253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
May 27, 2021 Minutes
Attendance – Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Mark Evans-Commissioner, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary, Lisa Swan-Finance Director, Bryan Kulakowsky-Township Engineer, Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor.
Commissioner Mullin called the Virtual Zoom meeting to order at 7:35 PM. He then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Commissioner Evans’ Township Update
Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us. Our meetings are “Neutral Ground”, a place to hear and be heard. Just a reminder that we need to all keep our comments civil and non-judgmental, whether addressing Board Members, Township Employees, or our fellow citizens. We’re all in this together.
Remember that Lincoln Highway is not a speedway, it’s simply the main road from one town to another. Families with children live along Lincoln Highway. Slow down, please.
This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day, and people tend to set off a few firecrackers. Just a quick reminder that Caln instituted a new Fireworks Ordinance last year. Be a good neighbor and follow it.
While you’re busy being a good neighbor, please consider joining one of our Commissions - it’s the best way to be a part of your Township. We’ve had a few new people get involved with the Historical Commission and they’re really helping get things done.
This weekend Pennsylvania opens up again. Halleluiah!!! The state has achieved the 70% threshold of first vaccination, and within a month, it should reach 70% fully vaccinated. In Chester County however, only 37% have been fully vaccinated, with only 66% anticipated by July 1st. So, we still have work to do. Thank you to everyone in Caln that sacrificed to help us get here.
Fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks or physically distance during outdoor or indoor activities, large or small. This guidance does not apply to places like healthcare settings like doctor’s offices and hospitals; transportation hubs like airports and train stations, nursing homes, correctional facilities and homeless shelters.
The fully vaccinated should continue to wear a mask where required by federal and local officials and individual businesses and workplaces, as well as when while traveling by plane, bus, or train.
If you haven’t yet received your vaccine, the vaccines are safe and effective and now available for free at most local pharmacies without an appointment. Do your part and take a shot.
In Caln, on May 12, 2021 we had 1,176 cases, we now have 1,213. And we sadly lost another two of our neighbors to COVID-19 (COVID”). Our Caln death toll now stands at 37. Caln has the 5th highest number of cases in the county, and 4th highest number of deaths.
The next section will be unusually long, please hang in there:
At the Dec 10, 2020 BOC meeting we reported on what was accomplished and where we came up short in 2020. At the Jan 14, 2021 meeting we introduced some new goals for this year.
A resident has requested a “line-by-line” update on those goals. The resident also commented that our goals were not very clear, and had no “actual plans”. So, I want to make this very clear, the 19 items we listed were meant to be broad strokes from which ideas can grow. In fact, my exact quote from the minutes reads: “Here are a few highlights of what we would like to work on, to make Caln Township a better place for all.”
Work towards adopting the nondiscrimination housing ordinance
In Progress. The ordinance we are using as a model is currently being tweaked by legal to better suit our needs. We will soon be looking for volunteers for the committee. Anyone interested should contact Commissioner Young, and/or Kristen Denne
In Progress. We’ve been in contact with PECO to try to have them work with us on the transition. Without their agreement, we would have to buy the streetlights from them, which is a costly endeavor. Also, Kristen Denne has been in touch with PSATS for guidance on getting us through this.
Work with The Coatesville Area School District Board on reinstating LERTA
In Progress (see #9 below): Commissioner Young has been in touch with Superintendent Hanna and they are working on securing a date to meet, and discuss the possibility of restarting LERTA.
Continue to improve Spackman Farm
In Progress. This is covered in detail at every Historical Commission meeting. The pre-construction meeting for the barn roof replacement was April 2021, and the barn roof color was chosen and ordered April 1, 2021. Contracts have been signed. More ideas are being fleshed out (see #5 below)
Blow the dust off the Kings Highway Master Plan
In Progress. This was re-introduced at the May 19, 2021 Historical Commission meeting, and was met with great excitement. It’s a huge lift, and we can’t wait to dig in to it! Currently the plan is being studied by the Spackman Farm Sub-Committee.
