253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
March 14, 2019 Minutes
7:35 PM
Attendance – Jennifer Breton-President, George Chambers-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, John Contento-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Kristin Camp-Solicitor, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, and Denise Miller Assistant Township Secretary.
Commissioner Breton noted that under “Citizens to be Heard” you may acknowledge yourself and speak on items referring to the agenda. Items not on the agenda are reserved for “Public Comment”.
Citizens to be Heard
Commissioner Breton called for Citizens to be Heard. There were none.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Proposed Zoning Amendments for Wireless Facilities – Ms. Camp noted a previously submitted memorandum presented to the Board noting a new ruling by the Federal Communications Commission, specifically dealing with small wireless facilities. Ms. Camp presented a draft amendment ordinance for Board consideration, and noted it still needs to be vetted by her, Ms. Denne, Mr. Stackhouse, and the Township and Chester County Planning Commissions.
Whissell Drive Adult Day Care Conditional Use Extension Approval Request – Ms. Camp noted the Board granted Conditional Use Approval for a child daycare on February 11, 2016, for a property located at 20 Whissell Drive located in the C1 District and the Lincoln Highway Overlay District. The property is currently used for an adult daycare, and at the time of the Conditional Use Hearing the owner still had a lease in effect for an adult daycare so at the Conditional Use Hearing they asked if the Board would allow the decision and the Conditional Use to be valid for five years, the decision of the Board was for three years, which has expired February 11, 2018. The Owner has requested a one year extension until February 10, 2020 for a child daycare. She also noted that Mr. Stackhouse has indicated to her that they are filing building permits and starting to do the work to convert from an adult daycare to a child daycare, which is consistent with the Conditional Use Decision.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve a Conditional Use extension for the Whissell Drive adult daycare for a period not to exceed February 10, 2020. Commissioner Young asked if the motion should read child or adult daycare. Ms. Camp replied “child daycare”. Commissioner Breton revised her motion and entertained a motion to allow an extension of the Whissell Drive child daycare Conditional Use Approval, which was approved on February 11, 2016, to be extended to February 10, 2020. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Smith Fisherville Road Bridge Project Easement Agreement – Ms. Camp offered an Easement Agreement to accept, approve, and authorize the President to sign. She noted that Mr. Smith has signed said agreement to allow Township Contractors to access his property, in order to install a new culvert on his property.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept the Easement Agreement for the Smith property regarding the Fisherville Road Bridge Project. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
2131 Lincoln Highway Proposed Retail Self-Storage Use Presentation – Mr. Jaros representing his client, owner of 2131 Lincoln Highway which is located in the C1 Zoning District, proposes to develop this property as a three floor fully enclosed climate controlled facility, and monitored by 24 hour state of the art security system. He noted the hours of operation to be 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday and 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Saturday and perhaps Sunday. He also noted that in order to implement the use on this property the Township would have to consider amending the text in the C1 District to permit the Use by Right or Conditional Use or consider rezoning the property I1 or I2 which currently permits self-storage use. Ms. Denne noted that a lot of this property is flood plain and asked if his client started preliminary investigation on how much of the property is usable. Mr. Jaros referred to Ms. Snyder of D.L Howell and Associates. She presented a drawing of the outlined flood plain. Mr. Jaros noted that they are outside the outlined flood plain area. Commissioner Young noted that he would not support moving I1 into this area, only because if the venture fell apart, he does not want to see Industrial on the Highway. Mr. Jaros asked if he felt the same way about I2. Commissioner Young noted that he wouldn’t want to make the Peco property a non-conforming use. Mr. Jaros noted that if Commissioner Young’s sentiment is shared by the other Members of the Board, the other option would be to consider amending C1 to permit self-storage, and again in doing that, you could impose requirements on that self-storage use such as minimum acres, etc. to try and limit it. If that is a concern. Commissioner Contento, Commissioner Chambers, and Commissioner Breton noted they are willing to consider amending C1. Mr. Jaros asked for Board permission to continue working with Township Staff to propose an amendment to C1. Ms. Camp noted that typically all consultant fees are billed to the applicant. Mr. Jaros agreed.
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
Planning Commission Update – Mr. Kulakowsky noted Taco Bell and the Villages at Hillview Sewage Facilities Planning Module will be discussed at the next Planning Commission Meeting. He also noted he will be presenting Staff with the 2019 Road Program cost estimates. Commissioner Young asked the budget amount. Ms. Denne replied “$800,000.” Commissioner Young asked if Taco Bell has capacity. Mr. Kulakowsky noted they still have to pay the Municipal Authority, according to Gilmore & Associates February 5, 2019 letter.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Cohen Group – Verizon Franchise Agreement – Ms. Denne offered the Board a not to exceed price of no more than $7,500 for a Multi Municipal Verizon Franchise Agreement. She noted, with the Boards authorization, she will be working with Managers from nineteen communities therefore receiving a $5,950 discount, from the Cohen Group from Pittsburg, plus expenses which will be split between the nineteen communities.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion authorizing the Township Manager to engage with The Cohen Group for a Verizon Franchise Agreement, not to exceed $7,500. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Property Maintenance 2019-2020 Season Bid Award – Ms. Denne offered a bid amount of $48,400 for the 2019-2020 Property Maintenance Contract. She noted this is an increase of approximately $3,500 in which one bid was received, possibly due to the requirement of an Amtrak License. They will also be reviewing different avenues next year, such as CoStars. She also noted that in an extreme circumstance they will also do G.O. Carlson sidewalks.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to award the Property Maintenance 2019-2020 Season to HHF Lawn Care, in the amount of $48,400. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed.
