253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
February 27, 2020
7:40 PM
Attendance – Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Mark Evans-Commissioner, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Kevin Barron-Township Finance Director, Bryan Kulakowsky-Township Engineer, Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor, and Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary.
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Citizens to Be Heard
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue had concerns with the streams overflowing, shopping carts, and goose droppings in the township.
Presentation of Resolution to Twinning Group for Calne, England – Robert Merrick introduced a short video of Calne, England. Former retired Police Officer Rich Jones presented Chief Elias with his helmet from when he was a police officer. Chief Elias presented Mr. Jones with a Caln Township police hat, and introduced Tracey Laws as the new Police Administrative Assistant.
Ms. Denne and Chief Elias presented the Calne England Guests with gifts, and introduced Miss Pennsylvania. Ms. Denne noted that the Township has named township development roads from the County of Wilshire and in return, they named a street “Tom DeFroscia Close” after the former Twinning President.
Commissioner Mullin read and presented a Proclamation to the Twinning Group.
Commissioner Evans Updates
Working Together – Commissioner Evans noted rude and dismissive behavior is not acceptable at the Board meetings, or Commission and Committee meetings.
Vacant Positions – Commissioner Evans noted that there are Committee/Commission vacant positions available.
Board room sound system – Commissioner Evans noted that all firms to inspect the board room, the week of March 9, participate in Costars.
Route 30 Corridor – Commissioner Evans noted the Lincoln Highway Meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of the month. He also noted that he and Commissioner Young are exploring a new vision for the Commission based on the heat map and vacant business property listing, provided by Mr. Stackhouse. They also will be photographing all the vacant businesses along the Lincoln Highway Corridor. They will be inviting owners of successful businesses within and outside the township as well as potential business owners who chose not to start in Caln Township to attend our meetings to flush out new approaches to lead to growth and entice others to do business in Caln Township.
Commissioner Evans noted that the Lincoln Highway Commission should have a six month, one year, eighteen month, and two year revitalization assessment ready for presentation to the residents by May. He also noted that the Board of Commissioners are exploring the appointment of a Special Council to work on the commercial vacancy law and historic preservation.
Lloyd Farm – Commissioner Evans noted that individual members of the Board of Commissioners met with the property owner and his attorney on Tuesday February 19 where they presented the same plan as they presented at the November public hearing. He noted that in his meeting with them he suggested that since, to date, their vision for Lloyd Farm has been objected to by a number of Township Residents that instead of taking that tactic they could consider outside the box uses for that land.
Griffith Farm – Commissioner Evans noted that Mr. Stackhouse reported that the school house roof needs some work, shingles and gutters, electricity is questionable, and the barn needs a new roof as soon as possible. He also noted that he will be coordinating a meeting between Public Works Director, Mr. Fragale and Paul Stevens of the Historic Commission to discuss the most cost effective way to expedite these projects, before we lose more of our historic properties.
Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan – Commissioner Evans noted that the Board is in the process of forming a zoning task force.
Dwell Presentation – In attendance were: Lou Colagreco, Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco; Jeff Todd, Traffic Planning and Design; Civil Engineer Dave Gibbons, D.L. Howell; and Clay Chandler, Klein Company.
Mr. Colagreco noted that they were asked to attend tonight’s meeting to explain the project that is before the township now for final plan approval. The project is called “Dwell Account” which was approved in 2013 by the then Board, for approximately 200 townhouses and 200 apartment units. This property borders East Brandywine Township, up Route 322. This plan received tentative plan approval together with about thirty conditions of approval, what’s pending now before the Township is the final reiteration of that plan. The entrance is off of Route 322 and will have a traffic signal. Penndot has reviewed the plan and is ready to issue signal and road improvement permits, the County is currently reviewing the NPDES permit, and the Township is now reviewing the final Planned Residential Development (“PRD”) plan. Depending on how the Engineering reviews go, they may be before the Board at the March or April Board meeting for a vote on the final plan approval.
Commissioner Evans asked if there are no single family homes included in the development. Mr. Todd replied “correct”.
Ms. Camp noted that a “PRD” counts as their zoning and subdivision as one process. The applicant has granted the Board additional time for final plan approval until March 30, 2020.
Mr. Todd noted that they have an application in to Penndot that includes a full plan set that indicates all improvements associated with the access with the site itself as well as all site improvements resulting from traffic studies. They will be installing an access traffic signal with a north bound left turn and a south bound right turn lane into the site. At the 30 bypass intersection with the improvements technically approved by Penndot, there will be a 600 foot long right turn lane as you approach the 30 bypass and a 250 foot west bound lane.
Ms. Camp noted that if the Applicant wants the Board to have further time, they could grant further time or the Board has to take action within the next two meetings. Commissioner Evans asked or what happens. Ms. Camp noted that the plan would be deemed approved.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue recommended blocking the ingress/egress that adjourns to the thirty acres in East Brandywine. She also had other comments and concerns.
Licia Carini 103 Ayerwood Drive asked how far this development is from the proposed Regal development. Response was given of ¾ of a mile. She also opposed both developments.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run spoke about traffic backup, open space, and house per acre. He also had other comments. Ms. Camp noted that the Applicant asked that the township ordinance be revised and amended to create a PRD section, and on February 17, 2011 the zoning ordinance was amended to create a new article to allow a planned residential development on certain area that was rezoned or had an overlay of PRD.
Commissioner Evans asked Ms. Camp if all the extensions were requested by the Applicant or were they requested by the Township. Ms. Camp noted that the law says that once they have tentative plan approval they have to submit their final plan consistent with the date that is set forth in the tentative plan. That date is what was extended by the legislature with the permanent extension act. They then submitted their final plan consistent with the date the state law extended it too. She then noted the state law says with respect to the granting of the final plan approval the Board must act within sixty days unless the Applicant grants to the Board to act.
