253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
May 25, 2017, 7:55 PM
Call to order and pledge of allegiance.
Present - Jennifer Breton, President; George Chambers, Vice President; Joshua Young, Commissioner; John Contento, Commissioner; Kristen Denne, Township Manager; Thomas G. Wilkes, P.E., Township Engineer; Kristen S. Camp, Township Solicitor; and Margaret Driller, Recording Secretary
Moment of Silence – Commissioner Young called for a moment of silence for all first responders and military, all over the world.
Appointment Fulfilling Board of Commissioners Vacancy
Commissioner Breton opened the floor for nominations to fill the vacancy on the Board of Commissioners, due to Commissioner Eshleman’s relocation to North Carolina. Commissioner Young made a motion to nominate Ms. Lorraine Tindaro, there was no second to the motion, motion failed. Commissioner Contento made a motion to nominate Mr. Joe Reich, there was no second to the motion, motion failed. Commissioner Young motioned to nominate Mr. Chuck Kramer, Commissioner Contento seconded the motion. Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to close the nominations and to approve Mr. Chuck Kramer as the new commissioner to Caln Township, moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Motion carried 4-0. The Board is very pleased to have Mr. Chuck Kramer as the fifth commissioner for the township. Mr. Kramer will be sworn in at the June 8, 2017 meeting.
Citizens to be Heard
Ms. Julie Farnum, 606 West Pennsylvania, Downingtown was asking if the township could buy the Lloyd Farm property. Senator Rafferty stated that if we voted to preserve these lands he would get the funding to buy this property. She has sent the Board of Commissioners a letter from Land Trust, and they stated they would have the funds to buy the property near the dog park so that this land would never be developed.. This land does not belong to Caln Township and has been looked at by developers and it would be the decision of the archdiocese to sell it and sell it for a certain amount of money for this property and it would go to the highest bidder.
Mr. Peter Callahan and his wife Cathy, 931 Bondsville Road, had a request to remove the general industrial use section of the Comprehensive Plan. They would like to strike thru the section on Page 25, under general industrial and the lower paragraphs to be removed. They currently want to keep Fisherville Road as an historic district will no industrial uses at the site on the map, it is colored purple for general industrial and they would like to have this removed from the map.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Solicitor Camp stated the proposed ordinance amending various provisions in the Zoning Ordinance was sent to both Planning Commissions who recommended the Board approve the same. She would like the Board to schedule a public hearing for June 8, 2017 and the Board agreed.
FEMA Floodplain Ordinance
Solicitor Camp and Venzie reviewed the new FEMA Floodplain Ordinance and amendments needed as a result of the adoption of new FIRM floodplain maps. FEMA and the Pa. Department of Community and Economic Development provided a model ordinance for the Township to adopt. Leslie Rhoads, the consultant for DCED, approved the draft she has seen so far. The solicitors attended the planning commission and received input from the Planning Commission. The PC recommends that the Board approve the ordinance. Ms. Venzie explained that the township can select more flexible options for only a few of the sections. The Board focused on these sections and provided input to the Solicitors for revisions they would like to see in the next draft. They will discuss any changes from tonight and attempt to schedule the hearing in July 2017.
WAWA Reeceville LD 2016
The WAWA Reeceville LD 2016 was previously approved by the Board and now the developer has submitted the developer and storm water management agreement for Board approval. Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to authorize the President to sign all five agreements for the WAWA Reeceville LD 2016. Moved by Commissioner Young, seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion carried 4-0.
Solicitor Camp also stated that the developer of the WAWA on Bondsville Road has drafted a license agreement for the installation of the decorative wall and sign. Discussion was held as to an option to forgot the aluminum letters and instead have lettering inlayed into the brick or have lettering that cannot be vandalized. She will send the paperwork to the Board of Commissioners.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration – Resolution Adopting Caln Township Comprehensive Plan of 2017 – (2017-19)
Commissioner Breton stated that she wanted to discuss the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan which were suggested tonight at the public hearing and by email. The first change was brought by Peter and Cathy Callahan, Stu Deets and Ms. Gina Mullen, on page 25 of the Comp Plan they would like to strike out the paragraph that states that general industrial area could be done on this site.
