New residential construction - based on the gross square foot area of all new building space using the following calculation:
Residential additions - based on the gross square foot area of all new building spaces:
Solar Panel(s) and other Alternative Energy Sources.
Balcony, Ramp, Porch or Deck - based on the gross square foot area of the new space.
Utility, Accessory or Miscellaneous Structures Over 1,000 Square Feet in Area.
Swimming Pools (above ground, on ground and in-ground), Hot Tubs, Spas and required barrier protection.
Alterations, Renovation, Repairs to existing residential living space - based on the square foot area of the room that the project effects.
Alterations, Renovation, Repair to existing residential non-living space (balcony, deck, patio, porch, attic, etc.) - this work also would include enclosing a porch, adding a roof/canopy to a deck, and dormers - based on the square foot area of the space that the project affects.
Alterations, Additions or Relocation of any plumbing fixture or equipment.
Addition, Alteration, or Relocation of any HVAC equipment.
Finished Basement - based on the square foot area being finished.
Water Service Line ReQair.
Sanitary Sewer Lateral Repair.
Construction Trailer Permit.
Roofing - structural repairs.
New commercial construction - based on the gross square foot area of new building space and its use group type using the following calculation:
Additions to commercial structures - Based on the gross square foot area of new building space and its use-group type using the following calculation:
Balcony, Porch, Deck, Dock or Ramp - based on the gross square foot area of all new space.
Swimming Pools (above ground, on ground and in-ground), Hot Tubs, Spas and required barrier protection
Alterations, Renovation, Repairs to existing space - based on the net square foot area of the room that the project affects.
Addition, Alteration, Relocation of HVAC equipment
Alterations, additions or relocation of any plumbing fixture or equipment
Water Service Line Repair
Sanitary Sewer Lateral Repair
Utility, Accessory or Miscellaneous Use Structures over 1000 square feet
Construction Trailer Permit
Roofing - structural repairs
Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Building Demolition - based on gross square foot area of all removed building space area using the following calculation:
Selective Demolition - based on net square foot area of structural and equipment items to be removed using the following calculation:
PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit ("HOP")
Township Street Excavation Permits
Emergency Road Opening Permit
Request for copies
Request for examination
Request for information that requires research/administration
Wall, Projecting, Freestanding, etc.... - based on gross square foot area of sign face. A separate permit is required for each property or tenant space.
Special Events and Grand Opening Signs - $5 per application per event or $100 per year if Applicant requests all special event signs that will be used in one calendar year at one time.
Transfer of Use and Occupancy Certificate or Use Group Changes that involve renovations require an Alteration Permit - See Alterations to existing space permit fee.
Tort/Civil Claim Requests
Police: $85.00 per hour
Annual Commercial Fire Inspection (fee as noted below, and 5% administrative fee)
0 From 1,001 to 3,500 square feet $120.00
0 From 3,501 to 12,000 square feet $145.00
0 From 12,001 to 50,000 square feet $170.00
0 From 50,001 to 100,000 square feet $195.00
0 100,001 square feet and more $285.00
0 From 1,001 to 3,500 square feet $145.00
0 From 3,501 to 12,000 square feet $165.00
0 From 12,001 to 50,000 square feet $190.00
0 From 50,001 to 100,000 square feet $240.00
0 100,001 square feet and more $380.00
Display, sale, or discharge of fireworks= $150 and 5% administrative fee
Partial Service
Service Provided
5 Hearing Panel members only
The Appeals Board provides 5 Hearing panel members. The affected municipality provides the Solicitor and is responsible for all other hearing costs.
$SO/Hearing Panel member for the first hearing date, plus $50 to cover the cost of administration.
$25/member for each additional hearing on the same
Full Service by the UCC Appeals Board
Application Type
Hearing Application Fees
Minor Application
2nd Hearing escrow
Major Application
2nd Hearing escrow
Minor appeals applications involve one or two-family dwellings only. Major appeals applications involve applications other than the above residential uses for commercial, institutional or industrial properties.
For Minor and Major applications proposed to be administered in their entirety by the WCCRUCCAB, the hearing application fee will be deposited into an escrow fund with the Appeals Board, which covers the following items:5 Hearing Panel members
Court Reporter Appearance Fee
Solicitor preparation and hearing attendance Legal Notice & Advertisement
Incidental expenses
Hearing Transcript (additional cost upon request by applicant or municipality).
The escrow funds will be credited against the hearing expenses. If the expenses are less than the escrow funds, excess funds will be returned to the applicant. If the expenses exceed the escrow balance, an invoice will be created, and sent to the applicant for payment.
The Fees outlined below apply to Subdivision and Land Development applications filed with Caln Township. These fees are non-refundable, unless noted otherwise. If a project is proposing a subdivision and land development, both subdivision and land development fees apply. Application and Plan Review Fees shall be paid at the time of submission of the Application. The Plan Review Escrow and the Inspection Fee Escrow shall be replenished by the Applicant to 25% of the initial Escrow Fee when the balance thereof is 10% of the initial deposit.
Sketch Plan - Residential (including PRD)
Application Fee - Preliminary
Plan Review Escrow
1-10 lots
11-100 lots
101 lots or more
Sketch Plan - Non-Residential
Application Fee - Preliminary
Plan Review Escrow
< 10,000 Gross Floor Area (SF)
$500 + $SO/acre
10,000 - 24,999
Gross Floor Area {SF)
$500 + $SO/acre
25,000 Gross Floor Area (SF)
$500 + $SO/acre
Subdivision Application (including PRD)
Application Fee
- Preliminary
Application Fee -
Plan Review Escrow
Inspection Fee Escrow Based on estimated cost of improvements
2-10 lots
< One Million Dollars
- 5% of estimated cost of improvements up to maximum of
> One Million Dollars - flat
escrow of
11-100 lots
< One Million Dollars - 5% of estimated cost of improvements up to maximum of
>One Million Dollars - flat escrow of
101 lots or more
< One Million Dollars - 5% of estimated cost of improvements up to maximum of
>One Million Dollars - flat escrow of
Land Development Application - Residential (including PRO)
Application Fee
- Preliminary
Application Fee
- Final
Plan Review Escrow
Inspection Fee Escrow Based on estimated cost of improvements
1-10 lots
< One Million Dollars - 5% of estimated cost of improvements up to maximum of
>One Million Dollars - flat escrow of
11-100 lots
< One Million Dollars - 5%of
estimated cost of
improvements up
to maximum of
>One Million Dollars - flat escrow of
101 lots or more
< One Million Dollars - 5% of estimated cost of improvements up to maximum of
>One Million
Dollars -flat escrow of
Land Development Application - Non-Residential
Application Fee
- Preliminary
Application Fee
- Final
Plan Review Escrow
Inspection Fee Escrow Based on estimated
cost of improvements
$500 + $SO/acre
$500 + $SO/acre
< 10,000 SQ FT
< One Million
Gross Floor Area
estimated cost
10,000- 24,999
SQ.FT. Gross
Floor Area (SF)
up to maximum
of $15,000
>One Million
>25,000 SQ. FT.
