Board of Commissioners
April 13, 2023
7:30 PM
Hybrid Meeting
Call to Order: Commissioner Mullin called the Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 7:33 PM. Commissioner Mullin then called for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Board Members Present: Paul Mullin-President, Jane Kennedy-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, and Mark Evans-Commissioner.
Staff Members Present: Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, and Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary.
Professionals Present: Tom Oeste Township Solicitor, and Karl Schmit representing ARRO.
Special Guest: N/A
The Board of Commissioners April 13, 2023 agenda was posted on the Township website, and at the Township building, on April 12, 2023. Agendas were made available for the public at the meeting.
The 2023 Township Board of Commissioners meetings were published in the Daily Local News paper, on December 27, 2022.
Commissioner Mullin asked Commissioner Evans if he has his opening comments this evening. Commissioner Evans replied that he does not have opening comments tonight.
Citizens to be Heard
Commissioner Mullin called for Citizens to be Heard. There were none.
Township Solicitor – Tom Oeste
Request for Consideration to Authorize the Board President to Sign the Easement Agreements Listed Below for the 2023 Capital Projects – For Board consideration, Mr. Oeste offered eighteen easements that are necessary to complete three stormwater improvement projects. One on Reed Street and Oak Street, one on Barley Sheaf Road, and one on South Lloyd Avenue. All eighteen easements have been executed by the property owners. Mr. Oeste asked the Board to approve these easements and approve the Board President to sign these easements on behalf of the Board of Commissioners.
- Reed and Oak Street Stormwater Improvement Project
- Eric Hardy & Kristy Brooks 1305 Reed Street
- Bill Svokos 1309 Reed Street
- Stephen Luby 1319 Reed Street
- Edward & Cheryl Stoner 1321 Reed Street
- Antoinette & Ryan Williams 1320 Oak Street
- Eric & Jessica Lupacckino 1400 Oak Steet
- Timothy & Laura Kuhn 1405 Reed Street
- Christopher & Barb Simione 1409 Reed Street
- Catherine Benach 1501 Reed Street
- Andrew & Elizabeth Smith 1503 Reed Street
- Paul & Catherine Ciaccia 1505 Reed Street
- Mark Robuck 1601 Reed Street
- Michael & Patricia Hepner 1647 Reed Street
- Barley Sheaf Stormwater Project
- Peter & Jocelyn Ippolito 525 Barley Sheaf Road
- William & Laurie Keen 535 Barley Sheaf Road
- Albert & Angela Marrs 601 Barley Sheaf Road
- South Lloyd Avenue Stormwater Project
- Robert & Joy Peppelman 300 South Lloyd Avenue
- Sheryl Condit 301 South Lloyd Avenue
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the listed easements and to authorize the Board President to sign them on behalf of the Board of Commissioners. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed with 4 ayes and 1 vote of “present” by Commissioner Evans.
Township Engineer
Request for Consideration to Approve Payment #2 to Construction Masters Services, LLC, in the Amount of $130,896.00 for Work Completed Through March 28, 2023 on the Moore Road Bridge Replacement Project – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmit offered payment #2 to Construction Masters Services, LLC in the amount of $130,896.00 for work completed through the end of March and related to the Moore Road Bridge Replacement Project.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comments and public comments.
Commissioner Mullin asked for the status of the project. Mr. Schmit replied that the project is going very well and is at 47% of the budget with the remaining amount of approximately $300,000.00. He also replied that they have shown a conclusion date of paving in early May. Commissioner Young asked if this is cast in place. Mr. Schmit replied “correct”. Commissioner Young asked if the PECO work around seemed to have worked. Mr. Schmidt replied “yes”. This is the project with the PECO gas line still in place and was exposed due to some erosion in the stream bed. The Board previously approved a change order and provided the contractor a work around to keep moving and they have completed that work. Mr. Schmit also replied that the contractor will pour the concrete early next week.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve payment #2 to Construction Masters Services LLC, in the amount of $130,896.00 for work completed through March 28, 2023 on the Moore Road Bridge Replacement Project. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed with 4 ayes and 1 vote of “present” by Commissioner Evans.
Request for Consideration to Approve Payment #1 to KBC Construction LLC, in the Amount of $183,665.40 for Work Completed Through February 28, 2023 on the North Bailey Road Drainage Project – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmit offered payment #1 to KBC Construction LLC, in the amount of $183,665.50 for work related to the North Bailey Drainage and Culvert Improvements Project. Mr. Schmit noted that this work has been completed and is ready for final inspection.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve payment #1 to KBC Construction LLC, in the amount of $183,665.40 for work completed through February 28, 2023 on the North Bailey Road Drainage Project. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed with 4 ayes and 1 vote of “present” by Commissioner Evans.
