253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
July 30, 2020 Minutes
7:30 PM
Attendance – Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Mark Evans-Commissioner, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Kevin Barron-Township Finance Director, Bryan Kulakowsky-Township Engineer, Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor (Absent), and Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary.
Commissioner Mullin called the Virtual Zoom meeting to order at 7:36 PM. He then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Citizens to be Heard
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue had a comment regarding the picture on the wall behind Commissioner Kennedy.
Commissioner Evans Updates
Commissioner Evans noted that meetings are a neutral ground, a place to hear and be heard.
AV System – Commissioner Evans noted a meeting with two firms who are good choices however, due to COVID-19 and not being able to use the meeting room, it was decided to postpone the installation of the AV System until 2021 or until such time the township opens again.
Spackman Farm Roof Bids – Commissioner Evans noted that the roof bids have gone out.
School House Roof – Commissioner Evans noted construction to start in the next couple of weeks.
Zoning Task Force – Commissioner Evans noted the first meeting to be held on August 4, 2020.
COVID-19 – Commissioner Evans noted that positive cases have been increasing in the Philadelphia area which, includes Chester County. As cases continue to grow, stable or reduced case counts required for the “Green Phase” remain out of reach, and that is scary because we are already in the “Green Phase”. Over the last fourteen days, Chesco has seen another 265 positive cases with 83 of the cases over the past seven days. There was a high of 54 cases on July 15. He also noted that most concerning is that positive cases increased 6% in Caln Township from 150 to 178, since the last Board of Commissioners meeting. Deaths have increased 8%, 14 to16. Commissioner Evans noted to continue wearing masks, stay six feet apart from others, and do not attend gatherings where others are not wearing a mask.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
Planning Commission Update – Mr. Kulakowsky noted that at their July 21 meeting they heard and discussed a Conditional Use application amendment for Taco Bell’s second drive-thru which, was heard prior to tonight’s meeting. He also noted that the Chester County Sports Arena submitted an application to expand their recreational use into the Bob Wagner building. Their Conditional Use Hearing will be held on August 27, 2020 at 6:00 PM.
2020 Road Program Bid Award – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky offered a bid award recommendation for Berg Construction LLC, with a bid of $339,865.80.
Mr. Kulakowsky presented a township map showing the roads to be paved for the Western end of the project.
· South Bailey Road from the Business 30 intersection to the intersection of Hazelwood
· Hazelwood Avenue from Thorndale/Marshallton Road to Gallagherville Road
· Fox Farm Lane
· Gallagherville Road
· Pierce Lane (Alternative Added)
Commissioner Young questioned DiRocco’s bid of $355,000. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that 8 bids were received through PennBid, with only three complete bids which, were received from Berg Construction LLC, Glasgow Inc., and Advanced Paving Group.
Commissioner Young asked what the budget for the project is. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that it was approximately $500,000.
Commissioner Young asked Ms. Denne if the project will be paid out of Liquid Fuels. Ms. Denne noted that it will be paid out of Liquid Fuels and the General Fund Balance.
Commissioner Mullin noted that he noticed that there was a $50,000 difference between the lowest bid to the next highest bid, for the bidders who submitted a full packet. Mr. Kulakowsky replied “yes”.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if the Township has done business with Berg Construction before. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that they were used for the Self-Storage on Hazelwood Avenue, and he has personal experience with them running a paving program, in another Municipality.
Justin Demharter of 2807 Fisherville Road noted that he is applying for adoption of Fisherville and Reeceville Roads for “Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful”. Commissioner Mullin noted that this matter is further down the agenda, and he can speak to that then.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Berg Construction for the total bid price of $339,865.80. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. Vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Kennedy asked when the start date is. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that Berg has to provide a performance bond, sign the contract and paper work, and legal documents have to be executed by the Contractor and returned to ARRO for review and ARRO will provided them to the Township. Once that is completed they will have a pre-construction meeting where they are given “notice to proceed” in approximately three to four weeks from tonight’s meeting. He also noted that they have until the end of October to pave because that is Penn Dot’s paving window.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Emergency Declaration Extension – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered an extension to the Emergency Declaration for an additional thirty days. She noted that they need this declaration in order to apply through FEMA and also to be able to operate if there was a huge outbreak of some sort to go under Emergency Declaration.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve an Emergency Declaration for an additional thirty days. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Blight Remediation Grant – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered Resolution 2020-42 A Resolution for a Blight Remediation Program Grant of $65,000, through the Department of Community and Economic Development.