Dollars - flat
Gross Floor Area
escrow of
I Subdivision (including PRD) I
I I Fee - Preliminary I Fee - Final I I Escrow
No fee shall be required for Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Submissions for Small Projects that are to be privately owned and maintained.
$75: 250 or less than 500 participants
$125: 500 participants and over
Permit Fee = To be determined based on event needs as follows: Public Works Staff at established hourly rate
Police Staff at established hourly rate
Fire Police at established hourly rate
- This fee schedule is for the administration and inspections performed by the Township, Staff, and Consultants relating to building permits, zoning permits, and any other permits required by the Township Code.
- All permit fees are non-refundable.
- The minimum permit fee shall be submitted concurrent with the permit application.
- The hourly inspection fee for the Township Consultant Engineer and various consultants is on file with the Township Secretary.
- The inspection fee per hour for Code Inspectors employed by the Township shall be $100.00 per hour. This inspection fee shall be known as the "Established Inspector Rate" for the purposes of this Fee Schedule.
- This fee schedule may be amended from time to time by Resolution of the Board of Commissioners.
- Payment of all applicable fees shall only be made at the Township Building and shall accompany the applicable permit application.
- For any and all projects, credit card payments for any and all permits and/or fees associated with the project shall include Township incurred transaction fee.
- Township invoices will include a 5% administrative fee for the Township.
- The Applicant shall pay all invoices within 30 days of the billing day otherwise a one-and-one half percent (11/2 percent) per month interest charge will be assessed.
New residential construction - based on the gross square foot area of all new building space using the following calculation:
- New building space and all accessory spaces built at the time of the new construction at $0.50/sf
- Accessory spaces would include garage, basement (unfinished), crawl space, unfinished storage space (such as an unfinished bedroom over a garage), exterior porches, balconies, and decks (does not include sidewalks or exterior steps).
- Minimum Fee= $1,200, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee and 5% administrative fee
- This fee does not include the Fire/Code Official Fees (see below)
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, up to 10 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, driveway, mechanical, electrical and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- Required Inspections - site, footing, foundation wall prior to grout or concrete pour, foundation and pre-backfill, rough framing, rough plumbing, rough mechanical, rough electrical, service electrical, sprinkler, sanitary sewer lateral, water service lines, insulation, drywall and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Residential additions - based on the gross square foot area of all new building spaces:
- New living and accessory space at $0 .SO/sf
- Minimum Fee = $500, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee and 5% administrative fee, This fee does not include the Fire/Code Official Fees (see below)
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, up to 7 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, driveway, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- Required Inspections are the same as for new residential construction listed above, as applicable.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Solar Panel(s) and other Alternative Energy Sources.
- Flat Fee = $250, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee and 5% administrative fee. This includes one zoning review, one building code review up to 4 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- Required Inspections are as follows: site, footings, electrical service, rough electrical and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Balcony, Ramp, Porch or Deck - based on the gross square foot area of the new space.
- New building space at $0.40/sf
- Minimum Fee = $250, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review up to 4 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, driveway, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- Required Inspections are as follows: site, footings, framing, electrical and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Utility, Accessory or Miscellaneous Structures Over 1,000 Square Feet in Area.
- New building space at $0.40/sf
- Minimum Fee= $350, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, up to 4 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, driveway, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- Required Inspections are as follows: site, footings, rough framing, rough electrical and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Swimming Pools (above ground, on ground and in-ground), Hot Tubs, Spas and required barrier protection.
- On Ground and Above-Ground - Flat Fee= $200, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee and 5% administrative fee
- In-Ground - Flat Fee= $350, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee
- Patio and Deck permits NOT included in this fee.
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, up to 5 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- Required Inspections - site, rough electrical, bonding, rebar (in-ground) and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Alterations, Renovation, Repairs to existing residential living space - based on the square foot area of the room that the project effects.
- A permit is required when the existing structure is altered but does not include cosmetic changes like cabinet refacing or window replacement that do not involve structural alterations.
- New building space at $0.40/sf
- Minimum Fee= $250, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one building code review, up to 4 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- Required Inspections - rough framing, rough plumbing, rough mechanical, rough electrical, insulation, drywall, and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Alterations, Renovation, Repair to existing residential non-living space (balcony, deck, patio, porch, attic, etc.) - this work also would include enclosing a porch, adding a roof/canopy to a deck, and dormers - based on the square foot area of the space that the project affects.
- All space at $.40/sf
- Minimum Fee = $200, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one building code review, up to 3 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- Required Inspections - footings, rough electrical, rough framing, and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Alterations, Additions or Relocation of any plumbing fixture or equipment.
- Flat Fee= $150, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- Includes one plumbing code review, one rough, and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Addition, Alteration, or Relocation of any HVAC equipment.
- Flat Fee= $150, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- Includes solid, liquid or gaseous fuels for stoves, water heaters, HVAC, chimney fireplaces, direct-vent fireplaces, etc.
- This includes one building code review, rough mechanical, rough electrical, and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Finished Basement - based on the square foot area being finished.
- New building space at $0.40/sf
- Minimum Fee = $300, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee. This includes one building code review, up to 7 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- Required Inspections - rough framing, rough plumbing, rough mechanical, rough electrical, insulation, drywall, and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Water Service Line ReQair.
- This fee covers the inspection of any newly installed or repaired water service line which is connected to an existing building or structure.
