Board of Commissioners
March 30, 2023
7:30 PM
Hybrid Meeting
Call to Order: Commissioner Mullin called the Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Commissioner Mullin then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary, Lisa Swan-Township Treasurer, Chief Elias-Police Department, Ray Stackhouse-Codes & Public Works Director, Scot Gill-Municipal Authority Director.
Professionals Present: Kristin Camp Township Solicitor, and Karl Schmit representing ARRO.
Special Guest: Chief Stewart-Minquas Fire Company Ambulance Service and Chief Taylor- Thorndale Fire Company.
The Board of Commissioners March 30, 2023 agenda was posted on the Township website, and at the Township building, on March 29, 2023. Agendas were made available for the public at the meeting.
The 2023 Township Board of Commissioners meetings were published in the Daily Local News, on December 27, 2022.
Commissioner Evans’ Township Update
Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us. We’re all in this together. Just a reminder, only questions or statements regarding an agenda item will be entertained under “Citizens to be Heard” at the top of the meeting. All other matters will be recognized during “Public Comment” at the end of the meeting.
HAPPY OPENING DAY! The greatest day of ‘em all. Unfortunately, due to expected inclement weather, our very own Caln Little League opening day has been rescheduled for 10:00 AM, Saturday April 15, 2023 at the Municipal Park. See you there!
TAKE ME TO THE RIVER - Speaking of fun games, check out the Stormwater Maze and Wordsearch on our website. How many tries will it take for your raindrop to make it to the river?
TAKE ME TO THE BRIDGE – Good news! PECO has confirmed that on April 20, 2023, they will be relocating the pole that has been standing in the way of progress at the Municipal Bridge. More to come.
QUESTION: How many members are on the Parks & Recreation Board? And the answer is… SIX. Next question: How many events does the Parks & Recreation Board put together for our enjoyment? Let’s see… there’s the Summer Movie Series, Summer Concerts, Fireworks, Halloween Parade, Holiday Tree Lighting, Caln Community Day, Tree Planting and Maintenance Events, and the list goes on and on. That’s a whole lot of planning, organizing, and producing for only six people, yet this small group of committed doers keep getting it done. It’s time for a couple of us to step up and help - before they eventually burn out. Whatever you’re thinking of doing this coming Monday night, why not put it on hold and come out to a Parks & Recreation Board meeting. They’re a fun, inclusive, inspiring group – one meeting, and you’ll be hooked. See you then!
AND DON’T FORGET – Thanks to our Parks & Recreation Board, next Saturday April 8, 2023 is the annual Easter Egg Hunt – 1:00 PM at the Municipal Park.
SPEAKING OF HELPING Out – Minquas EMS and Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company could always use a little extra support. Check out their websites for more information on how you can help. Be it monetarily or as a volunteer, you too can be a part of the solution.
ARBOR DAY FUN - Riparian Buffer Tree Maintenance Day is Saturday April 22, 2023 with a morning session at Lloyd Park and an afternoon at Municipal Park. You can sign up on our website, so far only a few have volunteered. Ms. Swan and her team could really use our help for this great project.
ZONING UPDATE – The Board of Commissioners held a public zoning workshop on March 23, 2023. We’re getting closer to the finish line. Keep checking the website for future workshop dates.
SPREAD KINDNESS EVERYONE – Anger, Grudges, and Resentments are not worth our time or energy. Compassion, Empathy, Peace, and Love – these are what make the world go round, and the greatest gifts any of us can give or receive.
Citizens to be Heard
Commissioner Mullin called for Citizens to be Heard. There were none.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Public Hearing
Ms. Camp proposed a zoning amendment for the Board’s consideration. Ms. Camp noted that she wants the minutes to reflect the different exhibits. This is a public hearing process, so a Township zoning ordinance amendment has to be advertised as a public hearing. There are other procedural requirements that the Board has to follow under the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code. Ms. Camp also noted that the purpose of her introducing these exhibits is so the minutes will reflect that the Board followed all appropriate procedures.
Ms. Camp noted the requirements:
B-1: Proof of Publication that tonight’s hearing was advertised in the Daily Local News (DLN) paper on March 15, 2023 and March 27, 2023.
B-2: Email dated March 9, 2023 from Jill Kirk, Ms. Camp’s Assistant, to the Chester County Law Library and the DLN paper providing the proposed zoning ordinance amendment for public inspection.
B-3: At the February 21, 2023 Caln Township Planning Commission meeting they gave their recommendation that the BOC adopt the ordinance, by a vote of 6-0.
B-4: This ordinance had to be reviewed by the Chester County Planning Commission. They issued a letter dated March 6, 2023 to the Township Manager indicating their recommendations for this ordinance.