Complete the Township rezoning project with an eye towards creating a real “Vision” and solid identity for Caln Township
In Progress. (See #7 below). The Zoning Taskforce meets the first Tuesday of every month and those workshop meetings are open to the public. We began with an honest acceptance of what Caln currently is, then started to openly brainstorm about what Caln can be. The next step is a plan for how we get there. We are working toward being ready to share those ideas with the public
As part of the Zoning Update Project, work toward the creation of a “Thorndale Village Suburban Center” along Lincoln Highway
In Progress. The Zoning Update Taskforce is exploring a number of changes that could help “accommodate” a Thorndale Suburban Village, including changes to set back requirements and design standards.
Recruit more volunteers to our Commissions
In Progress. We have attracted new residents to our Historical Commission meetings who are considering joining as members. We have had another resident apply for the Zoning Hearing Board.
Restart our “Coffee with the Commissioners” virtual Town Halls
The first Coffee with the Commissioners of 2021 was held on Thursday March 18. Our guest was Superintendent Tomas Hanna of the Coatesville Area School District. This event was advertised in the Caln Newsletter, on the Caln website and Facebook Page, on my Facebook Page, on the sign in front of the Township Building, and was shared to the Caln Watch Facebook page. With all that we unfortunately still had surprisingly low turnout. Fortunately the residents who did attend brought great questions, and Mr. Hanna was wonderful.
The next Coffee with the Commissioners, via Zoom, is scheduled for Thursday June 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM, and our special guest will be Chief Elias of the Caln Township Police Department. More details TBA.
Explore the cost of twice a week trash collection, in summer months
This idea came off the table pretty quickly. While it sounded good at first, our residents are just beginning to dig out from over a year of COVID. It would be wildly irresponsible for us to consider anything that could potentially put more financial stress on our neighbors
Explore adopting an official Caln motto such as “Historic Caln, where it all began”
In Progress. On Wednesday May 1, 2021h the Historical Commission voted to adopt the motto, and to ask the Board of Commissioners to consider adopting it as a motto Township wide
Work with the Zoning Task Force on a strong Historical Preservation Ordinance
In Progress. The Historic Preservation Sub Committee of the Historical Commission has been developing language to present to the Zoning Taskforce all year. This has been covered in the minutes of our Historical Commission meetings, and is discussed and reported on in detail at every meeting.
Get the word out that even during COVID, Caln Township is open for business
This became a moot subject as vaccinations expanded.
Keep our residents prepared for looming COVID surges and informed of COVID vaccine distribution, and mitigation plans
This became a moot subject as vaccinations increased and most restrictions were lifted. However, we continue to share COVID infection and vaccination updates and report on the infection and death numbers at every BOC meeting.
Work on Post-COVID plans for staged re openings of Parks and other Caln facilities, once we are able to begin normalizing our way of life
This has become a moot subject as vaccinations increased, and most restrictions were lifted.
Continue to fulfill the Capital Improvement Plan
In Progress. We continue to work towards fulfilling the Capital Improvement Plan with paving (2021 plan approved), piping, and clearing storm grates.
Continue working towards improving stormwater management
In Progress. As evidenced by the Reed Street project, we continue to work towards improving storm water management. Hopefully the zoning update will also be able to address some problem areas.
Continue to encourage the use of brick along Lincoln Highway and other areas of high-visibility
In Progress.
Continue to cheer on Chris Ward and the Golf Commission, and maybe even challenge them to wipe out the remaining 50% of the debt they already paid down in 2020
In Progress. As he will report at tonight’s meeting, membership continues to rise (doubled from this time last year), and year-to-date revenue is up 363% from this time in 2020.
Other questions from a resident not related to the 2021 goals:
- “Solicitor Camp is going to speak about 1895 Lincoln Highway tonight. Define this. What is this property? An address is totally insufficient for people to understand what is being considered.”
