StormwaterDid you know that the stormwater drains and inlets within your neighborhood have an important impact on the water quality of our streams?
Why? Because storm drains flow directly to nearby rivers and streams, not to wastewater treatment plants. Your city street is really like waterfront property and everything that rain washes off of your roof, yard, and driveway goes to the nearby water used for swimming, boating, and maybe even drinking. In addition, anything that is dumped into these drains, such as used motor oil, paint, or excess pesticides, goes directly into a local stream. It's important for everyone – homeowners, business owners, developers, and other citizens – not to dump anything into storm drains so we can protect our water from storm water pollution that may close beaches, cause unsightly weed and algae growth, and even kill fish! Where does this pollution comes from? From all of us! Storm water picks up litter, yard waste, excess lawn fertilizers and pesticides, leaking oil on streets and parking lots, pet wastes in parks and on lawns, and dirt from construction sites. All together, this adds up to more pollution than industries make! What can I do to help? Never dump substances down a storm drain that you wouldn’t swim in or drink. Spread this simple message to everyone you know. Other ways to help include:
Report Illicit Discharge: The EPA defines an illicit discharge as ‘any discharge to an MS4 (Stormwater System) that is not composed entirely of stormwater. The Township encourages residents to report any illicit discharges or water quality complaints to Township staff. Some examples of reportable activities include:
CONTACTRESOURCESPamphlets: What is Stormwater? Stormwater and Construction (For Residents) Stormwater for Developers Stormwater for Township Staff Stormwater for Kids Stormwater for Businesses Earth Day 2020 Daily Local Ad PA DEP Stormwater Slideshow Quick Resource Guide to MS4 Program Christina Watersheds Municipal Partnerships Chester County Conservation District Environmental Protection Agency MS4 PROGRAMCaln Township is covered by the MS4 program and has an MS4 permit. This requires the township to implement and enforce a stormwater management program which encompasses six minimum control measures, or best management practices (BMPs). |