253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
Chester County, Pennsylvania
November 11, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Virtual Meeting
Call to Order: Commissioner Mullin called the Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 7:30 PM. He then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the Board held an Executive Session prior to tonight’s meeting, regarding personnel matters.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the Board of Commissioners, and Staff would like to thank all veterans.
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary, Lisa Swan-Township Treasurer, Mike Fragale-Public Works Director, Ray Stackhouse-Building and Life Safety Director, Chief Elias-Police Chief.
Professionals Present: Bryan Kulakowsky-Township Engineer, Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor.
Special Guest: Stefan Richter from Clemons Richter and Reiss P.C. representing the Reserve at Bailey Station Home Owners Association (HOA), Lou Colagreco from Riley Riper Hollin and Colagreco representing Thorndale Realestate, LLC.
The Board of Commissioners’ November 11, 2021 agenda was posted on the Township website, and at the Township building, on November 10, 2021.
The 2021 Township Board of Commissioners meetings were published in the Daily Local News, and at the Township Building, on December 28, 2020
Commissioner Evans’ Township Update
Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us. Our meetings are “Neutral Ground”, a place to hear and be heard. We’re all in this together.
Commissioner Evans noted that today is Veteran’s Day, a day to honor and remember those who have served our country honorably in the United States Armed Forces. It began in 1919 as Armistice Day, a day to honor American lives lost in WWI, naively known as the “War to end all wars”. By 1954, after WWII, in the midst of the Korean Conflict, and with Vietnam looming, the holiday was renamed Veteran’s Day. Every generation has prayed that theirs would be the first to not have to send their troops into harm’s way, yet every generation has had to bury their dead and try to heal the wounds (both visible and those unseen by the naked eye) of the courageous heroes who made it home. So today we honor and remember, and pray that our generation will have been the last to endure the pain of war.
Commissioner Evans thanked everyone who made it a point to vote on Election Day. As I said last time, local elections are crucial, we are humbled that you continued to place your trust in this group of Public Servants.
Commissioner Evans noted the open Township positions. Commissioner Evans also noted that the Township commissions and boards need help, please, volunteer some time to be a part of the solution. Applications can be found at calntownship.org.
- Historical Commission – 7 openings
- Parks & Recreation Board – 4 openings
- Zoning Hearing Board – 2 members and 2 alternate openings
Citizens to be Heard
Commissioner Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Thorndale Realestate LLC (Lomax) Conditional Use Decision - 3205 Lincoln Highway –For Board consideration, Ms. Camp offered a Conditional Use Decision for Thorndale Realestate, LLC regarding Lomax Carpet and Tile Mart.
Ms. Camp noted that the Applicant is the owner of a 10.5 acre parcel located at 3205 Lincoln Highway, which is the former site of the K-mart property. The Applicant filed a Conditional Use Application in June, and the Board then conducted a hearing in September, which was continued to October 14.
Ms. Camp noted that she circulated a draft Decision and Order to the Township Board, and the Applicants’ Council. She also noted that the proposed decision in addition to consideration of the conditional use to allow a shopping center use on the property, would be basically a retrofit of the existing K-mart building to have a Lomax Tile and Carpet Mart as well as an Aldi grocery store. There will also be a small building 740 square foot loading dock addition for the grocery store, which would be Phase 1. Phase 2 will add the addition of two pad sites. One for Chipotle Restaurant and a café restaurant who is unidentified at this time.
Ms. Camp noted that the Applicant is requesting the conditional use, which was required for the shopping center and the drive-through establishment. These are the two components of the application that requires conditional use approval. Ms. Camp also noted that both of the restaurant pads along the front of the property are proposed to have commercial drive-thrus, which is the part that needed conditional use.
Ms. Camp noted that because the property is located in the Lincoln Highway Overlay District, they have requested various modifications that are set forth on the bottom of page 1, page 2, and the top of page 3. She noted that these modifications are permitted because the property is in the Lincoln Highway Overlay District. Section 155-43 allows the Board to make certain modifications to otherwise applicable parking requirements and waive open space or payment of the fee in lieu requirements, and this is what the Applicant has requested.
Ms. Camp summarized the proposed draft Decision and Order that is before the Board tonight. Ms. Camp noted that the Board would approve the conditional use to allow the property to be redeveloped as a shopping center, to allow the development of the two commercial drive-thrus, and approve modifications set forth except; for the proviso with respect to the request for modifications for the payment of the open space fee. Ms. Camp also noted that the Applicant asked to have the open space fee waived for both Phase 1 and 2.
