253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
March 30, 2017, 7:30 PM
Call to order and pledge of allegiance.
Present - Cynthia Eshleman, President; Jennifer Breton, Vice President; John Contento, Commissioner; George Chambers, Commissioner; Chuck Wilson, Finance Director; Kristen Denne, Township Manager; April Barkasi, Cedarville Engineering - Township Engineer; and Margaret Driller, Recording Secretary
Absent - Joshua Young, Commissioner
Moment of Silence – Commissioner Eshleman called for a moment of silence for all first responders and military, all over the world.
Executive Session
Commissioner Eshleman announced that prior to tonight’s meeting, an Executive Session was held to discuss legal and personnel matters.
Citizens to be heard
Mr. Tony DiSario, 251 Loomis Avenue, stated that his trash can was taken by Eagle Disposal. He called to have it returned and was provided a smaller trash can of 32 gallons. On Tuesday the trash was not picked up on several streets in Caln Township. Commissioner Contento stated that his trash was picked up early on Tuesday, and Eagle Disposal doesn’t usually pick up his trash until later in the morning. He also stated that they must have changed their route on Tuesday. Ms. Denne will talk with Mr. Gill to make sure that a larger trash container would be requested from Eagle Disposal and returned to Mr. DiSario.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Miscellaneous Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Ms. Camp stated that Pennsylvania zoning must allow medical marijuana dispensaries to be zoned with a similar designation as retail commercial stores such as a pharmacy. Grower processor should be treated as manufacturing uses.
The remaining amendments were briefly discussed.
Commissioner Eshleman entertained a Motion to Approve the Zoning Ordinance amendment and to send it to the Planning Commission and County Planning Commission. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Breton. Motion passed 4-0.
Wawa Reeceville LD 2016 Reeceville Road Motion to Approve
The applicant received a favorable recommendation from the Planning Commission for approval of the final land development plans for the proposed Wawa store on a 2.6 gross acre site on the eastern side of Reeceville Road and. The applicant is here to discuss Condition 8 regarding sidewalks. Mr. Michael Murray, Jr., Esquire stated that the topography of the site would make it difficult to put sidewalks across the frontage at the WAWA site. Mr. Ronald Briggs also showed three options that were created for sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. Ramps would be needed as there is an 8 to 10 percent grade that would have to be taken into consideration and a Fee in Lieu Of was discussed. Steep slopes to the front of the site make it difficult to install sidewalks. Ms. Camp wanted to see which option regarding the sidewalks would be agreeable to the Board of Commissioners. A discussion was held and the decision to take a Fee in Lieu Of sidewalks was discussed and accepted by a majority of the board. Commissioner Contento wanted to discuss the retaining wall to be created and if it would be inspected every three, four or five years. Mr. Bart Shippee who was hired as a consultant created the plans for this wall. A good design for the wall was completed early in the planning process and should not be a problem for the township. Testing and Inspection will be conducted by our Township Engineer and they could suggest the frequency of inspections. Nine waivers were on the plan and the Township Engineer had no issue recommending that the Board approve these waivers. Commissioner Eshleman stated she liked the second option presented for the sidewalk of 60% at a 5% grade.
Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the final land development plans for the WAWA by Brandywine Holding, LLP subject to the conditions in the written motion prepared by Ms. Camp. Moved by Commissioner Breton and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Motion carried 4-0.
Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to accept a fee paid to the township in lieu of putting in the sidewalk at the Reeceville WAWA site. Moved by Commissioner Breton and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion carried 3-1. Commissioner Eshleman - Ney.
Township Manager – Kristen Denne
2017 Lawn Maintenance Bid
Ms. Denne stated that the lowest bid for lawn maintenance for bid options 1-15 was Hurricane Hill. With the purchase of the boom mower the Township may be able to cut around the 4th hole at the golf course to save money as an option on this bid. A discussion was held as to how many cuttings this would be for the season and an assumption was made that 28 cuttings would be done, if the season is dry then the number of cuttings would decrease.
Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the bid from Hurricane Hill farm to do lawn maintenance for bid options 1 – 15 as stated for the 2017 season. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Breton. Motion carried 4-0. The boom mower will be used for the 4th hole on the golf course by our township staff, as needed.
