Board of Commissioners
December 14, 2023 Minutes
7:30 PM Hybrid Meeting
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Don Vymazal-Township Manager and Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary and Administrative Assistant (Absent), Abbey (A.) Swan-Community Outreach Specialist, Lisa (L.) Swan-Director of Finance and Township Treasurer, Ray Stackhouse-Director of Building and Life Safety and the Public Works Department, Scot Gill-Municipal Authority Director, Nicole Shannon-Ingleside Golf Course Manager/Superintendent.
Professionals Present: Ross Bickhart P.E.-Gilmore and Associates, Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor, Chris Daily P.E.-D L Howell representing Brian Hoskins Ford, and Brian Hoskins of Brian Hoskins Ford
Special Guest: Chief Patrick Taylor from the Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company (TVFC), and Members of the TVFC, Matt Wagner-Minquas Assistant EMS Chief, and George March Chairman of the Civil Service Commission.
The Board of Commissioners’ December 14, 2023 agenda was posted on the Township website, at the Township building on December 13, 2023, and agendas were made available for the public at the meeting. The 2023 Township Board of Commissioners (BOC) meetings were published in the Daily Local News, on December 27, 2022.
Commissioner Mullin called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Commissioner Mullin then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Commissioner Evans’ Township Update
Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us. Just a reminder, only questions or statements regarding an agenda item will be entertained under “Citizens to be Heard” at the top of the meeting. All other matters will be recognized during “Public Comment” at the end of the meeting. We are all in this together.
For those who missed the November meeting, we would once again like to introduce our new Township Manager, Don Vymazal. Don hit the ground running last Monday December 4. As we are rapidly approaching the end of another year, we as a board hope you are as full of excitement as we are. 2024 promises to be the year we start owning our township motto - “The Heart of Chester County”.
On Saturday, members of the historical commission spent the day decorating Spackman-Davis Farm for the holidays. The boys at Jefferis cut and delivered a fresh 15’ Norway Spruce, while individual members supplied flameless candles, bows, lanterns, pine garland, wreaths, spotlights, extension cords, and other festive decorations to reflect this season of joy. We are humbled by the tons of positive comments and thanks for bringing the area to life. If you have not had a chance to see it, take a drive by after sunset, it is beautiful. Speaking of holiday decorations, special Kudos go out to the Campus on Lincoln Highway for the beautiful Holiday lights and decorations they have put up. What a great way to welcome drivers entering Caln Township from the east, and a strong example for all our businesses along Lincoln Highway to follow. We encourage them to be a part of the solution by making Lincoln Highway merry and festive.
When we all work together, there is nothing we cannot do. Spread kindness everyone. Anger, grudges, and resentments are not worth our time or energy. Compassion, Empathy, Peace, and Love – these are what make the world go round.
Commissioner Mullin thanked Abbey Swan, and all those involved for all their hard work in making our Christmas Tree Lighting event on December 3rd such a great success.
Chief Elias noted that Maclain Brostrom entered the police academy on July 5, 2023, and distinguished himself and the Township throughout his six months of training. He was appointed by academy staff, as a student leader and held the rank of class lieutenant. At his graduation he was the recipient of the awards for marksmanship top gun, physical fitness, leadership, and runner up for class Valedictorian award. Chief Elias also noted that on December 14, 2023 Officer Brostrom passed the state certification exam and will start work next week.
Chief Elias noted that they will receive approximately $19,000.00 from the state for sponsoring Officer Brostrom to attend the Montgomery County Community College Police Academy.
Citizens to be Heard
Commissioner Mullin called for Citizens to be Heard. There were none.