Ms. Camp noted Section 137-31 is in the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, and basically says, for new development, whether it is residential or non-residential, you can either provide a certain number of acres or square feet of open space on your property necessary to service the inhabitants of the development or there is an option to pay a fee in lieu. It is based on the number of dwelling units for residential, and $850 per 1,000 square foot for commercial property.
Ms. Camp noted that the Applicant requested the full waiver and after discussion, some of the Board were not comfortable with a full waiver. If the fee was to be imposed, it would be applicable to Phase 2, and the new buildings to be built. Ms. Camp also noted that she has not seen a fee imposed upon an existing building being retrofitted. Approximately $4,500 is based on the square footage of the pad sites.
Ms. Camp noted that one of the other things that the Applicant has requested, which is not necessarily part of the conditional use, however, it is important because the Applicant needed to understand whether they were going to be required to go through land development for Phase 1. Ms. Camp also noted that they had a conversation that was forwarded in the testimony. The proposed decision and order would agree that they do not need to go through the land development approval process in order to make Phase 1 improvements, however, they would need to go through the land development process to institute and implement Phase 2 improvements.
Ms. Camp noted that she revised the decision and order to read that the Board agreed to waive the open space fee for Phase 1 improvements and pay the fee for Phase 2. That fee would be assessed to the two pad sites for approximately $4,500. Ms. Camp also noted that she spoke to Mr. Colagreco about this and he noted that he would like to speak to the Board.
Mr. Colagreco noted that the thought process of the Applicant is that when the decision was made to install the sidewalk along Lincoln Highway they did so with the hope that there would be no more financial contributions. As they get into the design of that in more detail it has been more expensive. Mr. Colagreco would like to reiterate their request for the open space waiver fee based on the other accommodations being made, which is the sidewalk, additional green space on the property, and essentially trying to take a distressed property and making it an income property for the Township. Mr. Colagreco then noted that any accommodation in this regard would be appreciated, and that he reviewed the other comments with his client and they are fine.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Marc Fox of 256 Thornridge Drive asked what is the open space fee used for. Ms. Camp noted that it has to go into a special designated fund that can only be used for purposes of additional recreational facilities for the Township or to pay for the maintenance of existing recreation facilities. Mr. Fox noted that he is in favor of keeping this open space fee.
Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Colagreco if the $4,500 fee is a deal breaker. Mr. Colagreco noted that he doesn’t think that anything is a deal breaker, however, they have about one year of additional work that they jointly have to do. Mr. Colagreco also noted that there is no more on the table. They also have Phase 2 of the project and they have tremendous fears that the cost estimates will keep rising, and then they will be down to tightly counting everything that they are spending.
Commissioner Evans noted that Mr. Colagreco’s client bought the most valuable piece of property in Caln Township. Commissioner Evans also noted that they knew that the comprehensive plan called for something different for this property.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the basin in the front parking lot, which is not part of Phase 1, will be installed within a two year period once the use and occupancy is signed with Aldi.
Mr. Colagreco noted that as soon as they can get Phase 2 permitted, and NPDES can approve, they want to go in and install the basin for the entire site of Phase 1, and Phase 2 at the same time. The Township has suggested if Phase 2 lags and it does not happen within this two year period, ok fine. They would go in, and you promised and we agreed, that we would install the basin to control the Phase 1 development. Mr. Colagreco also noted that if that happens then it would be a failure that does not make any sense economically, however, they understand what the Township has imposed or would like to impose that condition. The goal is get Phase 2 approved and go in and do it once, size the basin for the entire site, and install it once within the next twelve to eighteen months.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that there is no sense in digging the parking lot up twice, which is why ARRO made it two years. If they are submitting it that shortly, they are going to be in the process and they should be through the Conservation District and Township in time to make the two year deadline, and install the stormwater once for the entire site.
Commissioner Evans read the following statement into the record:
“I was elected to represent the people. I’d like to share with you some of the correspondence I’ve received from constituents regarding the Lomax Plan.”
“We do not need or want another Aldi. We already have two of them plus Lidl. It is not right to do this to the grocery stores who have been serving us (Acme, Giant, Wegmans, Amelia’s).” “I believe, they take Caln as “desperate” to have it occupied and they are being manipulative in how they get what they want, disregarding any other concerns. I know they own it, but I don’t have good feelings about it at all.” “This really sucks. There was so much potential there and now this. Total bummer.” “With no guarantee of Phase 2 being completed, we're no better off by giving in.” “All of this doesn’t seem like a good move for our township.” “We have lived in the township for over 36 years. We were hoping for the "town look" instead of the "industrial//strip mall" look along with sidewalks, trees, etc.” “We do not need or want an Industrial site here.” “Has the board approved their plan? If not, what will be most effective in keeping the board from approving this plan?” “I think the idea sucks.” “What tools can be used to slow the process down.” “Something just seems off and not right with this plan.” “it’s not even that crazy to think we should get what we rightly deserve, to be on par with the rest of the county.”
