253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
October 26, 2017 7:37 PM
Call to order and pledge of allegiance.
Attendance – Jennifer Breton-President, George Chambers-Vice President, John Contento-Commissioner, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Kristen Denne-Township Manager, Carol Schuehler-Township Engineer, Chuck Wilson-Township Treasurer and Jennifer Schwed-Recording Secretary.
Absent – Chuck Kramer-Commissioner, Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor
Executive Session
Commissioner Breton noted there was an Executive Session held prior to tonight’s meeting to discuss personnel and legal matters.
Citizens to Be Heard
Commissioner Breton called for any citizens to be heard. There were none.
Township Manager-Kristen Denne
Township Manager Denne discussed the Board of Commissioner’s Meeting schedule for the remainder of 2017. The Board agreed to meet on November 16th, November 30th and December 14th.
Manager Denne received notice that the sidewalk grant from CDBG being used for the Wedgewood Sidewalk project could be extended through an amendment to the contract. This would extend the grant to 12/31/2018. Commissioner Young expressed concern about the resistance to the project from residents of the Wedgewood Community. Manager Denne noted that the contract could be extended and the funds reassigned for a project in a different area within the census block.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to extend the CDBG grant to 12/31/2018. Motion made by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion passed, 4-0.
Manager Denne informed the Board that she has received the final copy of the Maulo Audit Report for 2016. Ms. Denne expressed that the delay of several months beyond the agreed upon due date for receipt of the audit report is not satisfactory. For that reason, she suggested that the Board publish an RFP to find another auditor. Ms. Denne noted that the final audit report needs to have a vote to be accepted by the Board once they are able to review the document.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to authorize staff to publish an RFP for an auditor for the township. Motion was made by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion passed, 4-0.
Manager Denne discussed adding Abbey Swan to the Downingtown/Thorndale Chamber of Commerce Board. Commissioner Contento noted once his seat on the board of the chamber expires at year end 2017, Abbey would take the seat in 2018.
Manager Denne noted that the Township received approval for the VPP grant to do capital planning for a roads program, sidewalks and trails. Manager Denne will work with Cedarville Engineering to determine the scope of the project.
Township Engineer-Carol Schuehler
Township Engineer Carol Schuehler brought forward a Change Order for the Road Program. The change order would extend the contract timeline until Spring 2018. All work should be completed by May 15th, 2018 for work on Dogwood, Acorn and Scott. Mrs. Schuehler noted that there has been no change in price within the contract.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to authorize the change order amendment to extend work on the 3 roads (Dogwood, Acorn and Scott) to May 15th, 2018. Motion was made by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Motion passed, 4-0.
Mrs. Schuehler discussed the Fisherville Road Bridge closing and the poor structural condition of the bridge. Mrs. Schuehler presented a proposal for design and permitting to replace the bridge. The proposal dated October 24th, shows a cost estimate of $20,400. Mrs. Schuehler will meet with a structural engineer to see if a temporary patch could be done instead of a full bridge replacement but she is not optimistic. Commissioner Contento discussed design options possible for replacing the bridge noting a precast concrete bridge would be a likely option. The timeframe for the bridge being out is a primary concern in determining design options, however Commissioner Contento expressed wanting to see all possible options from the survey. A timeframe estimate given by Mrs. Schuehler for the bridge replacement was possibly sometime in Spring 2018.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the proposal for design and permitting regarding the Fisherville Road Bridge in the amount of $20,400. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion passed, 4-0.
A discussion was held about signage to mark the detour routes for the closed bridge. Fire Chief Cordisco noted the closed bridge would not significantly impact response from the fire department to any emergencies.
Ordinances & Resolutions
Resolution Approving 2018 MS4 Proposal-Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the resolution approving the 2018 MS4 Proposal in the amount of $40,930. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Motion was approved, 4-0.
The proposal is to provide support services from Cedarville Engineering Group for Caln Township’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The proposal provides a summary of permit requirements and detailed scope of services for 2018 NPDES MS4 permit activities including project deliverables.
Resolution Approving Griffith Farm South 30 Lease with Precision Pipeline-Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the Griffith Farm South 30 Lease with Precision Pipeline in the amount of $7,500 per month. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Approved, 4-0.
Township Manager Denne was able to increase the rental amount per the Board’s request by an extra $1000 per month based on Precision Pipeline using the location for equipment and inventory storage.
Resolution Approving Act 537 Plan Revision for New LD (Jacoby SD)-Commissioner Breton entertained a motion approving Act 537 Plan revision for new land development on the Jacoby property. Motion made by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Approved, 4-0.
The resolution modifies the sewage planning for one new lot that had been previously consolidated from two lots for the Jacoby property.
Directors Reports
Caln Township Police Department-Police Chief Joseph Elias-
Police Chief Elias provided his September report containing Offense and Enforcement, Criminal Investigations and Training data.
Chief Elias noted complaints from residents about a roofing company selling door to door in the area. He stated that to conduct door to door sales in Caln Township, the company must apply for a Peddler’s Card through the police department and that the roofing company had not applied for the card. Chief Elias noted that the department will often notify companies in violation first with a warning. After the warning, companies in violation will be cited and fined. He asked residents to call the police department to report individuals selling without a permit.
Chief Elias stated on Saturday, October 29th, CVS would host a prescription drug takeback initiative event. The event starts at 2:00 p.m.
Chief Elias noted there would be extra patrols on duty for Halloween.