- 1895 Lincoln Highway is the address of Caln Plaza, the location of the future Dunkin Donuts (1847 Lincoln Highway) project, which is listed on the “Upcoming Development” tab on the Caln Website. When I saw the address on the agenda I put it in google maps and knew right away what it is. However, this could have been made clearer on the agenda.
- Rumor has it you will reopen in June for live meetings.
- I have posted on my Caln Facebook page more than once that Rumor and Misinformation are deadly, as seen by the events of Jan 6, 2021. I’ve also said that any of us with a loud megaphone should avoid spreading misinformation, and rumors.
- That said, there are no plans to return to live meetings in June, or at any time in the near future. The Township Building, however, will reopen to the public on Tuesday June 2, 2021, with a limit of 3 persons allowed in the lobby at a time, and masks will be required.
- I have posted on my Caln Facebook page more than once that Rumor and Misinformation are deadly, as seen by the events of Jan 6, 2021. I’ve also said that any of us with a loud megaphone should avoid spreading misinformation, and rumors.
- What is the status of the video system you approved and were going to have installed with microphones that work? This has been in the works for more than 6 months.
- The A/V system was a top priority for 2020 and we were engaged with a couple of vendors, but the pandemic lockdown brought all of that to a screeching halt. We were prudently hesitant to resume discussions or move forward in any way due to the uncertainty of not knowing if things would even reopen this year, and were reluctant to spend when we weren’t even sure if our residents would be able to pay their taxes due to job loss, medical bills and other COVID-related concerns. With hope now on the horizon, we have resumed vendor contact for what will now be an A/V Integrated System with Zoom Room, so that we can continue with that option once we do begin to meet again in-person. Hopefully we’ll have an update in June or July.
- Will you agree to archive and make available the videos from the Board of Commissioners Meetings, rather than just the written minutes. Written minutes are required, but nothing prevents you from doing more than what is required.
- No. We have been very clear about that. This is our decision to make, and we’ve made it. It is my understand (through emails) that the resident who asked this question had consulted with a friend at the county level who told them we are not required to keep anything but transcribed copies. There are things that we do provide that are not required, such as posting the agenda early in advance. We think this is a good compromise and that the issue needs to be let go.
- And WHY did you remove the archive in the first place?
- The archive was never removed. Township Manager Kristen Denne was accused of this by the author of this question earlier in the month, and responded by email, so I’m not sure why it’s being asked again. On May 13 Ms. Denne replied that the minutes archive was indeed still there, provided the link, and received this response: “I did find them. For some reason it wouldn't load. No idea why. May have been my end”
- What is the status of the lights on the Lloyd Avenue Bridge?
- This was reported on at the last Board of Commissioners meeting, and at the meeting 4 weeks previous to that. I believe that we are at or near the final planning, and design stages. I’ll ask our Township Engineer Bryan Kulakowsky to help me out on that later on in his report.
Commissioner Mullin thanked Commissioner Evans for answering all the resident questions. He also noted that you can email the Board with any of your questions. They will be responded to, and answered.
Citizens to Be Heard
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked when in-person meetings will resume. Commissioner Mullin noted that personally he would like to shoot for September however, they have to make sure that the meeting room is safe for all residents, and staff. Commissioner Mullin also noted that the Board wants to make sure that the meeting room is set up for “Zoom” meetings so they don’t lose residents who attend that way.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
1895 East Lincoln Highway: Resolution for TE-160, and Drainage Improvement and Maintenance Agreement – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp offered a Drainage Improvement Operations and Maintenance Agreement for the proposed Dunkin Donuts restaurant, to be located at the Caln Plaza. Ms. Camp noted that the Board granted final land development approval after granting conditional use approval. The Development requires stormwater management improvements to be located within the PennDot Right of Way of Lincoln Highway, and with any stormwater improvement it requires a Highway Occupancy Permit (“HOP”). The HOP requires that the Township is ultimately responsible for the maintenance.