- Any repairs needed within a paved township or state road requires a Road Opening Permit in addition to this permit.
- Flat Fee= $100, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This permit includes a one building code review, and one inspection.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Sanitary Sewer Lateral Repair.
- This fee covers the inspection for any newly installed or repaired sewer lateral line which is connected to an existing building or structure.
- Any repairs needed within a paved township or state road requires a Road Opening Permit in addition to this permit.
- Flat Fee= $100, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one building code review and one inspection.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Construction Trailer Permit.
- Flat Fee= $100, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one building code review and 1 inspections.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Roofing - structural repairs.
- Flat Fee = $150, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one building review and 2 inspections - rough & final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
- Includes a new driveway, a new driveway to an existing residence or additions/alterations to existing driveway where stone and/or paving is involved. Does not include sealing a driveway or the overlaying of an existing paved driveway provided there is no expansion of the existing driveway.
- A PADOT Highway Occupancy Permit, associated review fees and any Right-of-Way opening fees are extra.
- Flat Fee= $100, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- A Right-of-Way permit may also apply, depending on scope of work.
- This includes one zoning review and one final inspection.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
New commercial construction - based on the gross square foot area of new building space and its use group type using the following calculation:
- First 1-2,500 sf= flat fee of $2,500, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- Remaining area over 2,500 sf= charged at $0.50/sf
- New building space and all accessory spaces built at the time of the new construction
- Accessory spaces would include garage, basement (unfinished), crawl space, unfinished storage space (such as an unfinished bedroom over a garage), exterior porches, balconies, and decks (does not include sidewalks or exterior steps)
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, up to 12 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, driveway, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing are included in one fee. This fee does not include the Fire/Code Official Fees (see below).
- Required Inspections - site, footing, foundation wall prior to grout or concrete pour, foundation and pre-backfill, rough framing, rough plumbing, rough mechanical, rough electrical, electrical service, sanitary sewer lateral, water service line, insulation, drywall, fire suppression/fire detection/sprinklers, ADA, and final.
- Special inspections are not included in the permit fee.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Additions to commercial structures - Based on the gross square foot area of new building space and its use-group type using the following calculation:
- First 1-1,000 sf= flat fee of $500, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- Remaining area over 1,000 sf= charged at $0.50/sf
- This fee does not include the Fire/Code Official Fees (see below)
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, up to 10 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, driveway, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire alarm are included in one fee.
- Required Inspections -site, footing, foundation wall prior to grout or concrete pour, foundation and pre-backfill, rough framing, rough plumbing, rough mechanical, rough electrical, electrical service, sanitary sewer lateral, water service line, insulation, drywall, fire suppression/fire detection, sprinklers, ADA, and final.
- Special inspections are not included in the permit fee.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Balcony, Porch, Deck, Dock or Ramp - based on the gross square foot area of all new space.
- New building space at $0.50/sf
- Minimum Fee= $400, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, up to 3 inspections and U&O certificate.
- All building, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- Required Inspections - site, footing, rough framing, rough electrical, ADA, and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = $ Established Inspector Rate.
Swimming Pools (above ground, on ground and in-ground), Hot Tubs, Spas and required barrier protection
- On Ground and Above-Ground - Flat Fee= $300, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- In-Ground - Flat Fee= $450, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee
- Patio and Deck permits NOT included in this fee.
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, up to 5 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- Required Inspections - site, rough electrical, bonding, rebar (in-ground), and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Alterations, Renovation, Repairs to existing space - based on the net square foot area of the room that the project affects.
- A permit is required when the existing structure is altered (like a tenant fit-out).
- New building space at $0.50/sf
- Minimum Fee= $500, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This fee does not include the Fire/Code Official Fees (see below)
- This includes one building code review, up to 5 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing work is included in one fee. Required Inspections - rough framing, rough plumbing, rough mechanical, rough electrical, fire suppression/fire detection/sprinklers, ADA, insulation, drywall, and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Addition, Alteration, Relocation of HVAC equipment
- Permit Fee= 2% of the total cost of construction including all material, labor and associated costs Minimum Fee= $200, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- Includes solid, liquid or gaseous fuels for stoves, water heaters, HVAC, chimney fireplaces, direct-vent fireplaces, etc.
- All building, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- This includes one building code review, rough mechanical, rough electrical and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Alterations, additions or relocation of any plumbing fixture or equipment
- Permit Fee= 2% of the total cost of construction including all material, labor and associated costs.
- Minimum Fee= $200, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- All building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- Includes one plumbing code review, one rough plumbing, final inspection, and U&O certificate.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Water Service Line Repair
- This fee covers the inspections of any newly installed or repaired water service line which is connected to an existing building or structure.
- Any repairs needed within a paved township or state road requires a Road Opening Permit in addition to this permit.
- Flat Fee= $100, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- Fee includes one building code review and one inspection.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Sanitary Sewer Lateral Repair
- This fee covers the inspection of any newly installed or repaired sewer lateral line which is connected to an existing building or structure.
- Any repairs needed within a paved township or state road requires a Road Opening Permit in addition to this permit.
- Flat Fee= $100, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one building code review and one inspection.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Utility, Accessory or Miscellaneous Use Structures over 1000 square feet
- New building space at $0.40/sf
- Minimum Fee= $750, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This fee does not include the Fire/Code Official Fees (see below)
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, up to 4 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, driveway, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- Required Inspections are as follows: site, footings, rough framing, rough electrical, and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Construction Trailer Permit
- Flat Fee= $100, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one building code review and 2 inspections.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Roofing - structural repairs
- Flat Fee= $200, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one building review and 2 inspections - rough and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
- Includes a new driveway, a new driveway to an existing property or additions/alterations to an existing driveway where stone and/or paving is involved. Does not include sealing a driveway or overlaying of an existing paved driveway provided there is no expansion of the existing driveway.
- A PADOT Highway Occupancy Permit, associated review fees and any Right-of-Way opening fees are extra.
- Flat Fee= $200, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one zoning review and one final inspection.
