253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
March 11, 2021 Minutes
7:30 PM
Attendance: Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Mark Evans-Commissioner, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary, Lisa Swan-Finance Director (Absent), Bryan Kulakowsky-Township Engineer, and Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor.
Also in attendance was Greg Richardson-Dunkin Donuts Engineer from Traffic Planning and Design, and Paul Stevens-Township Historical Commission member.
Commissioner Mullin called the virtual Zoom meeting to order at 7:30 PM, and called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Commissioner Evans Updates
Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us. Our meetings are “Neutral Ground”, a place to hear and be heard. Just a reminder that we need to all keep our comments civil and non-judgmental, whether addressing Board Members, Township Employees, or our fellow citizens. We’re all in this together, and with so much to accomplish, unity is everything.
Our local businesses still need your support in order to survive the pandemic, especially our fantastic local eateries. Please support them any way you can – by ordering takeout, safely dining in, or simply leaving a larger tip than you normally would.
Reminder - our “Coffee with the Commissioners” virtual Townhall with special guest Coatesville Area School District Superintendent Tomas Hanna, will be held next Thursday, March 18 at 7:00 PM. That’s one week from tonight, and we’re excited to meet him. Mr. Hanna’s vision for the school district is similar to our mission for Caln: It all starts with the dream, and from there we can build. Yes, there will always be naysayers, but with belief and commitment, impossible things become reality every day.
Spackman Farm Barn Roof – We’re in the process of scheduling the pre-construction meeting with Kupex, expected to take place either the week of March 22 or March 23.
One of our residents had attended our 2 most recent meetings to express concerns about the Dwell Project and its potential effect on neighboring homeowners. Township Manager Ms. Denne has since reached out with contact information for the developer.
We received a resident complaint about overnight construction at the Taco Bell site. Ray Stackhouse was all over it, and there should be no more issues.
The Lloyd Avenue Dog Park has apparently been a hot topic of discussion amongst our neighbors. Today the Township installed signs designating the ends of the park property to let people know where they are leaving the park, and when their dogs must be on-leash. We are also willing to consider installing a fence along the north side of the dog park, but not along the creek.
We’re still looking for volunteers to join our Commissions. I used to have a lot of free time to search for grievances, then I got involved. I assure you, there’s no better way to feel good about your township than by being a part of it.
The COVID-10 (“COVID”) Vaccine continues to be in short supply in Chester County, and we remain in stage 1A, which is limited to:
- Long-term care facility residents
- Health care personnel
- Persons not directly involved in patient care but potentially exposed to infectious material
- Persons ages 65 and older
- Persons ages 16-64 with high-risk conditions
If you are in those categories, you can pre-register for the vaccine at Chesco.org, or try scheduling through findashot.org or vaccinefinder.org. I’ve been trying with no luck, but have been told if you go on after midnight, it’s not that difficult to get an appointment.
The CDC is warning of a potential new spike in cases, as people are letting their guard down in anticipation of getting vaccinated. Not wearing masks in public places is the leading cause of spread for the infection. COVID doesn’t just effect the patient, it effects everyone. Mask wearing is not a political statement, it a sign of respect for your brothers and sisters in this thing called life.
In Caln, on February 25, 2021 we had 905 cases, we now have 943, up 4%. Sadly, since our last meeting we lost another one of our neighbors to COVID, our death toll now stands at 32.
Since February 25, 2021, Chester County has again added over 1,200 new positives with an additional 14 deaths, both numbers are consistent with the previous two weeks. Caln continues to have the sixth highest number of cases in the county, and are back up to having the sixth highest number of deaths.
Please, continue to take the necessary steps to stop the spread. Put love for your neighbor before self-interest. Be a part of the solution.
Citizens to be Heard
Daniel Evans of 1256 Roman Avenue, West Chester noted that the Lloyd Dog Park is the only one around that is leash free. Mr. Evans asked if the new signage is only for the field and woods, and not the park itself. Commissioner Mullin noted that this is correct.
