Board of Commissioners
December 22, 2022
7:30 PM
Hybrid Meeting
There was a 6:00 PM EESKE Development Conditional Use Hearing continued from December 1, 2022 for the Ducklings Child Daycare Center, located at 100 Rock Raymond Road.
Call to Order: Commissioner Mullin called the Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 7:30 PM PM. Commissioner Mullin then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Commissioner Mullin noted an Executive Session prior to tonight’s meeting, regarding personnel matters.
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary, Lisa Swan-Township Treasurer, Raymond Stackhouse-Director of Building and Life Safety and Public Works, Chris Ward-Ingleside Golf Course Manager.
Professionals Present: Township Solicitor Kristin Camp, Vice President Casey LaLonde, Engineer Lowell Leaman, and Project Manager Karl Schmit representing ARRO, Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco President Lou Colagreco and Landcore Engineering Consultants P.C., P.E. Ryan Whitmore representing and Carlton Smith representing Thorndale Realestate LLC.
Special Guest: N/A
The Board of Commissioners December 22, 2022 agenda was posted on the Township website, and at the Township building, on December 21, 2022. Agendas were made available for the public at the meeting.
The 2022 Township Board of Commissioners meetings were published in the Daily Local News, on December 28, 2021.
Commissioner Evans Township Update
Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us. Our meetings are “Neutral Ground”, a place to hear and be heard. The Board of Commissioners (BOC) are here to represent everyone in Caln, and we strive to be sure our decisions address the needs of all. We’re all in this together. Just a reminder, only questions or statements regarding an agenda item will be entertained under “Citizens to be Heard” at the top of the meeting. All other matters will be recognized during “Public Comment” at the end of the meeting.
Auld Lang Syne…: Wow, another year is almost over. The weather outside is frightful, but your presence here is so delightful! Thank you for braving the elements to join us tonight. It’s been an honor serving you in 2022, and I hope you’re all starting to see the promise of a “new” Caln starting to take shape around us. Please be safe on the roads this holiday weekend, especially with the deep freeze
following all this precipitation. And, if you drink, don’t drive. It’s just stupid and reckless and could cost the lives of innocent drivers who chose not to drink and drive. Make the roads safe so that everyone can enjoy!
HALLELUJAH: Last Wednesday the Chester County Board of Commissioners unanimously voted to approve LERTA. Now the real work begins – shopping the idea to some already successful small businesses we think we’d all like to see put down roots in Caln. LERTA gives us a major tool needed to take Caln to a new level. Dream big or wake up small.
CALN TOWNSHIP IS “OPEN FOR BUSINESS”: Remember that when you’re rushing around finishing up your holiday shopping, support our small businesses. They are the backbone of our community.
THESE TROUBLING TIMES: For all the bad press Coatesville Area School District (CASD) receives, there was surprisingly little notice given to some very uplifting news events of the past couple of weeks. First, during class, a Coatesville High student sprang into action and used the Heimlich maneuver to save the life of another student who was choking. Another uplifting story was about the Coatesville Middle School robotics team advancing to the state finals by winning an Innovation Project Award for an efficiently designed robot. The state finals will be on January 28, 2023. And lastly, it’s not just us… an article published December 14, 2022 on Yahoo News read: “Fake 'active shooter' threats continue to plague schools across U.S.”. It detailed an NPR story of over 180 reports of swatting incidents in 28 states from September 13, 2022 through October 21, 2022, and since then incidents have continued with the same level, if not a greater level of intensity and consistency”. It’s not okay, but it’s not just us.
BE THE JOY IN SOMEONES’ HOLIDAY: The holidays can be a lonely and brutally depressing time for many. If you know of anyone who has no one, has recently lost a loved one, or homebound… be the joy in their holiday. Take a moment to drop by and bring them some love. Compassion, Empathy, Peace, and Love – these are the greatest gifts any of us can give.
Citizens to be Heard
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked if the Board could explain the rate differences in the 2023 ordinances versus the 2022 ordinances. Commissioner Young noted that there are no changes in the 2023 rates.
