253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
February 11, 2016 7:30 p.m.
Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance.
Moment of meditation.
Prior to the meeting, an Executive Session was held to discuss legal and personnel matters.
Attendance - Cynthia Eshleman, President; Jennifer Breton, Vice President; John Contento, Commissioner; Joshua Young, Commissioner; George Chambers, Commissioner; Gregory Prowant, Township Manager; Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM, Township Engineer; Kristin Camp, Esquire, Solicitor; and Colleen Lockwood, Recording Secretary.
Citizens to be heard- Chuck Kramer reported that some banners around the township are broken from the high winds. He then shared that Mrs. Kruse wants to donate a lithograph map of Caln to the Township.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration -None this evening.
Township Solicitor – Kristin Camp, Esquire
Daycare Conditional Use Decision - Ms. Camp requested consideration of the Conditional Use Application of PPC Realty Group, LLC, regarding a proposed child daycare center to be located at Lots 16 & 20 Whistle Drive.
The property is currently owned by Rassellin Management Company and is currently under Agreement of Sale with the applicants. Brian Nagle, Esquire represents the buyer. Ms. Camp presents a proposed Order by Mr. Nagle to grant Conditional Use approval with four waivers and proposed that they be granted in the Decision.
Other requirements were discussed and it was agreed by the Board that the Application will be valid for three years.
President Eshleman entertained a motion to grant the Conditional Use decision. Moved by Vice President Breton and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 5-0.
Columbia Cathodic Protection Easement - Mrs. Camp proposed changes to the Easement Agreement. Columbia has asked to use the township’s Lloyd Avenue property for a cathodic protection device. This is put into the ground to keep the electric charge off of the gas line. Columbia would like to install it in an area that will be 985 x 50 feet for the temporary construction easement. The permanent easement will be 985 x 20 feet. Columbia agreed to pay $12,000, which is $4,000 more than what they originally offered. They agreed to add language that will ensure that the existing daycare facility owner has the ability to connect to the township property over the easement. They will also replace any mature trees that may be affected by the installation, and the fence will remain. President Eshleman entertained a motion to grant the Easement to Columbia. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 5-0.
Land Development - Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM, Township Engineer
4060 Edges Mill Road Sketch Plan Discussion- John Jaros, Esquire, landowner Mr. Antonini, and Chris Bailey from D. L. Howell were present. He and Mr. Jaros attended previous meetings to discuss the flex space use for the property. Mr. Jaros spoke regarding orienting the proposed flex building and stated that Mr. Antonini would like the Board to indicate their position to either support or oppose a variance for a public water requirement, before proceeding further with the proposed development of the property. President Eshleman stated that they are not taking an actual vote on it at this time. The property is zoned C-2. Architect Craig Hough had previously provided information to Mr. Jaros from the International Building Code, which states that the property would be used for factory and storage uses, allowing medium to low hazard materials. High hazard materials will not be permitted. Mr. Young noted that the best area to build would be between the existing self storage and A-1 Mulch businesses. Mr. Jaros said they would accept that condition if the matter goes before the Zoning Hearing Board. Commissioner Young and Mr. Jaros discussed the possibility of the developer tying in to a future public water line if it is brought along Edge’s Mill Road, versus the $600,000 to $700,000 estimate to bring public water to the site now. Mr. Jaros noted that the property owner has the right to develop the property. He then discussed the possibility of By Right uses of the property that would not require public water availability for development under a certain square footage. President Eshleman asked for confirmation from Mr. McClintock whether they would have to comply with the Historical District requirement. Mr. Jaros noted that provision 155-47 of the ordinance that speaks about subdivisions and does not list many requirements of building this type of commercial structure in an historic district. He also noted that the Historical Commission would have a right to review and submit comments, but that the building does not have to have a certain appearance. Mr. McClintock noted Section D of the provision, which had different things that should be considered, but are not requirements. There would be landscaping, buffering and lighting considerations for the property, as well. Mr. Jaros assured President Eshleman that there would be an agreement with the tenant about what they would be storing in the building. Mr. Young further stated that all leases would have to have language about hazardous materials. Also discussed was having a business there that operates during normal business hours so neighbors are not disturbed. Consensus from the Board was agreeable, pending Ms. Camp drawing up a document requiring a reasonable number of feet they would have to be from a public water line.
Kings Grant Pipe Slope Field Change - Mr. McClintock stated that a review of the as built plan revealed that a portion of the stormwater piping was not installed at the correct slope. It is no more than a few inches off. It was determined that even minimal alterations could cause harm .if it is excavated and reconstructed, as opposed to leaving it where it is. . He proposed that the Township allow the developer to keep it as is. The Board agreed by consensus to allow Mr. McClintock to issue a field change to allow the pipe system to remain in its currently constructed condition.
Report Chart Review –
- Benny Norton - Four lot subdivision on Norton Avenue.
- Dwell at Caln - A 392 unit multi family and single family housing development in it’s final stages. Mr. McClintock said there should be a highway occupancy permit application submitted to PennDOT in the near future.