Commissioner Evans asked if this is for the non-historic house, by the golf course. Ms. Denne noted that it is. She also noted that it has been condemned for some time and not utilized since before the Township owned it. It also has asbestos in it.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2020-42 for the Blight Remediation Grant. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Vote passed 5-0.
Vision Partnership Agreement – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered an agreement for the Vision Partnership Program for the zoning review and update. Ms. Denne noted that this can be approved tonight or at the August 13 meeting.
Commissioner Kennedy asked when they are going to be able to hold sessions to discuss the different components, to put together for zoning consideration. Ms. Denne noted that the first session will be held August 4, via a Zoom meeting. Commissioner Kennedy recommended to make a motion to adopt the Vision Partnership zoning review and update, so they can get started on August 4.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt the Vision Partnership Agreement for the Zoning Review and Update. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Evans. Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked who makes up the task force. Ms. Denne replied that the task force is made up of fourteen individuals, consisting of three Board Members, and one representative from each township committee. Ms. Spaulding requested that list. Ms. Denne noted that she will send it to her. Vote passed 5-0.
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Adoption Program-Fisherville and Reeceville Roads – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne presented a Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful road adoption request from Justin Demharter for Fisherville and Reeceville Roads. She noted that the state would like to know if Caln Township wants their name put on the sign. Board concensus was to put the township name on the sign.
Commissioner Kennedy noted that the Kurt Strauss Bridge in Coatesville, has overgrown weeds. Ms. Denne noted that she has called the State Representatives office several times about this, and encouraged Residents and the Commissioners to also call their Representatives, and put a claim through the Penn Dot website. Commissioner Evans noted that he will put the Representative’s information on his Facebook page.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2020-26 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Reeceville Road and US 30 East Ramps
Resolution 2020-27 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic signal Located at Reeceville Road and Fisherville Road –
Resolution 2020-28 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Reeceville Road and Brandywine Hospital Driveway/School Driveway –
Resolution 2020-29 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Manor Avenue and Westbound US 30 Ramps
Resolution 2020-30 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Manor Avenue and Rock Raymond Road
Resolution 2020-31 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and Veterans Drive
Resolution 2020-32 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and South Bailey Road
Resolution 2020-33 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and North Bailey Road
Resolution 2020-34 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and Municipal Drive
Resolution 2020-35 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and Amoco Drive/Caln Village Shopping Center
Resolution 2020-36 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Bondsville Road and G.O. Carlson Boulevard
Resolution 2020-37 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Bondsville Road and Route 30 Off Ramp
Resolution 2020-38 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at North Caln Road/Reeceville Road and Kings Highway
Resolution 2020-39 A Resolution Authorizing the Board President to Sign and Submit a Traffic Signal Approval Agreement on Behalf of the Board, to PennDot for the Upgrade Signal Controller for the Existing Traffic Signal Located at Lincoln Highway and Barley Sheaf Road
Cheryl Spaulding asked what they intend to do. Commissioner Mullin stated that they are upgrading the signal controller for the existing traffic signal. Ms. Denne noted that this is dealing with the technology of updating the actual signal.
Commissioner Evans asked if this pertains to the contract that was approved a couple of months ago. Ms. Denne noted that it does not. She also noted that PennDot will pay for the upgrade and then do a “Turn back Agreement” where the Township will maintain them, moving forward.
Commissioner Young noted that PennDot does not own traffic signals, only municipalities. They require you to build them, operate, and maintain them.
After reading the locations, Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2020-26 to Resolution 2020-39. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2020-40 A Resolution Authorizing the Township to acquire a Loan from Mid Penn Bank for a 2019 Peterbilt 348 Dump Truck – Commissioner Mullin asked if this is replacing a dump truck. Mr. Fragale noted that it was purchased in 2019 and received in 2020. Mr. Fragale also noted that they will put a brine tank on the old truck, and they will make their own brine, in their shop.