An ad in the Daily Local was placed to announce to upcoming entry level police officer testing taking place at Downingtown West High School on December 9th starting at 8:30 a.m. for physical agility and a written test administered at 12:30 p.m. Interviews based on results will be scheduled after January 1, 2018.
Caln Township Fire Department-Fire Chief Cordisco-
Fire Chief Cordisco reviewed the September Fire Report detailing responses made by the department, training hours and the status of the fund drive. As of September 19th, the fund drive raised $38,251, which is approximately $2,400 below collections for last year for the same time period.
Chief Cordisco said the Fire Department open house on October 11th was a well-attended success.
The Fire Prevention Safety Officer visited most of the schools, daycares and nursing homes in the township during the month of September and October to provide a presentation and educate the community on fire safety and prevention. She will complete all her visits by the end of November.
Chief Cordisco noted the fire department would participate in the Veterans Day Parade and invited any Board Members who would like to ride along.
Commissioner Contento asked if the Fire Department had any new volunteers from the community. Chief Cordisco said they were able to recruit 3 to 5 people. The training and time commitment can be challenging for volunteers but recruitment efforts are being conducted.
Director of Buildings and Life Safety-Ray Stackhouse
Mr. Stackhouse gave an overview of his September report detailing permits and inspections. He noted a clerical error in the number of inspections which should show 155 inspections completed.
A full permit was issued in October to the Wawa on Reeceville Road and Mr. Stackhouse expected building activity to begin.
Mr. Stackouse gave an update on the status of land development projects in the township including Bondsville Apartments and Bailey Station. Bondsville Apartments submitted a planning module for sewer and land development. Bailey Station has 30 lots remaining to be developed in 2018.
Commissioner Contento asked if a permit is denied from an applicant in the Township, are there listed suggestions on the denial document that would assist the applicant in gaining approval? Mr. Stackhouse noted that the last page of the return document contains a section labeled “Variance or Appeal” which gives instructions to a path forward with the request. Guidance sheets should also be included with a permit application to assist in gaining approval per Mr. Stackhouse. Commissioner Contento suggested Township Manager Denne and Mr. Stackhouse work together in 2018 to help streamline and improve operations within the department of Building Life and Safety from a reputational standpoint. Mr. Stackhouse noted Ms. Denne has been attending HOA meetings in the township to try to answer questions from residents and assist with issues face to face. He also noted many attempts to meet face to face with township applicants that are having issues gaining approval to work towards a solution.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that the Royal Farms convenience store should open in about a week.
Director of Public Works-Mike Fragale
Mr. Fragale stated they were getting ready to begin the leaf collection program on October 30th. The addition of a second truck should make the program more efficient this year and require less staff.
Mr. Fragale noted that the black top program is still underway with patching happening now and line painting for fog lines and yellow lines in December.
Ingleside Golf Manager-Mr. Ward
Mr. Ward reviewed the results for the golf course for September noting a good month. Mr. Contento asked about measures being taken to reduce expenses. Mr. Ward said cutbacks have been made in labor. Commissioner Young requested that the monthly report not only contain revenue information, but also expense information.
Finance Report-Finance Director Chuck Wilson
Mr. Wilson reviewed the year to date financial statements for September 2017. He noted healthy cash balances, favorable revenue and expenses that are inline overall. He expects to end the year slightly below budget. Mr. Wilson has received information from all the department heads showing expected capital requirements for 2018 and he is in the process of compiling the information for the budget meeting scheduled for 10/31.
Commissioner Contento noted several line item expenses including “Taxes” which shows a deficit nearly equal to the budgeted item of $9500. Mr. Wilson explained this expense will offset once tax income from cell tower companies is received by year end. Commissioner Contento noted a $15K deficit in the ‘Worker’s Compensation’ line item expense for the Fire Fund. Mr. Wilson explained that an adjustment must be made based on premium refunds and will wash out the deficit. Mr. Contento also noted a $6K deficit in the ‘Liability Insurance’ premiums for the Fire Fund. Mr. Wilson explained it was a mistake in budget planning.
Bill List – Checks 40660-40726 & Bond Check 1176
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve general checks 40660 through 40726 and Bond Check 1176. Motion made by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Commissioner Young abstained from voting on check #40694. The motion was approved, 4-0.
Approval of Minutes from September 28, 2017
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the Minutes from the Board of Commissioner’s Meeting held on September 28, 2017. Motion was made by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Young. The Motion was approved, 4-0.
Additional Business
Commissioner Breton called for any additional business. There was none.
Public Comments
Commissioner Breton called for any public comments.
A resident asked about the status of a new roof being constructed on a barn. Manager Denne noted that the Historic Commission has submitted a grant to perform a feasibility study on replacing the roof but the township has not heard back yet about the grant.
Dave Gilgem, President of DY Fabricating located at 180 Gallagherville Road spoke to the Board and provided a written request and summary about the zoning of his property which is causing difficulty in allowing the sale of the property. The property was zoned “Light Industrial” at the time of purchase but at some point, was rezoned to R1. A potential buyer (D. Martini Roofers) would like to enlarge the existing building on the property but the current classification (special exception) of the property will not allow it. Manager Denne explained that she is aware of the problem. She stated the property is an “existing non-conforming use” and under the municipal planning code the property owner cannot expand the footprint of the building. Commissioner Young suggested exploring rezoning by creating an I2 district that incorporates two parcels that are adjacent that are Light Industrial. Township Manager Denne said she would discuss options with Solicitor Kristin Camp to see which options are legally feasible.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adjourn the October 26, 2017 meeting at 9:00 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Vote passed 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Jennifer Schwed,
Recording Secretary

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