June 30, 2022 7:35 PM
Hybrid Meeting
Call to Order: Commissioner Mullin called the Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 7:35 PM.
Commissioner Mullin then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary, Lisa Swan-Township Treasurer, Ray Stackhouse-Director of Building and Life Safety and Interim Public Works Director, Police Chief Elias, Chris Ward-Thorndale Golf Course Manager, Patrick Taylor-Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company Chief, and Scot Gill-Director of the Municipal Authority.
Professionals Present: P.E. Al Vennettilli representing ARRO, Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco Attorney John Jaros, Denny Howell and Project Engineer Chris Daily from D.L. Howell and Associates representing the Willows at Valley Run.
Special Guest: N/A
The Board of Commissioners June 30, 2022, agenda has been posted on the Township website, and at the Township building on June 29, 2022. Agendas were made available at the meeting for the public.
The 2022 Township Board of Commissioners meetings were published in the Daily Local News, on December 28, 2021.
Commissioner Evans Township Update
Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us. Our meetings are "Neutral Ground", a place to hear and be heard. The Board of Commissioners (BOC) are here to represent everyone in Caln Township (Caln), and we strive to be sure our decisions address the needs of all. We're all in this together.
Commissioner Evans announced that questions or statements regarding an agenda item will be entertained under "Citizens to be Heard" at the top of the meeting. All other matters will be recognized during "Public Comment" at the end of the meeting.
IT KEEPS GETTING BETTER! On Tuesday evening, the Coatesville Area School District (CASO) Board of Directors unanimously passed LERTA, pending legal review. We have a few loose ends to tie up at the Township and county levels, but we've cleared the biggest hurdle and are on the verge of tremendous possibilities to reimagine and reinvigorate "our" Lincoln Highway.
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE: At our last meeting we voted to store recordings of BOC meetings on our YouTube channel for 3-months. To watch, simply go to CalnTownship.org, hover over meetings
and agendas tab, and click on the meeting recordings drop down. A Huge thank you to Abbey Swan for working out this FREE solution and for getting things up and running.
IT'S IN THE BAG: We have been exploring different options for a possible plastic bag ordinance, and whether or not it would be feasible for our Township to enact one without creating undue burden for our small businesses.
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! The Caln Summer Movie Series at Caln Municipal Park continues tomorrow night with an outdoor showing of the movie "Hook", Steven Spielberg's 1991 classic starring Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams, and Julia Roberts. The adventure starts at 8:30 PM. Free admission, free popcorn, and FREE FUN!
BY THE NUMBERS: At our last meeting, Mark DeYoung asked how many Zoom attendees have been logging into the board meetings, and the answer is an average of 10.5 per meeting since March 31, 2022.
THESE TROUBLED TIMES: Yesterday morning a driver was shot and killed at a red light in Springfield Twp., Delaware County by an armed driver behind him because the victim was "driving too slow". There was no indication the victim had exchanged angry words with the suspect, or even honked his car horn, before the shooting occurred. Nationwide there were 728 road rage incidents involving a gun in 2021, two-thirds of them led to an injury or death; 131 people were killed. Someone is shot in a road rage incident every 17 hours in the U.S. That means any one of us could be a victim at any time. When will this anger and rage end? It doesn't have to be this way folks. It's up to all of us to work to turn the tide of hatred and violence and bring this world back to a place of peace, love, and understanding.
BUMMER ALERT: We all love a good celebration, and fireworks are especially exciting for children, however, they scare the wits out of our furry little friends, and for our veterans of war - those military Heroes still suffering from PTSD - the sound of fireworks can transport them right back to the battlefield, where they are haunted by the memory of the constant danger they faced in service to our nation. State law may deem the use of certain fireworks by the public legal, but that doesn't always make it right. Please take into consideration how your celebratory actions could be detrimental to others - before you light that match. Remember, Caln has a fireworks ordinance that makes it illegal to fire them off after 10:00 PM.
CLEAN UP TIME: Happy to say that there's nothing to clean up this week! Nice job social media!
CALN TOWNSHIP IS "OPEN FOR BUSINESS": Nothing is ever perfect, but It's our township, our community, our home. We can all be a part of the solution by eagerly spreading the good news about where we live.
Citizens to be Heard
Commissioner Mullin called for citizens to be heard. There were none.