The Commissioners voted on a motion to take this paragraph out and to remove the purple designation for general industrial area on the map, Commissioner Young and Commissioner Chambers voted Aye, Commission Breton and Commissioner Contento voted Ney.
Commission Contento stated we should just change the language to read that the general industrial area be designated at some appropriate location within the township. This was agreed to by the Commissioners and to strike the purple colored section that is on the map where it shows that the property can be used for general industrial.
Commissioner Contento and Commissioner Breton then approved this change with the language to be added and changed and that the purple location on the map is removed so as not to designate this as a building site for general industrial use.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to change the language in this paragraph to what was just stated and to have the purple section designating general industrial use be removed. Commissioner Young moved and Commissioner Chambers seconded. Motion passed 3-1, Commissioner Young, Ney.
Commissioner Breton also stated she received some changes from Mr. Scott Gill, to removal of the sections on Municipal Waste Water Treatment, C-10; seek agreements for waste water treatment, waste water pump station, C-11 to implement a sewer maintenance program while acquiring equipment needed.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the changes given by Mr. Scott Gill, to remove C-10 and C-11 on pages 41 and 42 under the Municipal Waste Water Treatment section of the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Young. Motion passed 4-0.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the resolution to adopt the Caln Township Comprehensive Plan of 2017 – (2017-19) with the noted changes discussed. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Motion carried 3-1; Commissioner Young Ney. Commissioner Young stated he opposed the plan and that this plan was not visionary for Caln Township and it was a waste of money for the township as it did not give us a plan to move forward for the next ten years and into the future.
Township Manager – Kristen Denne
Ms. Denne stated that a proposal for the road work this year with the design project that needs to be done was submitted and will need the approval of the Board. Mr. Wilkes explained that there are known roadways that definitely need repairs with drainage and storm water damage at the present time. Ms. Denne and he went out with the road crews and have accessed road segments with high priorities. They will go back to do survey work and cost estimates needed. There will be a finite amount to be done with money that we currently have and bids will have to be solicited to get these roads fixed in a timely manner, we want to choose which roads take priority. The roads will not be worked on until late fall, it is a tight schedule but we should be able to get this done.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the proposal for road repair as stated on letter from Mr. Wilkes, Engineer, dated by Ms. Denne, Moved by Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Motion carried 4-0.
Ms. Denne also wanted to remind the Commissioners of the meeting with PennDOT to discuss work on additions to Route 322 for entrances, extra lanes and exits; This meeting to be held on Thursday, June 1, 2017 at the Downingtown Middle School Cafeteria, Open House 6:30 to 8:30 and formal meeting at 7 o’clock. Storm Water committee had their meeting and Ms. Beth Uhler spoke on how to reduce sediment in the township, this will have to be reviewed in July 2017 for the final report.
Mr. Tony DiSario, would like to be appointed to the Stormwater Advisory Commission. He will not have to be reinterviewed for this position at this time.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to appoint Mr. Tony DiSario to the Stormwater Advisory Commission. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion carried 4-0.
June 29, 2017 Meeting Cancellation
The meetings of the Board of Commissioners will change for the month of June. The first public meeting will be held on June 8, 2017, on June 22, 2017 there will be an executive session with no formal meeting for the public that evening. The regularly scheduled June 29, 2017 Board of Commissioners meeting will be cancelled.
Township Engineer – Tom Wilkes, Cedarville Engineering
Mr. Tom Wilkes of Cedarville Engineering submitted his report to the Commissioners. The report covered all land development applications and their status to date. Commissioner Contento wanted to know when the Royal Farms project pipe installation would be completed. Mr. Stackhouse stated that there were some delays at the site but hopefully they will be completed in the weeks ahead. Commissioner Contento also asked about Academy Sport Complex, Mr. Stackhouse stated they would get their final U&O permit after the elevator and batting cages have been approved, and he will have a final inspection of the site next week. The Wedgewood sidewalk project is in the design phase and plans are being drawn up.
Directors Report
Police Chief Elias
Chief Elias presented his report to the Board. At the Strawberry Festival, the police department will have a booth for finger printing and other officers will be present. The department has been asked to help secure the site for the Coatesville High School Prom with five officers and the department has also been asked for seven officers for the High School graduation. They may have to go to other departments to help provide coverage at these two events. The License Plate Reader has been used over the past several weeks, a car at Carver Court had a stolen tag and there also was a short pursuit that occurred after a car was stolen.