- A Right-of-Way permit may also apply, depending on scope of work.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
- Permit fees not covered and which cannot be calculated on a square-foot basis shall be calculated at a rate of 2% of the total cost of construction including all material, labor and associated costs. A copy of an executed contract or agreement between the owner and contractor shall be submitted. When fee material or labor is used, the cost of such material or labor including overhead and profit shall be determined by the Township at estimated rates based on industry standards such as RS Means Building Construction Cost Data.
- Residential Minimum Fee = $200, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, .and 5% administrative fee Commercial Minimum Fee =
- This fee does not include the Fire/Code Official Fees (see below)
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, up to 3 inspections, and U&O certificate.
Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
- For commercial projects, the special inspections listed in Chapter 17 "Structural Tests and Inspections" of the Caln Township Building Code shall be completed in accordance with the procedure set forth herein. The permit applicant may either 1) hire the Township's appointed Engineer and reimburse the Township for the engineer's costs by use of an escrow account with the Township; or 2) hire a third-party firm meeting which meets the special inspector criteria of the Building Code.
- The permit applicant shall submit a statement of special inspections prepared by the registered design professional in charge of the project as a condition for permit issuance. This statement shall include a complete list of materials and work requiring special inspection per the Township Building Code, the inspections to be performed and a list of individuals, agencies and firms (along with their qualifications) who shall perform the inspections.
Building Demolition - based on gross square foot area of all removed building space area using the following calculation:
- Building space at $0.20/sf
- Minimum Fee= $200 per building, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, up to 3 inspections, and U&O certificate, including an electrical inspection to ensure that all items are properly disconnected.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed= Established Inspector Rate.
Selective Demolition - based on net square foot area of structural and equipment items to be removed using the following calculation:
- For horizontal items such as floors, roofs, or beams, area is calculated by length multiplied by width. For vertical items such as walls, windows, doors or columns, area is calculated by height multiplied by width. For equipment or other miscellaneous times, the area is calculated by the projected floor footprint of the object in question.
- All items at $0.10/sf Minimum Fee= $150 per building, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes zoning review, building code review, up to 2 inspections, and U&O certificate, including an electrical inspection to ensure that all items are properly disconnected.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
- New Industrial or Manufactured Housing (single and double wide)
- Flat Fee=$250.00, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- Other work required beyond utility hook-up (such as footings, foundations, pre-backfill, etc.)
- Fee=$0.45/sf
- Any removal of a building or structure from one lot and placement of same structure on another lot or at a new location on the same lot (for either residential or commercial).
- One permit per structure to be moved.
- Flat Fee = $150, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- Other work required beyond utility hook-up, (such as footings, foundations, pre-backfill, etc...... ), fee= $0.45/sf
- This includes one building code review, one zoning review, up to 5 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All building, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work is included in one fee.
- Required Inspections are as follows: site, footing, foundation, utilities, and final.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
- To install, remove, repair, or alter a tank or to add, modify or replace any line connected thereto.
- Residential property- Flat Fee= $150 per tank, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- Commercial property-Flat Fee= $250 per tank, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, 2 inspections, and U&O certificate.
- All tank work shall comply with federal, state and local requirements. The costs for obtaining other required permits, including but not limited to PA DEP or PA Fire Marshall, are not included in this permit fee.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
- Installation of sprinkler/suppression systems, fire alarms and automatic protection devices.
- Residential properties - Flat Fee= $225, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- Commercial properties - Flat Fee = $285, plus $4.50 UCC permit fee, and 5% administrative fee
- This fee does not include the Fire/Code Official Fees (see below)
- Fee includes one plan review, rough inspection/testing, and final inspection/testing.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
- Also includes any extra reviews.
- In addition to any other fees paid to the Township, any failed inspection, which requires an additional inspection, shall result in an additional fee to be paid to the Township prior to the next follow-up inspection.
- In addition to any other fees paid to the Township, extra inspections and reviews and/or site visits beyond the allotted number of inspections and reviews stated on the issued building permit shall result in an additional fee to be paid to the Township prior to issuance of the U&O certificate.
- Residential = Established Inspector Rate.
- Commercial= Established Inspector Rate.
PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit ("HOP")
- This permit is required by the state when work is being done in their Right-of-Way. When this work is part of a land development plan, the review fee is paid from the developer's escrow account. This review fee is for those occasions when a PennDOT HOP is required for repairs, minor alterations, etc.
- The Township reviews the HOP application prior to submission to PADOT for a state road. The Township does not provide any inspections as they are provided by PennDOT personnel.
- Residential property- Minimum Fee= $100 and 5% administrative fee
- Commercial property- Minimum Fee= $200 and 5% administrative fee
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = per Engineering Consultant costs mentioned below.
Township Street Excavation Permits
- This permit is required for work done with Township Rights-of-Way.
- An escrow amount of $25.00 per linear foot of pavement disturbed by street excavation shall be required.
- Residential property - Minimum Fee = $150 per surface opening and 5% administrative fee Commercial property - Minimum Fee= $250 per surface opening and 5% administrative fee Utility Appurtenance (poles, guys, anchors, etc.)
- If, in connection with the issuance of a Right-of-Way permit or road opening, the Township retains consultants, such as, but not limited to the Township's engineering consultant, a geotechnical engineer or structural engineer for plan reviews, analysis and/or inspections, the applicant/permittee shall reimburse the Township the hourly rate that such consultant charges to the Township in the manner and custom established by the Township.
Emergency Road Opening Permit
- Flat Fee= $500.00 and 5% administrative fee
- In the event a road opening is performed as an emergency, the responsible party shall place the necessary Pennsylvania One Call notification and shall follow the procedures set forth in 134-21 of the Township Ordinances. The responsible party will be charged the emergency road opening permit fee, and the final determination of an emergency situation will be made by the Township.
Request for copies
- No charge will be made for Township's time up to 15 minutes. Time beyond 15 minutes will be considered research/administration (see below).
- A written request must be received by the Township that specifies which documents are to be copies and that the person requesting the document agrees to pay copy charges and the Township's time beyond 15 minutes prior to receiving the copies.
- Copying of Materials: As per the Township' s Open Records Policy= $0.25 per page
- Color Copies = $2 per page
- 11" x 17" copies= $1 black & white/ $3 color
- Police Reports: As per the Township's Open Records Policy= $0.25 per page
- Copies of Act 22 Police Audio/Visual Recordings $100
- Judicial Review of Police Requests under Act 22 $125
- Accident Reports: As per the Township's Open Records Policy= $15 each
- Faxes will be charged at an additional $0.50 per 8-1/2 x 11 sheet.