Ms. Denne noted that the Board of Commissioners have been put on notice of a potential liability involving children, so they had to put up the signage.
Ms. Denne noted that the dogs must be leashed if you move pass those signs, and in your control at all times while inside the park. She asked if Mr. Evans would explain to others who use the park that are confused with the new signage. Mr. Evans noted that he will tell the people that he knows who use the park.
Commissioner Evans noted that the north side of the field is private property.
Edward Dimpter of 1315 Bondsville Road noted that the property behind his house is zoned residential with special exception, and it has been developed. The person who purchased the property keeps moving different companies in. When it first was sold, the owner bought the house next to him, and then behind his house was developed and used as commercial property. Mr. Dimpter feels that this is not fair because he has a company in front, behind, and on the side of his house, and no back yard. Mr. Dimpter wants to know why they are there. He noted that no one is there now because they moved out in September, and he would like to keep it that way.
Commissioner Mullin noted that he is not personally familiar with the area or what is going on. He asked Mr. Dimpter if he spoke with Mr. Stackhouse, from the Township Codes Department. Mr. Dimpter noted that he called him, and Mr. Stackhouse sent him a letter stating that it is zoned for that, and he allowed the electric company to move in behind his house.
Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Dimpter what was there prior to the electric company. Mr. Dimpter noted that there was a landscaping company there.
Mr. Dimpter wanted to know why the business is only behind his property, and not the other two properties. He noted that he feels like they are being treated fairly, and he is not.
Commissioner Mullin noted that he will make an appointment with him next week in order to go over his concerns.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Motion for Preliminary/Final Land Development Approval for Dunkin Donuts/1895 East Lincoln Highway – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp offered a motion for preliminary/final land development approval for Dunkin Donuts. Ms. Camp noted that the property is located within the C-1 Highway Commercial Zoning District, the Lincoln Highway Overlay District, and the Carbonate Geology Overlay District. The Applicant seeks to develop the property with an approximately 1,626 square foot Dunkin Donuts restaurant.
Ms. Camp noted that prior to seeking land development approval, the Applicant sought variances from the Caln Township Zoning Ordinance. The Applicant proposes to remove the existing buildings. She noted that they are also going to reverse subdivide so that this parcel, which is currently a separate parcel, will be merged with the rest of the “Caln Plaza Center.
Ms. Camp noted that the plans for consideration are dated September 14, 2020, with the last revision date of February 15, 2021. The Applicant started this project in 2019 by going to the Zoning Hearing Board and obtaining certain variances, and then went to the Board of Commissioners. On May 7, 2020 the Board granted conditional use approvals, subject to various conditions.
Ms. Camp noted that the Applicant has been working diligently with the Township Engineer and Sewer Consultant. Their review has led to the most recent review letters - ARRO’s letter of March 3, 2021, and Gilmore and Associates February 26, 2021 letter.
Ms. Camp noted that the motion would grant preliminary/final approval subject to all relevant ordinances, meeting the latest township review letters, any and all open conditions, compliance with the Zoning Hearing Board’s decision, and the Conditional Use decision. Beyond that, there are the typical standard conditions such as paying all the necessary fees, entering development agreements, posting security with the Township, obtaining all needed governmental permits from PennDot, the Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) for a planning module, and from the Township Municipal Authority for sewer extensions and sewer capacity.
Ms. Camp also noted that there are a few waivers that are being requested primarily because the property is located in the Carbonate Geology Overlay District, and it is difficult to address the infiltration requirements that are in the township stormwater ordinance. Sections 135-305.A, 135-306.C, 135-311.C and 167-67H are being requested from the township stormwater ordinance. The Applicant proposes to use the “Managed Release Concept” in lieu of infiltration. This concept has been recently approved by the DEP.
Commissioner Young noted that he is looking forward to this corner being developed. They worked ten years trying to develop this corner with the house and the old Arnold’s Car Wash, which was demolished six to seven years ago.
Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Kulakowsky if he approves the traffic study. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that he discussed this with the Township Traffic Engineer, Al Federico and he addressed all the comments, and concerns raised during the conditional use process.
Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Kulakowsky if this traffic was done before or after COVID. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that the Applicants’ Traffic Engineer, Greg Richardson is in the meeting tonight to answer any questions that the Board has.
Mr. Richardson noted that during COVID, they have been following the guidance of PennDot, which requires traffic counts at this time account for COVID impacts and adjusts their counts accordingly.
Mr. Richardson noted this count was done in 2019, and they are allowed to use counts that are up to three years old, according to PennDot. They adjust the count by a growth rate of .52 versus 1 percent. He noted that even if they did the count at this time of the year, they still are required to adjust them by a certain percentage of 38 percent in the morning and 16 percent in the evening. He noted that it also depends on the region.
Commissioner Evans asked when the brick and light pole will go in. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that this was addressed in the Conditional Use Decision and Order. He noted that they will get the light pole and there was a submission for the brick, for Board consideration.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if there will be documentation that validates that all the guidelines are being followed for the requested stormwater waivers. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that there are specific standards presented by DEP that started in 2018, and the third revision to it was issued in August 2020. He noted that they are reviewing the plan against this guidance, and all the provisions they provided are in compliance. He also noted that the plans will be not come before the Board for signature until they provide all documentation that they are in compliance, and filed with the Township.
Ms. Camp asked Mr. Kulakowsky to verify that someone from the Township will be inspecting, and making sure that they are built, as per the plan. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that ARRO will be on site during construction to observe the installation, and confirm that it is being done as per the plan.
Ms. Camp noted that one of the other standard conditions before the plans are released for recording is that they enter into a stormwater management operation and maintenance agreement that identifies that the property owner is responsible to maintain the stormwater facilities, perform inspections, and provide inspection reports to the Township. She also noted that if the Township determines that they are not appropriately maintaining the systems, they have the right to do the work and charge back the property owner, and put a lien against the property.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion for Preliminary/Final Land Development approval for Dunkin Donuts/1895 East Lincoln Highway subject to the draft motion provided in the Board packet. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Dunkin Donuts 1895 East Lincoln Highway – Extension Request until May 7, 2022 – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp offered an extension request until May 7, 2021 for the Dunkin Donuts conditional use approval. She noted that the township code has a unique provision that says once you get conditional use approval, the applicant only has one year, from the time of the conditional use order, to get a building permit. She noted that this is difficult especially if you have outside permits to obtain. Ms. Camp recommended to Mr. Stackhouse and Ms. Denne that the Zoning Task Force review this provision.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion extending the time frame for the Dunkin Donuts conditional use approval for one year, until May 7, 2022. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young. Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none. Vote 5-0.
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
2020 Road Program ARRO Payment Recommendation #2 payable to Berg Construction, in the amount of $16,568.97 – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky offered payment #2 for $16,568.97 payable to Berg Construction, for the 2020 Road Program. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that this payment is for a change order to add the piece of north Bailey Road over the culvert by “Pronto’s” Restaurant, and the price adjustment to change the builder asphalt supplier to the asphalt supplier requested by the Township.
Mr. Kulakowsky noted that the one year maintenance period for the project commences once the payment is made. There will be one year maintenance requirement by the Contractor on the roads that will last until March 2022.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion authorizing payment #2 in the amount of $16,568.97 payable to Berg Construction, for the 2020 Road Project. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans. Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Young asked Mr. Kulakowsky for a status on the 2021 Road Project. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that they finished the road walks on March 9, 2021, and they are currently working on putting together the pricing estimates. Mr. Kulakowsky also noted that he will discuss this with Mr. Fragale and present the final road list to the Board in April for their consideration. They are anticipating awarding the bid at the second meeting in June.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Ms. Denne noted that after a lot of deliberating yesterday, the Strawberry Festival Committee has decided to not proceed with the festival this year due to the best interest of the public, staffing concerns, and the CDC requirements.