Township Solicitor - Ms. Camp
Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of an Ordinance Amending the Code of Caln Township Part II General Legislation, Chapter 149-7, Vehicles and Traffic, Speed Limits Established - For Board
consideration, Ms. Camp presented Ordinance 2022-03, asked if the adoption of this ordinance could be moved up on the agenda under her report. Commissioner Mullin waive the agenda and moved Ordinance 2022-03 under Ms. Camps report. The Board agreed.
Ordinance 2022-03 An Ordinance Amending the Code of Caln Township, Part II General Legislation, Chapter 149-7 Vehicles & Traffic, Speed Limits Established - Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2022-03 amending the Code of Caln Township, Part II General Legislation, Chapter 149-7 Vehicles & Traffic, Speed Limits established. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Commissioner Mullin clarified that the only addition/change to this ordinance is the reduction of speed limit from 25 MPH to 15 MPH for Quarry Street and Johnson Avenue.
Commissioner Mullin called for further Board and public comments. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Consideration for approval of Preliminary and Final Land Development for the Willows at Valley Run
- For Board consideration, Ms. Camp presented and reviewed a Preliminary and Final Land Development apartment development known as "The Willows at Valley Run" located at 2131 East Lincoln Highway and comprised of three different tax parcels, which started out as a conditional use application and approved in October 2022, and modified on June 9, 2022. The proposed apartment complex has six different buildings with one-hundred twenty units within those buildings.
Ms. Camp noted that this proposal deals with the land development plans, which have been reviewed by the Township and Municipal Authority Engineers as well as Pennoni, the new Township Traffic Consultant. Ms. Camp also noted that all their review letters have been received and referenced in the proposed motion.
Mr. Jaros noted that Ms. Camp was very trough of her review and analysis. Mr. Jaros also noted that the five referenced waivers are in a letter dated June 24, 2022 from D.L. Howell. Any request for approval would include a request to grant those waivers too. They agree that they reviewed the review letters and most importantly the recent one from the Conservation District. They feel that there are no issues of insurmountable significance in those letters and will not require any significant issues to the plan but for details to be added.
Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Jaros if the Township Staff just received these waivers this week. Mr. Jaros replied that the waivers were sent out in a letter dated June 24, 2022. Ms. Camp noted that she had the waivers and wanted a little clarification, and the waivers have always been noted on the
Commissioner Young asked Ms. Camp if it is their responsibility to maintain the sidewalks outside of their right of way. Ms. Camp replied that it is the owner"s responsibility to maintain the sidewalks even if they are in the Township right of way. Commissioner Young asked if this is in their Operation and Maintenance Agreement. Ms. Camp replied that it is written in the Township Code, however, she will add it to the Declaration of Covenants and identify the entity who is responsible. Ms. Camp also replied that she can add this to the condition in the motion that refers to the declaration and indicate that the declaration shall also mention the sidewalk being maintained by the owner or the association because
in this case, they are doing two different phases and there will be an association. Mr. Jaros noted that there is no objection to this.
Commissioner Kennedy asked Mr. Jara how long this process is. Mr. Jaros replied that if they get conditional approval tonight, they still have to wait for state regulatory permits and once they are obtained and they enter into all their standard agreements, then will start groundbreaking as soon as possible, early August.
Commissioner Mullin asked Ms. Denne what information she received this week. Ms. Denne replied that they were working on the Conservation District reviews.
Ms. Camp noted that if as a result of complying with the Conservation District letter or any outside agency approval for that matter because they do not have their permits from PennDOT, Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), or the Conservation District yet. When they go to get those approvals and if those agencies require modifications to the plan, they will have to come back to the Board to seek a modification of the approval. This is not uncommon and a risk that the applicant takes. Ms. Camp also noted that the Board does not control when the outside agencies issue their approvals, however, they can control if those agencies require modifications.
Mr. Howell and Mr. Daily noted that they spoke with the Conservation District this morning to let them know that they read their letter and did not see anything serious. Mr. Daily noted that the Conservation District is also in agreement with the management and release concept, and they feel confident that they will be able to make the revisions without affecting the layout of the building, driveway, parking lots or anything like that.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the slope of the pipe is for stormwater or wastewater. Ms. Camp replied that it is for stormwater. Commissioner Mullin asked for elaboration on the stormwater system. Ms. Camp asked Mr. Daily to elaborate on the MRC. Mr. Daily noted that they broke up the site into two drainage areas. The western half, which is essentially phase II, and has good infiltration, so they are proposing an infiltration system over there. Phase I has shallow groundwater so they are not able to infiltrate therefore they are using the manage and release concept, which is a slow-release system instead of having the stormwater infiltrate into the ground. This allows a slow release to replicate a management of the volume increase because of the improvements.