Request for Consideration to Approve Change Order #1 to Custer Excavating in the Amount of $4,510.00 for the Park Drive Stormwater Conveyance System for Additional Utility Investigation Activities – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmit offered change order #1 to Custer Excavating in the amount of $4,510.00 in relation to the Park Drive Stormwater Conveyance System Upgrades Project, and specifically for additional utility investigation. Mr. Schmit noted that there were quite a few power and communication lines that needed elevations confirmed before work started.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Young noted that the change order calls for test pitting and vac truck. Mr. Schmit replied that what they did was a little less intrusive. They cut a little hole in the asphalt with a saw and the vac truck has a high power air and high power vacuum and once the hole is opened, they can go down to the top of these cables and conduits. Ms. Denne noted that this change order is a result of a field change requested by the Township. They made a field design change, which is different than what the contractor bid on. Ms. Denne also noted that the Contractor asked for the change order because they wanted additional investigation in order to make sure they were not going to hit utility lines.
Noel Bernard of 1508 Caln Meetinghouse Road asked what a “present” vote means. Commissioner Young noted that it means that the Board member is present at the meeting, and it does not mean yes or no. Commissioner Mullin noted that you can vote that way according to Roberts Rules of Order. Commissioner Evans thanked Ms. Bernard for her question. He noted that he does not feel comfortable this evening, and he will share anything at a later date.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve change order #1 to Custer Excavating in the amount of $4,510.00 for the Park Drive Stormwater Conveyance System Project for additional utility investigation activities. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed with 4 ayes and 1 vote of “present” by Commissioner Evans.
Request for Consideration to Approve PSA 0821-PT01 Amendment #2 in the Amount of $39,000.00 for the G.O. Carlson Boulevard Bridge Repair Project to Survey the Adjacent Streambank and to Obtain a PADEP General Permit Necessary to Execute the Streambank Restoration Adjacent to the Bridge on the Township’s Golf Course Property – For Board consideration, Mr. Schmit offered amendment #2 to PSA 0821-PT01 in the amount of $39,000.00 in relation to the G.O. Carlson Boulevard Bridge Repair Project specific to the up stream side that has a large scour in it. Mr. Schmit noted that it is a scour repair that the stream activity impacted and adjacent the stream bank, so the scope increased a little beyond the scour. Mr. Schmit also noted that this amendment includes permits, design, and specifications for the stream bank restoration activity.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Mullin asked if this is on the golf course side of the bridge. Mr. Schmidt replied “yes”. Commissioner Mullin asked if this is the culvert by the Thorndale Dental office. Mr. Schmit replied that it is. It is specific to a scour that occurred one to one and a half years ago. On the golf course side, the berm that also serves for a retention pond for the golf course, one of the sides of that berm is on the creek. Commissioner Mullin asked if there are any safety issues with crossing or driving over the bridge. Mr. Schmidt replied that the bridge is intact.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked if this is on the north side. Ms. Denne noted that they have problems with both sides of the culvert. Mr. Schmit noted that this was on the north side and large stone was added to combat the stream activity.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked what fund is this cost being charged to. Ms. Denne replied that this culvert is underneath G.O. Carlson Road and is part of the Township stormwater facilities. Ms. Denne also replied that this is part of the stormwater projects for which the Township floated a bond.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve PSA 0821-PT01 for amendment #2 in the amount of $39,000.00 for the G.O. Carlson Boulevard Bridge Repair Project to survey the adjacent streambank and to obtain a PADEP general permit necessary to execute the streambank restoration adjacent to the bridge on the Township’s golf course property. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed with 4 ayes and 1 vote of “present” by Commissioner Evans.
Township Manager – Ms. Denne
Request for Consideration to Ratify a License Agreement for Signify for the Lighting Control System to Upgrade Municipal Street Lighting to LED Fixtures – Ms. Denne noted that she received an update from Mike Fuller who is representing the Township on behalf of Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission regarding the LED fixtures. Mr. Fuller has not been able to gain access to all the fixtures to complete the project, so he has asked the Township to sign a license agreement with “Signify” so he can attempt to get more LED fixtures.
For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered a license agreement for Signify for the lighting control system to upgrade municipal street lighting to LED fixtures.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked if there is a change in the cost. Ms. Denne replied that the pricing will stay the same. It is just a different provider.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to ratify a license agreement for Signify for the Lighting Control System to upgrade municipal street lighting to LED fixtures. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed with 4 ayes and 1 vote of “present” by Commissioner Evans.
Discussion of Naming Policy for Township Streets Signs – Ms. Denne noted that there was a previous request to change the street name in Carver Court to represent a long-time resident. Instead of changing the name of the street, which confuses the postal service and having to do a survey of the residents, Ms. Denne recommended installing a small placard above or below the street name sign.
Ms. Denne offered a draft policy for Board review.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board comment and resident comments.
Commissioner Young noted that the draft policy criteria is a little light because anyone who has resided or worked in Caln Township is eligible. Commissioner Young also commented on implementing a fee. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the Township has ever changed a street name before. Ms. Denne replied “no”. Commissioner Young noted that a new development should go before the Historical Commission to see if they have street names for them. Ms. Denne noted that the county will not allow similar names in close proximity anymore.
