253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
September 28, 2017 7:30 PM
Call to order and pledge of allegiance.
Attendance – Jennifer Breton-President, George Chambers-Vice President, John Contento-Commissioner, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Chuck Kramer-Commissioner, Kristen Denne-Township Manager, Carol Schuehler-Township Engineer, Chuck Wilson-Township Treasurer and Jennifer Schwed-Recording Secretary.
Absent - Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor
Executive Session
Commissioner Breton noted there was an Executive Session meeting held prior to tonight’s meeting to discuss personnel and legal matters.
Caln Community Day Presentations
April Barkasi from Cedarville Engineering Group, LLC joined Vince Rose and Commissioner Josh Young (co-chairs of the Caln Community Day committee) to present approximately $2000 to local nonprofit organizations who assisted with the event. Cedarville Engineering sponsored the Community Day Ball Drop which raised funds for the Downingtown Library, Coatesville Girls Basketball, Caln Cub Scout Pack 125, Brandywine Roller Derby, Minquas Fire Company #2, Alert Fire Co. No. 1, and Raider Starz Competitive Cheer Leading. Ball Drop 1st place winner Krissy Torres also attended to receive her prize.
Citizens to be heard
Downingtown Library
Deborah B. Miles of 3 Brown Ave., Downingtown, PA gave a brief update on the status of the Downingtown Library. Deborah is President of the Board of Directors for the library. Deborah noted that Commissioner Josh Young is now on the board of directors for the library. Ms. Miles discussed statistics for the library since they occupied their new building location 3 years ago. Updates included a project to enlarge the parking lot and a county grant to help cover work to improve the grounds and exterior.
Township Manager-Kristen Denne
Township Manager Kristen Denne informed the Board of Commissioners about the request for a conveyance of property on Loomis Avenue (Parcel #3904J00540000) to the township from the Estate of Norma Pla. The Board noted that the property could be utilized for open space and is located within the flood plain. The board asked Manager Denne to look into the reason for conveyance and whether the Township owns an adjacent parcel (39-4J-0).
Manager Denne noted that the township Halloween Party will be held on October 28th at Caln Park at 1:00 with a rain date of October 29th.
Township Engineer-Carol Schuehler
Township Engineer Carol Schuehler requested the waiver for the sight triangle at 300 S. Lloyd Ave. Engineering plans from the resident have shown there is safe sight distance located at the bottom of the driveway of the single-family home being rebuilt, however a township ordinance would require the home owner to clear 150-foot sight triangle at the bottom of the new driveway and clear many trees. The property owner is Robert Peppelman. Mrs. Schuehler has visited the location and agrees with the waiver request. Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to waive the sight triangle requirement.
Motion was made by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion was approved, 5-0.
Township Engineer Carol Schuehler presented for approval Change Order #1 for the Caln Township Road Program. The change order calls for a reduction in the cost of excavating, the replacement of paving fabric at Scott and Dogwood with a mill overlay and the new inclusion of the repair and resurface of the length of Acorn Street in addition to previously approved intersection repairs. The project costs have been reduced overall by $70K.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve Change Order #1 of the 2017 Road Program. Motion was made by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Kramer.
Motion was approved, 5-0.
Township Manager Denne noted that the savings in the road project budget will most likely be applied to repairs associated with a drainage issue at a storm sewer where water runoff is affecting a resident’s driveway on East Morgan Drive
Township Engineer Schuehler requested a $7K budget for a study to address subsidence and storm water drainage issues at the cul-de-sac located on E. Morgan Drive (Hidden Forest Development). The cul-de-sac is holding water and draining onto a resident’s property. An elevation study with a topographical survey must be conducted.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve a topographical study not to exceed $7K. The motion was made by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. A discussion was held whether this issue was an educational opportunity for the Storm Water Advisory Committee. Commissioner Chambers agreed to discuss it with the committee. Motion was approved, 5-0.
Mrs. Schuehler provided her research findings on the cost of installing sidewalks. The current average bid price is 130 per square yard. The request was in response to the area of Lloyd Ave between G.O. Carlson Blvd. and the Lloyd Ave. park. For the full distance of about 1800 feet with 6-foot-wide sidewalks the cost is $156K. A 4-foot sidewalk would cost $100K. The costs do not include utility relocation, ramps for accessibility, right of way acquisitions, design, permitting, etc.
