253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
July 9, 2020 Minutes
7:41 PM
Attendance – Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Mark Evans-Commissioner, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Kevin Barron-Township Finance Director (Absent), Bryan Kulakowsky-Township Engineer, Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor (Absent), and Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary.
Call to Order and Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Commissioner Mullin called the Virtual Zoom meeting to order at 7:41 PM. He then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Commissioner Mullin noted that there was an Executive Meeting prior to tonight’s meeting, regarding legal issues.
Citizens to be Heard
Commissioner Mullin called for Citizens to be Heard. There were none.
Commissioner Evans Updates
“Coffee with Commissioners” Town Hall – Commissioner Evans noted the first “Coffee with the Commissioners” Town Hall on July 8, 2020 with special guests, “Caln Watch” members. He also noted to hopefully hold Town Halls on a quarterly basis.
Peco Power Outages – Commissioner Evans noted that Mr. Stackhouse is in contact with Peco regarding the township’s unexplained power outages, and he will soon give an update.
Spackman Farm Bid – Commissioner Evans noted that the Township has coordinated with Paul Stevens of the Township Historical Commission, to complete and approve bid specs. for the replacement of the Spackman Farm barn roof.
Zoning Ordinance Review and Update – Commissioner Evans noted that three bids were received.
Haverford Sound Systems – Commissioner Evans noted a Zoom presentation on July 21 for their proposed design and installation. He also noted a possible July 13 Zoom meeting with Applied Video.
Fireworks – Commissioner Evans noted that Residents have expressed concern over the recent fireworks around the township.
COVID-19 “Green Phase” – Commissioner Evans noted that we are two weeks into the “Green Phase” and Chester County has not reached stable or reduced case counts, one of the four requirements deemed required for the “Green Phase”. He also noted that over the past fourteen days there were two-hundred fifty-seven positive cases, and the past seven days there were fifty-six new cases, with a high of twenty-five on July 2. If these numbers hold, we could get below twenty-five positive cases for fourteen consecutive days. Locally in Caln Township the positive cases went from one-hundred forty-four to one-hundred fifty, with an increase of 4%. Commissioner Evans encouraged everyone to wear masks, stay at least six feet apart from each other, and do not attend gatherings where others are not wearing a mask.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
Authorization to Advertise Bids for the Spackman Farm Barn Roof – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky asked for authorization to advertise a bid for the large farm roof at the Spackman Farm.
Ms. Denne noted that Paul Stevens is currently an Historian with the National Park Service. He has also worked privately for twenty-five years in Historic Preservation Architecture.
Commissioner Mullin asked if there are different bid options. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that the primary option is for cedar shake roofing and the second option is for a metal panel roof. He also noted that Mr. Steven’s has stated that either option would maintain the historical look, of the building.
Commissioner Evans noted that Mr. Steven’s has stated that the cedar shake roofing has a life span of twenty-five years and the metal roofing has a life span of eighty to one-hundred years.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked what fund this is being funded from. Ms. Denne noted a Capital Reserve Fund from the rental money of the farm property and the pipeline across the street. Mr. DiSario voiced his opinion that there are more important things to spend the money on. Commissioner Evans noted that this is a potential investment for future investors who could turn it into a money making event space, as well as other options.
Cathy Callaghan of 931 Bondsville Road noted that this is a great property, and “once it’s gone, it’s gone”.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the advertisement of the Spackman Farm roof bid. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
2020 Road Program – Mr. Kulakowsky noted that fourteen firms have downloaded the bid specs., so far. He also noted that the bid will be opened July 21 at 1:30 PM.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Fireworks – Ms. Denne noted that there is currently a bill on the Senate floor where cities and one township in the state of Pennsylvania can outlaw the sale of fireworks. She also noted that the County’s Association and Municipal Manager’s drafted a letter asking that all Municipalities be given that ability. Mr. Stackhouse and Ms. Camp are currently working on an ordinance in which the police will be able to better enforce it. Chief Elias is currently reviewing that ordinance.
Census Update – Ms. Denne noted that the census participation has increased from 72% from last meeting to 73.1% this meeting. She also noted that participation is crucial for transportation and school funding. It also determines the congressional districts.
Zoning RFP Award – Ms. Denne noted a resolution authorizing the Township Manager to sign all documents necessary to accept the request for proposals to conduct a zoning review and update of the Township’s existing ordinances, which has been partially funded through a VPP grant through the county. She also noted that a public Task Force meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of every month via Zoom until further, starting August 4, 2020, and Ray Ott and Associates has been chosen to do this job.
Township Building Public Access – Ms. Denne noted that due the Governor’s order, last week, putting “hot spots” on the map travel quarantine list, it has been decided to restrict the township building to public access. She noted that if a person needs to come into the building, she will stay after all employees leave the building for the day to allow access to someone that has to come in. She noted the reason she is offering this is because if a resident has disability issues where they need to come into the building
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2020-25 A Resolution Authorizing the Township Manager to Sign all Documents Necessary to Accept the Request for Proposals for a Consultant to Conduct a Zoning Review and Update of the Township’s Existing Ordinances – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion authorizing the Township Manager to sign all documents necessary to accept the request for proposals for a consultant to conduct a zoning review and update of the township’s existing ordinances. Commissioner Mullin asked Ms. Denne the cost to the Township. Ms. Denne noted that the Township cost is $88,140 and the County Grant is for $25,000 which is the maximum you could receive as a single Municipality. Ms. Denne also noted that the proposals were verified by the County Planning Commission to see if they were eligible, and all received were. Commissioner Young noted that Comitta and Associates did the township zoning update in 2003. Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked who the other proposals were from. Ms. Denne and Commissioner Evans noted they were from Comitta and Associates and Caromeris and Associates. Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked the process of the zoning update. Ms. Denne noted that the process takes approximately eighteen months of monthly meetings where they review the ordinance, line by line. She also noted that Residents can make suggestions and recommendations, for consideration. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans. Vote passed 5-0.
