253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
January 26, 2017 7:55 PM
Call to order and pledge of allegiance.
Attendance – Cynthia Eshleman, President; Jennifer Breton, Vice President; John Contento, Commissioner; Joshua Young, Commissioner; George Chambers, Commissioner; Kristen Denne, Township Manager; Jeffrey W. McClintock, P.E., C.F.M, Township Engineer; Mr. Chuck Wilson, Finance Director; and Margaret Driller, Recording Secretary.
Moment of Silence – Commissioner Eshleman called for a moment of silence for all first responders and military, all over the world.
Executive Session
Commissioner Eshleman announced that prior to tonight’s meeting, an Executive Session was held to discuss legal and personnel matters.
Citizens to be heard
Commissioner Eshleman called for any Citizens to be heard.
Mr. Stuart Deets, representing Coatesville Area School District as a School Board Member wanted to discuss 2014 taxes owed on the Old Citadel school building, Parcel 39-4-91. The solicitor failed to properly file paperwork needed for taxes owed to Caln Township and as such the property is still showing taxes owed of $7,850.16. A letter was sent to the Board of Commissioners from Coatesville Area School District to correct the error and request an exemption of the 2014 Caln Township taxes of $7,850.16 to be paid at the present time. The Board of Directors disapproved the exemption and Mr. Deets requested an explanation or thought process of why this was disapproved.
Liquor License Transfer Request
Ms. Camp stated that a prior to this meeting, a meeting was held for a liquor license hearing request for Turkey Hill at Bondsville Road. She stated that the Board will have a 60 days extension and must decide to accept this application or not at that time.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Ms. Denne is planning a budget meeting for Monday, February 6, 2017 at 7 o’clock with Mr. Wilson in attendance. Interviews have been scheduled for several volunteer applications. Mr. Eugene Spratt has resigned from the Planning Commission and will receive a certificate thanking him for his service. A DPW advertisement was put onto PA CareerLink for a Director of Public Works, The Township is not looking for a road worker but a Director of Public Works and it will be a new position within Caln Township.
Public Safety
Police Chief Elias
The Annual Report was turned in for 2016 if there are any questions please let him know. Officer Ashe will be recognized as the Officer of the Year for 2016 and the Police Chaplain will be sworn in on February 23rd, 2017. Commissioner Contento had a question as to how much a single permanently mounted scanner (LPR) on patrol cars would cost be and how is it used. Total cost is $20,000 for the installation of the (LPR) scanner and $4000 for installation and warranty use for several years.
Fire Chief Cordisco
Trainings in the month of December were the subject of flash over using a small simulator, with more training on the second day in the simulator. Total amount of hours was 671.76 hours for all firefighters in the month. Physicals were completed in December with funds from the grant. Everyone passed and no major issues were found that would have restricted our officers from duty. HVAC units in the bunk room and training room were scheduled for January 23rd but were completed yesterday. The three chiefs are gathering information for the position of an extra driver for the firetruck. Resumes are being evaluated and a meeting will be held next Monday to discuss candidates. Interviews will be conducted in early February. The current per diem drivers are covering 85% from 6AM to 6PM. Safer Grant has created signs on the bypass and large township metal signs which can be mounted onto the Caln Township signs. There is always help needed with different fundraising, projects, maintenance, serving on a committee, Fire Police, and directing traffic. Ms. Denne will ask Ray where we could install these signs onto Caln Township boundaries. Ms. Denne was asked about the Pending Agreement with the Fire Company for 2017, it has gone to legal and it will be reviewed by the Fire Board and the Board of Commissioners.
