253 Municipal Drive - Thorndale, PA 19372
June 13, 2019 Minutes
7:30 PM
Attendance – Jennifer Breton-President, George Chambers-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Chuck Kramer-Commissioner, Kristin Camp-Solicitor (Absent), Tom Oeste-Solicitor, Chuck Wilson-Finance Director, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, and Denise Miller Assistant Township Secretary.
Citizens to be Heard
Commissioner Breton called for Citizens to be Heard on Agenda Items. There were none.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Mr. Oeste noted a request for an extension of time for a Decision on the Hillview Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Plan, which will be ready for approval September 26, 2019. He also noted an extension request for their Conditional Use Approval until December 31, 2019 which will allow the Applicant to prepare the final plan. Applicant Attorney, Alyson Zarro noted updated plans were resubmitted on June 7, 2019.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to grant an additional 90 day extension for the Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Plan Application until September 27, 2019, in the Hillview Project. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to extend the Conditional Use Decision through December 31, 2019, in the Hillview Project. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
Planning Commission Update – Mr. Kulakowsky noted that the proposed changes to the Township Sign Ordinance and Wireless Ordinance will be discussed at the June 18, 2019 meeting.
Professional Services Agreement – Reed Street Design and Bidding Services – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky offered a Professional Services Agreement for a Reed Street Drainage and Road Improvement Project between South 13th Avenue on the west and South 17th Avenue on the east, in the amount of $74,550.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the Professional Services Agreement for the Reed Street Design and Bidding Services, in an amount not to exceed $74,550. Moved by Commissioner Kramer and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Young asked if the $74,550 includes the pipes. Mr. Kulakowsky noted it is for the design, bidding, right of ways, etc. and not the construction costs. Commissioner Tindaro asked how far down 17th Avenue they are going. Mr. Kulakowsky noted just past the Church on the right. Commissioner Young asked what fund the money is being taken out of. Ms. Denne replied it will be taken out of the reserves. Vote passed 5-0.
Professional Services Agreement – Lloyd Avenue Bridge Project Amendment #1 – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky offered a Professional Services Agreement for Amendment #1 for the Lloyd Avenue Bridge Project to prepare and submit the ARLE grant, by the end of the month, to pay for the project. He noted the grant will include the engineering, construction estimate, and the speed trailer. Commissioner Young asked what the Township match would be. Mr. Kulakowsky noted 10% at this time and a higher match could be discussed at the next meeting. Commissioner Young suggest a higher match.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept Amendment #1 to the Professional Services Agreement for the Lloyd Avenue Bridge in the amount of $6,626. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Kramer. Vote passed 5-0.
Downingtown Investors/Taco Bell – Authorization to be Co-Applicant for Stormwater Facilities Permit – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky offered a Highway Occupancy Permit for Downingtown Investors/Taco Bell to be a Co-Applicant with the Township for the signalization improvements and the replacement of an inlet top along Rock Raymond Road. He noted as part of the Co-Applicant for the Highway Permit there is the acceptance of the Drainage Improvements Operation and Maintenance Agreement for the PennDot Right of Way. He also noted that the Agreement has been reviewed and accepted by the Township Solicitor’s office.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to authorize a signature on the application for the Stormwater Facilities Permit to the Taco Bell. Moved by Commissioner Kramer and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the Drainage Improvements Operation and Maintenance Agreement, for the Taco Bell project. Moved by Commissioner Kramer and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
2019 Road Program Bid Award – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky offered a lowest bid from DiRocco Brothers, in the amount of $606,042.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the bid from DiRocco Brothers in the amount of $606,042, for the 2019 Road Program. Mr. Oeste recommended to add the acceptance subject to receiving all the documents required by the bid. Commissioner Breton restated her motion to accept the bid of DiRocco Brothers in the amount of $606,042 for the 2019 Road Program, subject to receiving all the required bid documents. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Young asked the budgeted amount for the project. Ms. Denne replied “$750,000”. Vote passed 5-0.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2019-16 Resolution and Documents for Modified Manor Avenue and Rock Raymond Road Traffic Signal – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky offered Resolution 2019-16.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-16 for a Resolution and Documents for Modified Manor Avenue and Rock Raymond Road. Moved by Commissioner Kramer and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Young asked for clarification on the job. Mr. Kulakowsky noted to add a pedestrian crossing, extend the sidewalk along the property frontage, retiming of the signal, and extension of the east bound turn lane for the Taco Bell property. He also noted that it will be at the Applicant’s expense. After further Board discussion, Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2019-17 Resolution and Documents for New Rock Raymond Road Pedestrian Signal – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky offered Resolution 2019-17.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-17 for a Resolution and Documents for New Rock Raymond Road Pedestrian Signal. Moved by Commissioner Kramer and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road had questions on the motion. After Board discussion, Vote passed 5-0.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Caln Capital Improvements Plan Presentation – Ms. Denne introduced Beth Uhler from Cedarville to give a brief presentation on the Draft Capital Improvements Plan. Ms. Denne noted that if the Board or Residents have comments or changes to notify her before the June 27 meeting where it will be under consideration for adoption. Commissioner Breton directed Staff to put the information on the website for residents review and comments. Ms. Uhler gave a brief presentation and noted the basic methodology that went into the draft; they reviewed existing documents from applicable studies, obtained public participation including task force sessions and a resident survey, performed an in-depth conditions assessment of the Township owned infrastructure, specifically a detailed culverts and bridges assessment which was requested by the Board. Ms. Uhler noted the ranking concerns from the survey received were #1 Roads, #2 Stormwater, and a close 3rd and 4th were Sidewalks, Parks, and Trails. She also noted they came up with 28 projects for the next 0-20 years, and the goal would be to have grant funding pay for a lot of the projects. Commissioner Young asked if you borrowed money, could you use Liquid Fuels money to pay the bond. Mr. Wilson replied that you could, as long as the project qualified. Licia Carini of 103 Ayerwood commented on the amount of surveys that were submitted. Ms. Uhler noted approximately 300 surveys were received.