Commissioner Young asked what the interest rate is. Mr. Barron noted that he will send that information to him, tomorrow.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked if the Township has the money for the truck. Ms. Denne noted that they do lease purchases and at the end they purchase the vehicle for $1. Mr. DeYoung also asked why the Township went with Mid Penn Bank. Ms. Denne noted that several bids were received and they awarded the lease to the lowest bidder. Mr. DeYoung noted that he would like see the Township use a bank within the Township, if possible.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2020-40 authorizing a loan from Mid Penn Bank, in the amount of $162,453, for a 2019 Peterbilt 348 Dump Truck. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2020-41 A Resolution Authorizing the Township Manager to Sign any Documents Necessary to Purchase a 2019 Peterbilt 348 Dump Truck – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion authorizing the Township Manager to sign any documents necessary to purchase a 2019 Peterbilt 348 Dump Truck. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. Vote passed 5-0.
Resolution 2020-42 A Resolution for a Blight Remediation Program Grant of $65,000 – 3 Roussey Drive –
This Resolution was approved under “Township Manager – Ms. Denne”.
Minutes to Approve/Acknowledge
July 9, 2020 Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the July 9, 2020 Board of Commissioners Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Acknowledge Receipt of the Approved June 16, 2020 Planning Commission Minutes – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion acknowledging the June 16, 2020 approved Planning Commission minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Directors Reports
Police Chief Elias – Chief Elias noted a few highlights from his June 2020 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
- 64% drop in Part 1 Crime, 23% drop in Part 2 Crime, and a 64% drop in Traffic Accidents compared to the same Period a Year ago in June of 2019
- 3,000 Business, Bank, and Park Checks
- Continued Requests for Birthdays, Graduations, Retirements, and Military send offs
- Corporal Bernard reached 25 Years of Service, in June
- 5 individual peddler permits were issued for Powerhouse Remodeling Group, based in Chester PA.
Commissioner Evans asked if they have to wear a mask while approaching doors. Chief Elias noted that wearing masks is not part of the permit. He also noted that you do not have to open your door, if you do not want to.
- Police Blotter is now on the Police Website.
Chief Elias thanked Abbey Swan for her help with the Police Blotter.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue thanked Chief Elias for putting the police blotter on their website.
Fire Chief Donnachie – Chief Donnachie noted a few highlights from his June 2020 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
- Retirement of Richard R. Rissel after 45 years of service. Joined July 1975, Retired July 2020
- Chester County Fire, EMS, and Strategic Plan headed by the Chester County Fire Chiefs, EMS Council, and Police Association. The plan is completed and will be shared via WebEx virtual presentations at the end of August. Information is on the Fire Company website, and Face Book page
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue commented on a plaque for Mr. Rissel. Mr. Donnachie noted that they will recognize Mr. Rissel’s service however, they cannot do what they usually do, due to COVID-19. Commissioner Mullin noted that they can look into a plaque.
Director of Public Works Mr. Fragale – Mr. Fragale noted a few highlights from his June 2020 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
- Department Employees attended MS4 Training
- Opened a lot of Playgrounds
- Park Bathrooms are Still Closed
- Cutting a Lot of Brush
Commissioner Mullin noted that the light is out and grass is overgrown around the light exiting the bypass onto 340. He asked Mr. Fragale to have both issues resolved. Mr. Fragale noted that he already took care of the growth around the light, and he already called Signal Service to fix the light.
Commissioner Evans asked if Greg Vietri has provided an update, regarding the Spackman Farm electric. Mr. Fragale noted that he received a quote to put a pole by the Farm House and run wire to install a light on the barn itself. He also noted that he forwarded this quote to Ms. Denne.
Commissioner Mullin asked about the water that was turned on at the Municipal Park, for the Little League. Mr. Fragale noted that only one spigot was turned on for watering down the field. He also noted that the Little League have a key and keep it locked so it cannot be utilized by anyone else.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if all the street lights were going to be changed to LED lights. Mr. Fragale noted that all the traffic lights are being replaced with LED lights. The street lights would have to be replaced and paid for by the Township.
Krista Carpenter of 11 Rock Raymond Road asked who to contact regarding a clogged storm drain, on 322. Mr. Fragale noted 322 is a State Road and he will contact PennDot tomorrow. Commissioner Young and Ms. Denne noted that you can go to PA Fix Roads and fill out a maintenance request. Commissioner Young also noted that the more residents that send in a request, the faster it will get fixed.