Request for Board Consideration to Appoint Sam Wiener to the Parks and Recreation Board for a Five-Year Term from 2024-2028 – Commissioner Mullin noted that Mr. Wiener was interviewed by the Board tonight.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to appoint Sam Wiener to the Parks and Recreation Board for a five-year term from 2024-2028. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young. The vote passed 5-0.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Request for Board Consideration to Adopt Ordinance 2023-06 Amending the Caln Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of 1978, as Amended, Which is Codified in Chapter 137 to Amend the Administration of Fees Related to Applications as Outlined in Section 137-13, Titled “FEES” and Section 137-37, Titled “WATER SUPPLY”, Specifically Subparagraph E. “HYDRANTS” to Require the Installation of Fire Hydrants Prior to Construction – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp presented Ordinance 2023-06 for adoption.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2023-06, as presented. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young. The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Board Consideration to Approve Resolution 2023-27 Amending the Fee Resolution Adopted by Resolution 2022-06 to Revise the Filing Fees and Escrow Fees Related to Sketch Plan and Subdivision and Land Development Applications – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp presented Resolution 2023-27 for adoption. Ms. Camp also noted that this resolution proposes that if the total cost of the improvements is less than $1 million, 3% of that number and up to a maximum of $15,000.00 will be held in escrow and $30,000.00 will be held if the improvement cost exceeds $1 million. Commissioner Young asked if the improvements are “public” improvements. Ms. Camp replied that the Municipal Planning Code (MPC) allows you to require a developer to pose “public and quasi-public escrow”. Commissioner Young also asked what the previous escrow amount was. Mr. Stackhouse replied the amount was $10,500.00 and they had to send bills to the developers because their escrow was depleted.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Young asked if the improvements are “public” improvements. Ms. Camp replied that the Municipal Planning Code (MPC) allows you to require a developer to pose “public and quasi-public escrow. Commissioner Young also asked what the previous escrow amount was. Mr. Stackhouse replied the amount was $10,500.00 and they had to send bills to the developers because their escrow was depleted.
Commissioner Evans had concern with small businesses. Ms. Camp replied that the law provides that the Board works with the developer. Mr. Stackhouse noted that they will still owe the Township unless the Board waives the fees.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2023-27, as presented. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young. The vote passed 5-0.
Public Adoption Hearing Repealing the Lighting Assessment Ordinance – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp presented Ordinance 2023-09 for adoption. Ms. Camp also noted that the Township entered into an agreement in June 2022 with PECO to purchase the streetlights on Township owned roads, and with the installation of LED lights, the cost for those will be lower; therefore, the Board would like to dissolve the street lighting assessment to those residents.
Request for Board Consideration to Adopt Ordinance 2023-09 Repealing the Lighting Assessment Fee First Adopted in Ordinance 1978-12 and Codified in Article IV of Chapter 134 of the Caln Township Code – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp presented Ordinance 2023-09 for adoption. Ms. Camp noted that the proposed ordinance was advertised in the Daily Local Newspaper (DLN) on December 4, 2023 and a copy of the ordinance was sent to the law library and the DLN on November 27, 2023. Ms. Camp also noted that this ordinance repeals the light assessment, which is found in Article 4 Chapter 134 of the Caln Code.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Young noted that switching to LED lights is a dramatic cost savings.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2023-09, as presented. Moved by Commissioner and seconded by Commissioner. The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Board Consideration of Motion for Approval of the Final Land Development Plans for Brian Hoskins Ford – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp presented Final Land Development Plans for Brian Hoskins Ford for adoption.
Mr. Daily presented and reviewed the plans.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Daily if they are just building on top of the parking lot section. Mr. Daily replied that currently there is a grass island, which they will move to the east and construct a new island with most being a driveway. Mr. Daily also replied that a couple parking spaces will be removed. Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Hoskins if this plan is for electric vehicles. Mr. Hoskins noted that when they service electric vehicles in the shop, they have to charge the vehicles more than what they came in at. Mr. Daily also noted that they will have two public-facing chargers that will be accessible to the public.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked what will be done about the additional flood water that his road will get. Commissioner Mullin replied that this plan is less than 1,000 square feet. Mr. Hoskins replied that there will be no stormwater management going in because the stormwater ordinance does not require any additional for impervious surface under 1,000 square feet. There are currently two underground stormwater facilities. Ms. Camp asked Mr. Daily if his opinion that whatever additional impervious cover would be managed with the existing facilities. Mr. Daily replied “yes, most likely.” Commissioner Young asked if this is already being built on impervious surface already. Mr. Daily replied that it is.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion for approval of the Final Land Development plans for Brian Hoskins Ford, as presented. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
Gilmore & Associates – Mr. Bickhart
Request for Board Consideration to Approve Resolution 2023-29 Designating the President of the Board of Commissioners and/or Township Manager to Sign Documents for the Grants Awarded from the Commonwealth Financing Authority’s PA Small Water and Sewer Program and H20 PA Program to be Used for the Reed Street and 17th Avenue Stormwater Drainage and Sewer Improvements Project – For Board consideration, Mr. Bickhart presented Resolution 2023-29 for approval. Mr. Bickhart noted that ARRO was the signer at the beginning of the project.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2023-29, as presented. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
Reed Street Project Update – Township Reimbursement from the H20 DCED Grant in the Amount of $431,489.50 – Mr. Bickhart noted that there will be additional reimbursements as this project moves forward.
