September 20, 2016
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 in the Caln Township Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Dave Lamb.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Dave Lamb, Eugene Spratt, Jim Benko, Jill Hammond, John Robinson, Jr., Ex-Officio Member. Ken Simon arrived at approximately 7:30.
Also in attendance was Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM, Township Engineer and Cheryl A. Lafferty, Planning Commission Secretary.
Others in attendance were Commissioners’ Jennifer Breton, John Contento and George Chambers, along with residents Noel Bernard, Marc Fox and Lorraine Tindaro, Martin Gilchrist and Drew Sonntag of URDC and Sean O’Neill of the Chester County Planning Commission.
Approval of Minutes – Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the August 16, 2016 Planning Commission meeting. The motion was so moved by Mr. Spratt and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: Mrs. Hammond aye, Mr. Benko aye, Mr. Spratt aye, Mr. Lamb aye. Motion passed.
Communications – None.
Public Comment – There were no public comments.
Zoning Text Amendment Chapter 155/Retail Use: Mr. McClintock noted the proposed amendment amends the definition of Retail Use, adding accessory uses. The proposed amendment was forwarded to Chester County Planning Commission for review, with comments received.
Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend approval of the Zoning Text Amendment Chapter 155 Retail Sales/Retail Use definition.
The motion was so moved by Mrs. Hammond and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: Mr. Spratt aye, Mr. Lamb aye, Mrs. Hammond aye, Mr. Benko aye.
The motion passed.
Wawa Bondsville CU 2016 – In attendance to represent the applicant Provco Thorndale, were Louis J. Colagreco, Esquire and Joe Baran, PE of Bohler Engineering.
Discussion occurred, with the following being noted:
With no further discussion, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend approval of the Wawa Bondsville Conditional Use 2016 application to the Board of Commissioners, with special attention given to traffic and circulation.
The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Spratt. Poll: Mrs. Hammond aye, Mr. Lamb aye, Mr. Benko aye, Mr. Spratt aye.
The motion passed.
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until December 23, 2016.
Bondsville Road Apartments LD 2013 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until December 23, 2016.
1-3 Fox Avenue SD 2015 – Kristopher Phillips was in attendance noting revised plans were submitted late this afternoon for review. The extension agreement is valid until December 23, 2016. Variance application was approved.
No action occurred this evening.
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until December 31, 2016.
3611 Lincoln Highway TVFC SD 2016 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until December 23, 2016.
301 Bondsville Road SD 2016 – No one in attendance. The plan expiration date is October 22, 2016. An extension request will be obtained prior to the next meeting.
Wawa Bondsville LD 2016 – No one in attendance. The plan expiration date is December 13, 2016.
Floodplain Ordinance – As previously discussed, FEMA is in the process of revising all floodplain mapping for Chester County. The Township is currently processing the model Floodplain Ordinance with the County, Anticipate a Letter of Final Determination in the fall from FEMA referencing a date for implementation, with FEMA’s effective date for the map change anticipated to be in early 2017.
Discussions will occur with the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioner’s regarding regulations. The Ordinance will require a permit for Floodplain Management, which the Township does not currently have and will also require a Floodplain Administrator. The Township must adopt the Ordinance prior to FEMA’s effective date for the map change; otherwise, we will not be in good standing with the National Flood Insurance Program.
Comp Plan Update – Discussion of the Comp Plan Update was held. The meeting schedule will continue in conjunction with the Planning Commission meetings, unless another night is deemed necessary. A copy of the Comp Plan Update Session minutes are attached.
Old Business – None.
New Business – None.
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was so moved. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the September 20, 2016 Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl A. Lafferty
Planning Secretary
September 20, 2016
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 in the Caln Township Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Dave Lamb.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Dave Lamb, Eugene Spratt, Jim Benko, Jill Hammond, John Robinson, Jr., Ex-Officio Member. Ken Simon arrived at approximately 7:30.
Also in attendance was Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM, Township Engineer and Cheryl A. Lafferty, Planning Commission Secretary.
Others in attendance were Commissioners’ Jennifer Breton, John Contento and George Chambers, along with residents Noel Bernard, Marc Fox and Lorraine Tindaro, Martin Gilchrist and Drew Sonntag of URDC and Sean O’Neill of the Chester County Planning Commission.
Approval of Minutes – Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the August 16, 2016 Planning Commission meeting. The motion was so moved by Mr. Spratt and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: Mrs. Hammond aye, Mr. Benko aye, Mr. Spratt aye, Mr. Lamb aye. Motion passed.
Communications – None.
Public Comment – There were no public comments.
Zoning Text Amendment Chapter 155/Retail Use: Mr. McClintock noted the proposed amendment amends the definition of Retail Use, adding accessory uses. The proposed amendment was forwarded to Chester County Planning Commission for review, with comments received.
Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend approval of the Zoning Text Amendment Chapter 155 Retail Sales/Retail Use definition.
The motion was so moved by Mrs. Hammond and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: Mr. Spratt aye, Mr. Lamb aye, Mrs. Hammond aye, Mr. Benko aye.
The motion passed.
Wawa Bondsville CU 2016 – In attendance to represent the applicant Provco Thorndale, were Louis J. Colagreco, Esquire and Joe Baran, PE of Bohler Engineering.
Discussion occurred, with the following being noted:
- Mr. McClintock advised such land use applications are allowed By Right, Conditional Use or by Special Exception, and provided some background detail;
- Tonight’s discussion is for the Conditional Use application for the project, to allow them to use the property for a convenience store;
- The Conditional Use Hearing is scheduled for October 20, 2016 at 7:00 ,P.M.;
- A Land Development application was submitted concurrently with the Conditional Use application, for review. The Land Development application will address/show how the property will be used (i.e. design of the project);
- A Variance application was submitted to the Zoning Hearing Board for signage earlier this year, and approved;
- The site is 1.9 acres located on Lincoln Highway at Thorndale Marshalton Road;
- A carwash, pizza shop and mobile homes are currently located on the property;
- Review letters from the Township were received, mainly addressing engineering items associated with the Land Development application. Applicant has met with Township staff and consultants to discuss such items;
- Proposing 6 gas pumps with 12 fueling stations;
- Approximately 5000 square feet;
- 50 parking spaces 10 x 20;
- Township has requested decorative signage out front;
- Landscaping, decorative street lights and underground stormwater management will be provided, along with architectural details being addressed;
- Preliminary discussions have occurred with PennDOT;
- Two restricted access points to the property:
- Lincoln Highway – Right In & Right Out, Left Out & No Left In
- Thorndale Marshalton – Right In & Right Out, Left Out & No Left In
- Delivery vehicles, access and scheduling briefly discussed;
- The left turn onto Thorndale Marshalton was noted as a concern regarding congestion from McDonalds and the proposed Wawa;
- Applicant was asked to discuss installing a sidewalk from the entrance to the train trestle with PennDOT. PennDOT does not believe this is feasible;
- Sidewalk and safety issues a concern;
- Applicant would offer a monetary contribution to the Township towards a sidewalk;
- Mr. Lamb opened the floor for comments or questions from the audience prior to calling a vote, noting one comment regarding traffic congestion;
- Applicant will appear before the Planning Commission on October 18, 2016, for discussion of the land development;
- The Conditional Use Hearing scheduled for October 20, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. was reiterated.
With no further discussion, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend approval of the Wawa Bondsville Conditional Use 2016 application to the Board of Commissioners, with special attention given to traffic and circulation.
The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Spratt. Poll: Mrs. Hammond aye, Mr. Lamb aye, Mr. Benko aye, Mr. Spratt aye.
The motion passed.
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until December 23, 2016.
Bondsville Road Apartments LD 2013 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until December 23, 2016.
1-3 Fox Avenue SD 2015 – Kristopher Phillips was in attendance noting revised plans were submitted late this afternoon for review. The extension agreement is valid until December 23, 2016. Variance application was approved.
No action occurred this evening.
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until December 31, 2016.
3611 Lincoln Highway TVFC SD 2016 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until December 23, 2016.
301 Bondsville Road SD 2016 – No one in attendance. The plan expiration date is October 22, 2016. An extension request will be obtained prior to the next meeting.
Wawa Bondsville LD 2016 – No one in attendance. The plan expiration date is December 13, 2016.
Floodplain Ordinance – As previously discussed, FEMA is in the process of revising all floodplain mapping for Chester County. The Township is currently processing the model Floodplain Ordinance with the County, Anticipate a Letter of Final Determination in the fall from FEMA referencing a date for implementation, with FEMA’s effective date for the map change anticipated to be in early 2017.
Discussions will occur with the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioner’s regarding regulations. The Ordinance will require a permit for Floodplain Management, which the Township does not currently have and will also require a Floodplain Administrator. The Township must adopt the Ordinance prior to FEMA’s effective date for the map change; otherwise, we will not be in good standing with the National Flood Insurance Program.
Comp Plan Update – Discussion of the Comp Plan Update was held. The meeting schedule will continue in conjunction with the Planning Commission meetings, unless another night is deemed necessary. A copy of the Comp Plan Update Session minutes are attached.
Old Business – None.
New Business – None.
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was so moved. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the September 20, 2016 Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl A. Lafferty
Planning Secretary
2015 Comp Plan Update
Session 14 Minutes
September 20, 2016
The Comp Plan Committee held their 14th session on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 in the Caln Township Municipal Building, immediately following the monthly Planning Commission meeting.
In attendance for the Planning Commission were Dave Lamb, Eugene Spratt, Jim Benko, Jill Hammond, Ken Simon and John Robinson, Jr. Ex-Officio Member.
