Board of Commissioners
September 28, 2023 Minutes
7:30 PM Hybrid Meeting
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner (Absent), Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Abbey (A.) Swan-Township Secretary and Community Outreach Specialist, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary and Administrative Assistant, Lisa (L.) Swan-Director of Finance and Township Treasurer, Ray Stackhouse-Director of Building and Life Safety and Public Works Department, Scot Gill-Municipal Authority Director, Nicole Shannon-Ingleside Golf Course Manager/Superintendent.
Professionals Present: Chief Steward-Minquas Fire Company Ambulance Service, Chief Taylor-Thorndale Fire Company, Ross Bickhart P.E.-Gilmore and Associates, Chris Herr, Mallie LLP, Accountants * Advisors.
Special Guest: N/A
The Board of Commissioners’ September 28, 2023 agenda was posted on the Township website, and at the Township building on September 27, 2023 and agendas were made available for the public at the meeting. The 2023 Township Board of Commissioners meetings were published in the Daily Local News, on December 27, 2022.
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Mullin called the Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 7:34 PM. Commissioner Mullin then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Commissioner Mullin noted that there were Executive Sessions held on September 21st and 26th regarding personnel matters.
Commissioner Evans Township Update
Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us. We are all in this together. Just a reminder, only questions or statements regarding an agenda item will be entertained under “Citizens to be Heard” at the top of the meeting. All other matters will be recognized during “Public Comment” at the end of the meeting.
As most of us in the neighborhoods surrounding North and South Lloyd Avenue already know, Aqua Pennsylvania’s $2.36 million infrastructure project to replace aging watermains in Chester County has come to town. Unfortunately, the current phase and next 2-phases will interrupt the lives of those Caln Township (Caln) residents. Phase I, Poorhouse Road from Marshallton Thorndale Road to Deer Drive is ongoing and expected to run into November. Phase III, Lloyd Avene from Gardner’s Bridge to Rock Raymond Road should begin in November and completed in January 2024. Phase II, Lloyd Avenue between Deer Drive. and Gardner’s Bridge should run from February 2024 to May 2024. It’s a drag to deal with construction projects, but in the long run, infrastructure improvements are good for all.
The final Hexagonal Schoolhouse and Caln Meetinghouse tours of 2023 will be this Sunday October 1, 2023 between 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. These free tours are a joint effort of the Caln Historical Commission and Old Caln Historical Society.
The chipping program begins Monday October 9, 2023, and the deadline to register is September 30, 2023. Please check the website for program details and how to register. Also, Don’t miss your chance to meet Sparky the Firehouse Dog at the Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company’s Open House on Saturday October 14, 2023 between 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM. There will be a vehicle rescue demonstration; apparatus, tools, and gear displays; fire safety information and a fire extinguisher simulation. Engine 38 has been serving our community since 1939. This year, through August alone, they have answered the fire bell 344 times and are on track to surpass 550 in 2023. We often take it for granted that they will always be there when we need them, but they need our support. Please consider volunteering or making a financial contribution today.
Our next manager will have the vision, experience, and belief in Caln needed to take us to the next level.
When we all work together, there is nothing we cannot do. Spread kindness everyone. Anger, grudges, and resentments are not worth our time or energy. Compassion, Empathy, Peace, and Love – these are what make the world go round.
Citizens to be Heard
Commissioner Mullin called for Citizens to be Heard. There were none.
Maillie Presentation: Chris Herr presenting the 2022 General Audit – Mr. Herr presented the Township’s 2022 executive auditors report, which expressed an unmodified opinion on all funds, no instances of noncompliance material to the financial statements were disclosed, and no significant deficiencies or material weakness relating to the audit of the financial statements were identified.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked Mr. Herr to give a brief explanation of the borrowed $8.1 million. Commissioner Mullin noted that this presentation is for the 2022 audit, which does not include 2023 spending. Mr. Herr noted that out of the $8.1 million bond during the year, $42,000.00 went to the issuance cost and $1.597 million of expenses was a lot of engineering towards the startup expenses for a lot of the projects.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Gilmore & Associates – Mr. Bickhart
Request for Board Consideration to Approve Payment Application #2 in the Amount of $170,288.81 Payable to Foresite Concepts LLC., for the Reed Street Drainage Improvements Project #2307032 – For Board consideration, Mr. Bickhart offered payment application #2 in the amount of $170,288.81 payable to Foresite Concepts LLC., for the Reed Street Drainage Improvements Project #2307032.
Mr. Bickhart noted that this is for work completed in the last month. He also noted that the bulk of the remaining work is the storm and sanitary sewer that will go up 14th Avenue and the remainder of the Reed Street paving project.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the $18,920.98 amount is for retainage. Mr. Bickhart replied “correct.”
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Payment Application #2 in the amount of $170,288.81 payable to Foresite Concepts LLC., for the Reed Street Drainage Improvements Project #2307032. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 4-0.
