253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
March 8, 2018 minutes
7:30 PM
Call to order and Salute to the Flag
Attendance – Jennifer Breton-President, George Chambers-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, John Contento-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Kristin Camp-Solicitor, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/ Secretary, and Denise Miller Assistant Township Secretary.
Commissioner Breton noted that prior to tonight’s meeting and after the February 22, 2016 meeting there was an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters.
Citizens to be Heard
Commissioner Breton called for citizens to be heard. There were none.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
2018 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code – Ms. Camp handed out additional paperwork referring to the Property Maintenance Code. Ms. Camp noted that the township Chapter 120, adopted by reference, is the 2016 Edition and she has the 2009 Edition. Ray Stackhouse has requested Board adoption of the new 2018 Edition. Also, presented was information on Act 133 of 2016 which prohibits municipalities from denying use and occupancy certificates based on the results of a point of sale. Ms. Camp noted a new definition added to Chapter 10, solely for Caln Township, for the inspection process. After Commissioner Contento’s comments, Ms. Camp noted that she will make his comments clearer, and then circulate another draft for possible authorization to advertise at the March 22, 2018 meeting.
3453 Lincoln Highway NTB project – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp presented a draft Motion of Approval which would grant Preliminary/Final Land Development to the Applicant Wright Thorndale LLC, for premises know as: Chester County Tax Parcel Number 39-4-110.7A, .52 gross acres of land. She also introduced the Applicant’s Counsel who in attendance. Ms. Camp noted that the approval would require the applicant to bring the plans to the compliance of Gilmore’s February 8, 2018 letter and Cedarville’s February 15, 2018 letter. The Decision also referenced the modifications that the Board previously granted at the January 25, 2018 meeting.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the Motion of Approval for the NTB project. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Acme Grocery Store – Ms. Denne noted that Acme Grocery Store has approached the Township with the possibility of a restaurant use, no official plans have been submitted.
Roadside Cleanup – Ms. Denne noted a delay in the roadside clean up, due to the recent storms.
Lawn and Property Maintenance Bid Award – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne presented the bid from Hurricane Hill Farm for Exhibit B parts 1-16. Ms. Denne noted that this was the only bid, and their snow removal Exhibit was not competitive so it will stay in-house.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the bid from Hurricane Hill Farm for Exhibit B parts 1-16. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Resident Mr. Callaghan had a question on the bid. Vote passed 5-0.
January 16, 2018 Planning Commission Minutes Acknowledgement – Ms. Denne presented the January 16, 2018 Planning Commission minutes for acknowledgement.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion acknowledging the January 16, 2018 Planning Commission minutes. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Vote passed 5-0.
Civil Service Commission Police Corporal Promotional Results – Ms. Denne introduced Mr. March from the Civil Service Commission to present the results of the Police Corporal promotion. Mr. March noted that due to a recent decision by the Board to create four corporal positions within the Police Department, a notice was placed and seven officers applied. The test was conducted by three Chiefs of Police from Chester County. Mr. March noted he gave those results to the Board, and it is appropriate for the Board to make a decision tonight on those results. Commissioner Young asked if the names could be read. Commissioner Breton read the top four names. Officers Culbertson, Ashe, Miller, and Whisler.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the Police Corporal results as provided by the Civil Service Commission. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
NTB Project – Approved under Township Solicitor.
Fisherville Road – Mr. Kulakowski noted that the DEP has sent notification that the general permit was approved by the reviewer, and forwarded on for processing issuance in approximately two weeks.
2018 Road Program – Mr. Kulakowsky noted he is currently working on finalizing all the work and restoration work required for the roads, and read them for the Board.
1) First Avenue from Walnut Street to Hazelwood Avenue
2) West Summit Avenue from Second Avenue to the end of the cul-de-sac
3) Third Avenue from West Summit to Hazelwood Avenue
4) South Bailey Road from Hazelwood Avenue to the culvert
5) South Bailey Road at the intersection of Lincoln Highway
6) Reed Street from South Seventeenth Avenue to the Coatesville Line, ½ mile
7) Fifteenth Avenue from Reed Street to the East Fallowfield Township line
8) G.O. Carlson Boulevard from Park Drive to North Bailey Road
Mr. Kulakowsky noted he is currently working on the cost analysis for the roads, and will present them to the Board once they are completed.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2018-10 Snow Emergency – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne presented Snow Emergency Resolution 2018-10. Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adopt Resolution 2018-10 ratifying the current snow emergency. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Bill List
Checks #41251 to #41304 – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the bill list, general checks #41251 to #41304. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Vote passed 5-0.
Boards and Commissions Updates – Summary by applicable Board Liaison
Park and Recreation – Commissioner Young noted they are finalizing the Easter Egg Hunt, and noted the Summer Series for June, July, and August.
COG – Commissioner Breton noted they discussed the rebranding of Coatesville Senior High School to Rebecca Lukens High School.
Municipal Authority – Commissioner Contento noted the completion of the 53 home Dogwood/Scott public sewer installation, and the publication and official notice to the homeowners to connect. Mr. Contento also noted, the Municipal Authority has adopted a five year window for residents to connect, as long as their sewer passes.
DARA – Commissioner Young noted they are still waiting for the HVAC replacement to begin at the DARA facilities
Fire Board – Commissioner Young noted the first meeting of the Fire Board on Tuesday March 13.
Civil Service Commission – Commissioner Breton noted the removal of the Civil Service Commission from future agendas.
Planning Commission – Commissioner Tindaro noted that she had a conflict therefore she did not attend the meeting.
Historical Commission – Commissioner Tindaro noted discussion was held on Tom DeFroscia’s bench being installed in the spring and being part of the Sesquicentennial Celebrations
Lincoln Highway – Commissioner Young noted discussion on the Sesquicentennial which is now being called the 150th. He also noted Community Day on September 8 with all events up to the 16th having the 150th incorporated into it. Volunteers will also get T-shirts for all the events. Commissioner Chambers noted the Thorndale banners for sale to business owners along Route 30.
Sesquicentennial – Commissioner Breton noted to change Sesquicentennial to 150th for the next work session agenda.
Zoning Hearing Board – No update was given.
Additional Business
Shopping Carts – Ms. Denne noted that Mr. Stackhouse reached out to the Giant and other businesses of the Shopping Center and relayed that the shopping carts need to be collected, on a daily basis.
Public Comments
Commissioner Breton called for public comment. There were none.
Adjournment – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adjourn the March 8, 2018 meeting at 8:25 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Submitted by,
Denise Miller
Assistant Twp. Secretary

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