Township Solicitor – Ms. Camp
Request for Consideration for Approval of a Conditional Use Decision and Order for Applicant 4102 Associates, LLC for the Property Located at 4060 Edges Mill Road – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp offered a Decision and Order for Applicant 4102 Associates, LLC for the property located at 4060 Edges Mill Road. Ms. Camp noted that the Applicant filed a conditional use application seeking to develop the property with a one story 41,000 square foot building to be used as a flex space. The Board of Commissioners had a hearing on October 27, 2022, which was continued to November 17, 2022. Ms. Camp also noted that Mr. Nagel represented the Applicant and provided her with conditions that the Applicant agreed to accept. Ms. Camp reviewed all the conditions.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Commissioner Evans thanked the Applicant and Mr. Nagel for working with the Township Historical Commission.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the Conditional Use Decision and Order for Applicant 4102 Associates, LLC for the property located at 4060 Edges Mill Road. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
The vote passed 5-0.
Associates, LLC
Request for Consideration for Approval of the Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan of Thorndale Real Estate LLC, 3205 Lincoln Highway – For Board consideration, Ms. Camp offered a Preliminary Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Thorndale Realestate LLC, for the property located at 3205 Lincoln Highway. The Applicant is the owner of a 10.52-acre parcel of property located on the north side of Lincoln Highway near the intersection of North Bailey Road. The property is located in the TV-1 Thorndale Village Zoning District and the Lincoln Highway Overlay District-Zone 2. The Applicant proposes to redevelop the Property as a shopping center in two phases. Phase 1, the Applicant was permitted to commence without the need for subdivision or land development approval, was the renovation of the former K-Mart building. The Applicant created two tenant spaces. Phase 1 with 70,745 square feet for a Lomax Carpet and Tile retail store and the second approximately 24,418 square feet for an ALDI grocery store. Phase 2, is the subject of the instant application, is the subdivision of the property into three lots and the development of an approximately 2,336 square foot Chipotle restaurant with a drive through lane and an approximately 2,208 square foot restaurant/cafe with a drive through lane. The proposed development is depicted on Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development Plans, prepared by Landcore Engineering Consultants, P.C., dated May 13, 2022, last revised October 28, 2022.
Ms. Camp noted that this follows up on the Conditional Use Approval that was granted as well as the zoning decision granted for signage. The proposed decision would grant Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development approval, subject to the conditions and waivers, as read from the motion.
Commissioner Young asked what repairs are needed for the basin. Mr. Whitmore noted that Landcore prepared the inspection report and identified minor maintenance needed to the outlet structure, which is a vertical standpipe and outlet pipe that goes through into the basin berm and outlets into the stream. The actual vertical standpipe is an old metal pipe, so they are proposing replacement at the exact same configuration with new material. The outlet pipe is also an old metal pipe that needs replaced, so they are proposing the exact size and same configuration. Mr. Whitmore also noted that there will be no changes in the operations of the basin, just new material.
Commissioner Evans asked Mr. Whitmore to explain the stormwater for the main site. Mr. Whitmore replied that there is a substantial amount of green space that is being created with the landscape and the channelization island that are proposed throughout the center, which is component one, and for compliant with the stormwater management ordinance. For rate control there is a stormwater management basin in the form of an underground stormwater basin that will be proposed under the parking lot in front of the Lomax building. Commissioner Evans asked if this will be completed before construction of the pet sets. Mr. Whitmore replied that it will be completed at the site improvements of the pad sets. Ms. Camp noted that a use and occupancy permit would not be granted for the pad sites until that work is done.
Commissioner Young asked if there have been any changes from conditional use. Mr. Whitmore replied that it is substantially the same. Mr. Whitmore also replied that the conditional use plan has evolved to a land development plan so there is a substantial amount of additional engineer detail that supports the picture that they spoke about, at the conditional use hearing.