Ms. Camp noted that this agreement will require that the Developer and Property Owners be responsible. This agreement will need to be included, with their HOP application for PennDot to ultimately improve it.
For Board consideration, Ms. Camp offered Resolution 2021-22 for the upgrade of the traffic signal at Lincoln Highway, and North Caln Road/Olive Street in order to perform the improvements that are needed for the Dunkin Donuts restaurant.
Commissioner Mullin asked who is paying for the traffic update. Ms. Camp noted that the Developer pays for traffic signal update.
Commissioner Young asked if the poles and lights are being updated, or is it the cabinet as well. Traffic Engineer from Traffic Planning and Design (“TPD”), Jeff Todd noted that he believes that the cabinet is not required to be upgraded by PennDot. Mr. Todd noted that he believes that it is the pole at the corner, the push buttons, the man count down timers, and the ADA ramps.
Ms. Camp read the proposed improvements explanation on the permit application. She noted that it is to “Widen northwest corner and replace curb ramps on northwest corner, update pedestrian and vehicular clearance calculations, upgrade pedestrian push buttons and pedestrian signal indications, replace pedestrian crosswalk pavement markings, adjust land use control signage and show the existing R4-4 sign for westbound Lincoln Highway”.
Commissioner Young asked if the current LED lights will be replaced with LED lights. Mr. Todd noted that if the current lights are LED lights then the replacement lights will be LED lights.
Commissioner Mullin asked if both ADA ramps on the north end are being replaced. Mr. Todd noted that the northwest corner of the intersection is being replaced, with two new ramps as part of the widening. PennDot has issued a permit for the project, and created a condition that they investigate the ADA ramps on the northeast corner, as well as the southwest corner to determine if they have to be replaced or upgraded, in any fashion. He also noted that TPD will be furnishing PennDot with a report on their investigation.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the other corner Mr. Todd referenced is the corner by Jacks Pizza. Mr. Todd noted that the corner is not included in that request.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize both the execution of Resolution 2021-22, as well as to authorize the President to sign the Drainage Improvement Operations and Maintenance Agreement. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
Lloyd Avenue Traffic Light – Mr. Kulakowsky noted that all the documents from the Township have been signed, and submitted to PennDot. He is currently waiting for PennDot’s approval to issue the signed plan, and signal permit to complete the bid package.
Diane Hammell Trust: 1541 Fisherville Road – Mr. Kulakowsky noted that there is one piece in Caln Township, one piece in West Brandywine Township, and one piece in East Brandywine Township. He noted that this will be before the Board at their June 10, 2021 meeting.
Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Kulakowsky if he knows what type of development is proposed in East and West Brandywine Township. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that the development will be a total of three ten acre lots. The entire parcel in West Brandywine is being maintained as is. The plan restricts only one single family house to be built. They will need to get additional approvals to do more.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that there is no development proposed, this is strictly an estate planning subdivision to create three ten acre lots for “Clean and Green”.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the sliver piece located in Caln Township is just a driveway. Mr. Kulakowsky replied “yes”. Mr. Kulakowsky also noted that the driveway would be for an “access driveway” to get from Fisherville Road to the pieces behind it in East and West Brandywine Township.
Commissioner Mullin noted that he would be concerned on how much development would happen in the lots that are not Caln Township, and bleed into the Township’s roads. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that they are restricted to single development lots.
Marc Fox of 253 Thornridge Drive asked if they are allowed to do anything else with the property in Caln Township, other than leave it a driveway. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that this piece of property is environmentally restricted by wetlands, riparian buffer zones, and a stream.
2021 Road Program – Mr. Kulakowsky noted that there will be a bid opening on June 1, 2021.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Golf Course Grant – Ms. Denne noted that the Township has received a $65,000 grant through the blight program. This grant is for the demolition of the dilapidated house on the golf course. She also noted that this will be a great enhancement for the golf course, and provide more open space for residents to enjoy.