“I’ve been in this role long enough to understand that State Laws for Municipalities often stand in the way of what we would all like to do. But, I made a promise to our constituents to see that that developers are “beholden” to residents, not the other way around. I know some of my colleagues very much believe the Lomax plan will be great for this township, and I respect their opinions. I sincerely hope I’m wrong and that the Lomax project ends up being one of the best things to happen to Caln. But in my heart, I believe it’s the final nail in our coffin. And it is what will keep Caln “only miles away but worlds apart” from our neighboring townships that have found ways to grow on their own terms, and say no to what’s not good for them – whatever the cost.”
Commissioner Young thanked the rest of the Board and noted that they have worked incredibility hard on this to make sure this looks like what the Board wants it to look like, and match the vision of the Township.
Commissioner Young noted that for someone who has worked for the last ten years to look for a town center at this site, it is kind of disappointing and not what they has envisioned for this site. Commissioner Young also noted that most of the last additions are his recommendations. He is appreciative of the Applicant for hearing him out, and allowing him to add his additions to the conditional use. He also noted that this is not really what we want however, he is afraid of what may happen if we say no and end up with a Lomax only.
Commissioner Mullin noted that if the Board takes a vote and it is yes, he believes that in several years this former K-mart site will look better and be safer for residents. Also, in ten to twenty ears it may end up being what they want in their zoning.
Ms. Camp noted that if the Board is comfortable with making a motion then the last decision she circulated to them this afternoon, which is granting conditional uses, granting the land development for Phase 1, all the considerations discussed tonight, granting modifications but not fully granting the modification for the open space and requiring them to pay that as part of Phase 2 development.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion granting conditional uses, granting the land development for Phase 1, all the considerations discussed tonight, granting modifications but not fully granting the modification for the open space and requiring them to pay that as part of Phase 2 development. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Vote passed 4-1 with Commissioner Evans voting nae.
The Reserve at Bailey Station Walking Trails – Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Easements and Liens – For Board consideration Ms. Camp offered a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Easements and Liens. The Declaration says that the Home Owners Association (HOA) as the successor to the developer has to maintain the walking trails throughout the community. Not all the walking trails were installed based on the way the final plans were contemplated. They were originally intended to be a nature trail throughout the community and they brought forth some of the efficiencies with how they were installed and some of their concerns because of the grades to the property. Ms. Camp also noted that the amendment would allow the HOA to keep the trails where they are today, maintain the trails how they are today, they are not required to go back and install trails where they were not installed per the plan, and to make sure the users of the trails are using them at their own risk.
Mr. Ritcher noted that the version of the amendment was originally their version, and they submitted it to Ms. Camp for her review and she made some changes, and sent it back to him. He would like to make sure that is the same amendment before he sends it to the vote of the unit owner, and then the recorder of deeds.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion approving the Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Easements and Liens for the Reserve at Bailey Station Walking Trails. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Vote passed 5-0.
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that the gutters and downspouts have been installed, and they are still waiting for confirmation as to when the snow guards will be installed on the Spackman Farm Barn.
PSA 1121-PC03 with ARRO for Design and Preparation of Bidding Documents for the Construction of a Bioswale in Caln Park West as Recommended by the Caln Township Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Pollutant Reduction Plan – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky presented PSA 1121-PC03 in a lump sum fee of $19,750. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that this has been advertised for the public to review and provide comments. Mr. Kulakowsky also noted that the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has given their verbal approval, which is an email approval that they can move forward.
PSA 1121-PC08 with ARRO to Provide Design and Bidding Phase Service for the South Lloyd Streambank Stabilization Project – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky presented PSA 1121-PC08 for Phase 2 of the project, in the amount of $39,100.
PSA 1121-PT02 with ARRO to Provide Design and Preparation of Bidding Services for the Construction of Barley Sheaf Drainage Reconstruction – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky presented PSA 1121-PT02, in the amount of $19,750.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that Part 1 of the project is where the swale washed out along the edge of Barley Sheaf Road, and Part 2 is the replacement and possible upsizing or reconstruction of the culvert crossing.