Mrs. Schuehler discussed that the condition of the bridge on East Fisherville Road is of concern and should be structurally evaluated. She requested $960 for Thomas Ziegler to survey and evaluate the bridge in order to recommend preservation measures.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to authorize a $960 fee for the evaluation. Motion was made by Commissioner Kramer and seconded by Commissioner Contento. A discussion was held on the details that would be provided in the visual inspection of the bridge and Mrs. Schuehler explained that an overview of the condition of the bridge would be provided, not a design plan. Motion was approved, 5-0.
Mrs. Schuehler is still waiting for firm details on the specific size and cost of the rain garden to be installed as part of the MS4 Program. Design and engineering has not begun and until that time, specifics cannot be updated.
Finance Report-Finance Director Chuck Wilson
Mr. Wilson provided an overview of the August 31 YTD finance report noting earned income tax (EIT) revenue is up by $21,700 over last year and local services tax (LST) revenue is up by $7,786 from 2016 for the 8-month period of 2017.
Mr. Wilson explained that enlisting consulting services verses having full time staff in code enforcement is a break-even expenditure at this time.
It was also noted that the sale of the Brandywine Hospital will be effective on October 1st. This will result is a loss of tax revenue of approximately $68K to the township. A discussion was held about coordinated efforts between the township and Coatesville School District to discuss the possibility of collecting a fee in lieu of taxes from the new hospital owner at a future date.
Mr. Wilson presented information and resolutions for the township requirement and minimum obligation for the police and the non-uniform pension plans for the 2018 budget.
Bill List – Checks 40523-40611 & Bond Checks 1173-1175
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve general checks 40523-40611 and Bond Checks 1173-1175. Commissioner Chambers abstained from check 40552 and Commissioner Contento abstained from check 40566. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Kramer. Vote passed, 5-0.
Ordinances and Resolutions
Resolution Approving Operating Lease with Rothwell Document Solutions- The lease agreement calls for monthly payments for a new office copy machine in the amount of $168 for 60 months with US Bank. Motion made by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Kramer. Approved, 5-0.
Resolution Acknowledging 2018 Minimum Municipal Obligation for Police Pension Plan- Motion made by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Approved, 5-0.
Resolution Acknowledging 2018 Minimum Municipal Obligation for Non-Uniform Pension Plan- Motion made by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Young. Approved, 5-0.
Directors Reports
Caln Township Police Dept.-Police Chief Joseph Elias
Police Chief Elias reviewed the August Police Department Monthly report providing response statistics and personnel updates.
The Department has conducted an extensive revision of the township civil service rules to bring them into compliance with the PA civil service rules and the first-class township code. This will allow the department to post, advertise and fill several critical positions. Commissioner Kramer noted the last revisions were done in 2003.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adopt the resolution approving amendments to the township’s civil service rules. Motion was made by Commissioner Kramer and seconded by Commissioner Young. Resolution was approved, 5-0.
Caln Township Fire Dept.-Fire Chief Cordisco
Fire Chief Cordisco reviewed the August report detailing responses by the department, training hours, and the status of the fund drive.
The Board of Fire Directors met to review the budget and other agenda items in August. Three changes were proposed to the Fire Agreement. Commissioner Young noted the changes were regarding the date of the agreement showing “2016”, the language pertaining to the call symbol for the director of life safety be removed, and labeling issues in the flow chart accompanying the agreement. Chief Cordisco agreed to make the recommended changes to the document as soon as possible.
Chief Cordisco noted the next fire safety open house will take place on October 11th at 6:00 p.m.
Director of Public Works-Mike Fragale
Mr. Fragale reviewed the August report. He noted the items performed for road maintenance which includes black topping and crack sealing as well as obtaining estimates for line painting.
Commissioner Kramer thanked Mr. Fragale and his department for all their help on Caln Community Day.
Approval of Minutes from August 31st and September 14th
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the Minutes from August 31st and September 14th, 2017. Motion made by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. The Minutes were approved, 5-0.
Additional Business
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the recommended discipline of Officer James Shaw for five days. Motion made by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Approved, 4-0 with Commissioner Kramer abstaining.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the resignation and severance package for Lieutenant Jeff Nash. Motion made by Commissioner Kramer and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion passed, 5-0.
Public Comments
Commissioner Breton called for any public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adjourn the September 28, 2017 meeting at 8:52 PM. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Kramer. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Jennifer Schwed,
Recording Secretary

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