Deputy Fire Chief Donnachie – ISO Report
Deputy Fire Chief Donnachie submitted this month’s report, reflecting 40 service calls and 40 medical service calls. The Fire Company received a federal grant to purchase fitness equipment to benefit all emergency responders. The Fire Company also received $10,000 to purchase a new washer and dryer for firefighting personnel protective equipment. At the Strawberry Festival the Fire Company will have electronic signs on site all four days. The ISO Report will be reported on at the next meeting. The Interagency meeting with the Fire Company will be set up as soon as the fifth Commissioner is sworn in.
Director of Building & Life Safety – Mr. Stackhouse
Mr. Stackhouse presented this month’s report dated May 19, 2017, reflecting 128 permits processed by the department for the month. Project updates included working with Meadowlake on rebuilding after a fire, and Academy Sports Complex still operating on temporary U&O, with final inspection being scheduled. The 99 North Caln Road renovation project was issued a temporary U&O. Both WAWA projects are preparing to enter building plan phase. The Chester County Head Start building renovation project is ongoing.
Director of Public Works – Mr. Fragale
Mr. Fragale submitted his monthly report dated May 8, 2017. Park Maintenance occurred for Municipal Park and Lloyd Park, the department removed old railroad ties and edging at the playgrounds, and replaced old mulch with new. Repair has been completed on storm inlets on Garden View Drive, as well as repair on blacktop, curbing and street signs throughout the township. The department worked on the roof project at Township Building and there are a few items still to be completed. He will look at storm water at the Links, as well as continuing wood chipping with two crews of four. The boom mower was used out on the roads and street sweeping will occur within the next 3 to 4 weeks. Laser line stripers for turn lanes, arrows and crosswalks will be completed and Mr. Fragale will look at the stencils we currently have to use. He noted G.O. Carlson Boulevard will need center lines. We have been asked to assist a handicapped person in a wheelchair with signs from Thornridge to the Fire Department. The nursing crew would like to have a designated lane with lines. The storm water project has been finished in the Township Building parking lot. Commissioner Contento asked if we can repair the large pothole at the intersection of Reeceville Road and Route 340 as previously requested, and he was advised this is a PennDOT road. Mr. Fragale stated he would call PennDOT again on Tuesday to remind them of this item.
Ingleside Golf Course Manager – Mr. Ward
Mr. Ward submitted his April 2017 Report to the Board of Commissioners. He stated that we had a typical April, and are on budget for the month. The West Chester Alumni had a golf event with 77 golfers attending. Junior clinic will be held on Wednesday nights and the members will be working on driving. The Pro Shop was painted and work has been done maintaining the basin. The crew has been trying to keep the geese population down and baby geese have been born, but the reduction in the population is working.
Finance Report – Mr. Wilson
Monthly Report
Mr. Wilson submitted his April 30, 2017 report to the Board of Commissioners. Cash balances are strong and 92% of the real estate taxes billed have been collected to date. Caln Township Funds total $5,384,357 and Municipal Authority Funds total $3,140,742. Police Pension funds total $6,971,595. Final numbers for the audit of 2016 were an excess of revenues over expenditures of $244,423 and $42,741 in the general fund and fire fund respectively.
Bill List for General Check Numbers 39911-39980, Bond 1169-1170 – Motion to approve
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the Bill List for General Check numbers 39911-39980 and Bond numbers 1169-1170. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion passed 4-0.
Additional Business
Mr. Chuck Kramer thanked the Board for selecting him to fulfill the short term vacancy of Caln Township Commissioner.
Public Comments
Ms. Noel Bernard stated that it took two years and countless hours to develop the Comp Plan. We hired a firm with the understanding they would do a great job for the township but she does not feel this has occurred. She agrees with Commissioner Young that the Comp Plan consultant should have been another firm. She stated the time, effort and expertise gave us a report which was not impressive. She is also stating that there is a lot of money being spent for Special Labor Counsel of $18,734.34 on Check #39923
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adjourn this meeting at 9:45 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Motion carried 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Margaret Driller
Recording Secretary
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