determine how they make decisions on the timing and turning mechanisms. She also noted that she will put in a separate request to PennDot for this. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2020-18 A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Township Manager, Kristen Denne to Submit the Attached Application for Traffic Signal Approval to the Department of Transportation and to Sign this Application on Behalf of the Municipality for the Location of Bondsville Road and Humpton Road – Commissioner Kennedy asked if these permits will be put on the Signal Service Contract. Ms. Denne replied that they will be added to the Township insurance, once they are completed. Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2020-18 Authorizing and directing the Township Manager, Kristen Denne to submit the attached application for traffic signal (add travel time sensor and change signal controller) approval to the Department of Transportation and to sign this application on behalf of the Municipality for the location of Bondsville Road and Humpton Road. Buddy Venable asked if this motion includes a left turn signal off Bondsville Road onto Humpton Road. Ms. Denne noted that it is for the signal timing only, not the signal itself. Bob Hetzel of 584 Lloyd Avenue noted that he agrees with Mr. Venable. Commissioner Mullin asked Ms. Denne to put this request in to PennDot along with Ms. Spaulding’s request under Resolution 2020-17. Ms. Denne noted that she will submit both requests. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Evans. Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2020-19 A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Township Manager, Kristen Denne to Submit the Attached Application for Traffic Signal Approval to the Department of Transportation and to Sign this Application on Behalf of the Municipality for the Location of Lincoln Highway and Bondsville Road/Marshallton-Thorndale West – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2020-19 Authorizing and directing the Township Manager, Kristen Denne to submit the attached application for traffic signal (add travel time sensor and change signal controller) approval to the department of transportation and to sign this application on behalf of the Municipality for the location of Lincoln Highway and Bondsville Road/Marshallton-Thorndale west. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Minutes to Approve/Acknowledge
Finance Department – Mr. Barron
Bill List for Ratification of General Checks 44928-44953 and General Manual Checks 124 and 125 - Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve general checks 44928 to 44953 and general manual checks 124 and 125. Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked what the bills are for. Commissioner Mullin noted that they are the regular township bills. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Additional Business
Commissioner Tindaro presented the unofficial polling locations for Caln Township. She noted that once she receives the final list, she will provide it to Ms. Denne and Ms. Swan to post on the township website and Facebook.
Caln 1 Municipal Building, 253 Municipal Dr., Thorndale (Same)
Caln 2 Coatesville Area High School, 1445 E. Lincoln Highway, Coatesville (Same)
Caln 3 Coatesville Area School District, 3030 CG Zinn Rd. Thorndale (Previously Caln Elementary)
Caln 4 Coatesville Area High School, 1445 East Lincoln Highway, Coatesville (Previously St. Martha’s)
Commissioner Tindaro noted three ways to apply for the June 2, 2020 PA mail-in primary ballot.
1) [email protected]
2) 877-868-3772 #3
3) Votespa.com/applymailballot
Commissioner Evans encouraged residents to send in their mail-in ballots. Ms. Denne noted that she mailed in her ballot, and received a confirmation of receipt.
Commissioner Mullin acknowledged Abbey Swan for doing a great job posting on Facebook. She took it upon herself to do some posting on Caln Pride 2020 where people can voice how they are getting through this Pandemic and how they are doing.
Commission Mullin noted that the Township is looking for Committee and Commission Members, and encouraged residents to apply.
Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Mullin both noted a great turn out and resident involvement in tonight’s meeting.
Public Comments
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road noted that the Ingleside Golf Course parking lot was full around 4:15 PM, tonight. Ms. Denne noted that the golf course exceeded their 2019 numbers, even with the spread out tee times. She also noted that the sanitizing procedures are posted online such as, cart sanitizing after every use, and practicing social distancing.
Commissioner Evans noted that at the very first meeting Commissioner Mullin challenged the golf course to turn things around, and it has been a good year.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the May 7, 2020 meeting at 8:33 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary
commissioners_minutes_05.14.2020.pdf |