- Copies will not be given, mailed or faxed to the applicant without prior receipt of payment to the Township.
Request for examination
- No charge will be made for the Township's time up to 15 minutes. Time beyond 15 minutes will be considered research/administration (see below).
- A written request must be received by the Township that specifies which documents or items regarding a specific topic are to be examined and that the person requesting the document agrees to pay the Township's time beyond 15 minutes prior to examination.
- A designated Township employee shall remain in the presence of the documents at all times.
Request for information that requires research/administration
- Any time spent making copies, researching records or topic, monitoring documents, etc. after the first 15 minutes shall be charged at $24.00 per hour. The hour shall be broken into 15-minute increments and shall be rounded to the next quarter hour interval.
- Returned Check(s) = $30 each, plus applicable bank fee
- Late payments: Any outstanding balances (i e., those accounts with a past due amount greater than 30 days) shall be subject to the accrual of interest at the rate of 1 ½ per month, subject to any limitations imposed by law.
- Zoning Ordinance= $45
- Subdivision/Land Development Ordinance= $40
- Stormwater Management Ordinance = $40
- Permits fees not mentioned in this section:
- Residential property- Flat Fee= Established Inspector Rate and 5% administrative fee Commercial property - Flat Fee
- Fence/wall for residential property - Flat Fee = Established Inspector Rate and 5% administrative fee
- Fence/wall for commercial property - Flat Fee = Established Inspector Rate and 5% administrative fee
- Residential Retaining Walls (those over 4' of unbalanced fill):
- Flat Fee= $225 and 5% administrative fee, includes a review, 2 inspections, and a U&O
- Commercial Retaining Walls (those over 4' of unbalanced fill):
- Flat Fee= $380 and 5% administrative fee, includes a review, 4 inspections, and a U&O
- Utilities and miscellaneous use structures 1000 sf and under
- Residential property - Flat Fee= Established Inspector Rate and 5% administrative fee
- Commercial property- Flat Fee= Established Inspector Rate and 5% administrative fee
- Home Occupation - Flat Fee= $100 and 5% administrative fee
- Residential Patio - Fat Fee= Established Inspector Rate and 5% administrative fee
- Commercial Patio - Flat Fee= Established Inspector Rate and 5% administrative fee
- Zoning Verification Letters - Flat Fee= Established Inspector Rate and 5% administrative fee
- New Structure= $1,000 and 5%, plus Right of Way
- Co-Located on Existing Structure= $100 and 5%
- Consolidated Application (as per ordinance), up to 5 = $500 and 5%, 5 - 30 an additional $100 per, and $1,000 per new structure if not co-located
- Municipal Right of Way and Reoccurring Fees; $200 per year per facility, $70 per year per approved Municipal co located facility per facility, and any other taxes or fees lawfully imposed
- From Zoning Ordinance Section 155-166, Section D, special temporary uses may be allowed in certain areas (e.g. car wash fundraiser).
- Flat Fee= $100 and 5% administrative fee, includes one review and final inspection.
- This fee does not include the Fire/Code Official Fees (see below)
- Not-For-Profit organizations = fee is waived (zoning review is still performed)
Wall, Projecting, Freestanding, etc.... - based on gross square foot area of sign face. A separate permit is required for each property or tenant space.
- Area at $3/sf
- Zoning Permit Minimum Fee = $100 and 5% administrative fee Building Permit Minimum Fee = $200 and 5% administrative fee
- Including Temporary Signs
- This includes one zoning review, one building code review, 2 inspections and U&O certificate.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
Special Events and Grand Opening Signs - $5 per application per event or $100 per year if Applicant requests all special event signs that will be used in one calendar year at one time.
- Minimum Fee= $150 and 5% administrative fee
- This includes one building review and 2 inspections.
- Any additional reviews and inspections needed = Established Inspector Rate.
- Residential Flat Fee= $150
- This includes the initial inspection, one follow-up inspection, and U&O certificate. Each subsequent inspection will be charged at $50.00 per hour. Upon satisfactory inspection, a new U&O Certificate is issued.
- Commercial Fee; per schedule below:
- Oto 5,000 sf
- 5,001 to 15,000 sf
- Above 15,000 s
- This includes the initial inspection, one follow-up inspection, and U&O certificate. Each subsequent inspection will be charged at 50% of the original fee. Upon satisfactory inspection, a new U&O Certificate is issued.
Transfer of Use and Occupancy Certificate or Use Group Changes that involve renovations require an Alteration Permit - See Alterations to existing space permit fee.
- Yearly Rental License (vacant or occupied) =$45
- Tenant Change Inspections =$90
- 3 year inspection (without change in tenant) =$50
- Late Fee for Yearly Rental License =$10
Tort/Civil Claim Requests
- Processing fee: $250.00
- Electronic storage devices such as DVDs, flash drives, and external hard drives: Cost
- Retrieval: $6.25/fifteen minutes Redactions: $6.25/fifteen minutes
- Photocopying: $0.25/page
- Legal review: $17.50/fifteen minutes
- Postage: Cost as per USPS Rates
- Daily Peddler's License (per vendor)
- Weekly Peddler's License (per vendor)
- Monthly Peddler's License (per vendor)
- Annual Peddler's License (per vendor)
- ID Card (not included with license fee, per card)
- Administrative processing fee per license
Police: $85.00 per hour
- Public Works: $55.00 per hour
- Fire Police: $35.00 per hour
- For all operations identified in the International Fire Code
- Residential properties - Flat Fee = $150.00 and 5% administrative fee Commercial properties - Flat Fee= $250.00 and 5% administrative fee
- This fee does not include the Fire/Code Official Fees (see below)
- Fee includes one plan review and 2 inspections
- Annual License required to operate any massage related services within Caln Township regardless if massage is a primary or accessory service. Application must be filed at the same time as Occupancy Application and applicants cannot operate any business at that location until the Massage Business License is fully vetted and accepted by Township Staff. Non-Refundable Application Fee $2,500.00 and 5% administrative fee
- For all mobile food facility uses
- Single event - Flat Fee= $50.00 and 5% administrative fee
- Multi-event - Flat Fee = $600.00 and 5% administrative fee
- Fee includes one permit review and 1 inspection
- Registration shall be required for all vacant buildings, whether vacant and secure, vacant and unsecured, vacant and boarded, or occupancy ready and shall be required whenever any building has remained vacant for 45 consecutive days or more. The owner of the vacant property as of November 1 of each calendar year shall be responsible for the payment of the non-refundable yearly registration fee, except buildings deemed "occupancy ready" by the Township and actively for sale or lease shall be exempt from imposition of the annual registration fee. However, buildings deemed "occupancy ready" by the Township shall only be exempt from imposition of the annual registration fee for no more than one billing cycle.