- Royal Farms - Discussed previously.
- 1-3 Fox Avenue is taking a one building, multi family unit home and splitting it at the common party wall; project is awaiting a variance.
- Hills at Thorndale Woods, a 262 single and multi-family homes off of Caln Road, is in its final stages.
- 5321 Lincoln Highway - Mr. Rudy’s batting cage project.
- Christian Faith Fellowship Church & Hillview Land Development 2008 - These fall under the Permit Extension law, they are pushed out to July 2016 and further extensions may be granted at that time.
Mr. Scott Risbon was present to discuss his proposed project to build a 57 unit Bondsville Road Apartments, which would be behind the Turkey Hill and would be a 55+ development. Mr. Risbon is rethinking the use for this property and discussed an idea for an enclosed, self-storage facility. There would be reduced noise, low traffic and low sewage use. This would be a building with heated units similar to Cube Smart, but on a smaller scale. He has the Conditional Use Approval for the apartment building. A Zoning Text Amendment would be required if he wanted to pursue the self-storage facility since the property is zoned Residential. Mr. Risbon asked for the Board’s feeling about a self-storage building. Mr. McClintock asked Mr. Risbon to come back with a more developed plan to present to the Board for their consideration. No action nor direction was given.
Land Development Review Update - No discussion at this time.
Engineering Items
Windsor Lane Reconstruction 2016-Engineering Proposal Consideration - Mr. McClintock presented an engineering design analysis proposal from Cedarville Engineering to the Board. Previous pipe replacement work and trench refilling did not take well and the condition of the road overall is not strong. Different methods of paving including reclamation were discussed. Part of the plan would include removing the existing curbing that is there and replace with a standard vertical curb, and then build the new road. President Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the contract with Cedarville Engineering at a cost not to exceed $18,460.00. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 5-0.
Stormwater Management Discussion- MS4 Program/Committee Item Status - Mr. McClintock and the Board discussed the language to be included in the Resolution, which Mr. McClintock will present at the next meeting for formal adoption by resolution.
2015 Generator Procurement and Installation Project – Mr. McClintock shared that the two generators have been installed. This project included the design, procurement and installation of two standby generators for both the municipal and police buildings, installed by Greg A. Vietri, Inc. for $45,300. Two MTU engine generators from Emergency System Services Company at a cost of $28,848 for the police unit and $30,424 for the municipal unit. Total cost of the project is $59,272 for both generators. Mr. Prowant added that the Board had previously discussed utilizing a 3 year lease purchase arrangement for this project. The Township paid $24,500 to Greg A. Vietri in December, 2015; he has yet to bill the Township the remaining $21,000 for installation of the generators. There is also another $59,000 due for the purchase of the generators, totaling about $80,000 currently outstanding for this project. Mr. Prowant proposed dividing that amount into thirds, $27,492.00 a year for three years. It could be taken as an investment in a loan from the current fund balance, or utilizing the Municipal Authority funds. He suggested documenting it at the next meeting with a Resolution by Solicitor Camp. Commissioner Young noted that Fund 19 for the Thorndale Sidewalk Grant has $80,000 in it and that the grant will not be awarded and under construction in 2016. He suggested using it for now. Mr. Prowant said someone at the county told him it is coming through,but the contracting, engineering and paperwork would take several months. He also noted once the Verizon cell phone tower is built there will be funds from that. Mr. Prowant said the sidewalk project would likely be a spring 2017 project.
Lloyd Bridge Status - Mr. McClintock and Mr. Prowant met last week with Mr. Sullins from Downingtown Borough, the County’s bridge Engineer and the West Bradford Township’s Engineer. Chester County owns the bridge built in 1919 which is not on a list for action, since it has maintenance done within the last ten years and is not structurally deficient. During their meeting the possibility of the county giving the bridge to Caln, along with a significant stipend to maintain it for some time, was discussed. They discussed that the bridge is not on a historical list and that widening or replacing it would cost in the millions.
Michelle from West Bradford, who came to a December, 2015 meeting, discussed the traffic congestion and cars going one at a time over the bridge. Mr. McClintock and Mr. Young discussed the possibility of installing a traffic control device (similar to the one on the Blue Route) that would give the drivers some direction on what to do when they reach the bridge, and keep traffic flowing. They said due to the development of the 60 acre farm on Lloyd Avenue, there will be Conditional Use hearings and they encouraged residents to attend those hearings to make their concerns about the bridge and traffic flow known.
Township Manager – Gregory Prowant
Miscellaneous Appointments - Mr. Tompkins stepped down from the Municipal Authority. Commissioner Young moved a motion to accept the resignations of Civil Service Board members Bob Hart and Jay Hess. Seconded by Commissioner Contento. Vote passed 5-0. Commissioner Young then made a motion to appoint Noel Bernard to the Caln Township Municipal Authority to finish out this term, which ends on 12-31-2016. Charles Kramer was appointed to the Civil Service Commission, with a term ending 12-31-2017. President Eshleman noted the Township still needs another Municipal Authority member, and to find an alternate for the Civil Service Commission, Historical Commission, and Parks and Recreation have openings as well.