Emergency Declaration Extension – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered an Emergency Declaration Extension for an additional thirty (30) days. She also noted that this allows for the Township to apply for federal, and state funding.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to extend the Emergency Declaration. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Update to Parking Ordinance – Ms. Denne noted that staff has been working on various versions of the snow, and parking ordinance over the last year. This particular ordinance is just dealing with the “no parking” areas. These areas have “no parking” signs up however, they are not on the list. Ms. Denne noted that a draft ordinance will be presented for a motion to advertise at the June 10 Board meeting.
Commissioner Mullin asked Ms. Denne the number of roads being added. Ms. Denne noted that there are approximately 12 roads being added.
Commissioner Mullin asked if these neighborhoods have other areas to get their vehicles out of the way. Mr. Stackhouse noted that all of the areas have access to parking.
Consideration of an ATV Ordinance – Ms. Denne noted that she has received a complaint from Commissioner Tindaro as well as several residents regarding the ATV traffic in the Township. She noted that Chief Elias noted that Coatesville has a pretty good ATV ordinance. Ms. Denne noted that she forwarded Coatesville’s ordinance and the township ordinance to the Board for their review, and to let her know if they have any additions or changes. Ms. Denne noted that this will be on the June 10 agenda.
Commissioner Evans noted that he would like to see the towing, and storage rate increase as a deterrent to stop this activity.
Ms. Camp suggested keeping this in a fee resolution because you can adjust it more frequently, if needed. Ms. Denne noted that she will work with Chief Elias to see what the current fees are.
Ms. Camp noted that also a towing company’s fees may change periodically and it’s easier to change a fee resolution than keep enacting an ordinance.
Commissioner Young noted towing an ATV or motorcycle is more difficult than a vehicle.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if this would include the electric bikes. Ms. Denne noted that they can be added to the definition if the Board wants. Ms. Camp noted that she does not know the status of the electric bikes.
Commissioner Mullin asked Commissioner Tindaro what her concerns are. Commissioner Tindaro noted that it is the ATV noise, and their speeding at all hours of the day and night. Commissioner Tindaro thanked Chief Elias for putting the speed device in the area.
Commissioner Mullin asked the Chief to join this discussion. Chief Elias noted that the complaints have risen in the last eighteen months, more so in the west end of the township. The problem has gotten so bad that they entered into a task force agreement with Coatesville and Valley Township Police Departments. Chief Elias also noted that they are using a state police helicopter to track them to the source of where the ATV’s are being stored. They tracked two and cited both parties.
Chief Elias encouraged residents to call the non-emergency line so they can dispatch an Officer when they encounter this.
Chief Elias noted that the police had two incidents where a motorcycle drove onto Township property and taunted Police Officers into a pursuit. Officers did not pursue them.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comment.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road thanked Ms. Denne for getting the golf course grant.
Commissioner Evans noted that the house in reference to the grant was looked at by Paul Stevens and the Township Historical Commission, and it has no historical value.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2021-21 A Resolution Recommending that the Pennsylvania General Assembly adopt Legislation to Permit the Use of Virtual Meeting Platforms for Public Meetings Held by Municipalities – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered Resolution 2021-21.
Bill Schoell from Representative Williams’ office noted that the legislation is House Bill 1318. He noted that Representative Williams is a co-sponsor on this legislation. Mr. Schoell noted that Governor Wolf’s declaration is what is allowing these meetings. He recently extended them for another ninety days. Mr. Schoell also noted that this resolution would allow for virtual meetings to continue once we are out of an emergency declaration.
Mr. Schoell noted that if the Township passes this resolution, Representative Williams’ office will be glad to carry it to Harrisburg.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion adopting Resolution 2021-21 recommending that the Pennsylvania General Assembly adopt Legislation to permit the use of virtual meeting platforms for public meetings held by Municipalities. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2021-22 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign, and Submit a Traffic Signal Application to PennDot on behalf of the Board of Commissioners for the Upgrade to the Existing Traffic Signal, Located at Lincoln Highway, North Caln Road, and Olive Street – This resolution was passed under “Township Solicitor-Ms. Camp”.