Authorization of Payment to Hondru Ford for Two 2023 Police Interceptor Ford Explorer’s in the Amount of $98,120.00 – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered authorization of payment to Hondru Ford for two 2023 police interceptor ford explorer’s, in the amount of $98,120.00. They are currently being up-fitted. Ms. Denne noted that money is also in the capital budget for this.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments.
Commissioner Mullin asked if these were bought in 2022. Ms. Denne noted that you have to order early in order to get vehicles.
Commissioner Kennedy asked what does “up-fitted not included” mean. Ms. Denne replied that the lettering, cage, and letter packing is not included in the price of the vehicles.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to authorize the payment to Hondru Ford in the amount of one for $49,025.00 and one for $49,095 for a total of $98,120.00. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.
The vote passed with 4 ayes and 1 vote of “present” by Commissioner Evans.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Request for Consideration to Approve Resolution 2023-10 Approving the Posting of a Public Auction on Municibid to Dispose of a 2007 Ford F-550 With Plow – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered Resolution 2023-10 to approve the posting of a public auction on Municibid to dispose of a 2007 Ford F-550 with a plow.
Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comment.
Commissioner Kennedy asked who decides what the price will be. Ms. Denne replied that Municibid is similar to eBay, and the Township will set up a reserve.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked if the vehicle will be replaced. Ms. Denne noted that it has been ordered but not received yet.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve Resolution 2023-10 approving the posting of a public auction on Municibid to dispose of a 2007 Ford F-550, with a plow. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed with 4 ayes and 1 vote of “present” by Commissioner Evans.
Finance Department
Request for Consideration to Approve the Accounts Payable Bill List for Checks 49888 to 49957 and Manual Check 289 – Commissioner Mullin called for Board and public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the accounts payable bill list for checks 49888 to 49957 and manual check 289. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young.
The vote passed with 4 ayes and 1 vote of “present” by Commissioner Evans.
Minutes to Approve/Acknowledge
Request for Consideration to Approve the March 30, 2023 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Mullin called for Board corrections, or additions to the minutes. There were none.
Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to approve the March 30, 2023 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes. Moved by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro.
The vote passed with 4 ayes and 1 vote of “present” by Commissioner Evans.
Boards and Commissions Updates – Summary by Applicable Board Liaison
Parks and Recreation – Commissioner Kennedy noted that April 22, 2023 they will do maintenance of their buffer trees throughout the Township, and their summer series will start on May 5, 2023 showing the movie “Hook” at 8:00 PM.
COG – Commissioner Kennedy noted that they continue to work on their government scholarships and for school districts to add a curriculum to get students interested in becoming fire fighters or EMS. Those who participate will receive college credits.
Municipal Authority – Commissioner Mullin noted at their March meeting, the Municipal Authority signed the Reed Street Sanitary Sewer Easement Agreements for 1321 Reed Street, 1320 Oak Street and 1400 Oak Street, they signed the financial security agreement for Starbucks and Chipotle, and approved the Chair to sign a letter of credit reduction certification of completion for the Chester County Sports Arena. Commissioner Mullin also noted that they had a pre-construction meeting on March 2, 2023 for the Phase 5 Caln Inceptor Project.
DARA – Commissioner Mullin noted that DARA reviewed a draft concept plan for their treatment plant upgrades that will be necessary to provide for the additional 1 million gallons of treatment that is currently sought out by all five Municipalities. Commissioner Mullin also noted that this will also provide flood protection to the level experienced in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida.
Fire Board – N/A
Historical Commission – Commissioner Evans noted that they continue to work on preserving the Township’s historical structures. Commissioner Evans also noted that at the direction of Chair Stevens he sent the 2022 Historical Commission report to the Board of Commissioners over a month ago and Chair Stevens has not received any acknowledgement. Commissioner Evans asked if the Board could acknowledge their report.
Lincoln Highway – Commissioner Young noted that they have been working on the Zoning Task Force for the past several months. Commissioner Young also noted that they have been working on an organized LERTA group.
Ingleside Golf Course – Commissioner Tindaro noted that the next golf meeting will be held on April 24 at 5:45 PM. Commissioner Tindaro noted a new Golf Manager, Nicole Shannon to start on April 20, 2023
Additional Business
Commissioner Mullin called for additional business. There were none.
Public Comments
Mr. DiMaio from the Coatesville Library thanked the Board.
Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue commented on the “present” vote. Commissioner Young noted that the “present” vote reduces the number of votes, so if you have three Board members then you would only need one vote to pass a motion. Commissioner Young also noted that the Board follows Robert Rules of Order and it says that you can vote “present”.
Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked what will trigger the stormwater system to be completed on the Lomax Carpet and Tile Mart property before the restaurant is built. Commissioner Young noted that land development will trigger that, and when they begin construction that will trigger the construction of the stormwater management facilities.
Adjournment – Commissioner Mullin entertained a motion to adjourn the April 13, 2023 Board of Commissioners meeting at 8:25 PM. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Young.
The vote passed 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary
commissioners_minutes_04.13.2023.pdf |