For Board Consideration to Approve Payment Application #5 in the Amount of $141,866.49 Payable to Foresite Concepts, LLC for the Reed Street Drainage Improvements Project – For Board consideration, Mr. Bickhart presented payment application #5 in the amount of $141,866.49 payable to Foresite Concepts, LLC for the Reed Street Drainage Improvements Project for work completed through December 5, 2023. Mr. Bickhart noted that all the storm and stormwater piping has been installed and curb, paving and minor driveway cleanup and grading has to be completed.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve payment application #5 payable to Foresite Concepts LLC, in the amount of $141,866.49, as presented. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. The vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Mullin moved the 2024 Budget Hearing and Public Presentation up on the agenda just in case there are any questions that TVFC needs to answer.
Ms. Swan noted a public hearing to establish the 2024 Real Estate Tax Rate for 2024 at 4.088 Mills; the Tax for the Purpose of Purchasing, Maintaining and Operating Fire Apparatus for Fire Protection for 2024 at 0.8800 Mills; the Tax Sufficient for Paying Interest and Principal on Indebtedness of the Township for 2024 at 0.4400 Mills; and to Impose a New Tax for the Purpose of Supporting Ambulance, Rescue and Other Emergency Services Serving the Township, in the Amount of 0.2000 Mills. Ms. Swan also noted that the annual tax bill is calculated based on the established property assessment value at a rate of one mill per $100.00. Mr. Stackhouse noted that unfortunately fire and EMS impact fees are not legal in Pennsylvania.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Marc Fox of 256 Thornridge Drive asked if the residents have to pay Minquas since there will now be a dedicated tax. Commissioner Young replied that Minquas is for ambulance service. Assistant Chief Wagner replied that Minquas membership is separate from Caln Township. Their membership is a discounted donation of $75.00/single, $110.00/family, $50.00/senior citizen, $65.00/senior family, which are tax deductible. This donation goes towards what insurance companies do not cover. Commissioner Young asked Mr. Wagner to explain their ambulance costs. Mr. Wagner explained that an ambulance truck is $100,000.00 to $300,000.00, a heart monitor is $38,000.00, and medicines are costly. Commissioner Young noted that the goal of the EMS tax is to help maintain the current system and without that, Minquas may not be able to operate, moving forward.
Mark DeYoung 251 Beaver Run Road asked what the average EMS tax increase is per household. Ms. Swan replied that the fire tax is a $27.00 increase and a $30.00 increase for EMS on a $150,000.00 house.
Licia Carini of 103 Ayerwood Drive asked if she could see what the Township pays to the School versus Municipal and what is the average of increases in the school tax in the past ten years.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked if there is grant money that the ambulance service could apply for. Mr. Stackhouse replied that they apply for grants for equipment and vehicles. There are no grants for service.