- Registration fee= $250.00, and 5% administrative fee.
- For all training performed by the Department of Building & Life Safety
- Flat fee for commercial and residential occupancies billed at $50.00 per man/hour with a minimum billing of 2 hours per session. Hours billed will be rounded up to the nearest whole hour.
- Minimum Fee= $100 and 5% administrative fee
Annual Commercial Fire Inspection (fee as noted below, and 5% administrative fee)
- This includes 1 inspection and 1 follow up.
- Assembly, Business, Institutional, Mercantile, Utility, and Storage Uses
0 From 1,001 to 3,500 square feet $120.00
0 From 3,501 to 12,000 square feet $145.00
0 From 12,001 to 50,000 square feet $170.00
0 From 50,001 to 100,000 square feet $195.00
0 100,001 square feet and more $285.00
- Factory and Industrial Use
0 From 1,001 to 3,500 square feet $145.00
0 From 3,501 to 12,000 square feet $165.00
0 From 12,001 to 50,000 square feet $190.00
0 From 50,001 to 100,000 square feet $240.00
0 100,001 square feet and more $380.00
- All High Hazard Use Groups
- Any additional Inspections
- Flat Fee Established Inspector Rate
- Fire protection devices extension, repair, or replacement to include extinguishing systems, standpipes, hose cabinets, fire hydrants, and sprinklers for the first $1,000 of estimated cost or fraction thereof= $50. Each additional $1,000 of estimated cost or fraction thereof= $25/per $1000 and 5% administrative fee
- Review of automatic fire detection devices and installation or addition of smoke detectors, pull stations or other devices for the first the $1,000 of estimated cost or fraction thereof= $50 Each additional $1,000 of estimated cost or fraction thereof= $25/per $1000 and 5% administrative fee
- Operation of airport, heliport, or helistop per year= $100 and 5% administrative fee
- Dry cleaning operation per year= $100 and 5% administrative fee
- Operation of place of public assembly:
- 500 persons or less per year= $100, 500 -1, 000 persons per year= $125 and 5% administrative fee
- Over 1, 000 persons per year= $155 and 5% administrative fee
- Company performing welding or cutting operations per year= $100 and 5% administrative fee
- Manufacturing, possessing, storing, using or otherwise disposing of explosives, or blasting agents; transporting explosives or blasting agents; operate a terminal for handling explosives or blasting agents; delivering, or receiving explosives or blasting agents from a carrier at a terminal between the hours of sunrise and sunset; and transport blasting caps, or electric blasting caps on the same vehicle with explosives
- $50 + $15 per day and 5% administrative fee
Display, sale, or discharge of fireworks= $150 and 5% administrative fee
- Fee schedule as adopted by the Western Chester County Regional UCC Appeals Board on November 28, 2016 as follows:
Partial Service
Service Provided
5 Hearing Panel members only
The Appeals Board provides 5 Hearing panel members. The affected municipality provides the Solicitor and is responsible for all other hearing costs.
$SO/Hearing Panel member for the first hearing date, plus $50 to cover the cost of administration.
$25/member for each additional hearing on the same
Full Service by the UCC Appeals Board
Application Type
Hearing Application Fees
Minor Application
2nd Hearing escrow
Major Application
2nd Hearing escrow
Minor appeals applications involve one or two-family dwellings only. Major appeals applications involve applications other than the above residential uses for commercial, institutional or industrial properties.
For Minor and Major applications proposed to be administered in their entirety by the WCCRUCCAB, the hearing application fee will be deposited into an escrow fund with the Appeals Board, which covers the following items:5 Hearing Panel members
Court Reporter Appearance Fee
Solicitor preparation and hearing attendance Legal Notice & Advertisement
Incidental expenses
Hearing Transcript (additional cost upon request by applicant or municipality).
The escrow funds will be credited against the hearing expenses. If the expenses are less than the escrow funds, excess funds will be returned to the applicant. If the expenses exceed the escrow balance, an invoice will be created, and sent to the applicant for payment.
- Residential Zoning Hearing= $1500/First Hearing
- Residential Special Exceptions= $1500/First Hearing
- Commercial/Industrial/Institutional Zoning Hearing= $3,000/First Hearing
- Non-Residential Special Exceptions = $3,000/First Hearing
- Non-profit corporation/organization recognized as tax exempt under Section 501( c) of the Internal Revenue Code =
- Appeal to the Interpretation of the Zoning Officer= $1,000/First Hearing
- Appeal to the Interpretation of the Township Engineer= $1,000/First Hearing
- Continuance Fee (For each continued Hearing)= 50% of the original fee
- Residential Conditional Use= $1000/First Hearing
- Plus Reimbursement of Township's Consultant and Legal Fees,
- Residential Application Fee= $250.00
- Residential Escrow Fee= $1,000.00
- Additional Hearings = 50% of original fee
- Non-Residential Conditional Use= $4,000/First Hearing
- Plus Reimbursement of Township's Consultant and Legal Fees
- Non-Residential Application Fee= $500.00
- Non-Residential Escrow Fee= $2,000.00
- Curative Amendment= $4,000/First Hearing
- Substantive Challenge= $4,000/First Hearing
- Petition for a Zoning Text Amendment= $2,000/First Hearing
- Plus Reimbursement of Township's Consultant and Legal Fees,
- Escrow if applicable, pursuant to Ordinance 128-2005 (To be set by Township)
- Additional Hearings = 50% of original fee
- Petition for a Validity Challenge= $2,000/First Hearing
- Planned Residential Development Application= $4,000/First Hearing
- Plus Reimbursement of Township's Consultant and Legal Fees
- Plus Subdivision and Land Development Fees, as applicable
- Escrow if applicable, pursuant to Ordinance
- Continuance Fee for each Hearing Continued for Additional Applicant Testimony= 50% of the original fee
- Non-profit corporation/organization recognized as tax exempt under Section, 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code Conditional Use= $1,000/First Hearing
- Plus Reimbursement of Township' s Consultant and Legal Fees
- Escrow if applicable, pursuant to Ordinance 128-2005 (To be set by Township)
- Additional Hearings = 50% of original fee
The Fees outlined below apply to Subdivision and Land Development applications filed with Caln Township. These fees are non-refundable, unless noted otherwise. If a project is proposing a subdivision and land development, both subdivision and land development fees apply. Application and Plan Review Fees shall be paid at the time of submission of the Application. The Plan Review Escrow and the Inspection Fee Escrow shall be replenished by the Applicant to 25% of the initial Escrow Fee when the balance thereof is 10% of the initial deposit.