Ms. Denne noted a March 15, 2021 joint meeting with DARA for planning of a possible plan expansion.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2021-11 A Resolution Authorizing a Term Loan with Santander Bank for a 2021 Dodge Charger Police AWD for a Total Price of $41,635.75 – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion authorizing a term loan with Santander Bank for a 2021 Dodge Charger Police AWD for a total price of $41,635.75. Commissioner Mullin asked what the interest rate is. Ms. Denne noted that it is a two year loan at 2.3 percent. Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2021-12 2021 A Resolution Authorizing a Term Loan with Santander Bank for a Ford Explorer XLT 4WD for a Total Price of $36,799.45 – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion authorizing a term loan with Santander Bank for a for Ford Explorer XLT Police 4WD for a total price of $36,799.45. Commissioner Tindaro asked if it was also a 2 year loan at 2.3 percent. Ms. Denne noted that it is the same. Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans. Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2021-13 A Resolution Authorizing the Township Manager to Sign any Documents Necessary to Purchase Two (2) Police Vehicles from Santander Bank – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion authorizing the Township Manager to sign any documents necessary to purchase two (2) police vehicles from Santander Bank. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2021-14 A Resolution Authorizing the Police Chief to Sign a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperative Police Services with Coatesville Area School District – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion authorizing the Police Chief to sign a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperative Police Services with Coatesville Area School District. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked for a definition of the Memorandum of Understanding. Ms. Denne noted that because the township has a school police department within our jurisdiction, we have a “Memorandum of Understanding” that outlines that Caln police will provide mutual aide and that the school and Caln police department will work together. Mr. DeYoung asked how many police officers the school has. Ms. Denne noted that at one point they had about three. She is not sure how many they currently have.
Resolution 2021-15 A Resolution Proclaiming the Month of April 2021 “Pennsylvania Safe Digging Month” – Commissioner Mullin asked Ms. Denne to give a description of this resolution. Ms. Denne noted that every year the Township is asked to pass a resolution promoting safe digging. She noted that you need to call “811” before you dig for any utilities as well as something as small as a mailbox. Commissioner Mullin asked if this will be promoted on the township website. Ms. Denne noted that it will be promoted via social media.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if this promotion is state wide. Ms. Denne noted that it is.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion adopting resolution 2021-15 proclaiming the Month of April 2021 “Pennsylvania Safe Digging Month”. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Minutes to Approve
Motion to Approve the February 25, 2021 Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Kennedy entertained a motion to approve the February 25, 2021 Board of Commissioners minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Mullin called for Board comment. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Finance Department
Motion of approval for General Checks 46164-46223 and Manual Check 185 – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve general checks 46164-46223 and manual check 185. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Mullin called for public comment. There were none. Vote passed 5-0.
Boards and Commissions Updates – Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
Parks and Recreation – Commissioner Young noted that a socially distanced “Caln Cleanup Day” will be held on April 24, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, with no lunch provided. Residents are asked to focus cleanup on G.O. Carlson. He noted that Brandywine Homes and Wedgewood clean up their own areas.
Commissioner Young noted a spring coloring contest. He noted that the coloring page can be printed from the township website. He also noted that the pages can be scanned, mailed or put in the township’s “drop box”.
Commissioner Young noted that more information on both events can be found on the Township website and Facebook.
COG – Commissioner Kennedy noted several discussions held at their February meeting.
· Reorganization Meeting
· Formation on Animal Control, seeking a holding location, and looking for committee volunteers
· Sharing different Holiday events
· Looking for topic “Speakers” to speak at their meetings
· In house equipment loan program
Municipal Authority – Commissioner Mullin noted that the pump station is complete. They are currently working on the punch list to close out all the paperwork.