Ed Houston of East Brandywine commented on the potential increased traffic.
Ms. Camp noted that East Brandywine’s Manager, Scot Piersol attended the PRD hearing and voiced the opinion of the 2012 Board which was they were very much against this development. She also noted that currently there is a new Board.
Public Works Director, Mike Fragale asked where the Lloyd Farm development traffic light will be located. Ms. Camp noted that there is not a development approved at this time so there is not that level of detail.
Commissioner Mullin asked the time frame of a full build out, once you break ground. Someone from the Developers Team responded with a guess, of four years.
2018 Audit Presentation – Chris Herr of Mallie LLP presented a clean/unmodified opinion on the Township financials. Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road and Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue commented on the presentation.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
Planning Commission Update
2020 Road Program – Mr. Kulakowsky noted that he will be presenting the 2020 Road Program cost estimates to Mike Fragale, early next week.
3025 Lincoln Highway – Mr. Kulakowsky noted that property of the former Kmart presented their sketch plan to redevelop the site and repurpose the building into a potential strip of stores. Commissioner Young asked if this is conditional uses or by right uses. Mr. Kulakowsky noted that it would be conditional use if they propose
a drive thru and if they do not, retail is by right.
Villages of Hillview – Mr. Kulakowsky noted that the Planning Commission recommended to the Board of Commissioners a conditional final land development approval with the condition to address ARRO and Gilmore’s outstanding issues.
SALDO consultant fee policy and zoning hearing board number of members amendments – Mr. Kulakowsky noted this was discussed and a vote was taken to recommend to the Board of Supervisors, no changes as was presented to them.
Township Manager – Kristen Denne
Census Champion – Ms. Denne noted that the Township has been receiving calls regarding scam census forms and emails, received by Residents. She also noted it is a scam form if it contains information such as asking your party affiliation or if you are a citizen. She encouraged to call the census hotline or your representative if you have any questions.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2020-11 A Resolution Appointing Tracey Laws as the Police Department Right-to-Officer – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion adopting Resolution 2020-11, appointing Tracey Laws as the Police Department Right-to-Officer. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Directors Reports
Police Chief Elias – Chief Elias noted a few highlights from his January 2020 report, which previously was provided to the Board.
- Chief Elias noted that you will only get a letter if you need to be notified regarding your tax return. It is a scam if you get a call or email. They have a scam letter on the police website for your review.
- Presentation of the 2019 Officer of the Year, Jim Shaw, at the April 30 meeting.
- Discussion on planning “Coffee with a Cop”
Fire Chief Donnachie – Chief Donnachie noted a few highlights from his January 2020 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
- Public Forum to be held at the Chester County Safety Center in South Coatesville, on March 18 at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM regarding a strategic plan for all of Chester County on how Fire & EMS services are put out to the Community, as a whole.
Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Donnachie the name of their Direct Mail Company so he can review how much they are being charged for their services. Mr. Donnachie noted their Marketing Company is Choice Marketing.
Director of Building & Life Safety Mr. Stackhouse – Mr. Stackhouse was absent however, his January 2020 report was previously provided to the Board.
Director of Public Works Mr. Fragale – Mr. Fragale noted a few highlights from his January 2020 report, which previously was provided to the Board.
Commissioner Mullin noted that at the last COG meeting he was asked what type of equipment the township has to share with other townships. Mr. Fragale and Ms. Denne noted that past practices has shown that it has not worked out to well.
Ingleside Golf Manager Mr. Ward – Mr. Ward noted a few highlights from his January 2020 report, which previously was provided to the Board.
Finance Department – Mr. Barron
Finance Report – Mr. Barron noted a few highlights from his January 2020 report, which previously was provided to the Board.
· Mr. Barron noted to send your tax bill to your mortgage company, if it is escrowed into your mortgage.
Commissioner Evans made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Young, to re-appoint Dawn Coughlan to the Historical Commission for a five year term, expiring December 31, 2024. Vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Tindaro asked when the next two interviews will be held. Commissioner Evans noted that they will be done before the next meeting.
Bill List for Approval of General Checks 44556 to 44608 and General Manual Checks 97 to 100 – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve general checks 44556 to 44608 and general manual checks 97 to 100. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. Vote passed 5-0.
Minutes to Approve/Acknowledge
February 13, 2020 Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the February 13, 2020 Board of Commissioners minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Commissioner Tindaro recused herself because she was not in attendance at the meeting. Vote passed 4-0.
Additional Business - Board Appointments
Tony Wagner – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to appoint Tony Wagner to the Historical Commission for a five year term, expiring December 31, 2024. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Vote passed 5-0.
Steve DePedro – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to re-appoint Steve DePedro to the Zoning Hearing Board for a three year term, expiring December 31, 2022. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Vote passed 5-0.
Ed Artz – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to appoint Ed Artz to the Vacancy Board for a two year term, expiring December 31, 2021. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young. Vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Mullin thanked Al DiMatteo for his time on the vacancy board.
Public Comments
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked for an update on Thorndale Woods. The Board noted that they do not currently have an update however, they will check on it. Ms. Spaulding also commented on the Dwell development, Lloyd Farm, and the tax bill mailing.
Licia Carini of 103 Ayerwood Drive commented on the future developments, and taxes.
Commissioner Kennedy and Commissioner Evans noted that the township liaison for the coronavirus is Ashley Orr from the Chester County Health Department, and they will be sending out letters regarding the coronavirus, and using ReadyChesco.org to communicate updates, as they occur.
Chief Elias noted that he had a meeting with Ms. Denne, and they are coordinating a meeting with the Township Department Directors regarding the potential impact on services.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the February 27, 2020 meeting at 10:05 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary
commissioners_minutes_02.27.2020.pdf |