Reorganizational Meeting Minutes
January 3, 2022
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary.
Professionals Present: N/A
Special Guest Present: Judge Bortner and Judge Ann Feldman
The Board of Commissioners January 3, 2022 agenda was posted on the Township website, and at the Township building, on December 30, 2021.
The 2022 Township Board of Commissioners meetings were published in the Daily Local News on December 28, 2021 as well as posted at the Township Municipal Building on December 10, 2021.
Oath of Office – Honorable Judge Bortner swore in Commissioner elect Joshua Young.
Oath of Office – Honorable Judge Ann Feldman swore in Commissioners elect Lorraine Tindaro and Jane Kennedy.
On behalf of the Board, Commissioner Young thanked Judge Feldman and Judge Bortner for swearing in the Commissioners tonight.
Commissioner Young called the January 3, 3033 reorganizational meeting to order at 6:39 PM, He then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Commissioner Young called for comments on agenda items. There were none.
Nominations for Board President
Commissioner Young called for nominations for President of the Board of Commissioners (Board).
Commissioner Kennedy nominated Commissioner Mullin as Board President, seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Commissioner Young called for other nominations for Board President. Commissioner Young called for other nominations for Board President. Commissioner Young called for other nominations for Board President.
With no other nominations, Commissioner Young entertained a motion to close the nominations for Board President. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Young called for a vote on the motion to elect Commissioner Mullin as Board President.
With no objections, Commissioner Young noted that Commissioner Mullin is elected as President of the Board of Commissioners.
Nominations for Board Vice President
Commissioner Mullin called for nominations for Vice President of the Board of Commissioners.
Commissioner Tindaro nominated Commissioner Kennedy as Vice President of the Board of Commissioners. Moved by Commissioner Mullin and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Commissioner Mullin called for other nominations for Vice President. Commissioner Mullin called for other nominations for Vice President. Commissioner Mullin called for other nominations for Vice President.
Commissioner Mullin called for a vote to close the nominations for Vice President. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Evans.
Vote passed 5.0.
With no objections, Commissioner Mullin called for a vote to elect Commissioner Kennedy as Vice President of the Board of Commissioners.
Vote passed 5-0.
Appointments and Reappointments of Officials
Solicitor: Buckley, Brion, McGuire and Morris –
Township Traffic Engineer: Albert Federico Consulting, LLC –
Township Engineer: ARRO Consulting Inc. –
Stormwater Consultant: ARRO Consulting Inc. –
Township Auditor: Mallie LLP –
Township Secretary: Kristen Denne –
Assistant Township Secretary: Denise Miller –
Fire Marshall: Ray Stackhouse –
Emergency Management Coordinator: Ray Stackhouse –
Building Code Official: Ray Stackhouse –
Zoning Officer: Ray Stackhouse –
Deputy Zoning Officer: ARRO Consulting Inc. –
Administrative Officer for Pensions: Kristen Denne, ICMA-CM –
Finance Director: Lisa Swan –
Right to Know Officer for the Township: Abbey Swan –
Assistant Right to Know Officer for the Township: Denise Miller –
Right to Know Officer for the Police Department: Tracy Laws –
Commissioner Evans noted that he previously attended a PSATS meeting where they talked about the benefits of changing auditor’s every couple of years. Ms. Denne noted that it would be a Board decision to change auditors. Commissioner Evans noted that he would like to look into this at the end of 2023.
Ms. Denne noted that the Township changed to Mallie three years ago.
Ms. Swan noted that she has already started the 2021 audit process with Mallie.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to accept all the appointments and reappointments of all the above Officials, as read. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Vote passed 5-0.
Appointments and Reappointments to Board and Commissions
Municipal Authority: Reappointment of Noel Bernard for a 2022-2026 term –
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to reappoint Noel Bernard to the Municipal Authority for a 2022-2026 term. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Vote passed 5-0.
Zoning Hearing Board: Reappointment of Charles Coxson for the 2022-2024 term –
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to reappoint Charles Coxson for a 2022-2024 term, and the reappointment of Mike Noble as an alternate for a 2022-2023 term, on the Zoning Hearing Board. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Vote passed 5-0.
Planning Commission: Reappointment of Kenneth Simon for the 2022-2025 term –
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to reappoint Kenneth Simon and John Caporale for 2022-2025 terms, on the Planning Commission. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Young.
Vote passed 5-0.
Liaison Appointments to Board and Commissions
Parks and Recreation Board –
Caln Township Municipal Authority –
Fire Board –
Historical Commission –
Lincoln Highway –
Golf –
Planning Commission –
Zoning –
Emergency Management and Police –
Finance and Budget –
Commissioner Mullin tabled the liaison appointments until the January 13, 2022 meeting.
Additional Business
Commissioner Mullin called for additional business. There was none.
Public Comments
Mike Bedrick of 1701 Olive Street commented on the 2021 events that happed in the township. He also wished everyone a Happy New Year.
Marc Fox of 256 Thornridge Avenue asked why the meeting tonight was not also a Zoom meeting.
Commissioner Mullin noted that some of the equipment has not been received by the Township yet.
Ms. Denne noted that residents would not be able to be interactive on Zoom without the proper microphones, which have not been received yet. Ms. Denne also noted that the Township is doing the best that can be done under the circumstances.
Commissioner Young noted that tonight’s meeting is being live streamed on Facebook.
Commissioner Mullin congratulated Commissioner Young, Commissioner Tindaro, and Commissioner Kennedy on their reelection to another term on the Board.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the January 3, 2022 reorganizational meeting at 6:52 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Evans.
Vote passed. 5-0.
january_03_2022_reorg_minutes.pdf |