Ms. Denne noted she had a meeting with the owner of Lloyd Farm Mr. Miller, Senator Katie Muth, and a Representative from Dan Williams’s office. Mr. Miller noted that he filed for the demolition permit and put up the fencing because he was concerned for the safety of the people who are breaking into the home, which also has asbestos in it. He also noted that he had the home analyzed before this and it was close to 2 million dollars. Ms. Denne noted that she put Mr. Miller in touch with a preservation specialist, and asked that no one trespass on this site.
Ms. Denne noted that there will be a public meeting, at a larger facility, where Mr. Miller will show his plan. She noted that he has another plan outside the housing plan, which would be a Conditional Use. A Conditional Use is an approved use with conditions. A public hearing would be held for the Board to give input on traffic parameters, and things to that effect. Licia Carini and Mark Evans made comments on this subject.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
There were no Ordinances or Resolutions for Board consideration.
Motion to Approve the Bill List
General Manual Check 41 and General Checks 42971 to 43029 – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion, seconded by Commissioner Young, to approve general manual check 41 and general check 42971 to 43029. Vote passed 5-0.
Minutes for Approval
February 28, 2019 Minutes – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the February 28, 2019 Board of Commissioners minutes. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Contento. Vote passed 5-0.
Boards and Commissions Updates-Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
Park and Recreation – Commissioner Young noted he was not in attendance of the February meeting.
COG – Commissioner Young noted he was not in attendance of the February meeting.
Municipal Authority – Commissioner Chambers noted discussion was held on the pump station.
DARA – Commissioner Young noted there was no report.
Fire Board – Commissioner Young noted the February meeting was cancelled.
Historical Commission – Commissioner Tindaro noted the February meeting was cancelled, due to bad weather. She also noted the next meeting will be held March 20 at 7:30 PM.
Lincoln Highway – Commissioner Young noted the February meeting was cancelled.
Additional Business
Commissioner Breton noted the March 28, 2019 Board of Commissioners meeting will be cancelled.
Public Comments
David Spaulding 406 Lloyd Avenue asked the time limit of a demolition permit. Ms. Camp replied that it is under the Building Code and believes it is like a building permit however; she would like to check with Mr. Stackhouse but believes it is six months and as long as they continue to work, it remains valid. Mr. Spaulding also asked if this was the first permit. Ms. Camp noted a permit was applied for but Mr. Stackhouse did not have sufficient information to issue it. Once the required information was received, it was issued.
Other Residents who spoke on the Lloyd Farm. Cheryl Spaulding 406 Lloyd Avenue, Mark Evans 103 Ayerwood Drive, and Rick Urban 54 Carlson Way.
Cheryl Spaulding 406 Lloyd Avenue commented on the Comprehensive Plan and the Historic District. Ms. Denne noted that a rezoning is in the 2019 budget. She also noted that there is black water coming from her tap. She noted that PAWC is doing testing at Lloyd Avenue, and asked if the Township is in the process of negotiating with PAWC on this issue. Ms. Denne noted that she has a meeting with PAWC on other roads that they will be working on this summer, and will ask about this issue.
Mark Evans of 103 Ayerwood commented on the proposed self-storage and the plan of Caln Township. Commissioner Young noted the Township Lincoln Highway Group spent approximately ten years and re-wrote the zoning, and noted it is open for the public. It is made up of businesses and concerned residents.
Rick Urban 54 Carlson Way asked the status the Dwell Development. Ms. Camp noted that they came to the Township to do a Zoning Amendment for a residential development, and has asked for continuous extensions. She also noted their time frame is set to expire, and she will be asking the status of their development. Mr. Urban also commented on pedestrians crossing 322, by the Lloyd light.
Chuck Kramer 2704 East Kings Highway as secretary representing the Civil Service Board noted two Police Officers to start work on April 1st. He also noted that the next number of applicants on the list were approved, and there is one position open.
Joe Reich 400 Lloyd Avenue noted the PennDot traffic study recommends the Township putting in a light at the Lloyd Bridge. Ms. Denne noted they are working on a temporary trial light with the Traffic Engineer, to see how it goes before they put in a permanent light. Brian Kulakowsky noted the Traffic Engineer is currently working on the traffic count. Mr. Kulakowsky also noted there is a plan drawn up where the traffic light is to be located and also a signal plan, that PennDot has to approve.
Chuck Kramer 2704 East Kings Highway encouraged residents to contact the Coatesville School Board regarding them pulling out of LERTA. He noted that they said they did because they couldn’t afford it. A Resident asked if the Township was ever informed of them not participating anymore. Ms. Denne noted the Township was never informed. Mr. Evans 103 Ayerwood also commented on LERTA.
A question was also asked about the Route 30 gas station that is still in shambles. Ms. Denne noted she will ask Mr. Stackhouse to comment on this at the next meeting.
Commissioner Breton introduced Bill Schoell from Representative Dan Williams’s office. Mr. Schoell noted that Representative Dan Williams is here and available to help with all issues.
Adjournment – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adjourn the March 14, 2019 meeting, at 9:00 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers, Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary

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