Ms. Camp noted that this ordinance was suggested by the BOC at one of the Zoning Task Force public meetings. This ordinance would separate commercial drive-through establishments as a different defined use under the zoning code, and will not be included as a commercial drive-through anymore. Ms. Camp noted that currently, before this ordinance would be adopted, a car wash was not separately defined, it was regulated as a commercial drive-through. This ordinance would separate those uses and make it clear that a car wash is not a commercial drive-through, add a definition for commercial car wash and it would indicate that the use is permitted by conditional use in the C-1 district, and it would make amendments to Matrix Chart 7. Specifically, something will be added for commercial car wash and then a new section will be added. Section 155-99 is the current commercial car wash section.
Ms. Camp noted that this will only allow the use by conditional use in the C-1 District. Ms. Camp also noted that she recognizes that they are working on the zoning amendment and that the overall zoning ordinance will revise the zoning districts. The C-1 District is currently proposed to be eliminated, and this is a temporary matter until they finish and finalize the zoning rewrite.
Ms. Camp noted that she will answer any questions for this hearing.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin moved consideration for the zoning ordinance update to “Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp”.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2023-04 amending the Caln Township Zoning Ordinance of 2005, as amended, which is codified in Chapter 155 of the Caln Code specifically to amend the definition of commercial drive-through establishment and add a definition for commercial car wash in Section 155-12; to amend Section 155-27.C by adding a new subparagraph (32) to allow a commercial car wash as a use permitted in the C-1 District by conditional use; to amend Matrix Chart 7 to add utility and dimensional requirements for a commercial car wash in the C-1 District; to Amend Section 155-79.B (2) which defines the uses permitted as part of a commercial drive-through establishment and to add a new Section 155-99 to add regulations for a commercial car wash. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed 5-0.
Township Engineer
Request for Consideration to Approve PSA 1022-PC10, in the Amount of $55,000.00 to Compile and Submit the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Status Report for the Reporting Period from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, for Caln Township Before the September 30, 2023 Reporting Deadline – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmidt offered PSA 1022-PC10, in the amount of $55,000.00 in relation to the Township MS4 Program within the Township for their annual activity regarding implementation of the Township stormwater sewer program.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve PSA 1022-PC10, in the amount of $55,000.00 to compile and submit the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Status Report for the Reposting Period from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 for Caln Township before the September 30, 2023 reporting deadline. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Approve Contract Extensions to MOR Construction Services, Inc. for the Following Projects – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmit offered three extensions requested by MOR Construction Services, Inc.
a. North Barley Sheaf Road Culvert Project for Final Completion April 28, 2023
b. Barley Sheaf Road Swale Project for Final Completion on April 28, 2023
c. South Lloyd Avenue Culvert Project for Final Completion on May 19, 2023
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Evans asked if these are FEMA projects and if so, does the extensions affect the timeline for reimbursement. Mr. Schmit replied that these are FEMA projects, and the reimbursement timeline has been extended as well.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to extend the final completion of the requested MOR project extensions. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Approve Construction Masters Services, LLC Change Order in the Amount of $6,200.00 to Excavate Around and Under PECO’s Gas Line and Provide and Place Sleeve in Wall for the Moore Road Bridge Replacement – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmit offered a change order for Construction Masters Services LLC in the amount of $6,200.00, to excavate around and under PECO’s gas line and provide and place sleeve in wall for the Moore Road Bridge Replacement.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the gas line is supposed to be moved. Mr. Schmit replied that the hopes were that PECO would remove it; however, they now are getting to it after being contacted in November and the project was already bid on and underway.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if the $6,200.00 is over the budget allocated for this project. Mr. Schmit replied that he cannot speak to the original budget amount; however, the $6,200.00 is in addition to the low bid accepted, and represents approximately 3.8% of the original bid.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the other option is if the Township waited for PECO, this would drag itself out. Mr. Schmit replied that it would. PECO has not been able to commit to a time and there is no certainty as to when they would get that done. Mr. Schmit also replied that the contractor would probably have to demobilize, and it would be uncertain when they could come back.
Commissioner Evans asked if this is a FEMA project. Mr. Schmit replied that it is.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that extensions were put in for all the FEMA projects until the end of August 2023. Mr. Stackhouse noted that the concern for the extensions were the two bridges, not the other projects.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that the day after “Ida”, PECO representatives were there, and they knew that the gas line was exposed.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Construction Masters Services, LLC change order in the amount of $6,200.00 to excavate around and under PECO’s gas line and provide and place sleeve in wall for the Moore Road Bridge Replacement Project. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed 5-0.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Non-Profit/Grant Funding/Foundation – Ms. Denne noted that this item is a carryover from the March 3, 2023 Board meeting. Ms. Denne also noted that Commissioner Young asked her to research a potential non-profit grant funding foundation from a Downingtown resident who contacted him.
