253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
January 14, 2016 8:00 p.m.
Call to order and pledge of allegiance.
Moment of meditation.
Prior to the meeting, an Executive Session was held to discuss legal and personnel matters.
Attendance - Cynthia Eshleman, President; Jennifer Breton, Vice President; John Contento, Commissioner; Joshua Young, Commissioner; George Chambers, Commissioner; Gregory Prowant, Township Manager; Jeffrey W. McClintock, P.E., C.F.M., Township Engineer; Kristin Camp, Esquire, Township Solicitor; and Colleen Lockwood, Recording Secretary.
Citizens to be heard - None tonight.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution accepting dedication of Ayerwood Drive and portion of Lloyd Avenue ROW– Solicitor Camp presented a revised deed to be accepted by resolution by the Board of Commissioners, regarding Ayerwood Drive. She stated that last year the developer of Clarelyn, Rouse Chamberlin, had offered & dedicated Ayerwood Drive. It was discovered afterward that the additional right of way along Lloyd Avenue, which was also offered by the developer, was not in the deed. Solicitor Camp noted there were no other changes to the deed. Moved by President Eshleman and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 5-0.
Land Development - Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM, Township Engineer
4060 Edges Mill Road/Sketch plan discussion – John Jaros, Esquire spoke on behalf of the landowner of the property regarding the 4.6 acre property which is zoned C-2. Construction of a 29,000 square foot, flex space building is proposed. The architect, Craig Hough, was also present.
Mr. Jaros stated that to bring public water to this site would cost a minimum of $500,000, but closer to $700,000 dollars. Mr. Jaros discussed with the Board the possibility of filing a variance application with the Zoning Hearing Board to have this requirement waived. He said whatever type of building is constructed will be constructed in accordance with fire code and stated it was understood that whatever is housed in the constructed building would be fire retardant. Building Code requirements for this type of space were discussed, as well as the use of a chemical fire suppression system in the completed structure.
President Eshleman voiced concern regarding the history of brush fires on the property and the potential of future fires, especially not knowing what type of materials would be stored in the building to be constructed. She expressed concern that if a fire suppression system runs out of chemicals and ceases to work, the building will be within 250 yards of a historical home built in the 1840’s. Other nearby properties are currently in the National Historical Registry process. She noted that there is an inn in the area that is for sale and is converting to public water. Ms. Eshleman suggested Mr. Jaros reach out to these parties. Commissioner Contento noted that none of the ordinances specify a distance which must be maintained between buildings. Commissioner Young suggested that Mr. Jaros speak with the fire chief about this matter and asked if he could come back next month with an idea of what type of business would be in such a structure, as well as a list of safety measures the client would be willing to take in order to satisfy the Board that the building and lot would be safe to the surrounding homes. The Township will take no position on the matter at this time.
Report Chart Review – No action needed at this time.
Engineering Items
Stormwater Management Discussion - Commissioner Young asked that the last three sentences about removing Board members be removed and that alternate language be added for a person to serve as a liaison for a two year term. Mr. Young also suggested removing dates and times of meetings since if a meeting has to be rescheduled, it is technically a violation of the bylaws. The meeting schedule shall be advertised in accordance with the Right to Know laws. Amendments to bylaws need to be approved by a majority of the Board of Commissioners and the Stormwater Committee. The matter will be addressed again in February by Township Engineer Jeffrey McClintock with a resolution for action.
2015 Generator Procurement and Installation Project Status – Mr. McClintock noted that two generators have been ordered and we are awaiting delivery. He indicated they are scheduled to be installed during the last week of January as long as weather cooperates.
2015 ARLE Incident Management Project Status – Mr. McClintock shared that the base survey has been forwarded to PennDOT to allow for the design of a traffic signal to be installed at the westbound off ramp of the Route 322 & Route 30 bypass (toward Downingtown). Mr. McClintock suggested that Royal Farms may be asked to participate in this initiative as part of their conditional use application processing. Also included in this project is the installation of fiber optics from Lincoln Highway to the Reeceville Road corridor.
Osbourne Road FABP Status - Mr. McClintock discussed the $1.4 million project by PennDOT to replace the bridge on Osbourne Road. The anticipated Bondsville Road closure is set to begin on January 18, 2016 and will run from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and the road closure will likely be in effect for about three months. Mr. McClintock noted that there is a forthcoming press release about the project from PennDot. There are also signs about the project on the Route 30 bypass alerting motorists of the road closure.
Sylvan Drive Storm Drain Replacement Status – Mr. McClintock shared that this project is still in the works; the township is currently working through obtaining permits for the project. The job should go out for a bid early in the spring.
Pennsylvania American Water Capital Program Status – Mr. McClintock noted that this project is in progress. Water lines should be tied in and paving of all streets except for Windsor, should begin during the spring. He discussed the difference in pavement height adjacent to the trench and noted that there is a two inch difference. Mr. McClintock said that it may have to be rebuilt from scratch and he discussed seeking a proposal from Cedarville Engineers.
Edge Lane Storm Drain Discussion – This project is currently on hold.
Roadway Line Striping: MUTCD Explanation of Edge Lines - Mr. McClintock discussed that the guidelines for which roads require fog lines are just that - a guide. Other than along G.O. Carlson Blvd., fog edge lines are not required in the township due to the traffic volumes associated with each roadway. Mr. Contento said on the next two to three months they would like to try to recommend to the Board as to which roads fog edge lines would be appropriate on. Mr. Young noted that there is currently no budget to do these lines along G.O. Carlson Blvd. and that the Windsor project is anticipated to be over budget based on some preliminary estimates. Mr. McClintock said he is working through that now to try to bring the cost down.