Commissioner Evans asked if Mr. Whiteman can show the Lincoln Highway sidewalk plan. Mr. Stackhouse asked Ms. Denne to allow Mr. Leaman to share his screen so it can be displayed on the TV in the meeting room. Mr. Whitman explained and showed the way the sidewalk is proposed. Commissioner Evans asked if the sidewalk will be street level. Mr. Whitman replied, “that is correct”.
Commissioner Young asked Ms. Camp if the addition of the sidewalk was not included in the conditional use hearing or was it a later item. Ms. Denne replied that they did not speak about it because it is a Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance requirement.
Ms. Camp asked for an estimate of the additional cost of the added sidewalk, as to a comparison of the fee in lieu fee. Mr. Smith replied that they received a price of $15,000.00 from the Contractor for both the extensions, and it was not part of the conditional use decision. Commissioner Evans noted that at the end of the conditional use hearing there was a push to get a waiver for the open space fee and the Board voted against it. Mr. Colagreco noted that they agreed to pay the open space fee at the time; however, there was not a request at that time for a waiver. There was not a decision, it was standalone property at the time that they do not own. He also noted that they can write a $40,000.00 if the Township does not want the sidewalk extension. Commissioner Young noted that he just wanted to know if the conditional use decision speaks to the open space and if it does say you have to pay it and the land development says that you do not. Mr. Colagreco replied that the Township ordinance says that it is required. Ms. Camp noted that she can add a sentence that says notwithstanding anything stated in the condition use order that the applicant shall adhere to this motion.
Commissioner Mullin asked if they are connecting their sidewalk to the one by Joey’s in front of the telephone pole. Mr. Whitman replied, “that is correct”. Commissioner Mullin asked if the telephone pole will be moved. Mr. Whitman replied that the sidewalk will be wrapped around the telephone pole.
Mr. Mushrush of 3600 Homestead Lane asked how the retention basin is wrapping around and what is the capacity of it. Mr. Whitman replied that it is going right below the Lomax parking lot, and the capacity is in compliance with the Township ordinance.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Commissioner Evans noted that he has spoken with Township Planners, City Planners, Township Commissioners, Supervisors, and Attorneys and the key to success of every Township, Borough, and City is a rail line and it is within a stones throw of this location, so it is confusing that the Applicant did not have the foresight to go out and get the funding to do the right thing with this spot. That would have made a lot of money for them and improved this township. Now they are stuck with a dead space.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to consider the approval of the Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan with the approved waiver for open space. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed 4-1.
Township Engineer
Request for Consideration of Final Payment Application #3 to BrightFields Inc. in the Amount of $25,460.41 for the 258 Horseshoe Drive Demolition Project – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmit offered final payment application #3 to BrightFields Inc. in the amount of $25,460.41 for the 258 Horseshoe Drive Demolition Project. Mr. Schmit noted that this is the final payment, the project has been completed, and the contractor has fulfilled their contract.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Commissioner Mullin asked if this is covered by a grant. Ms. Denne replied that the Township received a grant to complete this project.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve final payment application #3 to BrightFields Inc., in the amount of $25,460.41 for the 258 Horseshoe Drive Demolition Project. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Award the Lowest Responsible Bid to Custer Excavating, Inc., in the amount of $183,661.00 for the Park Drive Stormwater Conveyance System Replacement Project from Bids Opened on December 14, 2022 – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmit offered to award the lowest responsible bid to Custer Excavating Inc. in the amount of $18,661.00 for the Park Drive Stormwater Conveyance System Replacement Project from bids opened on December 14, 2022.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Commissioner Evans asked if the amount is what the Township was anticipating. Mr. Schmit replied “yes”.