Sketch Plan - Residential (including PRD)
Application Fee - Preliminary
Plan Review Escrow
1-10 lots
11-100 lots
101 lots or more
Sketch Plan - Non-Residential
Application Fee - Preliminary
Plan Review Escrow
< 10,000 Gross Floor Area (SF)
$500 + $SO/acre
10,000 - 24,999
Gross Floor Area {SF)
$500 + $SO/acre
25,000 Gross Floor Area (SF)
$500 + $SO/acre
Subdivision Application (including PRD)
Application Fee
- Preliminary
Application Fee -
Plan Review Escrow
Inspection Fee Escrow Based on estimated cost of improvements
2-10 lots
< One Million Dollars
- 5% of estimated cost of improvements up to maximum of
> One Million Dollars - flat
- See Caln Township Code Section 137-13.C.
- See Caln Township Code Section 137-13.C.
escrow of
11-100 lots
< One Million Dollars - 5% of estimated cost of improvements up to maximum of
>One Million Dollars - flat escrow of
101 lots or more
< One Million Dollars - 5% of estimated cost of improvements up to maximum of
>One Million Dollars - flat escrow of
Land Development Application - Residential (including PRO)
Application Fee
- Preliminary
Application Fee
- Final
Plan Review Escrow
Inspection Fee Escrow Based on estimated cost of improvements
1-10 lots
< One Million Dollars - 5% of estimated cost of improvements up to maximum of
>One Million Dollars - flat escrow of
11-100 lots
< One Million Dollars - 5%of
estimated cost of
improvements up
to maximum of
>One Million Dollars - flat escrow of
101 lots or more
< One Million Dollars - 5% of estimated cost of improvements up to maximum of
>One Million
Dollars -flat escrow of
Land Development Application - Non-Residential
Application Fee
- Preliminary
Application Fee
- Final
Plan Review Escrow
Inspection Fee Escrow Based on estimated
cost of improvements
$500 + $SO/acre
$500 + $SO/acre
< 10,000 SQ FT
< One Million
Gross Floor Area
estimated cost
10,000- 24,999
SQ.FT. Gross
Floor Area (SF)
up to maximum
of $15,000
>One Million
>25,000 SQ. FT.
Dollars - flat
Gross Floor Area
escrow of
I Subdivision (including PRD) I
I I Fee - Preliminary I Fee - Final I I Escrow
- See County ACT 247 Form
- See CCHD fee schedule
- See CCCD fee schedule
- Application Fee
- Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Small Projects and Grading Project Submissions= $100 and 5% administrative fee
- Non-Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Submission = $150.00 and5% administrative fee
- Chester County Recorder of Deeds Fees = Reimbursed at cost and 5% administrative fee
- Projects that may not involve a building permit but that do involve adding 1,000 square feet to 2,000 square feet of impervious surface shall adhere to Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Small Project Submission requirements.
- Professional Consultant Review Fees
- Applicants are responsible for remitting payment for Township Professional Consultant fees associated with the review and inspection of stormwater management systems, pursuant to the consultant rates on file.
- Any challenge or contest to the fees shall be processed by the applicant pursuant to Section 510(g) of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
- Any professional consultant fees associated with the enforcement of the Ordinance are likewise the responsibility of the landowner.
- Financial Security- Construction
- Except with respect to Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Submissions for Small Projects, Applicants shall post financial security in an amount determined by the Township Engineer, to secure the appropriate and timely installation and inspection of the stormwater management facilities through the completion of construction.
- No financial security shall be required for Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Submissions for Small Projects.
- Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Fund Fee
- With respect to non-Simplified Stormwater Management Plan submissions and facilities that are to be privately owned and maintained, the applicant shall deposit a payment to the Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Fund to financially secure the maintenance and inspection of the facilities for a period of eighteen (18) months after completion of construction.
- The amount of the deposit shall be determined by the Township Engineer, calculated as an estimate of the periodic inspection and maintenance costs during such period.
- With respect to non-Simplified Stormwater Management Plan submissions and facilities that are to be privately owned and maintained, the applicant shall deposit a payment to the Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Fund to financially secure the maintenance and inspection of the facilities for a period of eighteen (18) months after completion of construction.
No fee shall be required for Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Submissions for Small Projects that are to be privately owned and maintained.
- A temporary use of public land for an assemblage or gathering of more than 150 people with or without an admission fee, as defined and regulated by Chapter 120 of the Caln Code.
- Application Fee= $50: 150 or less than 250 participants
$75: 250 or less than 500 participants
$125: 500 participants and over
Permit Fee = To be determined based on event needs as follows: Public Works Staff at established hourly rate
Police Staff at established hourly rate
Fire Police at established hourly rate
- Flat Fee=$75.00
- This fee includes one Honorary Street Name Sign
- Permit Fee= $50.00 per day for Township resident and $100.00 per day for non-residents
- Security Deposit= $100.00 deposit required
- Fee schedule as adopted by the Western Chester County Regional UCC Appeals Board on November 28, 2016 as follows:
Minor appeals applications involve one or two-family dwellings only. Major appeals applications involve applications other than the above residential uses for commercial, institutional or industrial properties.
