253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
September 14, 2017 7:30 PM
Call to order and pledge of allegiance.
Attendance – Jennifer Breton-President, George Chambers-Vice President, John Contento-Commissioner, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Chuck Kramer-Commissioner, Kristen Denne-Township Manager, Kim Venzie-Township Solicitor, Carol Schuehler-Township Engineer, and Jennifer Schwed-Recording Secretary.
Citizens to be heard
Greg Graham and Mike Honan from Rouse/ Chamberlin Ltd., the developer of the Kings Grant Development Phase II, requested that the board reconsider their request presented at the meeting held on August 31st to allow dedication of the roads. The board initially declined dedication because it was communicated that there were 12 lots left to settle. Mr. Graham explained that there are currently only 2 lots left unsold. 7 homes are nearly built out to completion and 1 home has been framed out. Mr. Graham and Mr. Honan confirmed the project is further along. Rouse Chamberlin would warranty the roads for 18 months. The roads to be paved out are Devonshire and Northumberland Roads. Rouse Chamberlin would not take responsibility for snow plowing. Commissioner Joshua Young asked the developer to donate the fee for liquid fuels and Mr. Honan committed to do so. The Board agreed to reconsider the dedication now based on the new information provided. A written correspondence will be drafted to reflect the expectations of the dedication for both parties to review.
Lorraine Tindaro of 1701 Olive Street asked about a “No Turn on Red” sign recently reinstalled at Reeceville Road and the on ramp to the Route 30 East bypass. She explained that traffic accumulates at certain times of the day due to the sign. Commissioner Kramer encouraged Mrs. Tindaro to contact PennDOT through their website and complete the online concerns form as it is tracked and addressed in a timely manner. Mr. Kramer noted the website is www.penndot.gov.
John Hall and Muriel Kennedy, representatives from the Downingtown Area Senior Center, provided a presentation about the mission of the center, the current residents served and related statistics, and expressed the need for financial support. Mrs. Kennedy hoped to promote public awareness of the center through communications with Caln Township. Commissioner Kramer suggested information about the center be included in the Township newsletter. Commissioner Contento noted that Caln Township has a Privileged Citizens Group with many senior citizens as members. He recommended the Downingtown Area Senior Center make a presentation to them to promote awareness also. Commissioner Chambers asked Township Manager Denne to connect the center with a vendor present at Caln Day who provides free telephones to the hearing impaired.
Township Solicitor – Kim Venzie
Bondsville Road Realty Ventures Motion of Approval
Solicitor Kim Venzie came to present in place for Township Solicitor Kristin Camp, a draft motion for the Preliminary Land Development Application of Bondsville Road Realty, LLC. Approval of the plans allows for the development of the site to begin with specific conditions contained in the agreement. Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the application. The motion was moved by Commissioner Kramer and was seconded by Commissioner Chambers.
Commissioner Contento requested assurance from Township Engineer Carol Schuehler and engineering consultants for the project that the area would not cause flooding from storm water or negatively impact areas, businesses and homes adjacent to the site. Assurance was provided by Mrs. Schuehler that the Stormwater requirements would be met if all provisions of the agreement were adhered to.
The owner of the Bondsville Road Realty, Scott Risbon, and engineer consultant Vic Kelly noted further waivers they were seeking outside of the document provided for approval. Township Manager Denne recommended any further requests be addressed through the Township Solicitor to be voted on with a formal document. The application as presented was approved by the Board, 5-0.
Township Engineer-Carol Schuehler
Township Engineer Carol Schuehler announced that the Township has received signed contracts for the 2017 Road Paving project and the associated performance and payment bonds from Road Con, Inc. Work will begin in the next two weeks. If work is not completed by October 31st, a waiver from PennDOT is necessary to continue. Overages in the bid specifications were made in the Townships’ favor allowing for an extra road project to be added without additional cost. Township Manager Kristen Denne and Mrs. Schuehler will work together to determine which additional road is included.
Carol Schuehler concluded her report and asked if the Board had any additional questions. Commissioner Contento asked about the MS4 permit application and the size of the rain garden to be installed. He asked for Mrs. Schuehler to provide firm details on the size of approximately 200 square feet and the cost of approximately $70,000 at a future meeting.
Township Manager-Kristen Denne
Township Manager Kristen Denne said the MS4 permit application has been completed and submitted. The public comment period will end on September 30th and any additional comments received will be communicated to the DEP.
Manager Denne received correspondence with the county regarding the Vision Partnership Grant that was submitted for a capital plan for MS4 and for road repairs. They would like sidewalks and trails included in the grant application. If the application is approved it would provide a complete capital plan for the needed projects in the township to be completed in 2018.
Bill List – Checks 40463-40511
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve general checks 40463-40511. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Kramer. Vote passed, 5-0.
Boards and Commissions Updates
· Parks and Recreation-Commissioner Joshua Young thanked the board and residents for a successful Caln Day celebration. The Halloween Parade will be discussed at the next meeting with a presentation to the management of Parks and Recreation.
· COG-No updates
· Municipal Authority-Commissioner Contento stated the bids were opened for the Dogwood-Scott project and an award was made. The project will connect 54 homes to public sewer. Bids came in below the budgeted amount providing a $500 to $800 reduction in cost to the residents. Grant money in the amount of $290,000 was awarded further reducing costs to residents.
· DARA-No updates
· Fire Board-Commissioner Young stated the chairperson just received the final draft of the fire agreement which will be presented soon for approval.
· Planning Commission-No updates
· Historical Commission-Lorraine Tindaro said that there was a great turnout of residents who came to visit the Hexagonal Schoolhouse on the first Sunday of September. The commission also continues to work on raising funds for the bench and the tree in memory of Tom DeFroscia. They hope to have it dedicated by next spring at the Sesquicentennial event. Mrs. Tindaro stated they still need to raise $350 to $400. A meeting for the Historical Commission will be held at Cathy Callahan’s house on Wednesday, September 20th.
· Zoning Hearing Board-No updates
· Civil Service Board-Commissioner Kramer noted that updates and changes to the Civil Service regulations will be presented at the next meeting.
Additional Business
Commissioner Breton called for any additional business. There was none.
Public Comments
Commissioner Breton called for any public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adjourn the September 14, 2017 meeting at 8:24 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Kramer. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Jennifer Schwed,
Recording Secretary
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