Board of Commissioners April 11, 2024
7:30 PM Hybrid Workshop Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Joshua B. Young-Vice President, Jane Kennedy-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Don Vymazal-Township Manager and Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary and Administrative Assistant, Abbey Swan-Community Outreach Specialist, and Police Chief Elias.
Professionals Present: N/A
Special Guest: N/A
The Board of Commissioners’ (BOC) April 11, 2024, agenda was posted on the Township website, at the Township building on April 10, 2024, and agendas were made available at the meeting. The 2024 Township BOC meetings were published in the Daily Local Newspaper, on December 27, 2023.
Commissioner Mullin called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM. Commissioner Mullin also called for the and Salute to the Flag.
Commissioner Mullin announced an Executive meeting prior to tonight’s meeting.
Opening Comments
Citizens to be Heard – There were none.
1. Township Manager
1.1 WCCCOG Trash Initiative – Mr. Vymazal stated that the Township received a letter of interest from the Western Chester County Council of Governments (WCCCOG) to determine the number of Municipalities who are interested in creating a multi-municipal trash and recycling company.
Commissioner Evans noted that it would be helpful if someone from the WCCCOG would attend one of their Board meetings. Commissioner Young noted that the cost would be divided among the Municipalities; however, there will be startup costs, employees, and workers compensation insurance, which would make the costs the same as a private contractor. Commissioner Young and Commissioner Mullin noted that they are concerned that this would take away benefit services that are currently provided. Commissioner Kennedy noted that the intent is to make this cost effective.
The Board agreed to explore this further. Commissioner Kennedy stated that she will contact Mr. Vymazal to discuss this further.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road suggested Municipalities use one waste management company.
1.2 Conditional Use Fee Schedule Update – Mr. Vymazal noted that an applicant came before the Board with a request to waive the $4,000.00 fee for a modification to their initial Conditional Use Decision, for which they already paid. Mr. Stackhouse researched surrounding Municipalities and presented Mr. Vymazal with his proposals. Mr. Stackhouse stated that Ms. Camp reviewed and agreed with his proposal. Mr. Vymazal noted the residential application fee of $250.00 and an escrow of $1,000.00 and the commercial application fee of $500.00 and an escrow of $2,000.00.
The Board agreed to proceed with a resolution for adoption consideration at the April 25, 2024, Board Business meeting.
1.3 PennDOT ARLE Grant – Mr. Vymazal introduced the PennDOT ARLE Grant for the red-light enforcement Program through PennDOT and funded by traffic fees associated with vehicles running red lights in Philadelphia. This program goes towards traffic improvements, roadway safety, bicycle and pedestrian lanes, traffic signal improvements, and more.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that she would like electrical components added to the traffic lights along Lincoln Highway for Christmas decor. Mr. Vymazal replied that he will see if this would qualify.
Commissioner Mullin noted the need for lighting in the Bells Breakaway BBQ and Creamery area. Chief Elias agreed.
Commissioner Young asked if battery backup on Lincoln Highway would be considered. Mr. Vymazal replied that this could potentially fit into this fund from a traffic signal improvement standpoint. Commissioner Young also asked if a cross walk would be considered to help the disabled person cross from Wedgewood to the bus station. Mr. Vymazal replied that pedestrian safety is an eligible use of this fund. Commissioner Evans noted that this person is visually impaired. Commissioner Evans asked if “Vision Zero” could be applied. Mr. Vymazal replied that components of that concept could potentially be allowed. Commissioner Young also asked if the lights would be solar operated. Mr. Vymazal replied that he will research this.
Mr. Vymazal stated that there is no minimum or maximum; however, they prioritize cost effective solutions. Mr. Vymazal also stated that he will submit the pre-application by April 30, 2024.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road recommended syrianized lighting to reduce speeding. Commissioner Young noted that the lights on Lincoln Highway may already be fiber connected.
1.4 Multimodal Transportation Fund CFA – Mr. Vymazal requested approval to package the two grant funds together, so they can support each other. Also, he can indicate that they are submitted with a larger concept of a larger improvement. This is funded from Act 89 of the 2013 Transportation Bill and through the Commonwealth Finance Authority: due July 31, 2024. Mr. Vymazal stated that the maximum is $3 million, and the minimum is $100,000.00. There is a 30% match; however, in 2017 legislation waived that match for eligible projects until December 31, 2024. Mr. Vymazal also stated that it is unclear whether the match will be reinstated.
At a previous Lincoln Highway meeting, Commissioner Young and Commissioner discussed installing traffic islands starting at the eastern end towards ACME. Commissioner Young also noted discussion on adding bike lanes. Commissioner Evans noted that these are part of “Vision Zero”. Commissioner Kennedy asked if reflective lights in bike lanes qualify. Mr. Vymazal replied that they would qualify. Commissioner Mullin noted that the bike lane is faded.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue recommended small islands. Commissioner Young replied that they would only install a couple because you still need turn lane access. Commissioner Evans noted that with islands, you would not have the middle lane used as a passing lane.