For Minor and Major applications proposed to be administered in their entirety by the WCCRUCCAB, the hearing application fee will be deposited into an escrow fund with the Appeals Board, which covers the following items:
The Fees outlined below apply to Subdivision and Land Development applications filed with Caln Township. These fees are non-refundable, unless noted otherwise. If a project is proposing a subdivision and land development, both subdivision and land development fees apply. Application and Plan Review Fees shall be paid at the time of submission of the Application. The Plan Review Escrow and the Inspection Fee Escrow shall be replenished by the Applicant to 25% of the initial Escrow Fee when the balance thereof is 10% of the initial deposit.
For Minor and Major applications proposed to be administered in their entirety by the WCCRUCCAB, the hearing application fee will be deposited into an escrow fund with the Appeals Board, which covers the following items:
- 5 Hearing Panel members
- Legal Notice & Advertisement
- Court Reporter Appearance Fee
- Incidental expenses
- Solicitor preparation and hearing attendance
- Hearing Transcript (additional cost upon request by applicant or municipality)
- Residential Zoning Hearing = $1500/First Hearing
- Residential Special Exceptions = $1500/First Hearing
- Commercial/Industrial/Institutional Zoning Hearing = $3,000/First Hearing
- Non-Residential Special Exceptions = $3,000/First Hearing
- Non-profit corporation/organization recognized as tax exempt under Section 501( c) of the Internal Revenue Code = $1,000/First Hearing
- Appeal to the Interpretation of the Zoning Officer = $1,000/First Hearing
- Appeal to the Interpretation of the Township Engineer = $1,000/First Hearing
- Continuance Fee (For each continued Hearing) = 50% of the original fee
- Residential Conditional Use
- Residential application fee of $250.00
- Residential Escrow Fee of $1000.00
- Additional Hearings = 50% of original fee
- Non-Residential Conditional Use
- Non-Residential application fee of $500.00
- Non-residential escrow fee of $2,000.00
- Curative Amendment = $4,000/First Hearing
- Substantive Challenge = $4,000/First Hearing
- Petition for a Zoning Text Amendment = $2,000/First Hearing
- Plus Reimbursement of Township' s Consultant and Legal Fees,
- Escrow if applicable, pursuant to Ordinance 128-2005 (To be set by Township)
- Additional Hearings = 50% of original fee
- Petition for a Validity Challenge = $2,000/First Hearing
- Planned Residential Development Application = $4,000/First Hearing
- Plus Reimbursement of Township’s Consultant and Legal Fees
- Plus Subdivision and Land Development Fees, as applicable
- Escrow if applicable, pursuant to Ordinance
- Continuance Fee for each Hearing Continued for Additional Applicant Testimony = 50% of the original fee
- Non-profit corporation/organization recognized as tax exempt under Section, 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code Conditional Use = $1,000/First Hearing
- Plus Reimbursement of Township' s Consultant and Legal Fees
- Escrow if applicable, pursuant to Ordinance 128-2005 (To be set by Township)
- Additional Hearings = 50% of original fee
The Fees outlined below apply to Subdivision and Land Development applications filed with Caln Township. These fees are non-refundable, unless noted otherwise. If a project is proposing a subdivision and land development, both subdivision and land development fees apply. Application and Plan Review Fees shall be paid at the time of submission of the Application. The Plan Review Escrow and the Inspection Fee Escrow shall be replenished by the Applicant to 25% of the initial Escrow Fee when the balance thereof is 10% of the initial deposit.
$125: 500 participants and over
Permit Fee = To be determined based on event needs as follows:
Public Works Staff at established hourly rate
Police Staff at established hourly rate
Fire Police at established hourly rate
- See County ACT 247 Form
- See CCHD fee schedule
- See CCCD fee schedule
- Application Fee
- Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Small Projects and Grading Submissions = $100 and 3% administrative fee
- Non-Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Submission = $150.00 and 3% administrative fee
- Chester County Recorder of Deeds Fees = Reimbursed at cost and 3% administrative fee
- Projects that may not involve a building permit but that do involve adding 1,000 square feet to 2,000 square feet of impervious surface shall adhere to Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Small Project Submission requirements.
- Professional Consultant Review Fees
- Applicants are responsible for remitting payment for Township Professional Consultant fees associated with the review and inspection of stormwater management systems, pursuant to the consultant rates on file.
- Any challenge or contest to the fees shall be processed by the applicant pursuant to Section 510(g) of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
- Any professional consultant fees associated with the enforcement of the Ordinance are likewise the responsibility of the landowner.
- Financial Security- Construction
- Except with respect to Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Submissions for Small Projects, Applicants shall post financial security in an amount determined by the Township Engineer, to secure the appropriate and timely installation and inspection of the stormwater management facilities through the completion of construction.
- No financial security shall be required for Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Submissions for Small Projects.
- Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Fund Fee
- With respect to non-Simplified Stormwater Management Plan submissions and facilities that are to be privately owned and maintained, the applicant shall deposit a payment to the Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Fund to financially secure the maintenance and inspection of the facilities for a period of eighteen (18) months after completion of construction.
- The amount of the deposit shall be determined by the Township Engineer, calculated as an estimate of the periodic inspection and maintenance costs during such period.
- No fee shall be required for Simplified Stormwater Management Plan Submissions for Small Projects that are to be privately owned and maintained.
- With respect to non-Simplified Stormwater Management Plan submissions and facilities that are to be privately owned and maintained, the applicant shall deposit a payment to the Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Fund to financially secure the maintenance and inspection of the facilities for a period of eighteen (18) months after completion of construction.
- A temporary use of public land for an assemblage or gathering of more than 150 people with or without an admission fee, as defined and regulated by Chapter120 of the Caln Code.
- Application Fee = $50: 150 or less than 250 participants
$125: 500 participants and over
Permit Fee = To be determined based on event needs as follows:
Public Works Staff at established hourly rate
Police Staff at established hourly rate
Fire Police at established hourly rate
- Flat Fee=$75.00
- This fee includes one Honorary Street Name Sign
- Permit Fee = $50.00 per day for Township resident
- Security Deposit = $100.00 deposit required
- Police: $100.00 per hour/officer on regular days (non-holidays)
- Public Works: $55.00 per hour
- Fire Police: $35.00 per hour