Commissioner Young thanked Commissioner Mullin and all the staff for all their hard work on the budget. Commissioner Young and Commissioner Evans thanked Minquas and TVFC for all their efforts and for joining the meeting tonight to answer any questions.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to Adopt Ordinance 2023-07 Setting the Real Estate Tax Rate for 2024 at 4.088 Mills; the Tax for the Purpose of Purchasing, Maintaining and Operating Fire Apparatus for Fire Protection for 2024 at 0.8800 Mills; the Tax Sufficient for Paying Interest and Principal on Indebtedness of the Township for 2024 at 0.4400 Mills; and to Impose a New Tax for the Purpose of Supporting Ambulance, Rescue and Other Emergency Services Serving the Township, in the Amount of 0.2000 Mills. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2023-08 adopting the 2024 Budget for all funds. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
Building and Life Safety – Mr. Stackhouse
Request for Board Consideration to Approve and Authorize the Township Manager and/or Board President to Sign Gilmore & Associates PSA #2308020 and Documents Associated with the Humpton Farms Drainage Improvements Project, to Reduce Flooding in their Neighborhood for the “Not-to-Exceed” Amount of $133,000.00 – For Board consideration, Mr. Stackhouse presented PSA #2308020 for approval and authorization, for a “not-to-exceed” amount of $133,000.00.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the flood plains go through resident yards or homes. Mr. Stackhouse replied that there are no homes in this flood area. Commissioner Mullin also asked if the residents in this neighborhood are aware of this project. Mr. Stackhouse replied that they are aware. Mr. Stackhouse noted that this is a project that was identified post Hurricane Ida (Ida) and part of the Bond. The original estimate was $465,000.00 and $30,020.00 has been spent on Engineering.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve and authorize the Township Manager and/or Board President to sign Gilmore & Associates PSA #2308020 and documents associated with the Humpton Farms Drainage Improvements Project, to reduce flooding in their Development for the “not-to-exceed” amount of $133,000.00. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Board Consideration to Approve and Authorize the Township Manager and/or Board President to Sign Gilmore & Associates PSA #2308019 and Documents Associated with the Streambanks and Culverts for Beaver Creek Tributary at G O Carlson Boulevard Project for the “Not-to-Exceed” Amount of $116,060.00 – For Board consideration, Mr. Stackhouse presented PSA #2308019 for approval and authorization, in the “not-to-exceed” amount of $116,060.00. Mr. Stackhouse noted that this project was identified post Ida and several of the homes were affected.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve and authorize the Township Manager and/or Board President to sign Gilmore & Associates PSA #2308019. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
Township Manager – Mr. Vymazal
Request for Board Consideration to Authorize the Advertisement of the 2024 Township Meeting Dates – Mr. Vymazal presented the 2024 Township meeting dates for advertisement.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the advertisement of the 2024 township meeting dates. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Request for Board Consideration to Approve Resolution 2023-28 Updating the Designation of Signatories for the Caln Township Police Pension Plan – Commissioner Young noted that Commissioners Mullin, Kennedy and himself, and Mr. Vymasal are on the resolution for approval as the signatories for the Police Pension Plan.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2023-28 updating the designation of signatories for the Caln Township Police Pension Plan. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 5-0.
Minutes to Approve
Board Consideration to Approve the November 16, 2023 Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the November 16, 2023 BOC Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 4-0.
Acknowledgement of Minutes
Request for Consideration to Acknowledge Board Receipt of the September 19, 2023 Planning Commission Minutes – Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion acknowledging the Board receipt of the September 19, 2023 Planning Commission minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 4-0.
Finance Department – Ms. Swan
Financial Report – Ms. Swan noted that the finance report was previously provided to the Board, and she is happy to answer any questions.
2024 Budget Hearing and Public Presentation – Commissioner Mullin moved the 2024 budget hearing and public presentation up on the agenda after the Reed Street Drainage Project payment #5.
Request for Board Consideration to Adopt Ordinance 2023-07 Setting the Real Estate Tax Rate for 2024 at 4.088 Mills; the Tax for the Purpose of Purchasing, Maintaining and Operating Fire Apparatus for Fire Protection for 2024 at 0.8800 Mills; the Tax Sufficient for Paying Interest and Principal on Indebtedness of the Township for 2024 at 0.4400 Mills; and to Impose a New Tax for the Purpose of Supporting Ambulance, Rescue and Other Emergency Services Serving the Township, in the Amount of 0.2000 Mills – Commissioner Mullin moved the adoption of Ordinance 2023-07 up on the agenda under the 2024 tax hearing.
Request for Board Consideration to Adopt Ordinance 2023-08 Adopting the 2024 Budget for all funds – Commissioner Mullin moved the adoption of Ordinance 2023-08 under the 2024 tax hearing.
Board Consideration to Approve the Accounts Payable Bill List General Checks 51126 to 51246 and Manual Check 297 – Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Mullin asked about the Emergency Lighting invoice for Mark DeVita. Mr. Stackhouse replied that it is lighting for the three fire department vehicles.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked about the Gilmore check for the Beaver Creek Trail and Spackman-Davis Farm. Commissioner Mullin replied that the invoice is for Engineering. Mr. DiSario asked when this was approved. Ms. L. Swan replied approximately in November. Commissioner Young asked Ms. A. Swan if this is covered by the grant. Ms. A. Swan replied that it is not for the Spackman-Davis Farm. This invoice is for structural analysis for the replacement of the farmhouse roof.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the accounts payable bill list general checks 51126 to 51246 and manual check 297. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young. The vote passed 5-0.
