ZONING HEARING BOARDThe Zoning Hearing Board considers applications for variances, special exceptions, appeals concerning the interpretation of this Code by the Zoning Officer and other duties that are specified by the Caln Township Code.
The Caln Township Board of Commissioners has appointed five residents to serve as members of the Zoning Hearing Board. (Ordinance 2002-02) The Caln Township Board of Commissioners has appointed by Resolution at least one but no more than three residents to serve as alternate members of the Zoning Hearing Board. (Ordinance 2002-02) |
MEMBERSCharles Coxson, Chair (2025-2029) Stephen DePedro (2023-2027) Marc Fox (2024-2028) Christina Parr (2024-2028) Al DiMatteo (2025-2029) Vacant - Alternate (2024-2026) Vacant - Alternate (2024-2026) Vacant - Alternate (2024-2026) Ray Stackhouse, Zoning Officer VOLUNTEER APPLICATION MEETINGS1st Thursday of the month at 7PM on an as needed basis |