Ms. Denne noted that the first part of the grant applications is that he is proposing to apply for funding to do flood remediation and flood prevention measures in East Caln Township, the Borough of Downingtown (Downingtown), and Caln Township (Caln). Ms. Denne then noted the second part of the grant is to form a foundation that would be in place to raise money and hand out funds in the case of a natural or civil caused disaster and scholarship funds.
Ms. Denne suggested that the Township submit their bridge and culvert study for the Township stormwater facilities and say any of these you can get funded, please do. Ms. Denne said that she doesn’t know if the foundation is such a good idea for government to be part of because we already have mechanisms in place through United Way, Red Cross, Chester County Emergency Services, and the Chester County Community Development Block Grant. Ms. Denne noted that she doesn’t know if it would be prudent to get in a situation where Caln was required to fund a foundation; however, Board members could volunteer as private citizens.
Commissioner Young noted that he is fine with moving forward with one part of the project, and if the Township can get that funded, it would be a group effort.
Ms. Denne noted that she does not need a motion; however, she does need a consensus from the Board if they want her to submit the projects and let the resident know that the Board is supportive of the foundation but do not want to be obligated to the foundation. The Board agreed for Ms. Denne to move forward.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Opioid Settlement Ratification – Ms. Denne noted that she received an email last year and an updated email regarding the Pennsylvania Attorney General Opioid Settlement where additional pharmaceutical companies were added to the lawsuit. The Township needed to immediately turn the paper over saying that the Township wants to be a beneficiary if funds were to come about therefore, she is requesting ratification from the Board accepting the updated Attorney General’s Opioid Settlement.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if this is because of the pharmacies in the district. Ms. Denne replied that she does not know how the funds will be divided. Ms. Denne also replied that the Attorney General would get the entire settlement and then distribute the funds according to how opioids have affected different areas.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to ratify the updated Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Opioid Settlement. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
The vote passed 5-0.
Emergency Culvert Work G.O. Carlson Boulevard – Ms. Denne noted that credit goes to Mr. Stackhouse for finding the damaged culvert wall on G.O. Carlson Boulevard (G.O Carlson). Ms. Denne also noted that she immediately engaged an engineer to do an analysis and they found that it is in very bad shape, so they did not want to take any time with this therefore, she is offering PSA Agreement #2303083 from Gilmore and Associates for G.O. Carlson retaining wall repair.
Ms. Denne noted that the scope of service includes visual observation of the existing structure and site conditions, evaluation of the conditions based upon field notes and photographs, emergency plan of action to be implemented to install temporary support and shoring for the failed section of the structure, prepare drawings and specifications for installation of the temporary support and shoring, request bids from temporary support and shoring contractors for implementing the temporary measures, review bids and make a recommendation, provide pre-construction engineering support professional services in the form of shop drawing review and scheduling and presiding at a pre-construction meeting, prepare easement exhibits as needed with obtaining temporary construction and access easements, construction oversight during implementation of the temporary measures, and review of contractor applications for payment.
Ms. Denne noted that the PSA cost is a “not to exceed” cost of $14,752.00. Ms. Denne also noted that this is a temporary fix. Ms. Denne asked Mr. Stackhouse if he agreed. Mr. Stackhouse replied that he agrees. Mr. Stackhouse noted that he was looking at something else off Zinn Road with Mr. Huggins and he noticed that the structured 500-foot wall is completely detached from the side of the culvert. They put up caution tape so if the wall fell, the public would be safe. Mr. Stackhouse also noted that this is step one and the next step is to get a PSA to evaluate the entire length of the wall and figure out why this happened, what the Township does to fix it, and make sure that it does not happen again.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments.
Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Stackhouse to give a specific location of the culvert. Mr. Stackhouse replied that the culvert is on G.O. Carlson between James Buchanan and Municipal Drive and starts at the back of the bank, runs behind the Thorndale Dental office at 3105 CG Zinn Road, and then runs behind the old cardiology office. Commissioner Mullin asked if the road is safe. Mr. Stackhouse replied that after having an engineer out there they recognized that the road was in no danger. The danger would be if the Township did nothing or took the structure down. Mr. Stackhouse also replied that the major concern is the backfill for the road could start eroding off. That is why it is so important to get the temporary shoring up now as opposed to taking that part of the structure down.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if this could have been a result of “Ida”. Mr. Stackhouse replied that this has not been evaluated yet; however, it does not appear to be.