Commissioner Mullin asked if Phase II will have a more elaborate stormwater system. Mr. Daily replied that Phase II will comply with the stormwater ordinance, however, the waiver that they need from the section involving the water quality is mainly for Phase 1.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion based on the Motion of the Board of Commissioners received for granting Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development approval for an apartment development knows as "The Willows at Valley Run" located at 2131 East Lincoln Highway. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Commissioner Mullin called for further Board comments and public comments. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Township Engineer
Consideration of Ratification of Change Order #001 with Di Rocco Brothers Inc., in the Amount of
$8,858.48 for the Pipe Replacement at the Park West Bioswale - For Board consideration, Mr. Vennettilli offered the ratification of change order #001 with Di Rocco Brothers for the installation of 43 feet of 15-inch pipe for the Park West BioSwale Project in the amount of $8,858.48. 15-inch pipe
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion for the ratification of change order #001 with Di Rocco Brothers Inc., in the amount of $8,858.48 for the pipe installation at the Park West Bioswale. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Approval of PSA 1121-PC03 Amendment #1 for Construction Contract Administration. Grant Closeout
Services and Construction Observation. in the Amount of $5,226.00 - For Board consideration, Mr. Vennettilli offered PSA 1121-PC03 amendment #1 for professional services for construction and contract management for the Caln Park West Bioswale Project, in the amount of $5,226.00. Mr. Vennettilli noted that this is an extension of their original agreement for the design and bidding services.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve PSA 1121-PC03 amendment #1 for construction contract administration, grant closeout services and construction observation, in the amount of $5,226. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Commissioner Mullin asked how long this will take for completion. Mr. Vennettilli replied that is should be completed in 30 days.
Commissioner Mullin called for further Board questions and public comments. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
258 Horseshoe Drive Demolition Project Bid Award - Mr. Vennettilli noted that he would like to refer this bid award consideration to the next Board meeting. Ms. Denne also noted that ARRO is working on the research completion of the responsible bidder, and it will be ready for the July 14, 2022 meeting.
Township Manager - Ms. Denne
Signal Service Contract Addendum - For Board consideration. Ms. Denne offered an amendment to the 2-year Signal Service contract with the change of the service vehicle/bucket truck mobile signal shop and crane/ladder truck from $40.00 to $45.00.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the Signal Service contract amendment. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2022-21 A Resolution Authorizing the President of the Board of Commissioners and the Township Secretary to Sign All Documents Necessary to Obtain Funding Through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for Grant Number 202107228479 -
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Resolution 2022-21 authorizing the President of the Board of Commissioners and the Township Secretary to sign all documents necessary to obtain funding through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for Grant Number 202107228479. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2022-22 A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Caln Township, Chester County. Pennsylvania Approving Contract Amendment #1 Between Caln Township, Ray Ott & Associates and Chester County for Contract #19889 - Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2022-22 a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Caln Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania Approving Contract Amendment #1 between Caln Township, Ray Ott & Associates, and Chester County for Contract #19889, for the Zoning Task Force. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Ms. Denne noted that this amendment is to the original contract for the county grant that was received by the Township for the Vision Partnership Program (VPP) grant extending the grant to January 2023.
Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2022-23 A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Caln Township. Chester County, Pennsylvania Authorizing the Township Manager/Secretary to Sign All Documents Necessary to Complete a Buy Back Program with PECO Energy for Township Street Lights - Ms. Camp noted that she has reviewed the agreement and provided a couple comments to PECO. She also noted that she has concern with the amendment clause which is broad. and she asked them specifically to change some of the terminology so it would not be quite as broad. She feels that if you maintain what you are purchasing from them. you will be fine. She also noted that she has no issue with the rest of the contract.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion of the Board of Commissioners of Caln Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania authorizing the Township Manager/Secretary to sign all
documents necessary to complete a buy back program with PECO Energy for Township streetlights. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2022-04 A Resolution Designating the 2022 Response Territories for Emergency Service in Caln Township (Tabled 01/13/2022) - Commissioner Mullin asked the Board if they would like to un-table Resolution 2022-04.
Commissioner Young noted that Medic 93 will be terminating their service as of September 1, 2022 and as of right now, Washington Hose does not have the advanced life support therefore Caln will be covered by Minquas and Westwood out of Wagontown.