Resolution 2021-03 A Resolution Designating the 2021 Response Territories for Emergency Service in Caln Township (TABLED 01/28/2021) – Commissioner Mullin noted that resolution 2021-03 will continue to be tabled.
Minutes to Approve/Acknowledge
May 13, 2021 Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the May 13, 2021 Board of Commissioners Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comment. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Financial Report – Ms. Swan
Financial Report – Ms. Swan noted that the fund balance is looking good in all of the accounts. She also noted that the debt obligation is going down. Five leases have been closed out in May, seven will be closed by the end of July, and there are five remaining leases.
Ms. Swan noted that there are some sitting funds, and suggested getting CD’s or three to six month investments.
Commissioner Young asked her to provide the Board with where the money is currently kept. He also noted that PGLIT has a higher interest rate. Ms. Swan noted that PGLIT is one of the options that she is reviewing.
Commissioner Young suggested to have a Finance Committee recommend what to do, to the Board.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
Motion of approval for General Checks 46518 to 46575, and Manual Checks 197 to 201 – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve general checks 46518 to 46575 and manual checks 197 to 201. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none.
Vote passed 5-0.
Directors Reports
Police Chief Elias – Chief Elias noted a few highlights from their department’s April 2021 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Chief Elias noted that it the Officers have had their body cameras in service for six weeks, and it is working extremely well. They are a part of a three camera system. There is a forward looking camera in the car, a camera in the passenger compartment of the vehicle that’s recorded, and the body camera.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the camera looks a little bulky, and wondered if there has been any feedback from the Police Officers. Chief Elias noted that he has had no complaints.
Commissioner Tindaro noted that the cameras look very sturdy. Chief Elias noted that they have a three year replacement warranty.
Chief Elias noted that after two months of entry police testing, Civil Service approved an eligibility of candidates who have successfully passed the physical agility and oral exam to date. They have also begun the background investigations.
Commissioner Mullin noted that Chief Elias has reached eight years of service, and Sergeant Miller fifteen years of service. Chief Elias noted that he puts this information in his monthly report.
Chief Dan Donnachie – Chief Donnachi noted a few highlights from his department’s April 2021 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Chief Donnachie noted that at 4:19 AM on May 24, there was a large accidental house fire on Andrew Circle. Four units were impacted, three families were displaced, and two families are being assisted by the American Red Cross. Also, there was a resident that sustained minor injuries. Chief Donnachie also noted that they rescued a guinea pig, a dog, and several cats.
Director of Building & Life Safety Mr. Stackhouse – Mr. Stackhouse noted a few highlights from his department’s April 2021 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Dunkin Donuts – Mr. Stackhouse noted that they are finishing some outstanding items.
Dwell at Caln – Mr. Stackhouse noted that they have changed ownership, and may change their name. He is reviewing an already approved land development plan, working through legal agreements, and questions on the project.
Sports Arena – Mr. Stackhouse noted that they have a resubmittal in review.
Commissioner Evans thanked Mr. Stackhouse for taking care of the Taco Bell complaint. Mr. Stackhouse noted that they are a new business, and have been very responsive to all of his requests. Commissioner Mullin noted that the trash hauler was picking up their trash at 4:00 AM. Mr. Stackhouse noted that he emailed the owner, and within five minutes they responded that they were contacting their operational department.
Ingleside Golf Manager Mr. Ward – Mr. Ward noted a few highlights from his department’s April 2021 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Mr. Ward noted that they had approximately 3,000 rounds in April, and took in $93,592 in revenue. He also noted that right now they stand at $171,663, up %663 from April 2020.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the golf fund is negative $337,000. Mr. Ward noted that they do not make positive until May or June.
Director of Public Works Mr. Fragale – Mr. Fragale noted a few highlights from his department’s April 2021 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Mr. Fragale noted that all the parks are opened and mulched. The bathrooms are also opened.