Finance Department – Mr. Wilson
Peco Small Business Direct Install Program – For Board consideration, Mr. Wilson offered a project proposal to retro fit or replace the lights in the Administration Building, Police Station, and the Public Works Garages. He noted the total cost of the project is $20,757.55 with Peco contributing $8,787.11 making the Township cost $11,970.44. He further noted net cash flow for the first twelve months taking advantage of twelve month interest free financing and an additional $174.04 a month. He also offered a project proposal for the Ingleside Golf Club with a total cost of $4,743.38 with Peco contributing $2,334 making the Township cost $2,334, and a savings of $5.58 per month.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the proposal for the Peco Small Business Direct Install Program for the Municipal Complex in the amount of $11,970.44, with the 12 month interest fee financing option. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the Peco Small Business Direct Install Program for the Ingleside Golf Course in the amount of $2,334, with the 12 month interest free financing. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kramer. Vote passed 5-0.
Consideration to Accept the Municibid for a 2008 Ford Escape in the amount of $5,300 and a 2010 Ford Escape in the Amount of $5,300 – For Board consideration, Mr. Wilson offered a bid of $5,300 each for a 2008 and 2010 Ford Escape.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the Municibid for the 2008 Ford Escape in the amount of $5,300 and the 2010 Ford Escape in the amount of $5,300. Moved by Commissioner Kramer and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
General Manual Checks 47 through 49 and General Checks 43355 through 43428 – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve general manual checks 47 through 49 and general checks 43355 through 43428. Moved by Commissioner Kramer and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue had questions on the bill list. Commissioner Young questioned check number 43299. Mr. Wilson explained that the check is for multiple public work vehicles that had to be towed. One new vehicle that they have had a few problems with. The others were older vehicles. Vote passed 5-0.
Minutes for Approval
May 23, 2019 Minutes – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the May 23, 2019 Board of Commissioners minutes. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Kramer abstained from the vote. Vote passed 4-0.
June 3, 2019 Vacancy Board Special Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the June 3, 2019 Vacancy Board Special meeting minutes. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Mr. Kramer abstained from the vote. Vote passed 4-0.
Boards and Commissions Updates-Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
Park and Recreation – Commissioner Young noted the first movie night on June 21 at 6:30 PM.
COG – Commissioner Breton noted that Commissioner Kramer will start attending the COG meetings in her place.
Municipal Authority – Commissioner Chambers noted continued discussion on the pump station as well as the Dogwood Scott project
DARA – No report given
Fire Board – No report given
Historical Commission – No report given
Lincoln Highway – No report given
Additional Business
Consideration to Award Municipal Authority Vacancy Position until December 31, 2019 – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to open nominations for the Municipal Authority Vacancy. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Kramer. Vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Young made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tindaro, to nominate Jane Kennedy. Commissioner Chambers made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Breton, to nominate William Schew.
Commissioner Breton called for a roll call vote. Commissioner Tindaro voted for Jane Kennedy, Commissioner Chambers voted for William Schew, Commissioner Breton voted for William Schew, Commissioner Young voted for Jane Kennedy, and Commissioner Kramer voted for William Schew. Commissioner Breton noted that William Schew has been appointed to the Municipal Authority for the term expiring December 31, 2019.
Summer Schedule – Commissioner Breton noted that she wanted to open discussion on the July and August meetings to see if the Board needed to cancel any of those meetings, due to vacation schedules. After Board discussion, they will adjust those meeting if needed.
Ms. Denne noted that they need to fill Mr. Contento’s position on the Police Pension Board. Commissioner Kramer asked Chief Elias if he could fill that position while also being on the Civil Service Board. Chief Elias noted that he would have to defer to Ms. Denne on those rules. Ms. Denne noted that he would have to abstain if there was ever a personnel issue.
Public Comments
Commissioner Breton called for public comments. There were none.
Adjournment – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adjourn the June 13, 2019 meeting, at 8:25 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro, Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary
commissioners_minutes_06.13.2019.pdf |