Commissioner Mullin asked if G.O. Carlson, side roads, and walkways could be considered. Mr. Vymazal replied that it can be used for these as safety improvements. Mr. Vymazal stated that Ms. Swan and he met with the Township Engineer who reviewed the best use of these grants and the Department of Community and Economic Development Greenways Program. Commissioner Young asked if the engineer costs are included. Mr. Vymazal replied that a portion of the programs can go towards engineering. Commissioner Mullin noted that the documents state 10% for engineering costs.
1.5 Sustainability Task Force – Mr. Vymazal presented a Sustainability Task Force (STF). The STF will be tasked with producing a report on all the community projects for Board consideration. The Township sustainability has a silver destination, which is beneficial in receiving points towards a grant, and this task force could raise that level. Commissioner Mullin asked if the Board would appoint the volunteers. Mr. Vymazal replied that since this would be an ad hoc task force, they would not; however, if the Board wanted to form a permanent committee, then they would.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue noted that there needs to be additional lighting near Handicrafters.
The Board agreed to have a Sustainability Task Force set up for Township projects.
Commissioner Evans stated that he has video of an incident at Lloyd Avenue and 322 and a rock incident on another date. Chief Elias asked if he would share his video of the incidents. Commissioner Evans replied “yes.”
2. Board Minutes to Approve
2.1 March 28, 2024 – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the March 28, 2024, Board Business meeting minutes. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. The vote passed 5-0.
3. Resolution
3.1 Resolution 2024-09 Declaring Local Government Week – For Board consideration, Mr. Vymazal noted that he received a request from PSATS to pass a Resolution for Local Government Week April 8 to 14, 2024.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion declaring April 08 to 14 Local Government Week in Pennsylvania. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
4. Finance Department
4.1 Check Approval – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve checks 51799 to 51872. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. The vote passed 5-0.
5. Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
5.1 Parks and Recreation – Commissioner Kennedy noted that the Easter egg hunt and April 6 and 7 clean up days were a success, One day each month from May 18 to November will be a clean-up day, Free “Art in the Park” celebrating the nature of Caln on May 22 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, August 6 National Night Out, Summer movie services starting June 21, 2024, and the chipping program will start on May 6.
Commissioner Mullin asked Ms. Swan if other people could send her pictures of the Easter egg hunt. Ms. Swan replied that she gets pictures from other people.
Chris Parr of 582 Lloyd Avenue thanked the Parks and Recreation Board for all they do throughout the year.
5.2 COG – Commissioner Kennedy noted that they discussed the multi-municipal trash and government scholarship fund, and Caln Township will host their next meeting on April 7 at 7:00 PM.
5.3 Municipal Authority – Commissioner Mullin noted that the chairperson was authorized to sign the certificate of partial completion for the Ducklings Learning Center cash escrow reduction, Gilmore & Associates finalized all the contract documents and insurance information required to be submitted by the Sewer Specialty Services Inc., Company for the 2024 Grouting Project; the pre-construction was held on February 29, 2024, and a notice to proceed was also issued, and the chairperson was authorized to sign the Sewer Capacity Reallocation Maintenance Agreement for the Farmhouse Café and Coffee Project; they needed two additional EDU’s along with one EDU already allocated.
5.4 DARA – Commissioner Mullin noted that DARA received West Whiteland’s Act 537 plan. They received assurance that the Borough of Downingtown, Uwchlan and East Caln Townships’ plan will be forthcoming.
5.5 Fire Board – No report given due to no meeting being held.
5.6 Historical Commission – With PAShare the Historical Commission has committed to one year in getting the Edges Mill Historic District on the National Register, guests Carla and Dave Herkner spoke about the Thomas Vickers House and its significance to the Underground Railroad, the Vickers influence on the world of pottery, and huge contribution to Chester County history. The house is in grave disrepair, and they have begun a local grassroots initiative to restore it with the biggest obstacle being that Tower Health owns the land. The Historical Commission agreed to help any way we can and added it to their Caln at Risk list of endangered historic resources.
5.7 Lincoln Highway – Commissioner Young noted that they discussed the re-zoning project and the Multimodal Grant.
5.8 Ingleside Golf Course – Commissioner Tindaro noted that location signs were placed on Horseshoe Road, Greenbriar Road and Turtlepoint Lane, golf cart business advertising is available, golf apparel is for sale, and possible golf cart heaters for the winter.
6. Additional Business – There was none.
7. Public Comment
Al DiMatteo of 3000 Fisherville Road stated that he is the treasurer of the Friends of Spackman Farm 501c3. Mr. DiMatteo asked the Board if the Township would consider partnering with them for the June 29, 2024, picnic, and future events.
Steven Bortsalas of 250 Thornridge Drive stated that the Township put a “meadow” on approximately one acre of the open space behind his house. There are steaks on the perimeter on the other side where seeds will be planted. Mr. Bortsalas also stated that he would like to know how much of the open space that is left will be planted. Commissioner Mullin asked if this is Township property. The reply was “yes”. Commissioner Mullin also asked if other neighbors felt the same way. Mr. Bortsalas replied that some do. Mr. Bortsalas suggested to divide the cost of mowing the grass among the 75 houses in his development, instead of putting in more flowers. Mr. Vymazal and Commissioner Mullin stated that they will meet Mr. Bortsalas at the “meadow” to go over the Township plan.
8, Adjournment – Commissioner Mullin adjourned the Board Workshop Meeting at 9:40 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young. The vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary

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