Mr. Prowant noted that a Stormwater Committee will be formed. President Eshleman added that residents will be needed for this new committee.
Motion to Participate in CoStars Salt Contract 2016-2017 Season - Mr. Prowant noted that roads crew is currently utilizing salt from the 2015-2016 contract. The state bids out contracts and the townships can then obtain salt from vendors who participate in the program. In order to participate for 2016-2017, Mr. Prowant said that Board approval will be needed by mid-March, 2016. In the summer the state will provide an actual amount that the Township can then put into the budget. 600 tons of salt on average are utilized each year. President Eshleman entertained a motion to apply for a CoStar salt contract for the 2016-2017 season. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Chipping Program Bid - Mr. Prowant discussed advertising for contractors to submit bids to do chipping work for the township neighborhoods on a weekly basis. President Eshleman shared that some residents approached her about whether the Township would consider again having a once monthly chipping program on Saturdays, behind the Township building. She noted that since the Township does not allow burning, they need a resource to rid their properties of fallen limbs from trees. There was a long discussion about the Saturday program idea and no agreement was reached on that topic. President Eshleman entertained a motion to advertise for contractors to submit bids to do chipping work for the township neighborhoods on a weekly basis. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Vote passed 5-0.
Purchase of New Truck - The following are CoStar Program prices to replace an existing dump truck:
Hunter Keystone Peterbuilt $147,935, or $149,825 w/ the additional options
Five Star International $138,974
Berman Freightliner $143,219.41
Mr. Fowler from the Public Works Department was at the meeting to answer questions about the truck, describe specifications, and offer his opinion on the best one for the Township. After discussing the features and capabilities of each vehicle, it was decided to purchase the Peterbuilt for $149,825.00. President Eshleman noted that $30,000 is already in the budget for this truck purchase. President Eshleman entertained a motion to purchase the Hunter Keystone Peterbuilt with additional capacity axle for $149,825.00. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Bill List - President Eshleman entertained a motion to approve General checks 37379 to 37444 and Bond check 1136. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Vote passed 5-0.
Approval of Minutes of January 4, 2016 - President Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the minutes from the January 4, 2016 meeting, with clerical revisions noted by Vice President Breton. Appointment of Board President Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Vote passed 5-0.
Board of Commissions Updates -
- Parks and Recreation - Commissioner Young noted that Nick Winkler attended his first meeting with Parks and Recreation. March 19 at 1:00 p.m. will be an Easter Egg Hunt with the rain date being the following day, on Palm Sunday.
- Council of Governments (COG) - Reorganization for 2016 is as follows: Joshua Young (Caln), President; Arlen Yoder (Valley); and Doug Smith (West Brandywine) is the Secretary/Treasurer. The focus on the next year will be on emergency management and emergency services. There will be three sub committees and the residents of the townships are welcome to join these committees. These will be Police Cooperation/Regionalization, Fire & EMS Regional Cooperation and Emergency Management. This will help with planning for weather related disaster responses. Meetings will be every fourth Wednesday of the month.
- Municipal Authority - There is no report at this time. The last meeting was cancelled due to snowstorm.
- DARA - Commissioner Young noted a reorganization and working on upcoming projects.
- Fire Board - Commissioner Contento noted that Chief Cordisco was re-elected as Fire Chief. Planning a 5K run is a possibility and a special fundraising committee will be formed. A Safer Grant was received by the Department for $96,000 and they are in the process of planning what it will be used for. Part of the requirement of receiving the grant is there is one sign that is displayed & a large percentage of the advertising time on the sign must be toward recruiting additional volunteers, They also discussed how to structure the financing that the Commissioners have authorized for the budgeting process, and that those funds have been established.
- Planning Commission - A meeting was held, but Vice President Breton could not attend.
- Historical Commission - The County’s walking tour to be held on August 11, 2016. A tour of Carver Court has been added to the tour. By that time it is hopefully going to be listed on the National Historic Registry.
- Civil Service Board - President Eshleman reported that those currently on the list are going through the Civil Service exams. Mr. McClintock reported that a special exception for the pump station was approved.
Additional Business - None at this time.
Public Comments – Noel Bernard asked if a Finance Director is being hired. President Eshleman explained that there is currently a part-time person in the position and he is putting together an assessment of the Township’s needs going forward. Once that assessment has been obtained, the Township will then have a consultant do a search for the position. Ms. Bernard also asked about the audit. President Eshleman said that materials were sent to the auditor and the process is currently underway. Mr. Reymos was present at the meeting and had several questions for the Board, which were addressed and answered.
Adjournment – President Eshleman entertained a motion to adjourn the February 11, 2016 meeting at 10:15 p.m. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Vice President Breton.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Colleen Lockwood
Recording Secretary

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