253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
December 27, 2018 minutes - 7:32 PM
Call to order and Salute to the Flag
Attendance – Jennifer Breton-President, George Chambers-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, John Contento-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Kristin Camp-Solicitor (Absent), Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, and Denise Miller Assistant Township Secretary.
Citizens to be Heard
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue voiced her concerns and recommendations with proposed Ordinance 2018-11, regarding Wild Meadows and their proposed building at Lloyd Farm. She also presented the Board with a written document on those issues.
Julie Perri of 414 Dogwood Lane voiced her concern with the timbering project on Dogwood Lane, possibly part of the CSI project. She also stated that they start work at 7:00 AM, and three trees on her property were cut down. Ms. Denne noted that the three trees cut on her property is a civil matter and the project received all the needed permits. She also noted that work can start at 7:00 AM. She and Commissioner Young noted that the CSI proposed project only has Conditional Use Approval and if they want to move forward, they would have to apply for a subdivision and land development application, through the township. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that they can contact the Chester County Conservation District, who issued the permit.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
301 Bondsville Road – On behalf of Ms. Camp and for Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered a Motion of the Board of Commissioners for the Preliminary/Final Land Development Application of Compass Development & Contracting, LLC for the Subdivision and Land Development of 301 Bondsville Road. Applicant Mr. Joe Ippolito asked the Board if he could pay the $7,500 curb fee and $9,375 sidewalk fee in half’s, half at the time of the first two twin residential dwelling unit application, and the other half at the second two twin residential dwelling unit application. After Board discussion, consensus was to accept Mr. Ippalito’s request to pay the $16,875 in two payments, as requested.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the Preliminary Final Land Development Application for 301 Bondsville Road. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Commissioner Chambers asked the amount of EDU’s to be used. Mr. Kulakowsky noted four EDU’s to be on the Municipal Authority’s January agenda for approval, contingent on tonight’s approval. Vote passed 5-0.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Denron/Lerta – Ms. Denne noted that the Township has resolved their 2017 and 2018 Municipal taxes with Denron however, they still have to appeal to the County and School District regarding those taxes. She noted that she has contacted a school official and continues to encourage Denron and the Board to contact them.
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
Planning Commission Update – Mr. Kulakowsky gave a brief presentation of the December 18, 2018 meeting.
1) Reorganization-Ken Simon voted Chair, and John Caporale Vice Chair.
2) Submitted Sketch plan for 15 Fox Avenue amended to eight town homes approximately 3,000 square feet. The Planning Commission did not think they are viable town homes and suggested a smaller foot print.
3) Discussion on making the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance current.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2018-56 Adopting the Caln Township Premium Conversion Cafeteria Plan – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion adopting the Caln Township Premium Conversion Cafeteria Plan. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Commissioner Chambers asked about the taxability of the POP Plan for the Township. Mr. Wilson noted that it is Federal, Fica, State, and Local. Vote passed 5-0.
Ordinance 2018-12 An Ordinance setting the real estate tax rate for 2019 to 3.458 mills – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2018-12 an ordinance setting the real estate tax rate for 2019 to 3.458 mills. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Breton noted that this rate is not an increase. Vote passed 5-0.
Ordinance 2018-13 An Ordinance imposing an annual fire protection tax of 0.06 mills – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2018-13 an ordinance imposing an annual fire protection tax of 0.06 mills. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Commissioner Breton noted that this rate is not an increase. Vote passed 5-0.
Ordinance 2018-14 An Ordinance Adopting the Final 2019 Municipal Budget – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2018-14 an ordinance adopting the final 2019 budget. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Finance Department-Mr. Wilson
Monthly Report – Mr. Wilson noted a few highlights from his November report, which was previously provided to the Board. Discussion was held on the golf course deficit. Ms. Denne noted that there have been other courses that leased their golf course for the bond payment.
Bill List – General Checks 42638 to 42711 and General Manual Checks 32 to 34 – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve general checks 42638 to 42711 and general manual checks 32 to 34. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Minutes for Approval/Acknowledgement
November 20, 2018 Planning Commission minutes-acknowledge receipt – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion acknowledging the receipt of the November 20, 2018 Planning Commission minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
November 29, 2018 – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the November 29, 2018 Board minutes. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
December 13, 2018 – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the December 13, 2018 Board minutes. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Vote passed 5-0.
Additional Business
Forestry Logging – Ms. Denne noted that this was discussed under Citizens by Request by Julie Perri.
Commissioner Breton noted that the Board of Commissioners anticipates a Police Officer resignation in the very near future, to accept a position with another agency. She then made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Young, for the Board to approve filling that pending vacancy once the Township is in receipt of the Officers letter of resignation, bringing the number of vacant positions to be filled too two. She then requested that the Civil Service Commission certify the fourth name on the eligibility list for the purpose of conducting a background investigation, as part of the selection process according to the Civil Service rules. Vote passed 5-0.
Tony DiSario commented on the geese roaming the Township. Discussion was held on shooting them and donating them to a shelter. Ms. Denne noted that she would need authorization from the Board to do so. Commissioner Breton noted that they will take this under advisement.
Public Comments
Commissioner Breton called for public comment. There were none.
Adjournment – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adjourn the December 27, 2018 meeting, at 8:23 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Miller,
Assistant Township Secretary

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