PSA 1121-PT03 with ARRO to Provide Design and Preparation of Bidding Services for the Construction of North Bailey Road Pipe and Inlet Replacement – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky presented PSA 1121-PT03, in the amount of $18,250.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that ARRO is also going to analyze the piping starting with the discharge in the golf course from their basin. Mr. Kulakowsky also noted that they will look at the pipes directly on both sides of the inlet north and south of Bailey Road to make sure that there is nothing wrong with them as well, and make sure that they are properly sized and connected and replace the pipe as it goes to the stream where the pipe has come dislodged, disconnected and forced out from the ground due to Ida.
PSA 1121-PT04 with ARRO to Provide Design and Bidding Services for the Construction of Humpton Farms Culvert Replacements – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky presented PSA 1121-PT04, in the amount of $29,000.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that this PSA is for four culverts to be sized and replaced. One crossing Humpton Road just to the west of Williams Way, two culverts on Lynn Boulevard, and one on the circle of Williams Way.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the four culverts are on land or are they on the street, and is there currently any damage to the road. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that they are all under the rail road crossing, and there is no damage to the road.
PSA 1121-PT05 with ARRO to Provide Design and Bidding Services for the Construction of the Park Drive Stormwater Conveyance System – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky presented PSA 1121-PT05, in the amount of $16,800.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that this PSA is for the replacement of the double culvert structure with a properly sized structure in order to convey high level storm events into the basin on the western side of Park Drive.
PSA 1121-PT06 with ARRO to Provide Design and Bidding Services for the Construction of Beaver Creek at G.O. Carlson Culvert Replacement – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky presented PSA 1121-PT06, in the amount of $18,200.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that this PSA is for the structure that is the four corrugated metal culverts that are at the Beaver Run Crossing at G.O. Carlson Boulevard, just south of the bypass. Mr. Kulakowsky also noted that there is a lot of evidence of the crossing being undersized and not properly functioning.
PSA 1121-PT07 with ARRO to Provide Design and Bid Demolition of the East Fisherville Road Bridge – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky presented PSA 1121-PT07, in the amount of $32,000.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that this PSA is for the design and bidding services of the collapsed East Fisherville Road Bridge.
PSA 1121-PT08 with ARRO to Provide Services for the Replacement of Moore Road Bridge and Municipal Drive – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky presented PSA 1121-PT08, in the amount of $25,300.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that ARRO will support the Township and manage a project where they will prepare a Request for Qualification (RFQ) with input from the Township for the Township to hire a bridge consultant to prepare the plans and specifications for bidding to replace the Municipal Drive Bridge that was damaged beyond use and also the Moore Road Bridge, from Hurricane Ida (Ida).
Commissioner Mullin asked if both bridges are a full replacement.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that repair on the Municipal Drive Bridge is not an option due to the washout from Ida. He also noted that the underside of the Moore Road Bridge has rotten wooden beams and the only steel beam underneath is dislodged and damaged due to Ida.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that ARRO is recommending their Bridge Engineer. He also noted that they have a bridge department however, they do not have a big bridge department.
PSA 1121-PT09 with ARRO to Provide Services for the Fisherville Road Streambank Stabilization Project – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky presented PSA 1121-PT09, in the amount of $56,460.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that this PSA is for the washout of Fisherville Road itself, which is just to the east of Fisherville.
Commissioner Mullin asked for Board comments on any of the proposed PSA’s.
Commissioner Kennedy asked Mr. Kulakowsky I this PSA part of the MS4 project, Commissioner Kennedy also asked if PSA 1121-PC08 part of the South Lloyd Streambank Stabilization project.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that Mr. Fragale brought the South Lloyd Streambank to his attention and after looking at it, there were problems with it and Ida make them worse.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked for the total of all the PSA’s associated with Ida. Mr. Kulakowsky noted $270,298 including PSA-1121-PC08 for the South Lloyd Streambank Stabilization Project.
Mr. DeYoung asked if the tax payers would be paying the $270,298 or is there Federal money that the Township could apply for.
Ms. noted that the Township is applying for money from the FEMA and PEMA.
Commissioner Young noted that the Township only has eighteen months if FEMA money was received to design, bid, and complete the project, so if the Township doesn’t start now, they would not make that and therefore lose the money received.
