FEBRUARY 18, 2020
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss agenda items.
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 in the Caln Municipal Building, 253 Municipal Drive, Thorndale, PA 19372. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance were Ken Simon, John Caporale, Jim Benko, John Thomas, Bill Schew and Jacob Bashioum. Michael Irwin was not in attendance.
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Raymond Stackhouse – filling in for Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary, Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc. and Board of Commissioner’s Liaison to the Planning Commission Lorraine Tindaro.
Approval of January 21, 2020 meeting Minutes – Being no questions or discussion Mr. Simon entertained a motion for approval as submitted, moved by Mr. Thomas and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 5 – 0, with Mr. Schew abstaining.
Agenda items:
In attendance were Lou Colagreco, Legal Counsel, Matt Hammond, Traffic Engineer and Owner Representative Scott Homel.
Discussion Items:
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the Commission; Mr. Bashioum expressed concern regarding safe employee access across parking area to dumpster.
Mr. Simon entertained a motion for action; Mr. Thomas made a motion to recommend approval with condition of investigating clearly defined path for employees to have safe access to the dumpster, seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 6 – 0.
In attendance were Mark Thompson, Legal Counsel, Adam Rosenzweig, Owner Representative, and Matt Rutt, Landcore Engineering.
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the Commission, and comments from the public. Brief discussion ensued, but no action required or requested on the agenda item.
In attendance were Allyson Zarro, Legal Counsel, and Dave Gibbons, D.L. Howell & Associates – Owner Representative unable to attend
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the Commission, being none he entertained comments from the public.
Kevin Borton and Jim Greger, both from 400 Block of Lockhart Lane in Valley Township, questioned if there would be landscaping along border of new development and existing neighboring homes to the West in Valley Township. Mr. Gibbons stated yes and an electronic version of the landscaping plan was presented for view. Mr. Borton and Greger also asked if there was a noise study done to gage impact of the route 30 bypass traffic as a result of the clearing of the trees for the development. The answer was no as that would be a PennDOT project, and again the landscaping plan was refereed to depicting that many trees would remain or be replanted.
Caln Commissioner Mark Evans questioned the County Planning Commission letter regarding the project, specifically the concerns over runoff onto neighboring properties due to deforestation and the recommendation to plant trees in the proposed stormwater basins. Dave Gibbons explained that that there are many trees being replanted to prevent the runoff concerns, and that the planting of trees in stormwater facilities was not a recommended practice. Again the landscaping plan was referred to and there was explanation of stormwater management design being used for the project.
Being no additional comments or discussion Mr. Simon entertained a motion for action; Mr. Thomas made a motion to recommend approval conditional on the February 5, 2020 Gilmore review letter and the February 13, ARRO review letter, seconded by Mr. Caporale. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 6 – 0.
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the Commission, being none he entertained comments from the public. Being no comments Mr. Simon entertained a motion for action; Mr. Bashioum made a motion to recommend approval of ordinances as presented, seconded by Mr. Schew. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 6 – 0.
Communications – None.
New Business- None
Subdivision and Land Development Timeclock Dates:
Adjournment – With no further agenda items or Commission business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 6 – 0. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the February 18, 2020
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Raymond Stackhouse
FEBRUARY 18, 2020
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss agenda items.
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 in the Caln Municipal Building, 253 Municipal Drive, Thorndale, PA 19372. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance were Ken Simon, John Caporale, Jim Benko, John Thomas, Bill Schew and Jacob Bashioum. Michael Irwin was not in attendance.
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Raymond Stackhouse – filling in for Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary, Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc. and Board of Commissioner’s Liaison to the Planning Commission Lorraine Tindaro.
Approval of January 21, 2020 meeting Minutes – Being no questions or discussion Mr. Simon entertained a motion for approval as submitted, moved by Mr. Thomas and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 5 – 0, with Mr. Schew abstaining.
Agenda items:
- Dunkin Donuts – Conditional use application
In attendance were Lou Colagreco, Legal Counsel, Matt Hammond, Traffic Engineer and Owner Representative Scott Homel.
Discussion Items:
- Pedestrian connectivity from Lincoln Highway to interior of Dunkin site as well as into shopping center site
- Traffic circulation and interior traffic flow across existing and proposed use areas
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the Commission; Mr. Bashioum expressed concern regarding safe employee access across parking area to dumpster.
Mr. Simon entertained a motion for action; Mr. Thomas made a motion to recommend approval with condition of investigating clearly defined path for employees to have safe access to the dumpster, seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 6 – 0.
- 3205 Lincoln Highway - Sketch Plan
In attendance were Mark Thompson, Legal Counsel, Adam Rosenzweig, Owner Representative, and Matt Rutt, Landcore Engineering.
- Pedestrian circulation and connectivity
- Improvement of green space and landscaping
- Sidewalk along Lincoln Highway as opposed to proposed internal to site walkway
- Viability of increased businesses on property
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the Commission, and comments from the public. Brief discussion ensued, but no action required or requested on the agenda item.
- Villages at Hillview – Final Land Development Plan for Residential Development
In attendance were Allyson Zarro, Legal Counsel, and Dave Gibbons, D.L. Howell & Associates – Owner Representative unable to attend
- Sidewalks along Blackhorse Hill frontage and connectivity to Valley Township neighboring development
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the Commission, being none he entertained comments from the public.
Kevin Borton and Jim Greger, both from 400 Block of Lockhart Lane in Valley Township, questioned if there would be landscaping along border of new development and existing neighboring homes to the West in Valley Township. Mr. Gibbons stated yes and an electronic version of the landscaping plan was presented for view. Mr. Borton and Greger also asked if there was a noise study done to gage impact of the route 30 bypass traffic as a result of the clearing of the trees for the development. The answer was no as that would be a PennDOT project, and again the landscaping plan was refereed to depicting that many trees would remain or be replanted.
Caln Commissioner Mark Evans questioned the County Planning Commission letter regarding the project, specifically the concerns over runoff onto neighboring properties due to deforestation and the recommendation to plant trees in the proposed stormwater basins. Dave Gibbons explained that that there are many trees being replanted to prevent the runoff concerns, and that the planting of trees in stormwater facilities was not a recommended practice. Again the landscaping plan was referred to and there was explanation of stormwater management design being used for the project.
Being no additional comments or discussion Mr. Simon entertained a motion for action; Mr. Thomas made a motion to recommend approval conditional on the February 5, 2020 Gilmore review letter and the February 13, ARRO review letter, seconded by Mr. Caporale. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 6 – 0.
- SALDO Ordinance Amendment – Consultant Fee Policy and ZHB Members
- Bryan Kulakowsky and Raymond Stackhouse explained to the Commission the intent behind clarifying the process in which developers/applicants agree to pay for consultant reimbursement on projects
- The Board of Commissioners propose to increase the current Zoning Hearing Board membership from 3 sitting members to 5, and up to 3 alternates. This aligns the ordinance with the MPC regulations
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the Commission, being none he entertained comments from the public. Being no comments Mr. Simon entertained a motion for action; Mr. Bashioum made a motion to recommend approval of ordinances as presented, seconded by Mr. Schew. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 6 – 0.
Communications – None.
New Business- None
Subdivision and Land Development Timeclock Dates:
- Villages at Hillview Final LD (Expires April 18, 2020)
- Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 (Expires March 31, 2020)
- Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 (Expires March 30, 2020)
Adjournment – With no further agenda items or Commission business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 6 – 0. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the February 18, 2020
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Raymond Stackhouse
pc_minutes_2182020_minutes.pdf |