Minutes to Approve/Acknowledge
Motion to Approve the June 25, 2020 Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the June 25, 2020 Board of Commissioners minutes. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Finance Department
Motion to Approve General Checks 45182 to 45226, and Manual General Check – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve general checks 45182 to 45226. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Mullin asked about the $21 check for a sweat band. Ms. Denne noted that she believes it is for the Public Works Department however, she will verify that and provide an answer. Vote passed 5-0.
Boards and Commissions Updates – Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
Parks and Recreation – Commissioner Young noted that due to the limitation of two-hundred and fifty people or less, and the following of the CDC guidelines, all township summer events have been cancelled however, there may be some fall events. Commissioner Mullin asked if there have been phone calls regarding township events. Ms. Denne noted suggestions have been made regarding a drive-in movie however, the only place they could hold it would be the parking lot of the former Kmart. The movie screen is not large enough for that area, and the Lincoln Highway noise would drown out the sound.
COG – Commissioner Kennedy noted highlights and discussions from their June 24 Zoom Meeting.
· Submit Pictures or Information for the COG Website
· PennDot’s Project on 82 to First Avenue
· Municipal Luncheon Tentative Date of November 20
· $10 Business Kits Consisting of Fifty Masks and Sanitizers
· Sharing Equipment
Municipal Authority – Commissioner Mullin noted the final stages of the new pump station with the final test approximately in August or September.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked if “Dwell” can move forward, when this pump station is online. Commissioner Mullin noted that the pump station is one of the reasons they are moving forward to re-start the project. He also noted that it will be one to two years before the first home is set up.
DARA – Liaison, George Chambers noted their first in-person meeting with social distancing where the plan expansion was discussed. He also noted that completion of the expansion is about five years away.
Fire Board – Commissioner Young noted their first meeting of the year in the club room, wearing masks and social distancing. It was also their reorganization meeting where Emergency Responder, Marlene Taylor was elected as the Chair of the Board. He noted highlights and discussions from their meeting.
· Discussion on the rescue and engine truck and procedures moving forward
· Township fire agreement
· Discussion on the fire company doing their own accident investigations and accident reports, regardless of who owns the vehicle
· Discussion on the possibility of what is happening in the dwindling number of volunteers
· Discussion on the possibility of hiring part time or full time employees, and are they township or fire company employees
· Discussion on the fire board having input in the budget process
Historical Commission – Commissioner Tindaro noted highlights and discussions from their meeting.
· Approximately $4,700 to replace the old school house roof
· Discussion on the Spackman Farm roof repair
· Membership interviews in the near future
· Non- Historic house on Ingleside Golf Course to be demolished
Commissioner Evans also noted highlights and discussion from the meeting.
· Prior member application withdrawn, due to negative social media comments about Caln Township
· Member, Patty DeFroscia will be invited to the next meeting
· Motion passed for the Township to do cost estimates for the purchase and installation of landscape around the Spackman Farm and Barn
· Motion passed to start three sub-committees: Spackman and Lloyd Farm, PR Promotion, and Fundraising, and the possibility of creating a 403C
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked if it will make the Spackman Farm Barn non-historic if the roof is replaced. Ms. Denne noted that the current roof is not the original roof, so the roof is not historic. Commissioner Evans noted that the lower section is metal and the upper part is cedar. Commissioner Young noted that the only two on the National Historic Registry, and have to meet certain criteria in order to have rehabilitation work done, are the Edges Mill Bridge and Caln Meeting House.
Lincoln Highway – Commissioner Young noted that their next meeting will be July 14 as a Zoom meeting and as a full committee.
Commissioner Young noted that he has been told that nothing is being done on the committee and nothing is further from the truth. Just because the committee doesn’t meet, does not mean things are not being done. There are upcoming Conditional Uses, and they are working with other Municipalities. He noted that when he says “no report”, that just means he cannot say things publicly because he doesn’t want to over promise and under deliver. He also told Ms. Spaulding that she can ask him anything that she would like to know.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue stated that it is an overall problem to not give a report. She also would like to see all committees do a monthly report and put it on the township website. She then noted that Commissioner Young is an asset to this Board and Residents.
Ms. Spaulding gave several examples of questions that she would like to know. Commissioner Young answered all her questions.
Ms. Denne, Commissioner Evans, and Commissioner Mullin commended Commissioner Young on his wealth of knowledge, and time spent as Commissioner.
Commissioner Mullin stated to Ms. Spaulding that he does not understand why she personally attacked Commissioner Young on the “Caln Watch” page, and recently Ms. Denne. He also noted that if she needs information, one of the Board Members will get it for her.
Pat Wakefield of 165 Appledore Drive asked Commissioner Young if PennDot would share their sidewalk surveys. Commissioner Young noted that they will however, it has to be in a certain time frame. Ms. Denne noted that this also applies to the Township and they are subject to the same permits.
Cathy and Peter Callahan of 931 Bondsville Road noted that they both have such respect and admiration for Commissioner Young, and all the work he has done for the township.
Ms. Wakefield noted that the dog park fence closest to the exterior of the park, is broken. Ms. Denne acknowledge her concern.
Golf Committee – Commissioner Mullin noted that they have not meet yet however, they made approximately $150,000 in the last two months. He also noted the possibility of finding a management company, and planting flowers around the sign.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road commented on the increase of the golf course revenue.
Additional Business
Commissioner Mullin called for additional business. There was none.
Public Comments
Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the July 9, 2020 meeting at 9:02 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary

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