2016 HVAC Maintenance Contract Discussion – Mr. McClintock and the Board compared the value of a contract with Brandywine Valley HVAC versus Battavio Plumbing, Heating & Cooling. Mr. McClintock noted the annual cost of Brandywine Valley will be $2,255.00 and that their service coverage is more comprehensive and will offer more value. The contract will begin on January 31, 2016. Consensus approval by the Board, 5-0 to enter into the service agreement with Brandywine Valley HVAC.
2016 Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract Discussion – Mr. McClintock discussed the proposal submitted by Signal Service of West Chester and noted that they are under new management. The other company that submitted a bid is CM High of Meyerstown, the Township’s current maintenance provider. It was noted that they are 90 minutes away. After some discussion it was decided to choose
Signal Service. The contract with Signal Service would begin on February 1, 2016 and will cost $7,125.00 for preventative maintenance items. They have an hourly rate schedule for reactive maintenance work. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 5-0. Mr. McClintock discussed plans to remove the No Turn on Red sign at Reeceville eastbound sign at the on ramp intersection once Signal Service takes over.
Capital Project Summary Presentation – Mr. McClintock presented a slideshow highlighting of the projects worked on in 2015. Overall, there were 23 major projects completed, utilizing $1.16M in Bond Fund monies and $188K in Liquid Fuels Fund monies, totaling $1.331M in total 2015 Capital Project Expenditures. He noted that several projects such as the William’s Way Culvert Replacement and the Fisherville Road Slope Repair Project were both funded by the Liquid Fuels Fund. The rest of the projects, including Bondsville/GO Carlson Boulevard Intersection Improvements, GO Carlson Boulevard East Pavement Repair, Humpton Road Improvements, the Township-wide ADA Ramp Initiatives, among others, were funded by the Townships Bond Fund. For these major capital projects, 5.6% was spent on design services, 6.7% on related inspection services, and 87.7% on construction. He noted these percentages fall within acceptable standards in the construction industry. Mr. McClintock also noted four miscellaneous projects completed on the Municipal Complex, namely the Community Services Shed, the new shower facility in the Police Department, a new Police Building Roof, and a secure outdoor evidence compound for the police operations.
The Caln Park shed replacement project was discussed. The shell of the shed was constructed for $48,700.00 plus an additional $12,200 for a concrete floor. Mr. Contento asked if a submission has been made to the insurance company and Mr. Prowant said that there was. President Eshleman commended the road crews for their part in these projects.
Township Manager – Gregory Prowant
Route 30 Study – Mr. Prowant shared that PennDOT will be at the township building on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. to hold a discussion with Downingtown Borough officials, and those from towns west of here about changes to Rt. 30. Mr. Prowant noted that many of the area roads and bridges are in need of improvements. He discussed interchange design and roadway improvements. There will also be a public meeting on February 29, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Wagontown Banquet Hall. Mr. Prowant noted that PennDOT will be at the February 4, 2016 daytime meeting session to discuss more about future projects. The goal of these meetings is to coordinate the design concepts of Caln with PennDOT’s to make improvements to the six area interchanges and Route 30, west of Barley Sheaf Road. Mr. Prowant noted that at three of the six area interchanges are in Caln Township. Those are the Route 322, Route 340 and Reeceville Road interchange areas. Mr. Prowant also shared preliminary discussions regarding the possibility of the Beaver Creek trail possibly being extended to Route 10. Study Advisory Committee meetings were discussed and Vice President Jennifer Breton said that she can still attend these meetings.
Chester County Tax Collection Board – Commissioner George Chambers was appointed to the Tax Collection Board with term to end 12/31/17 and Township Manager Gregory Prowant was named an alternate. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 5-0.
Miscellaneous Appointments – A motion was entertained by President Eshleman to reappoint John DelVecchio to the Department of Parks and Recreation Board for a term ending December 31, 2019; to appoint Kevin Pierce to the Civil Service Board for a term ending December 31, 2021; and to appoint Jay Hess to serve as an alternate to the Civil Service Board for a term ending December 31, 2018. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner George Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Identification of Rental Housing Units – Mr. Prowant would like correspondence to be sent from the township to local Homeowner’s Associations (HOA) outlining the township rental inspection process for properties in Caln Township, in order to reach out to representatives from local HOA’s to see if they know of homes being rented out in the township. President Eshleman noted that all of these properties must be inspected to maintain safety and property values in the township. President Eshleman noted that Ray Stackhouse volunteered to speak with some of these local HOA’s in order to begin this process.
Commissioner Contento asked Mr. Prowant about the township’s backhoe. Mr. Prowant said that in a few weeks he may have another quote and that they want to wait for this quote.
Bill List – Motion to approve Checks # 37244 to #37305 – Mr. Prowant discussed the $41,000.00 budget for the township’s paid part-time firefighters. He asked that a bill received for $9,996.48 be drawn from that to pay
In advance for these wages. The funds for this will actually come in during the spring of 2016 and there will be a negative balance in the fund until that time. President Eshleman entertained a motion to use the next available check number to pay $9,996.48 for the part-time firefighter’s salaries. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 5-0.
Approval of Minutes of November 18 & December 3, 2015 – President Eshleman entertained a motion to accept the November 18 and December 3, 2015 minutes, as submitted. She noted that she was not in attendance at the November 18 meeting, but Commissioner Young said that she is allowed to vote. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 3-0, with two abstentions for each set of minutes.
Board and Commissioners Updates – summary by applicable Board Liaison – President Eshleman said that the Board would suspend discussion at this time.
Public Comments – Resident Tom Sweeney thanked the Board and had questions about matters addressed at previous meetings that he could not attend. Commissioner Contento addressed his questions.
Adjournment – President Eshleman entertained a motion to adjourn the January 14, 2016 meeting at 10:30 p.m. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Vice President Jennifer Breton.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Colleen Lockwood
Recording Secretary

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