The Comp Plan has been approved and we are approaching the end of the review period, a public hearing must be held, the latest we want to do this is the first meeting on May 11, 2017 at 7:00 pm, prior to the 7:30 meeting. A discussion was held by the Board of Commissioners that we will not have a meeting on April 13, 2017, as we do not have a quorum for approval of votes for that evening. The township will have a Shredding and E-Waste Removal Event on April 8th, 9 am until noon and an Easter Egg Hunt on April 9, 2017, at 1:00pm at Municipal Park.
Commissioner Contento had a question on the agreement the township had with Rouse Chamberlin related to PennCroft, with the township required to repurchase EDU’s by the middle of March. A check was sent for $139,218.75 to repurchase the EDU’s, and these EDU’s should be transferred to the Municipal Authority. Commissioner Contento wanted to make sure that this is completed.
Township Engineer – Ms. April Barkasi, Cedarville Engineering
Cedarville Engineering has been getting up to speed with projects occurring in the township. WAWA Reeceville Road was agreed on tonight and Cedarville Engineering will continue the process for a successful completion at the site. Mr. Tom Wilkes is currently working on the MS4 Project (NPDES Stormwater Permit Program) and will work with Ms. Denne to help the Stormwater Advisory Committee grow to make it more efficient and to help handle this project in the future. Commissioner Contento asked about the usage of the Wedgewood Grant monies with HOP and PennDOT. Ms. Denne stated that the historical approval has been accepted and the township is moving forward to meet the deadline and will need PennDOT’s right of way to be completed. Ms. Denne is stating these funds will be used and the project will be completed on time.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration – N/A
Police Chief Elias
Chief Elias submitted his report from last month. There is currently an Identity Theft and Fraud Investigation regarding a card skimmer used at the gas pumps, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars stolen from persons who bought gas at the Tiger Mart. He is asking all persons in the township to review their credit card statements. We had an overnight spray painting of derogatory remarks on sidewalks, the exterior of the 9-10 Center and the high school; an investigation was requested by the school district. The Mobile License Plate reader was installed on one car, anticipated to be used one 12 hour shift each 24 hours, in order to maximize the use of the equipment. Training will need to be done with the three camera operation, two in the front and one in the back. All license plates that are scanned will be run against a database to help with stolen vehicles and vehicles used to commit crimes.
Fire Chief Cordisco – Deputy Fire Chief Donnachie
Chief Cordisco was deployed to the Dallas, Fort Worth area for storm assessment and Deputy Fire Chief Daniel Donnachie reviewed the monthly report to the Board. Thirty three fires occurred during the month, using 259 personnel, average response time 9.8 minutes, with 46 calls and 14 no responses. Training was completed for annual updates for CPR, First Aid and Blood Bourne Pathogens, 184.5 training hours occurred for 93 personnel. The Fund Drive has received a total amount of $28,011.00 with an average donation being $54.28. The Fire Company have interviewed and hired three new fire fighters that are being paid per diem with training to help cover all shifts. Two shifts cover 6AM to 6PM during the day and we have the shift at night. The Fire Company would like to thank Mr. Stackhouse for the final approval for the digital sign on 3/31/17. A large recruitment campaign still taking place and 2 people have joined and are now starting to get involved. The large sign at the Rt. 30 Bypass welcomes all the community to join the Fire Company and a new sign will be installed at the baseball field to get families involved. A total of eight people wanted to volunteer from the mailers sent to homes which were the least expensive communication option for the firehouse.
Building and Public Safety Director – Mr. Raymond Stackhouse
Denron has their Temporary Use and Occupancy Permit. Royal Farms will have the building plan review ongoing. Chester County Head Start building major renovation project started. The Constable Services have started with several code warrants executed. Cell tower will be functional and is almost completed. Major fire at Meadow Lake of eight apartments has created major renovations to be done on four apartments and minor renovations will need to be done on the other four.