Mr. Fragale noted that they replaced pipes and worked on stormwater issues on Kingsway Lane. He also noted that they replaced pipes on Kingswood Lane.
Mr. Fragale noted that street sweeping throughout the Township will run from June 7 to June 11.
Commissioner Mullin thanked Mr. Fragale for taking care of the curb on Kingswood Lane.
Additional Business
Commissioner Kennedy noted that a resident asked her if the Township would do a proclamation for two Township residents who have resided in the Township for nineteen years. These residents have volunteered their services to the Coatesville Area School District for the “Red Raiders Robotics” team. The “Red Raider Robotics” team is the top ranked team in Pennsylvania.
Commissioner Kennedy invited the Board to their event on June 27. Ms. Denne asked Commissioner Kennedy to send her the information for the proclamation, and she will prepare one.
Commissioner Young noted that he was approached by a committee of people to serve on an “ad hoc” committee relating to what is going to happen to Brandywine Hospital if Towner Health should close or consolidate. The committee is made up of Municipal Officials from the surrounding area consisting of Valley Township, City of Coatesville, East Fallowfield Township, and East and West Brandywine Townships.
Commissioner Young noted this committee is about equity for the people who live in this area, and what happens if there is no hospital to go to, especially those who do not have transportation to go to Paoli or West Chester hospital. Commissioner Young noted that he will keep the Board informed as they move forward.
Commissioner Tindaro asked the Board if the Township is thinking about having any open-air events, in the near future. Ms. Denne noted that staff is regularly looking at the CDC guidelines. Ms. Denne also noted that the Township has to make sure that the residents and staff are safe. She noted that a big concern is if multiple township employees get sick, it stops Township services because they are out.
Commissioner Evans noted that he is fully vaccinated however, it does not mean that he cannot get COVID.
Commissioner Young noted that the June 1 Parks and Recreation meeting is cancelled. He noted that smaller events are probably doable towards the middle of the summer however, Caln Community is not. Also, businesses have struggled over the years, and may not be able to be as generous as they have been. It also takes a lot of volunteer help.
Ms. Denne noted that the CDC is saying you do not have to wear masks anymore however, they are encouraging social distancing indoors, and in crowds.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the Historical Commission adopted the model “Historic Caln, Where it all began”. They asked if the Board would consider approving it for “Caln Township”.
Commissioner Evans noted that they are trying to have an image in peoples’ minds when they hear of Caln. There is a lot of history that started in the Township. Moving forward with the zoning update project, and trying to create a vision, something like this could go a long way making the Township more recognizable.
Commissioner Young asked if this is changing the seal or changing the branding of the Township. He also asked where all what began. Commissioner Evans noted that it was intentionally done that way. It is something that people can latch on to, and does not necessarily need to be answered. Downingtown and Coatesville came out of Caln, and we were here before West Chester. He also noted that it all came out of what was once not incorporated but called “Caln” He noted that he does not believe that the seal needs to be changed, it is something that starts to be added to everything.
Commissioner Tindaro noted that it is like a tag line that when people see it, they think there is so much to see.
Commissioner Mullin noted that this phrase fits perfectly for the Historical Commission however, he was not sure as for the whole township.
Commissioner Young noted that when he heard Commissioner Tindaros’ comment as to when people see it, he thought of using “being seen here” or “being here”.
Commissioner Mullin noted that this can be brought up at a Historical Commission meeting, and brought back to the Commissioners.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if the Township would consider putting American flags along the Lincoln Highway Corridor. She noted that she went through Marshallton/Thorndale, and they have flags along their road. Commissioner Young noted that they are the previous version flags. They do not have the correct amount of stars.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none.
Public Comments
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run suggested that the Township look into Promontory, which is an Insured Cash Sweep Service like a money market, and Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (“CDARS”) Ms. Swan noted that there is a lot of opportunity out there. She also noted that she is working on a spread sheet to present to the Board.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the May 27, 2021 meeting at 9:14 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary

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