July 20, 2021
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss agenda items.
The Planning Commission held their rescheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 via Zoom as a virtual meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, John Adam Thomas
Salute to the Flag.
Roll Call – In attendance were John Adam Thomas, Jim Benko, Mike Irwin and Jacob Bashioum. Bill Schew, Ken Simon and John Caporale
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Bryan Kulakowsky, ARRO Consulting – Township Engineer, Raymond Stackhouse, Director of Building and Life Safety, and Board of Commissioners’ Liaison to the Planning Commission Lorraine Tindaro, Kristen Denne, Township Manager and Elizabeth Nagy, Planning Commission Secretary.
Approval of May 25, 2021 meeting Minutes – Being no questions or discussion Mr. Thomas entertained a motion to accept the May 25, 2021 minutes as submitted. Moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Bashioum. 5 ayes. With no objections motion carries.
Communications – None.
Agenda items:
Overview of the project was discussed: Redeveloping the property with a flex space building. Two sketch plans were submitted showing a possible expansion of the building in the future The site has existing flex space use within several buildings currently. Mr. Kulakowsky had a couple comments in regards to the driveway locations and lack of easements. Also, the parcels are labeled backwards on the plan compared to what the county records show. Mr. Benko asked about sidewalks, Mr. Nagle said they will comply with ordinances and as required, most likely requesting to pay a fee in lieu of. Mr. Thomas asked about buffering along 282 and Mr. Nagle agreed. Mr. Nagle said these items will be addressed when they move forward with Land Development.
Mr. Colegreco provided a project overview, stating that the Conditional Use application was to have more than one use on the property, and for a drive thru establishment. The project proposes two phases. Phase I is a “Turn Key” project to occupy the existing building utilizing 2/3 of the space for Lomax Carpet & Tile and the rest for Aldi. Parking will stay the same. Phase II will be land development for two additional pad sights with buildings. Mr. Whitmore discussed the tenants for the two buildings, Chipolte and an undisclosed National chain.
After discussing the project, Mr. Thomas entertained a motion for recommendation of a Conditioned Approval with the following conditions: 1. The Planning Commission supports the Board to consider a discussion with the applicant regarding the reduction of parking to allow for more green space. 2. A discussion with the applicant regarding the connectivity of the sidewalk from East to West on the property with the Planning Commissions desire to have the sidewalk adjacent with Lincoln Highway. 3. The Planning Commission supports the applicants request to conduct a Post Development Traffic Study for traffic warrants for the traffic signal which is currently proposed to be installed in Phase II. Moved by John Caporale and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll of members; 5 ayes, motion carries.
Old Business – Mr. Thomas discussed the Chester County Planning Commission will have a presentation next month on public awareness regarding multifamily and affordable housing.
New Business-. None
Subdivision and Land Development Timeclock Dates:
– With no further agenda items or Commission business, Mr. Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting, moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Bashioum. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 5 – 0. The meeting adjourned at 9:07 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the July 20, 2021
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Nagy
July 20, 2021
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss agenda items.
The Planning Commission held their rescheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 via Zoom as a virtual meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, John Adam Thomas
Salute to the Flag.
Roll Call – In attendance were John Adam Thomas, Jim Benko, Mike Irwin and Jacob Bashioum. Bill Schew, Ken Simon and John Caporale
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Bryan Kulakowsky, ARRO Consulting – Township Engineer, Raymond Stackhouse, Director of Building and Life Safety, and Board of Commissioners’ Liaison to the Planning Commission Lorraine Tindaro, Kristen Denne, Township Manager and Elizabeth Nagy, Planning Commission Secretary.
Approval of May 25, 2021 meeting Minutes – Being no questions or discussion Mr. Thomas entertained a motion to accept the May 25, 2021 minutes as submitted. Moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Bashioum. 5 ayes. With no objections motion carries.
Communications – None.
Agenda items:
- 2500 Creek Road (The Brickyard) Sketch Plan
- In attendance, representing the applicant, was Attorney Brian Nagle
Overview of the project was discussed: Redeveloping the property with a flex space building. Two sketch plans were submitted showing a possible expansion of the building in the future The site has existing flex space use within several buildings currently. Mr. Kulakowsky had a couple comments in regards to the driveway locations and lack of easements. Also, the parcels are labeled backwards on the plan compared to what the county records show. Mr. Benko asked about sidewalks, Mr. Nagle said they will comply with ordinances and as required, most likely requesting to pay a fee in lieu of. Mr. Thomas asked about buffering along 282 and Mr. Nagle agreed. Mr. Nagle said these items will be addressed when they move forward with Land Development.
- 3025 Lincoln Highway (Carpet Mart)- Conditional Use Application
- In attendance on behalf of the applicant, was Louis Colagreco Jr. for Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco; Ryan Whitmore for Landcore Engineering Consultants; Carlton Smith representing the land owner, and Matt Hammond, Traffic Planning & Design - traffic consultant
Mr. Colegreco provided a project overview, stating that the Conditional Use application was to have more than one use on the property, and for a drive thru establishment. The project proposes two phases. Phase I is a “Turn Key” project to occupy the existing building utilizing 2/3 of the space for Lomax Carpet & Tile and the rest for Aldi. Parking will stay the same. Phase II will be land development for two additional pad sights with buildings. Mr. Whitmore discussed the tenants for the two buildings, Chipolte and an undisclosed National chain.
After discussing the project, Mr. Thomas entertained a motion for recommendation of a Conditioned Approval with the following conditions: 1. The Planning Commission supports the Board to consider a discussion with the applicant regarding the reduction of parking to allow for more green space. 2. A discussion with the applicant regarding the connectivity of the sidewalk from East to West on the property with the Planning Commissions desire to have the sidewalk adjacent with Lincoln Highway. 3. The Planning Commission supports the applicants request to conduct a Post Development Traffic Study for traffic warrants for the traffic signal which is currently proposed to be installed in Phase II. Moved by John Caporale and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll of members; 5 ayes, motion carries.
Old Business – Mr. Thomas discussed the Chester County Planning Commission will have a presentation next month on public awareness regarding multifamily and affordable housing.
New Business-. None
Subdivision and Land Development Timeclock Dates:
- Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 (Expires December,2021)
– With no further agenda items or Commission business, Mr. Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting, moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Bashioum. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 5 – 0. The meeting adjourned at 9:07 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the July 20, 2021
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Nagy

planning_commission_minutes_07.20.2021.pdf |