Also in attendance was Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM, Township Engineer and Cheryl A. Lafferty, Planning Commission Secretary.
Other committee members in attendance were Commissioners’ Jennifer Breton, John Contento and George Chambers, along with residents Noel Bernard, Marc Fox and Lorraine Tindaro. Also in attendance were Martin Gilchrist and Drew Sonntag of URDC along with Sean O’Neill of the Chester County Planning Commission (CCPC).
Discussion occurred, with some of the items to note:
Session 14 Minutes
September 20, 2016
The Comp Plan Committee held their 14th session on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 in the Caln Township Municipal Building, immediately following the monthly Planning Commission meeting.
In attendance for the Planning Commission were Dave Lamb, Eugene Spratt, Jim Benko, Jill Hammond, Ken Simon and John Robinson, Jr. Ex-Officio Member.
Also in attendance was Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM, Township Engineer and Cheryl A. Lafferty, Planning Commission Secretary.
Other committee members in attendance were Commissioners’ Jennifer Breton, John Contento and George Chambers, along with residents Noel Bernard, Marc Fox and Lorraine Tindaro. Also in attendance were Martin Gilchrist and Drew Sonntag of URDC along with Sean O’Neill of the Chester County Planning Commission (CCPC).
Discussion occurred, with some of the items to note:
- Provided previously was an Agenda/Discussion Guide and Community Facilities & Services Plan with modifications;
- Mr. Gilchrist distributed a Revised Community Facilities & Services Plan, an Updated Flood Plain & Floodway Area Map, a Recreation & Township Land Map and the Township Zoning Map;
- Floodplain discussed, noting the new Floodplain Ordinance decision will have a major impact on what the Comp Plan does;
- The FEMA Flood Plan & Floodway Area Maps were discussed, noting the changes made. Area H still requires a revision to the acreage;
- The Recreation & Township Land Map will be revised to include Township owned property at N. Bailey & Kings Highway, as well as a section of property owned at Caln Meetinghouse & Kings Highway between the Bypass and Golf Course;
- The HOA/Common Open Space areas noted on map need to be distinguished;
- Community Facilities discussed, reviewing the Revised document distributed, which addressed comments from the last meeting as well as comments from Commissioner Contento;
- Various comments were noted in sections C.3, C.4, C.5, C.8 and C.9, which will be revised by Mr. Gilchrist:
- It was suggested that the Chief of Police review the area pertaining to Strategy for the Police Department in C.4
- Mr. McClintock will forward Bylaws/language for section C.8 to Mr. Gilchrist
- It was suggested to create a separate section for Parks, Recreation & Open Space;
- Transportation plan discussed noting various comments in sections T.1, T.2, T.3, T.4, T.5, T.6, T.7, T.8 and T.9 which will be revised by Mr. Gilchrist. Mr. McClintock will email appropriate wording for T.5;
- Discussion occurred regarding page 41, with reference to the extension of G. O. Carlson Blvd. East of Lloyd Avenue to Rt. 322, as referenced in the EGGS Study. The Committee was polled for their thoughts on the extension of the road:
- Mr. Benko – no, don’t extend the road
- Mr. Spratt – no, don’t extend the road
- Mr. Lamb – depends on the plan presented
- Mrs. Hammond – depends on the plan presented, but would prefer the road be built
- Mr. Simon – no, don’t extend the road, however depends on plan presented
- Mr. Robinson – depends on the plan presented
- Mr. Fox – no, don’t extend the road
- Mrs. Bernard – undecided
- Ms. Tindaro – depends on the plan presented
- Commissioners’ Breton and Contento were not polled
- Consensus was to be open minded. No one stated the road must be built
- Further discussion occurred regarding the area and use of the Lloyd Farm:
- The question of apartments was posed, with all being o.k. with the concept noting traffic issues
- The question of Light Industrial was posed, with the consensus being no, however two comments were noted as maybe
- It was noted the question was posed if G. O. Carlson Blvd. should be extended from Caln Road to Rt. 322. Consensus was not to extend G. O. Carlson Blvd. west past Barley Sheaf Road.
- Feedback prior to meetings is encouraged, to incorporate and be productive;
- Homework for the next meeting was to review the developable areas in the Township and the Existing Land Use Map and the proposed Future Land Use Map. Compare the Future Land Use Map to the Zoning Map for discussion.Homework also consisted of reading items as noted on the September 20, 2016 Agenda, for discussion at the next meeting on October 18, 2016.
An agenda will be compiled and forwarded prior to the session for review. Anyone needing copies of any of the materials is asked to notify the office prior to the sessions. Committee members were reminded to bring their binders to each session.
The session ended at 9:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl A. Lafferty
Planning Secretary

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2015_comp_plan_session_14_minutes_092016.pdf |