March 19, 2019
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 in the Caln Township Municipal Building, The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Ken Simon, Jim Benko, John Robinson, and John Thomas.
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary, Raymond Stackhouse Building and Life Safety Director and Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc.
Public in attendance were Thomas E Leicht, Cheryl Spaulding and Jim Spaulding, Representing Downingtown Investors for 50 Rock Raymond Rd - Taco Bell Project
6:30 Work Session – Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc. gave a board a general overview of 2 Projects up for discussion.
Approval of January meeting Minutes – Mr. Simon entertained a motion to approve the minutes as amended by Mr. Caporale of January 22, 2019 Planning Commission meeting. The motion was so moved by Mr. Robinson and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
Communications – None.
Discussion Items:
Downingtown Investors, LLC/Taco Bell (Expires 5/22/19)
Motion for Conditional Final Approval by Ken Simon subject to the review letter issued by Arro dated March 17, 2019 and the Gilmore review from February 5, 2019 and recommend a waiver for section 137.67H Traffic study.
Ken Simone opened up for public comments
Cheryl Spaulding asked the Planning Commission to support recommending that the Township expedite the process of reviewing the zoning ordinance for updates. Mrs. Spaulding stated that at the last BOC meeting there was mention of an approved budget number to complete this project.
Villages at Hillview-Sewage Facilities Planning Module
Mr. Benko made a motion to have Mr. Simon sign section 4A as discussed.
Mr. Stackhouse, Director of Building and Life Safety, spoke with the Planning Commission about a proposed training class; topics to include bylaws, the MPC, policy and procedure for the PC. There were three handouts provided; the existing bylaws, the section of the MPC relating to Planning Commissions and a copy of Centre County Regional PC’s operating guidelines.
Discussion incurred on possible dates provided by the Township Solicitor to do the training.
The Planning Commission all agreed that April 10th would be a good date for training, but final decision is based on input from Mr. Caporale who was not present.
The Beaver Creek Beaver Trail Project Committee is looking for a Planning Commission Member to join their committee. The first meeting will be April 9th from 7-8:30 p.m. More information on commitment and meeting dates is needed, but the PC agreed a member will be attending.
Mr. Simon brought up Adopt-A-Hwy clean up. The PC likes to coordinate this with Caln Pride Day and Clean up held Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 8:00am. This will be discussed and voted on at the next meeting.
Project timelines
Villages at Hillview valid until 3/30/19
Downingtown Investors, LLC/Taco Bell valid until 3/31/19
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 4/15/19
150 Parkside valid till 4/21/19
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 3/31/19.
15 Fox Ave (No Expiration)
1103 Foundry Street Sketch 2017 no expiration
281 Norton Ave Benne Sketch 2017 no expiration
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was so moved. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the March 19, 2019
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Henrichon
Planning Secretary
March 19, 2019
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 in the Caln Township Municipal Building, The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Ken Simon, Jim Benko, John Robinson, and John Thomas.
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary, Raymond Stackhouse Building and Life Safety Director and Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc.
Public in attendance were Thomas E Leicht, Cheryl Spaulding and Jim Spaulding, Representing Downingtown Investors for 50 Rock Raymond Rd - Taco Bell Project
6:30 Work Session – Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc. gave a board a general overview of 2 Projects up for discussion.
- Downingtown Investors, LLC/Taco Bell Waiver to use the PennDot growth rate, the added sidewalk, and request for conditional/Final Approval
- Villages at Hillview to discuss their sewage planning module for approval and signature.
Approval of January meeting Minutes – Mr. Simon entertained a motion to approve the minutes as amended by Mr. Caporale of January 22, 2019 Planning Commission meeting. The motion was so moved by Mr. Robinson and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
Communications – None.
Discussion Items:
Downingtown Investors, LLC/Taco Bell (Expires 5/22/19)
- The Applicant is requesting a waiver from the Township required future traffic demand calculations, requesting to utilize the PennDOT approved growth rate. The Township Traffic Engineer, Albert Federico Consulting, LLC offers no objections to this waiver request for this application citing the PennDOT formula exceeds the Township requirements
- The PC was also given a drawing showing an additional sidewalk to be added to make it easier for walkers, as recommended by the Township traffic engineer
- The Applicant is requesting a Conditional Final Approval recommendation from the PC
Motion for Conditional Final Approval by Ken Simon subject to the review letter issued by Arro dated March 17, 2019 and the Gilmore review from February 5, 2019 and recommend a waiver for section 137.67H Traffic study.
Ken Simone opened up for public comments
Cheryl Spaulding asked the Planning Commission to support recommending that the Township expedite the process of reviewing the zoning ordinance for updates. Mrs. Spaulding stated that at the last BOC meeting there was mention of an approved budget number to complete this project.
- After some discussion, which included questioning Mr. Stackhouse in regards to his position as Zoning Officer, the Planning Commission supports the acceleration of the zoning review process
Villages at Hillview-Sewage Facilities Planning Module
- Section 4A has 16 questions that were reviewed by the Engineer with the PC
- 4B was already signed by the County on February 25, 2019,
- 4C was signed by the County Health Department on March 1, 2019.
Mr. Benko made a motion to have Mr. Simon sign section 4A as discussed.
Mr. Stackhouse, Director of Building and Life Safety, spoke with the Planning Commission about a proposed training class; topics to include bylaws, the MPC, policy and procedure for the PC. There were three handouts provided; the existing bylaws, the section of the MPC relating to Planning Commissions and a copy of Centre County Regional PC’s operating guidelines.
Discussion incurred on possible dates provided by the Township Solicitor to do the training.
The Planning Commission all agreed that April 10th would be a good date for training, but final decision is based on input from Mr. Caporale who was not present.
The Beaver Creek Beaver Trail Project Committee is looking for a Planning Commission Member to join their committee. The first meeting will be April 9th from 7-8:30 p.m. More information on commitment and meeting dates is needed, but the PC agreed a member will be attending.
Mr. Simon brought up Adopt-A-Hwy clean up. The PC likes to coordinate this with Caln Pride Day and Clean up held Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 8:00am. This will be discussed and voted on at the next meeting.
Project timelines
Villages at Hillview valid until 3/30/19
Downingtown Investors, LLC/Taco Bell valid until 3/31/19
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 4/15/19
150 Parkside valid till 4/21/19
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 3/31/19.
15 Fox Ave (No Expiration)
1103 Foundry Street Sketch 2017 no expiration
281 Norton Ave Benne Sketch 2017 no expiration
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was so moved. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the March 19, 2019
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Henrichon
Planning Secretary
pc_minutes_032019.pdf |