Ingleside Golf Manager Mr. Ward – Mr. Ward noted a few highlights from his June 2020 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
- June has been the Biggest Month so far Since the Purchase of the Golf Course
- Started “comment cards”, first drawing to be at the end of August
- Eleven New Members since the Reopening
Commissioner Mullin asked if the hole by the golf sign has been fixed. Mr. Ward noted that it is roped off until they can fit it. Commissioner Mullin asked if the Contractor will fix it or will it be fixed internally. Mr. Ward noted that he would rather fix it internally, because when they bring in the heavy equipment it causes more problems for them. Commissioner Mullin thanked him for planting the flowers around the sign however, the bushes look unhealthy. Mr. Ward noted that they will possibly be replaced in the fall.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road expressed his thanks to the Board, Golf Committee, and Mr. Ward for the work on the golf course. He also commented on the report.
Commissioner Evans noted that residents getting involved, help make the change. He also noted that there were 2,951 rounds in June 2019 and 4,014 in June 2020. There was $82,430 in revenue in June 2019 and $134,740 in June 2020. Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Ward to give this information as part of his director’s report at the board meetings.
Commissioner Evans suggested rotating the director reports so Mr. Barron doesn’t always have to be last to give his report.
Finance Department – Kevin Barron
Financial Report – Mr. Barron noted a few highlights from his June 2020 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
· Real Estate 93%
· Fire Revenue 93%
· General Fund Expenditures 37%
· Fire Fun Expenditures 32%
Commissioner Mullin asked if he sees the economy impacting the Township, in a small amount. Mr. Barron noted that is looking at a small amount right now. Right now, July is on track and if anything, you will see something in his August report.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked the status of the 2019 audit. Mr. Barron noted that he anticipates an audit report at the August 27 meeting, and definitely by the September 24 meeting.
General Checks 45227 to 45325 and General Manual Checks 137 to 142 – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve general checks 45227 to 45325 and general manual checks 137 to 142. Commissioner Tindaro asked what check number 45230, in the amount of $9,045, is for. Ms. Denne noted that it is the deposit for the electronic board sign that will be installed at the front of the township building. Commissioner Evans asked Ms. Denne for an update on the sign. Ms. Denne noted that she does not have an update however, it will be coming from overseas. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Vote passed 5-0
Director of Building & Life Safety Mr. Stackhouse – Mr. Stackhouse noted a few highlights from his June 2020 report, which was previously provided to the Board. Mr. Stackhouse noted that he will send the Board his detailed June report.
- Permit Activity is Very Busy
- Several Major Projects are before the Township
- Applied for the FEMA Grant for the Emergency Protective Measures – In the Process of Submitting all Township Expenses referring to COVID-19
Additional Business
Commissioner Mullin called for additional business. There was none.
Public Comments
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked for an update on the Lloyd Avenue lights. Ms. Denne noted that PennDot has informed them that they received the Township’s contract however, they are working to ratify it at the state level.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked if the Board will consider the golf course study that the last Board approved. Commissioner Mullin noted that he believes that the previous Board was entertaining looking for an appraisal of the golf course not for a consulting firm for the best way to utilize the golf course because the cost would have been approximately $15,000, and they were not considering selling the land. Ms. Spaulding noted that they need to find in the minutes where the study was passed. Commissioner Mullin noted that he would like to see if the study was passed by the previous Board before he answers, if they will honor the study.
Ms. Spaulding also commented on the police report being put on the website and asked again if all the director reports can be put on the website. Commissioner Mullin noted that the Municipal Authority, Historical Commission, Planning Commission, and possibly the Zoning Hearing Board are already on the website. The Building and Life Safety and Public Works will have to have confidential information redacted before it is uploaded to the website. Ms. Swan will post all activities for the Parks and Recreation Commission, and if there is anything from the Lincoln Highway Commission.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 stated that a large part of the Circuit Trail Interactive Map goes through Caln Township.
Mike Bedrick of 1701 Olive Street commented that he likes the Zoom meetings.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked what the debt of the golf course was, when it was last financed. Commissioner Young noted that it was $1.6/$1.7 million. Mr. Barron noted that it will be $1.8 Million with the twelve years the Township still owes. Mr. DeYoung noted that he believes it was previously discussed, with the past Board, to look into a Management Company for the golf course.
Lillian Lee of 3241 Silbury Hill noted that she thanks the Board for their transparency. She also noted that the COVID-19 coming out is not intended for the older population. She also talked about flu season.
Cheryl Spaulding of 46 Lloyd Avenue noted that Caln Township is full of talented people, such as Ms. Lee.
Commissioner Mullin noted that they will be incorporating the Zoom technology into the in-person Board meetings.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the July 30, 2020 meeting at 9:30 PM. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary

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