Building and Life Safety – Mr. Stackhouse
Request for Board Consideration to Approve and Authorize the Board President to Sign Gilmore & Associates PSA #230308301 for the G O Boulevard Retaining Wall Replacement Project for a “Not to Exceed” Cost of $16,900.00 – For Board consideration, Mr. Stackhouse offered PSA #230308301 for Gilmore & Associates PSA #230308301 for the G O Boulevard Retaining Wall Replacement Project for a “Not to Exceed” cost of $16,900.00, which means that the Township will only get billed for their provided services. Mr. Stackhouse noted that he asked Mr. Bickhart to stay for this motion.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that the Board previously approved a PSA for the emergency shoring for the retaining wall on the Zinn Road side of Ingleside Golf Course, and the next step is to evaluate the entire length of the retaining wall with approximately four hundred feet of additional wall that shows obvious signs of buckling. Mr. Stackhouse also noted that this PSA is specifically to evaluate the potential repairs and what would be involved in an initial cost estimate.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve and authorize the Board President to sign Gilmore & Associates PSA #230308301 for the G O Boulevard Retaining Wall Replacement Project for a “Not to Exceed” cost of $16,900.00. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 4-0.
Request for Board Consideration to Approve Payment #1 in the Amount of $47,178.00 Payable to Long’s Asphalt Inc., for Work Completed Through August 31, 2023 for the 2023 Road Program – For Board consideration, Mr. Stackhouse offered PSA #1, in the amount of $47,178.00 for the paving of the Municipal Park parking lot. Mr. Stackhouse also noted that there was damage to the parking lot done by the contractor whose insurance paid to re-mill, repair, and re-stripe the entire parking lot next spring.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that the amounts are different in the paperwork. Ms. L. Swan noted that $47,178.00 is the correct amount less the retainage amount from Long’s Asphalt amount of $52,420.00.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve payment #1 in the amount of $47,178.00 payable to Long’s Asphalt Inc., for work completed through August 31, 2023 for the 2023 Road Program. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 4-0.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Request for Board Consideration to Adopt Resolution 2023-15 Establishing Guidelines for the Use and Operation of Mobile Food Facilities Within the Township (Tabled 06/08/2023) – Board consensus was to table adoption of Resolution 2023-15 until Commissioner Young is in attendance.
Request for Board Consideration to Adopt Resolution 2023-16 to Add a Fee for Food Truck Permits (Tabled 06/08/2023) – Board consensus was to table adoption of Resolution 2023-16 until Resolution 2023-15 is adopted.
Minutes to Approve
Board Consideration to Approve the September 14, 2023 Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the September 14, 2023 Board of Commissioners Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner. Kennedy. The vote passed 4-0.
Acknowledgement of the Planning Commission Approved Minutes
Board Consideration to Acknowledge the Receipt of the Approved August 15, 2023 Planning Commission Minutes – Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to acknowledge the receipt of the approved August 15, 2023 Planning Commission Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 4-0.
Finance Department – Ms. L. Swan
Financial Report – Ms. L. Swan asked for Board comments on the financial report. There were none.
Board Consideration to Approve the Accounts Payable Bill List for Checks 50795 to 50882 and Manual Check 295 – Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the accounts payable bill list for checks 50795 to 50882 and manual check 295. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 4-0.
Directors Reports
Police Chief Elias – Chief Elias noted a few highlights from his September 2023 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Chief Elias noted that he sent a letter to the ownership manager of a previous noise complaint so they could identify a solution. They went almost one month without a noise complaint until last night. Chief Elias also noted that they will have civil service physical agility and written tests on October 8, 2023. Commissioner Kennedy asked how many candidates they have. Chief Elias noted “25”. Commissioner Tindaro asked if any of the candidates have a military background. Chief Elias noted that a few of them do.
Fire Department Chief Taylor – Chief Taylor noted a few highlights from his September 2023 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Chief Taylor noted that two of their members finished their water operation class. Chief Taylor also noted that their Chevy Silverado command vehicle is in service.
Minquas Fire Company Ambulance EMS Chief Steward – Chief Steward noted a few highlights from his September 2023 report.
Chief Steward noted that they are approaching 4,000 calls for the year. Chief Steward also noted that COVID is back in force.
Ingleside Golf Course Ms. Shannon – Ms. Shannon noted a few highlights from her September 2023 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Ms. Shannon noted that they ran out of water, so they had to rent a pump and pump water from one side of the golf course to the other. Ms. Shannon also noted that she wrote a letter for the newsletter and website to update the residents on the golf course, and the winter rates will start soon.
Commissioner Evans asked Ms. Shannon if they will be ready in the spring for a promotional campaign. Ms. Shannon noted that springtime is the goal.
Director of Building, Life Safety & Public Works Mr. Stackhouse – Mr. Stackhouse noted a few highlights from his September 2023 reports, which were previously provided to the Board.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that his department does everything they can before they cite a resident for a violation. Mr. Stackhouse gave a brief update on commercial properties. He also noted that the rest of the 2023 road paving project will start October 16, 2023, the leaf program will start on October 30, 2023, and he is waiting for a response from FEMA on the reimbursement amount from Hurricane Ida.
Additional Business
Commissioner Mullin called for additional business. There was none.
Public Comments
Commissioner Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
Adjournment – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the September 28, 2023 Board Meeting at 8:35 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Miller
Assist. Township Secretary

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