Commissioner Mullin asked if this is replacing the three pipes that collapsed. Mr. Schmit replied “yes”.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the award to the lowest responsible bid to Custer Excavating Inc., in the amount of $183,661.00 for the Park Drive Stormwater Conveyance System Replacement Project from bids opened on December 14, 2022. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Award the Lowest Responsible Bid to Lobar Site Development Corporation, In the Amount of $879,779.32 for the Municipal Drive Bridge from Bids Opened on December 16, 2022 – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmit offered the lowest responsible bid to Lobar Site Development, in the amount of $879,779.32 for the Municipal Drive Bridge from bids opened on December 16, 2022. Mr. Schmit noted that the bids came in at half of what they were expecting. They will send the notice to proceed letter on December 27, 2022 if the Board approves this request.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Commissioner Young asked the time frame for the bridge completion. Mr. Schmit replied that it will be twelve weeks once they receive the notice to proceed with construction of the pre-cast structure off site by the manufacturer. There is a sanitary sewer line two feet away from the bridge footers, so the construction must be in very quick succession.
Commissioner Young asked if this price has the design, inspection or permit fees included. Mr. Schmit replied that the Board signed a separate special services agreement last fall to do the design, bidding and all the way through to construction management, construction observation, and the project close out.
Commissioner Mullin asked why the lower bid was thrown out. Mr. Schmit replied that they were approximately $30,000.00 lower; however, their experience is in building sidewalks, and they have no experience with them in building bridges. Mr. Schmit also noted that they are not PennDOT pre-qualified.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to award the lowest responsible bid to Lobar Site Development Corporation, in the amount of $879,779.32 for the Municipal Drive Bridge from bids opened on December 16, 2022. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Young.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Award the Lowest Responsible Bid to Construction Masters Services., In the Amount of $567,488.76 for the Moore Drive Bridge Replacement Project from Bids Opened on December 14, 2022 – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmit offered the lowest responsible bid to Construction Masters Services, in the amount of $567,488.76 from bids opened on December 14, 2022.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment.
Commissioner Tindaro asked Mr. Schmit when the start date is. Mr. Schmit replied that this is a cast in place so they can work all winter. They will issue the notice to proceed on December 27, 2022 so they can start after the staff pre-construction meeting. Mr. Schmit also replied that this bridge should be completed before April, and it will be completed before the Municipal Bridge.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that the Township is going to file an extension with FEMA just in case.
Commissioner Evans asked if this amount is what was anticipated. Mr. Schmit replied that they anticipated $1.2 million.
Mr. Stackhouse clarified that this is Moore Road Bridge versus Moore Drive Bridge.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to award the lowest responsible bid to Construction Masters Services, in the amount of $567,488.76 for the Moore Road Bridge Replacement Project from Bids opened on December 14, 2022. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Award the Lowest Responsible Bid for the Pump House Demolition from Bids Opened on December 20, 2022 – For Board consideration, Mr. LaLonde offered the lowest responsible bid for the pump house demolition from bids opened on December 20, 2022.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment.
Ms. Denne noted that the award will be paid through an insurance settlement.
Tom Parr of 582 Lloyd Avenue asked the amount of the bid. Ms. Denne replied that it is $57,600.00.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to award the lowest responsible bid for the Pump House Demolition from bids opened on December 20, 2022. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed 5-0
Mr. LaLonde requested to move PSA 1222-PW07 up on the agenda. Commissioner Mullin approved.
Request for Consideration to Approve ARRO Consulting’s PSA 1222-PW10 In the Amount of $11,041.00 to Assist Caln Township with the Golf Course Pump House Restoration Project – For Board consideration, Mr. LaLonde offered PSA 1222-PW10 for ARRO, in the amount of $11,041.00 for administration and construction for the Golf Course Pump House Restoration Project.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment.
Commissioner Mullin asked if this cost is covered under the insurance for the flood damage. Ms. Denne noted that it is.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve PSA 1222-PW10 for ARRO Consulting, in the amount of $11,041.00 to assist Caln Township with the Golf Course Pump House Restoration Project.
The vote passe 5-0.
Request for Consideration of Payment Application #1 to Lycoming Supply Inc., In the Amount of $62,783.82 for Work Completed on the East Fisherville Bridge Demolition Project – For Board consideration, Mr. LaLonde offered payment application #1 to Lycoming Supply Inc., in the amount of $62,783.82 for work completed on the East Fisherville Bridge Demolition Project.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve payment application #1 to Lycoming Supply Inc., in the amount of $62,783.82 for work completed on the East Fisherville Bridge Demolition Project. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young.