Ms. Denne shared a picture of the culvert on the TV for the Board and public to view.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that completely unrelated to the retaining wall, the Township has another project being evaluated for that area on the opposite side of where the golf course is. There is erosion and issues there that have been identified over a year ago and are being evaluated by ARRO that are not pertaining to the retaining wall. Commissioner Mullin asked if G.O. Carlson was closed in 1982. Commissioner Young replied that the road was built by Jack Lowell when he built the homes. Mr. Stackhouse replied that they started immediately trying to get documents on the Township involved lawsuit against the builder and designer; however, it is not for that side of the wall. Mr. Stackhouse also replied that the engineer from Gilmore has documentation because they were part of the golf course side.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion for approval to proceed with project #2303083 for G.O. Carlson Boulevard retaining wall repair, for the “not to exceed” price of $14,725.00. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed 5-0.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Request for Consideration to Adopt an Ordinance of Caln Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania Amending the Caln Township Zoning Ordinance of 2005, As Amended, Which is Codified in Chapter 155 of the Caln Code Specifically to Amend the Definition of Commercial Drive-Through Establishment and Add a Definition for Commercial Car Wash in Section 155-12; to Amend Section 155-27 C by Adding a New Subparagraph (32) to Allow a Commercial Car Wash as a Use Permitted in the C-1 District by Conditional Use; to Amend Matrix Chart 7 to Add Utility and Dimensional Requirements for a Commercial Car Wash in the C-1 District; to Amend Section 155-79.B (2) Which Defines the Uses Permitted as Part of a Commercial Drive-Thru Establishment and To Add a New Section 155-99 to Add Regulations for a Commercial Car Wash – Commissioner Mullin moved consideration of adoption to “Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp”.
Minutes to Approve
Request for Consideration to Approve the March 9, 2023, Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments, corrections, or additions.
Commissioner Mullin noted that on page 19 of the packet where he thanked Ms. Camp for her work on the ordinance, he would like that he also thanked Mr. Stackhouse added to the minutes, and on page 17 where it has Ms. with no name, it should be Denne.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the March 9, 2023 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes with Commissioner Mullin’s changes. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Young abstained from the vote because he was not in attendance of the meeting.
The vote passed 4-0.
Acknowledgement of Minutes
Request for Consideration to Acknowledge the Receipt of the February 21, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to acknowledge the receipt of the February 21, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed 5-0.
Finance Department
Financial Report – Ms. Swan noted that the Board packet has the February financials; however, March financials will be presented tonight since the real estate bills have been mailed. They are at 16% collection rate. Ms. Swan also noted that they had a good year in 2022 and received $65,000.00 to $75,000.00 in investments. Revenue total is 12% coming in of the budget and 11% is being expended.
Request for Consideration to Approve the Accounts Payable Bill List for General Checks 49778 to 49887 – Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the accounts payable bill list for general checks 49778 to 49887. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed 5-0.
Directors Reports
Police Chief Elias – Chief Elias noted a few highlights from his February 2023 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Chief Elias noted that yesterday the state police issued a warning regarding a dramatic increase in active shooter hoaxes, in schools around the state. In each case, callers claimed that there was a shooter in the school and students have been shot. Fortunately, all of the calls turned out to be hoaxes. This follows the mass shooting at the Covenant school in Nashville Tennessee. Chief Elias also noted that their police department takes every threat seriously and treats no threat as a hoax, regardless of the nature of the threat. Every threat is handled with standard law enforcement protocols. For the past ten years, the county has had a multi-agency active shooter program and the Caln Township Police Department was involved in the development of that. They will continue to work closely with the Coatesville Area School District administration and school police. They will continue to have a visible presence in all schools in the Township for the remainder of the school year. Since the beginning of the school year, this has affected at least forty states in the country.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if the state or attorney general’s office announced something regarding additional funds to investigate or support these threats. Chief Elias replied that currently the state is going through the budget hearing process. Chief Elias also replied that Governor Shapiro is very committed to funding for public safety.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
Fire Department Chief Taylor – Chief Taylor noted a few highlights from his February 2023 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Chief Taylor thanked Commissioner Evans for his announcement that monetary or volunteers are always needed for the fire department. Chief Taylor noted that they also could need volunteers for painting, elect work etc.
Chief Taylor noted that their second fund drive mailing will be mailed in mid-April. Chief Taylor also noted that they are beginning their fire prevention sessions now, and they have already visited a few places.
