253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
March 10, 2016 7:30 p.m.
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance.
Moment of meditation.
Prior to the meeting, an Executive Session was held to discuss legal and personnel matters.
Attendance – Cynthia Eshleman, President; Jennifer Breton, Vice President; John Contento, Commissioner; Joshua Young, Commissioner; George Chambers, Commissioner; Jeffrey McClintock, PE, CFM, Township Engineer; Mike Fragale, Public Works; and Colleen Lockwood, Recording Secretary.
Citizens to be Heard – Mr. Scott Risbon.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration - None this evening.
Township Engineer Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM – Land Development Items
Report Chart Review – None at this time.
Engineering Items/2016 Housing and Community Construction Application/HUD Grant - The Township secured a grant for $341,000.00 toward replacing the sidewalks at Wedgwood. The Township’s municipal share would be $85,291. Mr. McClintock has a pre-contract meeting with the county next week and will to develop a statement of qualification in order to request a proposal, so that design consultants can be contacted.
Stormwater Management Discussion - MS4/Program Committee Item Status - The Stormwater Committee has been created. Mr. McClintock shared that there are open positions that interested residents can complete an application and submit it to the Township Secretary for the Board’s consideration.
Floodplain Ordinance Revisions/Scope of Work - Mr. McClintock said that FEMA is in the process of revising all of Chester County’s flood maps. The Township has six months from the date of determination letter to adopt the ordinance. He discussed the two options of either keeping the flood plain ordinance in the Zoning Ordinance or to have it as a stand-alone, which is what FEMA prefers. Also discussed was the possibility of leaving the flood plain ordinance in the Zoning Ordinance and making Mr. McClintock a Deputy Zoning Officer so that he could monitor things. There will be more information about this at a future meeting.
Roussey Drive Asbestos Inspection – Mr. McClintock presented a second estimate from Skelly & Loy, Inc. of $2,310.00 for their asbestos containing building materials inspection cost, and obtaining 40 laboratory samples at a cost of $578.40. The Advantage estimate is $1,750.00 for asbestos containing building materials inspection cost, and obtaining 40 laboratory samples at a cost of $600.00. President Eshleman entertained a motion to approve a contract with Advantage. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 5-0.
2015 Caln Township Generator Procurement and Installation Project Status - Mr. McClintock said two hard drives have been damaged apparently from the power surge experienced when the generators exercise each week.
Chipping Program Update – Mr. McClintock noted that yard waste collection begins on April 1, 2016. Chipping will begin in May. He shared that he spoke with Mr. Gill and Mr. Marshall about different options for the Township’s chipping program. Board members and Mike Fragale of Public Works discussed the practicality of using township employees versus outside contractors. The current waste contractor (Eagle) will not do it. Estimates for three township employees to perform 22-23 stops per day for 15 minutes per stop, is approximately $634.00 per day. Outside estimates were received from Hurricane Hill Farms for $1,290.00/day; Wills Property Maintenance for $880.00 per day (with two employees); and DeStefano $1,383.00 per day. Mr. McClintock and Mr. Marshall will continue to discuss this and will present a written recommendation at the next Board meeting.
Interim Township Manager - Mr. Peter Marshall – Nothing for this evening.
Bill List - General check numbers 37,517 to 37,582; and Bond check number 1,140 – President Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the aforementioned check numbers. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 5-0.
Approval of Minutes of January 28, 2016 and February 11, 2016 – President Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the January 28, 2016 and February 11, 2016 meetings. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Vote passed 5-0.
Boards and Commissions Updates
Parks and Recreation - Mr. Young proposed adding dinner before the Township’s Movie Night, instead of adding another night’s worth of events. The idea is to do the existing events better. He and Mr. Vince Rose will run the events and Nick Winkler from Community Outreach will be in charge of the day to day planning and details of events. Mr. Young reminded all about the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt to be held on Saturday, March 19, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.
COG - Mr. Young had no updates at this time.
Municipal Authority - Mr. Chambers welcomed Noel Bernard to the MA Board. There are two other individuals who submitted resumes and will be interviewed soon. He noted that the Municipal Authority is planning to use cameras to look for sump pump violations.
DARA - Mr. Young noted that there is a new board member representing Uwchlan Township. There is currently a review of the engineer because they are asking for more money, even though the contract states the as-builts were included.
Fire Board - Mr. Contento had no report at this time.
Planning Commission - Ms. Breton shared that a meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the township building, and that a comprehensive plan will be discussed.
Historical Commission - Ms. Eshleman had no report at this time.
Zoning Hearing Board - Mr. Contento had no report at this time.
Additional Business - Commissioner Contento asked Mr. Marshall to look into having a laptop that has already been purchased linked to a printer at the front counter in the finance department. This will be used for the employees to process residents’ bill payments at the public window.
Golf Committee/Lawn Mower - Mr. Young discussed the Golf Committee meeting last week and their request for an additional mower through the CoStars program. One existing mower is coming off a lease and this one would replace the payment being made. The cost of the lease-purchase of a John Deere tractor is $2,053.49 per month from May to October each year until paid off. Mr. Young noted that since it is part of the CoStars program, in order to take receipt of the mower in May, a vote needs to occur at this meeting. Commissioner Young moved for the lease-purchase of the John Deere tractor at a cost not to exceed $36,963.00, including the finance charges. Seconded by Vice President Eshleman. Vote passed 5-0.
Golf Committee/Ice Machine - The Golf Committee needs a new ice machine which would cost approximately $2,300.00. Mr. Young noted that the one they have now is breaking down so often it is not worth what they are paying to keep having it repaired. The Board will advise Mr. Marshall on how to go about purchasing this.
Cart Barn Roof Issue - Mr. Young discussed repairs that are needed for a cart barn on the restaurant’s property which the Township has a lifetime easement to use and is responsible for maintaining. Part of the roof has blown off and a discussion was held about whether to have the roof repaired on the existing building or to build a new pole barn. The cost to build a pole barn would be approximately $20,000.00 and it might make more sense to build a new one, rather than fix a roof for at least the same amount. Mr. McClintock and Ms. Eshleman discussed speaking to Ms. Camp about legal clarification on the easement.
Mr. Scott Risbon spoke at the meeting to Mr. Young about an email he had sent to him regarding his storage unit building proposal. Mr. Risbon may want to change his development idea from an apartment complex to a self-storage unit. Mr Young said at a previous meeting that he would reach out to some of the neighbors in that area for feedback. One person he spoke with was opposed to the self-storage idea. Mr. Young needs more time to speak further to neighbors for feedback.
Ms. Eshleman took a few moments during the meeting to address the length of the meetings. She encouraged the public to ask questions related to the items on the meeting agenda and asked that they be kept on topic since the meetings are running into the late evening.
Public Comments – Resident Robert Reymos asked the Board a number of questions, and made comments and suggestions throughout the meeting, all of which were satisfactorily addressed by Board members.
Adjournment – President Eshleman entertained a motion to adjourn the March 10, 2016 meeting at 8:40 p.m. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Colleen Lockwood
Recording Secretary
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