The vote passed 5-0
Request for Consideration to Approve ARRO Consulting’s PSA 1222-PW07 In the Amount of $25,500.00 to Establish a Stormwater Capital Improvements Plan Effective and Strategic Use of Funding to Improve Caln Township’s Existing Stormwater Infrastructure – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmit offered ARRO Consulting’s PSA 1222-PW07, in the amount of $25,500.00 to establish a Stormwater Capital Improvements Plan effective and strategic use of funding to improve Caln Township’s existing stormwater infrastructure.
Commissioner Mullin asked how long this project will take. Mr. LaLonde replied that they will have a final draft to the Township within a few months.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment. There were none.
Commissioner Young asked if this is for Township owned stormwater not public stormwater. Mr. LaLonde replied “correct”.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked if any of the projects have been submitted to FEMA for imbursement. Ms. Denne noted that the Township has started to have projects cleared and has made submissions within in the last two weeks.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve PSA 1222-PW07 in the amount of $25,500.00 to establish a Stormwater Capital Improvements Plan effective and strategic use of funding to improve Caln Township’s existing stormwater infrastructure. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Approve ARRO Consulting’s PSA 1222-PW10 In the Amount of $11,041.00 to Assist Caln Township with the Golf Course Pump House Restoration Project – Mr. LaLonde request to move this item up on the agenda. Commissioner Mullin approved.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
2023 Budget Hearing and Public Presentation – Ms. Denne noted that this hearing is for public comments regarding the 2023 budget, and the ordinances pertaining to it.
Commissioner Mullin noted that there will be no tax increases for 2023. Ms. Denne noted that services will remain as they currently are. Commissioner Evans noted a small trash fee increase.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Mark DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road asked if the Board has plans to not increase future taxes. Commissioner Evans noted that the Board always does not anticipate raising taxes, unfortunately, Hurricane Ida hit, and they had to raise taxes. Commissioner Young noted that Commissioner Mullin and he went line by line on the proposed budget and had the Director’s justify their items.
Marc Fox of 256 Thornridge Drive asked if there is any remaining money left from the infrastructure cost. Commissioner Young noted that the bond payment started this year so that started incurring in 2022 and will continue for thirty years. The debt fund is the old fund that will run out in 2030 or 2032 unless the Board at the time decides to change it. Commissioner Young also noted that there have been some staff vacancies that led to unused funds that will be used for raises for the police contract and filling department vacancies.
Request for Consideration by the Board of Commissioners to Approve the Streetscape Retrofit Change Order in the Amount of $10,369.00 – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered a Streetscape Retrofit of $10,369.00 for lighting that the Township does not own but does maintenance on. Commissioner Mullin noted that this is from Bondsville Road to Municipal Drive.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment.
Commissioner Mullin asked Ms. Denne what the time frame is on this project. Ms. Denne replied that the parts were ordered two weeks ago and as soon as they are received, they will start this project.
Commissioner Mullin noted to contact the shopping centers to see if they are interested in upgrading their lighting.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the Streetscape Retrofit change order, in the amount of $10,369.00. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Evans.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration by the Board of Commissioners to Approve Invoice #0054405 to Haverford Systems in the Amount of $30,340.54 for the Conference Room Upgrades and Microphones – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne presented invoice #0054405 to Haverford Systems in the amount of $30,340.54 for the conference room upgrades and microphones. Ms. Denne noted that this invoice will be paid from ARPA funds. Ms. Denne also noted that the parts have been received and installed.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment.
Commissioner Evans asked why there are only three handheld microphones. Ms. Denne noted that only three were ordered.
Marc Fox of 256 Thornridge Drive asked if this money is in addition to what has already been spent because the audio can be hard to hear. Ms. Denne noted that this money is part of ARPA funds, and the quality could be user error. Mr. Stackhouse noted that sometimes it could be from not speaking into the microphones.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve invoice #0054405 to Haverford Systems, in the amount of $30,340.54 for the conference room upgrades and microphones. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed 5-0.