Directors Reports
Police Chief Elias – Chief Elias noted a few highlights from his department’s November 2023 report, which was previously provided to the Board. Chief Elias recognized Mr. George March, who is the Chair of the Civil Service Commission (CSC).
Fall 2024 Civil Service Eligibility List – Chief Elias noted that the police department in cooperation with the CSC, advertised and tested consisting of physical agility and oral exam. Those who proceed will get an extensive background polygraph process and then an eligibility list was formed of the successful applicants. Chief Elias also noted that the CSC met and officially adopted the eligibility list and in accordance with the CSC rules, they certified a sufficient number of names for Board consideration.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the CSC held a public meeting on November 11, 2023 to formally approve and adopt the police applicant eligibility list, which followed months of applicant testing and background investigations. During the public meeting, the CSC also certified the names on the list in rank order for the Board of Commissioner’s (BOC) hiring consideration. In accordance with the CSC rules, four names were submitted to the BOC to select two names to fill the police department vacancies. Prior to tonight’s meeting, they met in an executive session to review the police applicants who were certified and presented to the BOC.
Mr. March noted that Fall 2024 should be Fall 2023. Commissioner Mullin amended the agenda to reflect that change.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the CSC official eligibility list. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
Chief Elias noted that starting on December 15, residents can track the Grinch on the police Facebook page and the winner will be eligible for $100.00 if the police catch him before Christmas.
Request for Board Approval of Conditional Employment Offers – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the Chief of Police to extend conditional offers of employment to Eric Himmel and Derreck Geisler. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. The vote passed 5-0.
Fire Department Chief Taylor – Chief Taylor noted a few highlights from his department’s November 2023 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Director of Building & Life Safety & Public Works Mr. Stackhouse – Mr. Stackhouse noted a few highlights from his department’s November 2023 reports, which were previously provided to the Board. Mr. Stackhouse reviewed current projects in the Township. Mr. Stackhouse also noted that he has had several positive meetings with Mr. Vymazal, Commissioner Mullin, and Commissioner Young, with an EMS Multi-Municipal group.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that the Public Works Department installed a fence in the open space behind the Township Building.
Commissioner Kennedy asked Mr. Stackhouse if the gaps in the Municipal Bridge were repaired, yet. Mr. Stackhouse replied that they were extended within four inches of the bridge wall.
Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Stackhouse about where it has additional approval November 15, 2023, for Wild Meadows under ARRO’s Zoning Applications. Mr. Stackhouse replied that they had to get a permit for a laydown area on their property, and a permit to stockpile soil to use at another time.
Minquas Fire Company Ambulance – Assistant Chief Wagner noted a few highlights from his department’s November 2023 report, which was previously provided to the Board. Mr. Wagner reviewed their call volume.
Ingleside Golf Course Ms. Shannon – Ms. Shannon noted that the golf course has exceeded their revenue anticipation. Ms. Shannon also noted that she is working on a golf course newsletter to go out electronically to their members. Also, they received their fifty-five new golf carts.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments on the Director reports.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked what the soil stockpile for Lloyd Farm is for. Mr. Stackhouse replied they will use it if they ever develop the property. Ms. Spaulding had a few other questions about Lloyd Farm.
Mark DeYoung 251 Beaver Run Road asked Mr. Stackhouse if there is a water main going down Lloyd Avenue. Mr. Stackhouse replied that it is in some spots.
Tony DiSario of 251 Lloyd Loomis Avenue asked is the VA Hospital relocating patients to the Willows at Valley Run. Mr. Stackhouse replied that he is not aware of that and there are no rules or regulations regarding that.
Additional Business
Mr. March noted that the First-Class Township Code and the rule of the CSC provides for three alternates, and they currently have one. Now that there will be fire fighter language in the CSC, they propose to the Board to add two additional alternates who have fire fighter experience and expertise. Commissioner Young also thanked Mr. Vymazal for joining the township staff.
Public Comments
Commissioner Young thanked the entire Township Staff, volunteers, Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company, Minquas, and all the Board members. The rest of the Board also thanked everyone mentioned by Commissioner Young.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the December 14, 2023 meeting at 8:45 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young. The vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Miller,
Assistant Township Secretary