Ingleside Golf Club Manager – Mr. Ward
Mr. Ward stated that progress on the golf course has been slowed down by snow closing the course for two weeks but more revenue was received in February. The concrete steps are going to be completed and aeration proceeding and the earth tender was received and being used. Black dog silhouettes, called the Watchdog have cut down the geese population on the course. Commissioner Chambers asked about the expenditure for the Watchdog and it is currently being used on the course. Some population of geese is still manageable with a dog on the property. Other options reviewed are lasers in the ponds so the geese will avoid the water. The Goosinator is on land and it is very expensive at $3,000.00. He is trying to find out if it is durable and he would like to see a demo of this on the course. Commissioner Contento asked why the golf course spends $12,000 on range balls; Mr. Ward responded some people take them, we lose some and that some are sold throughout the season. Golf balls can be donated to the golf course. New out of bound stakes are being put on the 11th hole as the old ones were no longer usable, golf carts are not to be driven on neighbors yards and these stakes and signs will remind golfers not to go off the course.
Finance Report – Mr. Wilson
Monthly Report
Mr. Wilson read the monthly report for February. Total for all Township funds $4,249,172.00, Municipal Authority funds total $2,994,931.00, and the total police pension fund was $6,888,898.00. Fire fund is in the red, and unbudgeted revenue received of $93,000.00 in the general fund. You will see an updated list in April of five new leases to be added to the capital leases payable.
Bill List – General Check’s # 39598 - 39709, Bond 1168 – Motion to Approve
Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to approve General Checks # 39598-39709 and Bond check #1168. Commissioner Chambers abstained from voting on Check #39363 and Commissioner Contento from voting on Check #39647. Moved by Commissioner Breton and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Motion carried 4-0.
Receipt of Planning Commission/Comp Plan Minutes of 3/21/17
The Board acknowledged receipt of Planning Commission/Comp Plan minutes of 3/21/17 for the record.
Additional Business
Commissioner Eshleman has stated that the historical commission has applied for a sign to the state historical commission for historical designation for Carver Court. We have provisional approval from the PA Historical Commission and they needed more information so we reached out to them after we received a letter stating that no grant monies are currently available to be used for this purchase. The sign benefits the community and these signs must be produced by a special sign company as listed by the National Park Service, made of bronze. She wanted to get thoughts from the Board to pay for one half of the cost of the sign needed for outside the community of Carver Court. She opened this subject up for discussion and questions were asked as to the cost of the sign and if the community could have a fund raiser to help pay for the sign. The sign would be a roadside sign and will have to be stamped, engraved and molded so the cost could be considerable, we will have more discussion on this at our next meeting with more information obtained. Denron could be asked to produce this sign but only special sign companies created these molds to be used so that the signs would look uniform in the State of Pennsylvania.
Public Comments
Commissioner Contento is stating that the township and the Fire Company needs to set up a date for a joint meeting at the end of April, the Board will need a separate workshop meeting and we will need a list of dates to meet with Mr. Arnold. Ms. Denne will send an email so that we can set up a date for this review at the end of April.
Ms. Carol Houck and Ms. Karen Sefton, residents of Wedgwood Estates, stated a few concerns. Tractor trailers are unloading cars for Colonial Hyundai over the past year and a half and it is not safe for cars using the actual turn lanes. There is no offloading area for Colonial Hyundai and it was not written in their permits from the township and they unload cars every day. Lights at Colonial Hyundai were asked to adjust them in the evening and it was promised to be done but this has never been corrected and they have never adjusted them. A permanent solution to the offloading of cars and adjusting the lights in the evenings must still be accomplished. Ms. Denne will talk with Mr. Stackhouse regarding the need to have the lights lowered in the evening for residents and more discussion will occur with Mr. Ashcroft to see if a solution could be made to safely offload trucks and cars at the site. Trash cans were missed and Mr. Gill called to say they would come back through and pick them up. Wedgewood has always had problems with trash pickup and Eagle Disposal and trash doesn’t get picked up correctly. Mr. Gill can send an email to our trash contractor and have the Supervisor of Eagle Disposal come out and assess the situation.
Mr. Joe Reich, 400 Lloyd Avenue stated it would not be feasible for the township to legally make Colonial Hyundai off load the cars at another location as it was not stated in the zoning ordinance. We cannot do an amendment against the law here and the police are accessing the safety of the issue and we do not have many options. Police are being called and it is important that they attend to their duties but we do not want anyone hurt with downloading of cars at this site. Public safety is always a concern for the township and an ongoing battle of having to call the police to watch the offloading has occurred. It is safer to download the cars on the center aisle then onto Wedgwood Drive.
Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to adjourn the March 30, 2017 meeting at 9 PM. Moved by Commissioner Breton and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Motion carried 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Margaret Driller
Recording Secretary
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