Commissioner Mullin noted that a notice to proceed was issued on March 5 for Phase 3 of an interceptor project. This section is roughly 7,600 feet of 15-21 inch pipe, and 1,400 feet of 8-14 inch pipe. He also noted that what this does is seal up the Township’s main interceptor so they are not having an inflow of rain water, which the Township would then pay to have treated at the treatment plan.
DARA – Commissioner Mullin noted that there is a DARA meeting on March 15, 2021 to discuss the plan expansion.
Fire Board – Commissioner Young noted that at their March 23 meeting they will be discussing their soon to be approved fire agreement.
Historical Commission – Commissioner Tindaro noted discussions from their February meeting,
a. Richard Grubb and Associates proposal – Discussion moved after “Lincoln Highway”.
· Coatesville Gardner-Beale House - Contacting Representative Katie Muth and Senator Williams for support
· Inventory of History Resources and Maps being forwarded to the Township office for Scanning
· VA Hospital Report
· Baker Smith property
· Spackman Farm
· Marketing and social media
· Historic Preservation
· “Caln Then and Now”
Commissioner Evans noted that the first issue of “Caln Then and Now” is in the township newsletter, and on the township website.
Commissioner Evans noted that it is not the Historical Commission’s prevue to reach out to the Baker Smith property’s owner. If anything were to be done, it would be done by the Township.
Commissioner Young asked the location of this property. Commissioner Evans noted that it is the old funeral home. Commissioner Mullin asked if it is the spring house. Commissioner Evans replied “yes”.
Commissioner Mullin asked what the documents that Patty DeFroscia is working on are. Commissioner Evans noted that it is all the documents from the Historical Commission from when her husband was the Chair. He noted that he will bring all the information to Abbey Swan at the township office. He also noted that future Historical Commissions will then have access to this information.
Commissioner Mullin thanked Patty DeFroscia for all her work on this project.
Lincoln Highway – Commissioner Young noted discussion was held on what Lincoln Highway should look like such as street trees, and center lanes. Also, how it is zoned and what should be allowed there.
Richard Grubb and Associates proposal – Commissioner Evans replied to Commissioner Kennedy’s question and noted that this proposal is for state recognition. National recognition would be a separate proposal and additional price.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that she spoke with April Frantz from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and she recommend getting the Determination of Eligibility (“DOE”) first and then revisit the actual proposal and signing the contract to have someone walk them through the whole process.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that Elizabeth Rairligh and Karen Marshall who is the Heritage Preservation Coordinator for the Chester County Planning Commission have already been discussing this. Commissioner Kennedy noted that she will be speaking with Ms. Rairligh next week to make sure they are going to get the DOE green light to move forward.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that the next phase would probably be the survey. Once it has been reviewed, she can step-in to help.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that she did not have financial backup when she put “Carver Court” into the National Registry. They had to do fund raisers to help pay for it.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that she will join the next Historical Commission meeting so they can discuss this more.
Commissioner Evans clarified that this $6,175 proposal is for obtaining the DOE.
Commissioner Mullin asked how many homes are included in this complex. Commissioner Evans noted that it is six including the mill house.
Commissioner Mullin asked if all the homeowners are amenable to this. Paul Stevens noted that he cannot speak for all the homeowners however, as far as he knows they are.
Mr. Stevens noted that “Carver Court” was built within the living memories of many of the people who were involved with the early history of their complex. He noted that they do not have the same advantage with this proposal because the documentary research goes back to at least the 18th century or more so they do not have that advantage.
Mr. Stevens noted that most of the state Historic Preservation offices that he is familiar with prefer to have a professional doing this work because it makes it easier for them in terms of the review.
Mr. Stevens noted that it is possible to do the work with the volunteer effort however, it will take a lot of hours of effort to do the research. He noted that in his opinion, this is a good price for the kind of work in terms of the amount of effort that he knows goes into it.