Commissioner Young noted that Medic 93 has ran thousands of calls on average each year, and it could be several months before Washington Hose gets their needed equipment.
Commissioner Young recommended that the Board have a separate meeting with Washington Hose, Minquas, and Westwood. He noted that he does not know if they can handle the volume of calls without additional ambulances and staff. They have approximately sixty-five days to fix this.
Ms. Denne noted that her initial thought on this was perhaps they should have done this at multi municipal level with possibly Caln, Coatesville, and Downingtown, and know exactly the number of calls that Medic 93 services out of Caln. Commissioner Young noted that he was told that Medic 93 can handle between 3,000 and 5,000 calls per year in their service, and the other thing that the Township has to deal with is that now the public has to go to Chester County or Paoli hospitals and instead of 30 to 35 minutes, it could possibly take up to hours. Commissioner Young also noted that Caln is one of the Townships that does not support an ambulance service and they are starting to say that they are paying for the service so they should not be servicing other Townships unless they are paying them. Ms. Denne noted that this is a policy decision, and the Board needs to have all the facts.
Ms. Denne noted that she will see if she can get a tape of the meeting on this issue that Representative Williams had. Ms. Denne also noted that their message at the meeting was that they are capable of handling and absorbing what has happened with Medic 93.
Commissioner Young noted that none of the ambulances wanted to get involved in this, this is Tower Health's doing.
A member of the public who has a business in the Township had several comments regarding the ordinance.
Ordinance 2022-03 An Ordinance Amending the Code of Caln Township, Part II General Legislation. Chapter 149-7 Vehicles & Traffic, Speed Limits Established -Approved under the Township Solicitors report.
Minutes to Approve
Motion to Approve the June 9, 2022, Board of Commissioners Minutes - Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the June 9, 2022, Board of Commissioners Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Acknowledgement of May 25, 2022 Planning Commission Minutes - Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion acknowledging Board receipt of the May 25, 2022 Planning Commission minutes. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Finance Department- Ms. Swan
Financial Report - Ms. Swan noted that the Township is in good financial condition, and the cash flow is doing great as well as the fund balance.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked if the Township has received an increase in the Township deposit rates and the liquid deposits. Ms. Swan replied "yes", and the Township is doing well. and with the Township bank. it is slow to increase.
Motion to Approve General Checks 48377 to 48490 and Manual Checks 266 to 269 - Commissioner Mullin had several questions on the check run. All questions were answered by Staff.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve general checks 48377 to 48490 and manual checks 266 to 269. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Commissioner Mullin called for further Board comments and public comments. Commissioner abstained from check 48744 for the Municipal Authority.
Vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration in Changing Payroll Companies - For Board consideration. and after research in payroll services, Ms. Swan presented a change in payroll services to ADP payroll service for an annual fee of $7,028.00. as presented.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to switch to ADP payroll service for an annual fee of $7,028.00. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Directors Reports
Police Chief Elias - Chief Elias noted a few highlights from his department's May 2022 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Chief Elias noted that the acting CASO Superintendent is firmly addressing and improving security protocol within the district, particularly at the high school campus. This will include mandatory "Original Civilian Act Active Threat Response Training". He also noted that Caln Officers had open conservations with groups of students to address their concerns and questions, and this will continue into the next school year.
Fire Department Chief Taylor - Chief Taylor noted a few highlights from his department's May 2022 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Chief Taylor also noted that they continue with their training.
Director of Building & Life Safety/Interim Public Works Director Mr. Stackhouse - Mr. Stackhouse noted a few highlights from his departments May 2022 reports, which were previously provided to the Board.
Mr. Stackhouse reviewed several ongoing projects in the Township.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that Harvest Medical Dispensary at 1951 Lincoln Highway is now open for business. He also noted that the owners of "Kia" purchased 2751 Lincoln Highway. It will stay vacant; however, they will clean outside as well as the building structure. Commissioner Mullin noted that this property was the former U.S. Supply Company.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that they are continuing the stormwater maintenance with the Public Works department.
Commissioner Kennedy thanked Mr. Stackhouse for handling the pothole on Foundry Street. Mr. Stackhouse noted that the stormwater pipe was also cracked, and it was replaced.
Commissioner Evans noted that "Lomax" agreed to repair the roadway behind the building before they did the rest of the building, and it has not been done yet. Mr. Stackhouse noted that they have been patching it, and they just received their grading permit, however, he will let them know.