Director of Building & Life Safety – Mr. Stackhouse
Rudy’s Sports complex to have a conditional Use and Occupancy Permit on February 13, 2017 with an inspection due on the February the 12th, they are stabilizing the base layer with stone and getting the base stone done for 88 parking spaces. Loading and unloading is still being worked on and they should be able to occupy the space by the 13th of February. DENRON is near completion and looking to apply for a final Use and Occupancy on this project. The site at 99 Caln (Old Royal Paperwork site) had demolition to the roof and the new roof is now completed. The site had a face lift to the outside and it will have interior storage units, with new parking sites. Rock Raymond has 7 units left and Kings Grants have 20 to 40 lots not completed at this time. The Final listing of 15 rental units was created and sent letters for taxes owed and several have been sold to another person, the letter was sent for compliance. The 2017 Rental Fees have been mailed out and the three large fees have been paid.
Ordinance # (2017-05) – Master Lease Agreement with Fulton Bank for 2017 Ford Edge Police Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the Master Lease Agreement with Fulton Bank for 2017 Ford Edge Police Vehicle. Moved by Commissioner Breton and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion carried 5-0.
Ingleside Course Manager – Mr. Ward
Rain throughout May and several heat waves from June through August were hard on the golf course and the grounds. October golfing was much better. Capital replacements occurred with a new ice machine, new rough mower and replacement on the roof of the barn. Golf ball pickup with heater was needed as it was 20 years old. Discussion was held in regards to advertising and Men’s & Ladies Leagues that are held on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings were doing well. The income of $644,873.00 is below average for the year at the golf course. Some ideas that are needed in the future are an Indoor seating for recreational food, new covered cart, aerations and fixing the concrete front steps. One major problem for the golf course is the geese.
Finance Report – Mr. Wilson
Bank accounts have been reconciled for 2016 and we now have the final amounts in his report. He read his final report for 2016 with totals in each account. We had $75,000 over budgeted number for the year; Commissioner Young stated this was created from personnel costs that were lower for the year. Commissioner Contento asked about Fund 30 in which the township has agreed to purchase EDU’s from Penncroft for $0.55 on the dollar on 3/13/2017. What happens when this date of 3/13/2017 arrives and the agreement does not go through and are we legally bound to buy these EDU’s? General funds were $690,289.00 and we collected 103% of budget. Fire Fund was collected at 120%. Commissioner Contento wanted to know if closing the Code Enforcement Department from In-House to Outside Consultants has saved the township money. Commissioner Young stated that the township might not have a savings here after severance payments were given to personnel. Mr. Wilson will look into the Code Enforcement Savings and the Penncroft Fund 30. Fire Company had excess of funds and was used for uniforms and other equipment repairs needed at this time. Lease payments are still outstanding for Capital Leases.
Bill List for Check Numbers – General #39310 – #39377
Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the Bill List for Check Numbers – General #39310 – #39377, moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion carried 5-0.
Township Engineer – Mr. McClintock
Land Development - 3611 Lincoln Highway TVFC SD 2015
Mr. McClintock is stating that we are viewing on screen the Minor Subdivision Plan for the Thorndale Volunteer Fire Department application. The copy of the plan has not changed except for a date, their attorney wanted different wording on their document. Plan B has changed some but the plan is correct. Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the Minor Subdivision Plan Application of 3611 Lincoln Highway, Tax Parcel 39-4-104.3E. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion carried 5-0.