Commissioner Young asked Mr. Stevens if we tried this on our own and it does not seem to be moving along, would it be prudent to go back and engage Richard Grubb and Associates. Mr. Stevens noted that it certainly would be a fallback position however, he does not think we could expect them to necessarily stay with their current proposal if we went back to them in six months or a year.
Mr. Stevens noted that he knows that some residents have put some effort into this, and it was recommended by the State Historic Preservation office that they look at a professional consultant to help them with the project. He also noted that there is still a great deal of research work to be done on the other properties. The consultants reflected the work that has already been done in the proposal price.
Commissioner Young proposed to look into Commissioner Kennedy’s thoughts and authorize a price “not to exceed” $6,175, so you would not have to come back to the Board for approval if we could not do the work ourselves. Mr. Stevens noted that the Historical Commission would be pleased to have any financial assistance that is available.
Commissioner Mullin noted that he thinks Mr. Stevens has the support of the Board to move forward with something. He also noted that $6,175 was not in the budget for this project however, there may be money available at the end of the year.
Commissioner Mullin noted that “Carver Court” was built back in the War World 2 days and these homes were built in the 1800’s. He also noted that maybe Commissioner Kennedy’s contact could help with this.
Commissioner Mullin suggested that Commissioner Kennedy take the next two weeks and reach out to her contacts and see how far they can go themselves.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if the Township Historical Commission has enough members to work together on this project. She noted that most of the research and the information that the consultants will get will probably be from the West Chester archives database. Mr. Stevens noted that the sources are public records however, there may be some private documents somewhere.
Mr. Stevens noted that Cathy Callahan has already put a lot of effort into trying to put her house into the register. He also noted that when the State Preservation office went and looked at the houses, they said this really should be a district.
Commissioner Evans noted there are eight members on the Historical Commission with several different sub-committees for other things that they are trying to get done.
Commissioner Evans noted that he has concern because the $6,175 is to turn the application in, and the state could come back and say they want more information, and this would put us in an hourly rate, which would cost more. Once the DOE is obtained, we are looking at least another $5,000. Once this is on the registry it protects a lot of things. Recently there has been concern with some of the PennDot improvements that are going to be happening within the next decade along the by-pass, which would be cutting through part of this. Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Stevens if he was right about this.
Mr. Stevens noted that he is however, as far as the highway is concerned, he is assuming it would involve some federal dollars. The DOW itself would provide as much as being on the register because the DOW is a determination that the property is eligible for the registry, and the process that the federal government goes through to mitigate any adverse effects that the expenditure of federal money would have on a historic property is the same for a property that is eligible as a property that is on the registry.
Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Stevens his opinion if it came to a point where dollars had to be expended to obtain the state DOE and it was approved, how difficult would it be to get national status doing the second half ourselves. Would it be easier to do the second half of it ourselves than the first half by ourselves. Mr. Stevens noted that in some ways it might, and it would probably serve you to talk with the State Historic Preservation office. At that point, the basic research has been done. Mr. Stevens also noted that there is no point in moving forward if they say this is not eligible.
Commissioner Mullin noted to add further discussion to the March 25, 2021 agenda.
Additional Business
Commissioner Kennedy noted that the new school house cedar roof looks “weathered”, and wondered if it could be treated. Ms. Denne noted that the cedar is already pretreated. Commissioner Tindaro noted that it is “natural weathering”.
Public Comments
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road suggested adding projects that are being discussed to the next year’s budget.
Cathy Callahan of 301 Bondsville Road noted that she had Karen Marshall and April Frantz who came to her house when she was trying to put her house on the state registry, and they told her it was a go. Ms. Callahan said she would do all the work herself, and Ms. Marshall said she would need help to do it. Ms. Callahan offered all her help with this project.
Ms. Callahan noted that Richard Grubb and Associates is currently working on the Brandywine Mill.
Commissioner Mullin noted to turn your clocks ahead this Saturday.
Commissioner Kennedy entertained a motion to adjourn the March 11, 2021 meeting at 9:20 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary
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