Ordinances and Resolutions
Request for Consideration to Adopt Ordinance 2022-08 Setting the Real Estate Tax Rate for 2023 –
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2022-08 setting the real estate tax rate for 2023. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment. There were none.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Adopt Ordinance 2022-09 Imposing an Annual Fire Protection Tax –
Commissioner Mullin noted that there has not been an increase in the fire tax for six years.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2022-09 imposing an annual fire protection tax. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment. There were none.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration the Adoption of Ordinance 2022-10 Adopting Lighting Assessments for Township Light Districts – Commissioner Evans noted that the Board will be looking to see how the fee affects residents. Commissioner Young noted that because each neighborhood has their own fee structure so when fees are raised it gets raised for everyone. Commissioner Young also noted that fees are not on usage.
Tom Parr of 582 Lloyd Avenue asked if the lights at G.O. Carlson and Lloyd Avenue in the light district. Commissioner Young replied that the Board will have to look and see if it is. Commissioner Young noted that the improved lighting will be dramatic in cost and brighter.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2022-10 adopting lighting assessments for Township light districts. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Adopt Ordinance 2010-11 Establishing an Annual Tax Sufficient to Pay Interest and Principal on Any Indebtedness of the Township in the Amount of 0.44 Mills –
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2010-11 establishing an annual tax sufficient to pay interest and principal on any indebtedness of the Township in the amount of 0.44 mills. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment. There were none.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration to Adopt Ordinance 2022-12 Adopting the 2023 Budget for All Funds –
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Ordinance 2022-12 for the 2023 Township budget. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment. There were none.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration of the Adoption of Resolution 2022-33 Authorizing the Township President and Secretary to Sign All Documents Necessary to Complete a Contract for Installation Services with Armour and Sons Electric, Inc. for LED Services in Collaboration with the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission LED Light Upgrade Program (Tabled 09/29/2022) –
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to un-table Resolution 2022-33. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
The vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adopt Resolution 2022-33 authorizing the Township President and Secretary to sign all documents necessary to complete a contract for installation services with Armour and Sons Electric, Inc., for LED services in collaboration with the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission LED Light Upgrade Program. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comment. There were none.
The vote passed 5-0.
Request for Consideration of Resolution 2022-36 Authorizing the Amendment of the 2023 Nonuniform Minimum Municipal Obligation – Commissioner Mullin called for Board and resident comments.
Commissioner Young asked what the amendment amount is. Ms. Denne replied that it was an increase of approximately $171.00.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion authorizing the amendment of the 2023 nonuniform minimum municipal obligation. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
The vote passed 5-0.
Minutes to Approve
Request to Consider Approval of the November 17, 2022 Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments.
Commissioner Tindaro noted that Commissioner Mullin’s name needs to be changed to Commissioner Kennedy under “Call to Order”.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the November 17, 2022 Board of Commissioners Minutes with the change made by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Mullin abstained from the motion because he was not in attendance of the meeting. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed 4-0.
Request to Consider Approval of the November 30, 2022 Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the November 30, 2022 Board of Commissioners minutes. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Evans.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comment. There were none.
The vote passed 5-0.
Minutes Acknowledgement
Request to Acknowledge Board Receipt of the October 18, 2022 Approved Planning Commission Minutes – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion acknowledging Board receipt of the October 18, 2022 Planning Commission minutes. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed 5-0.
Finance Department – Lisa Swan
Financial Report – Ms. Swan anticipates another good finish for 2022. Ms. Swan thanked the finance department staff for their work throughout the year.
Commissioner Young asked Ms. Swan what the “see note” means under the Code Enforcement line item under “Revenue Summary Year to Date”. Ms. Swan replied that something came in and it should even itself out next month.
Commissioner Mullin noted that the golf course is $75,000.00 in the black.