3453 Lincoln Highway Sketch 2017
This presentation of the site was discussed and put on the screen to be viewed, with Denise R. Yarnoff, Esquire and Bill Rountree, P.E., attending on behalf of a national retail chain, National Tire and Battery. The proposal at this time does not comply with some of the dimensional requirements in the zoning ordinance. The NTB store use does meet the definition of a retail business in a TV-1 Thorndale Village District and the Lincoln Highway Overlay District, Zone 2. This site does not meet the following area and bulk requirements, the owners wanted to make sure that this plan was feasible with a six bay site, sitting on the property with the same access points. They have been spoken to about renting more parking spaces. Commissioner Contento asked why do you believe that this would be a successful site and model for NTB? They want to be in this district and have marketing plans for this location, will only 6 bays. Traffic is primary to their operations and the site would work and the projected numbers will make this successful. Marketing likes the competition and will pay to be successful. The lot area is smaller it should be over ½ acre, it is undersized. The number of parking spaces should be higher (27 parking spaces) and we only have 15 parking spaces, parking stall size should be increased. Further engineering may need to be completed on the site as well. Most of the cars will be inside the bays, not parking outside. There will be 5 employees and will have a more controlled environment on this site. Commissioner Young is stating that 5 spaces should be leased for this site. Mr. Rountree will speak with Longview after talking to the developers to lease 5 spaces for parking at this site. Commissioner Eshleman is happy that they are thinking about using the site but with stores being directly behind they may have people leaving their car there while they go shopping and leave the car there longer. Mr. Rountree will ask the owners of NTB and try to keep a uniform look and must have red brick facade there. Commissioner Young wants them to use the red brick façade as described in the ordinance. The Board did not object to the relief that will be needed should the project proceed to engineering. No formal action was taken on the sketch plan.
Engineering Items
Mr. McClintock is working with Ms. Slade to set up a meeting for the Stormwater Advisory Committee to meet the 4th Tuesday of the month, and the Board found that evening to be acceptable. They will look to having a meeting next month and then every other month or as the committee decides.
Lincoln Highway traffic signal controller changes have been started since our last meeting. PennDOT consultants are working through these changes and we may have to talk about upgrades at Barley Sheaf. IP addressable controllers are being implemented in all signals within the Township.
A question was asked as to the timing of the Wawa Bondsville Project. Mr. McClintock indicated the project’s motion of approval will be on the docket at the next meeting and they will be looking to start construction as soon as all approvals are secured. Mr. McClintock was also asked about the status of the Hills at Thorndale Woods and the Dwell at Caln. He mentioned a meeting was held this past week with the developer for the Hills at Thorndale Woods and the project appears to be heading towards wrapping up the final approvals. The Dwell at Caln Project appears to still be in a holding pattern.
Mr. McClintock was also asked about the status of the sidewalk project along the frontage of Wedgwood Shopping Center. He noted that the designer is preparing an initial layout to allow for a meeting with PennDOT to be held. The total project estimate is $426,455.00, with $85,291 being the Township’s portion (20%) and the remaining $341,164.00 being the grant amount. Commissioner Contento is stating that we need money for sidewalks where we have a large amount of people who need to use the sidewalk off of CVS to Veterans Hospital; it would be an ADA site. The WAWA would need sidewalks to come from the school for the students. Carol Howell, Wedgewood Estates, is stating that they need a sidewalk that encompasses the whole site from the Giant site and it will need more snow removal with legal issues to be addressed. Commissioner Young is stating that he wants to connect all sidewalks from Downingtown to Thorndale and is asking all developers to put in a sidewalk to be connected to this main sidewalk.
Approval of Minutes of December 15, 2016
Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to accept the Board of Commissioners, December 15, 2016 meeting minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Breton. Motion carried 5-0.
Acceptance of Resignation of Mr. Eugene Spratt, Planning Commission
Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to accept the resignation of Mr. Eugene Spratt from the Planning Commission. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion to reject 50,000 gallons of sewage usage that is available to the township from DARA
Commissioner Young is stating that Caln Township has been offered 50,000 gallons of sewage usage from DARA. He wanted to have a motion to not accept this offer from DARA. Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to not accept this offer for the sewage usage of 50,000 gallons from DARA, Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Breton. Motion Carried 5-0. A letter will need to be sent by Ms. Denne, Township Manager in regards to the township not accepting this proposal from DARA.
Mr. McClintock is also stating that signal poles for the US 322 Signal ARLE project have been installed but are not in operation at this time. He anticipates them being active in 4-6 weeks.
Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to adjourn the January 16, 2017 meeting at 9:40 PM. Moved by Commissioner Breton and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Margaret Driller
Recording Secretary
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