Board of Commissioners March 14, 2024
7:30 PM Hybrid Workshop Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Joshua B. Young-Vice President, Jane Kennedy-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Don Vymazal-Township Manager and Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary and Administrative Assistant, Lisa Swan-Director of Finance and Township Treasurer, and Police Chief Elias.
Professionals Present: N/A
Special Guest: N/A
The Board of Commissioners’ (BOC) March 14, 2024, agenda was posted on the Township website, at the Township building on March 14, 2024, and agendas were made available for the public, at the meeting. The 2024 Township BOC meetings were published in the Daily Local Newspaper, on December 27, 2023.
Opening Comments Link
Citizens to be Heard
There were none.
1. Township Manager
1.1 $75,000.00 DCED/ARPA Grant Funding – Mr. Vymazal noted that the Township received a $75,000.00 DCED grant through Federal ARPA funding that went through the state. The grant will be applied towards the next vehicle purchased in 2025.
1.2 Arial Footage of Thorndale Village – Mr. Vymazal noted that the Lincoln Highway Committee and the Zoning Ordinance Update Task Force made a request to explore the cost to obtain ground arial footage of the business corridor along Lincoln Highway. Upon request, Gilmore & Associates (Gilmore) provided several reputable companies in which two provided quotes. $500.00 quote from Groma Cartographic Consulting LLC, for drone footage from one end of the highway Wedgewood area and go center line down Lincoln Highway and capture with the camera facing down video footage of approximately 2,500 feet from off the roadway for the length of the corridor. The second quote is for $1,200.00 from Southeastern Pennsylvania Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SEPA-UAS) to do three passes of the drone. One center line and two on the side view about 50-feet off the edge of the roadway for those properties plus a 2D map moving down and taking hundreds of photos of the corridor, stitch those together and keep together into a single high-resolution image. Mr. Vymazal also noted that Gilmore said they could use the drone footage for incorporating the imagery into some of their functions identifying storm drains, sanitary sewer manhole locations, preparing concept plans for potential projects, prepare bid drawings for projects where topography is not important. Mr. Bickhart recommended the 2D mapping bid.
Tom Parr of 582 Lloyd Avenue noted that photo images and GIS data has not been updated since 2015. Mr. Parr also noted that the imaginary can be utilized for planning and many Township functions.
Licia Carini 103 Ayerwood Drive noted that this would be valuable to the Township.
Commissioner Mullin noted that this would be an important project for the Township. Commissioner Mullin also noted that this can be used for projects now and in the future.
Commissioner Evans noted that if the Board decides to move forward with this project, then it should be done soon because the leaves are off the trees, and you can see more clearly.
Board consensus was to move forward with SEPA-UAS and authorize the $1,200.00 payment in the
next check run.
1.3 Emergency Management Quarterly Request – Mr. Vymazal noted that in addition to supporting the Thorndale Fire Company, Minquas EMS (Minquas) approached Municipalities in which it supports and noted that the current funding formulas now require municipal contributions if they are to remain viable. They include Downingtown Borough, Caln, East Caln, West Bradford, and East Brandywine Townships.
Mr. Vymazal noted that Caln Township’s contribution for the 2024 first quarter is $79,082.14. Commissioner Kennedy asked why Caln’s contribution is high. Mr. Vymazal replied that they are calculated from the number of response service calls that the ambulance service provides to each given municipality. Caln accounts for 46.76% service calls in 2023. Commissioner Young noted that like the fire companies, the ambulance service is moving away from a volunteer-based staff. Commissioner Young also recommended waiting until April to receive the first quarterly numbers and noted that Minquas has taken great steps to try and stabilize their funding through billing and insurance reimbursement etc., and that is why the Board feels comfortable at this point to move forward with payments. Commissioner Evans noted that Caln was 42% of February’s call volume.
Mr. Vymazal noted that this is not a Minquas issue but a nationwide challenge. There are several bills at the state legislative level attempting to address and fix this.
Commissioner Young noted that service calls have increased with the closing of Brandywine Hospital. Commissioner Young also noted that Minquas is taking calls from other municipalities to fill in when they do not have a call.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the Board will decide if they will cut a check at the end of March or beginning of April at the next meeting.
1.4 Selling Public Works 2008 Ford F-550 Super Duty Truck and 1.5 Selling Police 2015 Ford Taurus – Mr. Vymazal presented two vehicles to place on Municibid.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked how to bid for a vehicle, and how to inspect it. Mr. Vymazal replied to go to Online Government Auctions of Government Surplus and there will be pictures and all the relevant information in the advertisement.
Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Vymazal if he knows what the truck would sell for. Mr. Vymazal replied that there are too many variables to determine the sale price. Mr. Vymazal also replied that they will put in the ad that the rear differential on the F-550 needs to be replaced. Chief Elias replied that the Taurus has over 100,000 miles and several hundred thousand hours on the motor.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize township staff to put the Public Works 2008 Ford F-550 Super Duty Truck and Police 2015 Ford Taurus on Municibid. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. The vote passed 4-0.
2. Board Minutes to Approve
2.1 February 29, 2024 – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the February 29, 2024 Board Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 4-0.
3. Finance Department
3.1 Check Approval – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve checks 51640 to 51720. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. The vote passed 4-0.
4. Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
4.1 Parks and Recreation – Commissioner Mullin reading for Commissioner Kennedy, he read that the Annual Easter Egg Hunt to be held March 30 at 1:00 PM, Caln Community Cleanup Days held on April 6 and 7, sponsored by Caln Midway Grill.
4.2 COG – Commissioner Mullin reading for Commissioner Kennedy, he noted that Caln will host the March 27 COG meeting at the township building.
4.3 Municipal Authority – Commissioner Mullin noted that staff authorized the 2023 Chapter 94 Annual Report forwarded to DARA and PAWC treatment plants, all 2024 Grouting Project contracts were signed, Mr. Bickhart from Gilmore is currently working on finalizing the punch list items for their payment applications.
4.4 DARA – Commissioner Mullin noted that DARA noted that Caln is the only Act 537 plan they received to date, engineer continues to prepare the preliminary design scopes for the Modernization Project, their engineer firm is investigating all federal and state infrastructure funding programs for upcoming work.
4.5 Fire Board – Commissioner Mullin noted Marlene Taylor elected as Chairperson of the fire board and David Finley as President of the fire company.
4.6 Historical Commission – Link
4.7 Lincoln Highway – Commissioner Young noted that their meetings will be held the first Wednesday of the month where they will work on Lincoln Highway zoning and promoting the LERTA program.
4.8 Ingleside Golf Course – Commissioner Tindaro noted that the survey showed that the existing fence footprint is entirely on township property, stop signs needed in certain areas, advertisement is available on the new golf carts, and the new logo is on clothing and caps for sale.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the advertising is on both sides of the Route 30 sign. Mr. Vymazal replied that the agreement is for 30 days on one side of the sign for six seconds ads running one per minute, heading east on the bypass.
5. Additional Business – There was none.
6. Public Comment – There were none.
7. Adjournment – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. Moved by
Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. The vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Miller,
Assistant Township Secretary