Commissioner Mullin called for further Board and resident comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the ten PSA’s read and described by Mr. Kulakowsky for ARRO to prepare the design and preparations. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Vote passed 5-0
Township Manager
Brooks Lane Traffic Study – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered a motion for advertisement of an ordinance of Caln Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania amending Chapter 149 of the Caln Township Code, titled “Vehicles and Traffic” to amend Section 149-11 titled “Turns at Intersections” by adding additional streets and locations where turns at intersections are prohibited and section 149-25 titled “Parking Prohibited at all Times”’ by adding additional streets and locations where parking is prohibited. Ms. Denne also noted that this ordinance will be acted on at the December 9 Board meeting.
Commissioner Mulled asked if this is specifically for the Brooks Lane and Foundry Street section. Ms. Denne noted “yes”.
Commissioner Mulled called for Board and resident comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion for an ordinance of Caln Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania amending Chapter 149 of the Caln Township Code, titled “Vehicles and Traffic” to amend Section 149-11 titled “Turns at Intersections” by adding additional streets and locations where turns at intersections are prohibited and section 149-25 titled “Parking Prohibited at all Times” by adding additional streets and locations where parking is prohibited. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Vote passed 5-0.
Haverford Systems Payment #1 for Zoom Room – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered payment number 1 in the amount of $20,227.02 to be paid out of the American Rescue Fund, and payable to Haverford Systems Inc. Ms. Denne noted that the “Zoom Room” possibly will be up and running for the December 9 Board meeting.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve payment number 1 in the amount of $20,227.02 to be paid out of the American Rescue Plan Fund, and payable to Haverford Systems Inc. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Vote passed 5-0.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2021-03 A Resolution Designating the 2021 Response Territories for Emergency Service in Can Township (TABLED 01/28/2021) – Commissioner Mullin noted that Resolution 2021-03 will continue to be tabled.
Minutes to Approve
October 28, 2021 Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the October 28, 2021 Board of Commissioners Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comment. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Finance Department – Ms. Swan
Financial Report – N/A
General Checks 47311 to 47371 – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion approving general checks 47311 to 47371. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Boards and Commissions Updates – Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
Parks and Recreation – Commissioner Young noted a December 5 tree lighting however, there will be no children’s party. The parks department encourages children to make their own ornaments to hang on the tree.
Municipal Authority – Commissioner Mullin noted a few items from their October meeting.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the Municipal Authority reappointed Noel Bernard to the Municipal Authority for another five year term.
Commissioner Mullin noted a new gravity sewer system has been installed for the Hillview project. The Contractor is currently working on completing their testing.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the pump station has been completed and the official start up was on October 13, 2021. The Developer is working on punch list items.
Commissioner Mullin noted a new sanitary sewer extension along Moore Road was installed by the Developer of Hillview. The Developer is working on the final testing. This new system will serve eleven existing homes on Moore Road, in the future.
DARA – Commissioner Mullin noted that the Vice Chairman was authorized to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with DARA and recommended to the Board of Commissioners to authorize the release of a payment from the Caln Township Municipal Authority operating fund for the special bill with DARA, in the amount of $360,914. This payment is to cover their portion of the damage caused by Ida with anticipation that a portion if not all, will be reimbursed to them, either by their flood insurance and/or by the State and Federal Recovery Act.
Fire Board – Commissioner Young noted a possible meeting on November 20.
Historical Commission – Commissioner Evans noted a few highlights from their October 20 and November 9 meetings.
Commissioner Evans noted that they submitted their 2022 budget requests.
Commissioner Evans noted that they had discussion on 4060 Edges Mill Road and the potential impact on the Edges Mill Historic Overlay District, and how this plan compares to flex space conditional use that was approved by the Board of Commissioners in 2018.
Commissioner Evans noted that they have been drafting a proposed Historic Preservation ordinance, which should be ready in 2022.
Commissioner Evans noted that the Caln Historical Commission will be conducting School House tours at the December 5 tree lighting.
Lincoln Highway – N/A
Additional Business
Civil Service Eligibility List – N/A
Honorable Discharge of Officer Carboni – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion from the Board of Commissioners, to grant an Honorable Discharge to Police Officer Joseph Carboni as per the rules of Caln Township Civil Service Code. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Commissioner Mullin thanked Officer Joseph Carboni for his thirteen years of service with Caln Township Police Department.
Vote passed 5-0.
Public Comments
Lisa Drummond of 3206 Edge Lane asked the Board if they have an update regarding the culvert on her property.
Mr. Fragale noted that his department was at her property again today, and there are some issues further down the swale between her property and her neighbors, causing a blockage. They will be cleaning some of it out to help it flow a little better.
Adjournment – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the November 11, 2021 meeting at 9:02 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary

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