Director of Building & Life Safety & Public Works Mr. Stackhouse – Mr. Stackhouse noted a few highlights from his February 2023 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Request for Consideration to Accept Hurricane Hill Farm as the 2023-2024 Property Maintenance Season Lowest Responsible Bidder for Bid Options 1 Through 16 at $2,110.00 Per Week, or Total of 28 Cuttings at $59,080.00, Conditioned Upon Them Providing the Required Amtrak Contractor Training Certification – For Board consideration, Mr. Stackhouse offered Hurricane Hill Farm as the 2023-2024 Property Maintenance Season lowest responsible bidder for bid options 1 through 16 at $2,110.00 per week or a total of 28 cuttings at $59,080.00, conditioned upon them providing the required Amtrak Contractor Training Certification.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Mullin asked the price compared to previous years. Mr. Stackhouse replied that he does not know that; however, the other bidder price was $132,356.00. Commissioner Young asked if there were only two bids received. Mr. Stackhouse replied that two bids were received 15 minutes before the bid opening meeting started. Commissioner Mullin asked if the second bidder is qualified to do the Amtrack cutting. Mr. Stackhouse replied that they are not; however, bidders do not take the online test until they are awarded the bid. Commissioner Young asked if the contract reads that the Township can cancel a cutting in drought conditions. Mr. Stackhouse replied that this is in the contract. Mr. Stackhouse noted that they will do a “walk around” with Ms. Swan so she can show them how to mow around the new trees that were planted and how to mow along the streambank. Commissioner Evans asked if the contract includes snow removal. Ms. Denne replied that the alternate bid in the contract is just for snow removal for sidewalks. Ms. Denne also replied that it would be a violation of the Teamsters contract. The Teamsters are ok with letting them do the sidewalks; however, the Teamsters must be called first.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if this contract for the year or the cutting season. The Board and Mr. Stackhouse noted that it is for the cutting season.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that the Dairy Queen located at 1620 Lincoln Highway will have their name changed to Bell’s Delight (Bell’s). Mr. Stackhouse noted that the owner is the same as Parkesburg “Bell’s Delight”.
Mr. Stackhouse gave updates on some of the projects in the Township.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that he has had several meetings with FEMA to move projects on to the next phase for commitment to receive money released to the Township.
Mr. Mullin asked if the schoolhouse is supposed to have lights in the window. Ms. Denne replied that the schoolhouse had lights on for Christmas time. Commissioner Evans noted that he just received a message from Tom Parr and he said that the lights need batteries.
Commissioner Mullin noted that there is a Christmas bulb at the top of the tree that the Township decorates for the tree lighting. Mr. Stackhouse replied that it is getting difficult to remove the bulbs at the top of the tree, due to the tree growth.
Commissioner Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Hurricane Hill Farm as the 2023-2024 Property Maintenance Season lowest responsible bidder for bid options 1 through 16 at $2,100.00 per week or a total of 28 cuttings at $59,080.00, conditioned upon them providing the required Amtrak Contractor Training Certification. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if the contract for the cutting season or for the year. Mr. Stackhouse and Commissioner Mullin replied that it is for the season.
The vote passed 5-0.
EMS Chief Steward-Minquas Fire Company Ambulance – Chief Steward noted a few highlights from his February 2023 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Chief Steward thanked Commissioner Evans for his announcement that volunteers are always welcomed.
Chief Steward noted that when it comes to “911” services in all the coverage areas, especially during the daylight hours, they are only mitigating 3% of their call volume. Chief Steward also noted that they finalized funding for their fifth ambulance and should take delivery in the next two weeks.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Additional Business
Request for Contribution for Minquas Fire Department Ambulance Services – Ms. Denne noted that last year when they were discussing companies and costs etc., they were making decisions but not quite at the point of a contract or agreement. Unintended consequences of that and Minquas shifting services has led to them being called for services in other areas closer to their community. For them giving better services to Caln’s community, it is affecting their fuel cost and budget for the entire year. Ms. Denne also noted that the Township budgeted $30,000.00 as a “good faith effort”. After the Board discussed how to pay the $30,000.00 to Minquas, Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve a full payment of $30,000.00 to Minquas Fire Department Ambulance Service. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
The vote passed 5-0.
On behalf of Minquas, Mr. Steward thanked the Board.
Commissioner Evans commented on Ingleside Golf doing a short program for children as previously suggested by Commissioner Kennedy. Commissioner Young noted a young ladies’ class of students between 12 and 17 years old event that was a success, years prior.
Public Comments
Commissioner Mullin called for public comments. There were none.
The Board wished Ms. Denne a happy birthday.
Adjournment – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the May 30, 2023 Board of Commissioners minutes. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young.
The vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Miller,
Assistant Township Secretary

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