Ingleside Golf Manager Mr. Ward - Mr. Ward noted a few highlights from his departments May 2022 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Rounds 2022 2021
May 3,411 3,690
Revenue 2022 2021 Average Percentage
May $108,435 $113,920 $97,269 -5%
YTD $267,648 285,582 $199,238 -7%
Expenses 2022
For Board consideration, Mr. Ward requested a capital purchase of a Lastec WZ600 RTough Mower to replace the rough mower that was purchased in 2016. The old mower will be kept as a backup mower and used in grass high growing periods. The cost of the mower is $52,775.00 and financed for 3 years at an annual cost of $18,984.00. This mower can be delivered in 2023.
For Board consideration, Mr. Ward requested a capitol purchase of a 2400 Greens Mower to replace the greens mower purchased in 2014. They will keep this mower as a backup. The cost of the mower will be $40,905.34 and financed for 3 years as an annual cost of $14,989.00. This mower can be delivered in 2023.
Mr. Ward noted that they will fund these with the price increases this year, which have been going very well.
Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Ward the price on the Golf Cart Fleet. Mr. Ward replied that they received an email noting that the price has increased, and they are waiting for that quote. Mr. Ward also replied that they will receive delivery six to eight months after the order has been placed.
Mr. Evans noted that he would like to see the golf course five-year plan presentation before any of these purchases are made. Mr. Ward replied that they are compiling all their information and will make a presentation at the July Board meeting.
Board consensus was to have Mr. Ward make his presentation before any purchases are approved.
Additional Business
LERTA Resolution Coatesville Area School District - Commissioner Mullin waived the agenda and moved the Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance (LERTA) discussion before the single use plastic bag ban. The Board agreed.
Commissioner Evans noted that state law requires areas to be a subject of deterioration. The deteriorated Industrial commercial area, and other business properties located in the TV-1, C-1, and 1-1 industrial areas are what the Township had in 2014. Mr. Evans also noted that businesses who received LERTA did very well, other businesses were not able to join before the school district rescinded LERTA for Caln Township.
Commissioner Evans noted that pre LERTA, Del Toyota was $1,266,470.00 and after LERTA they were $1,0716.68.00. They added an estimated fifteen employees, which generated earned income taxes.
Commissioner Young noted that the Academy Sports Complex started the process and the school district ended LERTA before they could receive a use and occupancy permit, however, they did receive it for the county taxes.
Commissioner Evans noted that the school district was presented that if ten commercial properties remain unimproved then property and earned income taxes remain stagnant, however, if ten vacant commercial properties with the tax increase spread over five years then property tax grows every year, beginning in year two.
Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Young noted that at the last school board meeting, the school board approved a five-year LERTA pending legal review.
Commissioner Tindaro asked if there is anything that could be done for the businesses that were unable to receive LERTA previously. Commissioner Evans noted that this is a new LERTA. Ms. Camp noted that they would not be able to do anything under the law.
Ms. Camp noted that because the LERTA that was adopted in 2013 was for a ten-year statue, the Board would have to renew it. First the Board would adopt a Resolution identifying the deteriorated areas in the TV-1, C-1, and I-1 industrial districts and readopting a map of those deteriorated areas, then advertise an ordinance to adopt a five-year LERTA program for advertisement at the next meeting. She will then send the Resolution and Ordinance to the County and School District Solicitor.
Ms. Camp noted that she will present the Board with drafts of the resolution and ordinance next week and she suggested that the Board send the school board and county solicitor a letter indicating what has happened to date.
John, the owner of the Buchanan House located at 300 Bailey Avenue stated that his property is not dilapidated, however, if he could join LERTA, he would be willing to join with a developer in a joint venture on the parcel. Ms. Denne and Ms. Camp noted that they will review this to see if it can happen.
Discussion of Single Use Plastic Bag Ban - Ms. Denne noted that she and Ms. Swan would like to reach out to more businesses.
Commissioner Evans noted that less than 10% of plastics are recycled, and rates of recycling has not been increasing.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the Township recycling is decreasing.
Commissioner Young noted that the Downingtown new library director would like to introduce herself and make a presentation at a Board meeting in August or September.
Public Comments
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road spoke on the progress of the golf course.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the June 30, 2022, Board of Commissioners minutes at 9:18 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Vote passed 5-0
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary
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