Motion to Approve General Checks 49222 to 49402 and Manual Checks 284 to 285 and 2853 – Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments and questions.
Commissioner Kennedy asked how the new payroll company ADP is doing. Ms. Swan replied that they are doing ok.
Commissioner Mullin asked about manual check number 2853. Ms. Swan noted that it is a typographic error.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve checks 49222 to 49402 and manual checks 284 to 285 and 2853. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Commissioner Mullin reclused himself from check number 49304.
The vote passed 5-0.
Additional Business
Civil Service List of Candidates – Commissioner Mullin noted that on November 30, 2022, the Board of Commissioners extended conditional offers of employment to five police applicants on the current Civil Service eligibility list. Four of the five accepted the conditional offer and one declined, leaving one remaining vacancy to be filled. In accordance with the Civil Service rule, the Commission met publicly on December 12, 2022 to certify three names to fulfill the remaining vacancies. From the three names certified, the Board of Commissioners will consider extending a conditional offer of employment to Reneen Muqbel to begin police academy training in January 2023, pursuant to a cadet’s sponsorship agreement with the Township. The Township will be paid tuition and salary while the applicant is in training and will be reimbursed 75% of the training cost and 45% of the applicant’s salary by the state, upon graduation.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to consider conditional offer of employment to Reneen Muqbel and approve her sponsorship agreement. Moved by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed 5-0.
Handicap Parking Sign Located at 3717 Bungalow Glade – Chief Elias noted that the resident approached the Township and requested that the Township accommodate her by locating an area along the curb and posting it as “handicap” so that she can park her vehicle in front of her home.
Chief Elias also noted that the resident has a handicap placard.
He and Mr. Stackhouse conducted a site visit where they could adequately accommodate her and make proper placement of a handicap sign. Chief Elias also noted that it is a Township Street and there are no prohibitions on the street as far as parking restrictions, so it is up to the Commissioners to consider and grant a handicap parking space for the resident.
Ms. Camp noted that the Township will need to adopt an ordinance for this. Mr. Stackhouse noted that the procedure that Chief Elias stated is how the Township previously has provided a handicap sign for a resident.
The Board agreed to table further discussion until Ms. Camp verifies that an ordinance is needed.
Ms. Denne recommended implementing a formal application for this. Mr. Stackhouse asked what department would process the application. Ms. Denne replied that they will talk about this in a staff meeting.
After further discussion, it was agreed that if a resident wants a handicap sign, then they will need to submit a letter to the Township.
Ms. Denne noted that anyone that is handicapped can park in this space.
Commissioner Evans noted that the Chester County Planning Commission and the Chester County Historic Preservation Network is having their 29th “Town Tours and Village Walks Program” in 2023. The theme will be Agricultural Heritage of Chester County. Commissioner Evans noted that they have been invited to apply to be a part of it. There will be coordination of walking tours in various locations. He would like to apply for Spackman Farm. The tours will be held on Thursday evenings from June 8, 2023 to mid-August. Applications must be submitted by January 13, 2023.
Public Comments
George March of 1109 Caln Meeting House Road thanked the Township for posting the letter from PennDOT on the website about the closing of route 322. Ms. Denne noted that Ms. Abbey Swan and Mr. Stackhouse have been working on the notification received from PennDOT.
Commissioner Evans noted that he put this letter on his Facebook page. Commissioner Evans also noted that the key words in the letter are “after school is out”.
The Board thanked each other, Township staff, and EMS for all their hard work in 2022.
Pete DiMaio of Coatesville Area Public Library thanked the Board for all their support om 2022
Commissioner Mullin noted that Chris Ward, John Huggins, and Joe Arvay all have more than fifteen years of service with the Township.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the Christmas tree was lit. Mr. Stackhouse noted that there was an electrical issue, and the tree is now lit and will be until next week.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the December 22, 2022 Board of Commissioners Meeting at 9:20 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Miller,
Assist. Township Secretary

commissioners_minutes_12.22.2022.pdf |