July 16, 2019
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss items on the meeting agenda.
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 in the Caln Township Municipal Building, The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the Chairman, Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Ken Simon, John Caporale, Jim Benko, John Robinson, John Thomas, Bill Schew and Mike Irwin
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary, Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc, and Kimberly Venzie, Esquire, Buckley Brion McGuire & Morris LLP
Public in attendance were as follows:
Board of Commissioners Lorraine Tindaro and Chuck Kramer
John A Jaros, Esquire, Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco representing 2131 Lincoln Highway Chris Daily, DL Howell and Reverend Willie representing Christian Faith Fellowship Church
Julie M. Slabinski and Melvin H. Hess of Gibbel Kraybill & Hess LLP, Dave Rentschler of JMR Engineering, LLC all representing 15 Fox Ave.
Approval of June meeting Minutes – Mr. Simon entertained a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Robinson. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
Communications – None.
Discussion Items:
John A. Jaros, Esquire reviewed their request to amend the C-1 zoning to allow Self- Storage Facilities by condition. They contend that there is plenty of acreage, the site will be monitored by security 24 hours a day, the site will be fenced in, and hours of operation will be 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday and 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Simon entered a motion for recommendation to support the text amendment for Article IV, Chapter 155, Section 155-27 C. to include Self-storage facilities, subject to 155-84 of the Code. The motion was moved by Mr. Caporale and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
John A. Jaros, Esquire and Chris Daily are seeking a recommendation for Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan Approval for Phase 1. They discussed that the Stormwater Management system would be completed, about half the parking lot to be completed and presented a drawing showing the church in the middle of the site for Phase 1. After public water obtained in the area Phase 2 would be done with the remainder of the proposed church and parking installed. They will resubmit plans showing Phase 1 and Phase 2 more clearly.
Mr. Simon entered a motion for Conditional Preliminary Approval based on Arro’s letter dated July 11, 2019. The motion was moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
Julie M. Slabinski with Melvin H. Hess of Gibbel Kraybill & Hess LLP, and Dave Rentschler of JMR Engineering, LLC representing 15 Fox Ave spoke. They are looking for several variances, 6 in all, to put in 2 separate Townhome buildings:
Section 155-54. B(1) Variance to allow for multifamily townhouse on less than 25 contiguous acres
Section 155-54. B(4) Variance to allow for density of 13.4 units per acre
Section 154-54. C(1) Variance to allow for minimum townhouse width of 16 feet
Section 155-54. C(3)(b) Variance to allow for building separation of 45 feet
Section 155-54. C(4) Variance to allow for minimum setback of 25 feet from property lines
Section 155-54. E(7) Variance to allow for minimum open space area less than 50 ft wide on less than 1 acre
Mr. Simon entered a motion for recommendation for the Board of Commissioners to support the variance relief requested. The motion was moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Robinson. Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
Mr. Simon entered a motion for recommendation for approval as written. The motion was moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
Project timeclock expiration dates:
Christian Faith Fellowship Church 9/11/2019
Villages at Hillview valid until 9/26/19
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 10/31/19
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 9/30/19.
15 Fox Ave (No Expiration)
1103 Foundry Street Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
281 Norton Ave Benne Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: all ayes. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the March 19, 2019
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Henrichon
Planning Secretary
July 16, 2019
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss items on the meeting agenda.
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 in the Caln Township Municipal Building, The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the Chairman, Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Ken Simon, John Caporale, Jim Benko, John Robinson, John Thomas, Bill Schew and Mike Irwin
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary, Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc, and Kimberly Venzie, Esquire, Buckley Brion McGuire & Morris LLP
Public in attendance were as follows:
Board of Commissioners Lorraine Tindaro and Chuck Kramer
John A Jaros, Esquire, Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco representing 2131 Lincoln Highway Chris Daily, DL Howell and Reverend Willie representing Christian Faith Fellowship Church
Julie M. Slabinski and Melvin H. Hess of Gibbel Kraybill & Hess LLP, Dave Rentschler of JMR Engineering, LLC all representing 15 Fox Ave.
Approval of June meeting Minutes – Mr. Simon entertained a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Robinson. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
Communications – None.
Discussion Items:
- 2131 Lincoln Highway Zoning Petition
John A. Jaros, Esquire reviewed their request to amend the C-1 zoning to allow Self- Storage Facilities by condition. They contend that there is plenty of acreage, the site will be monitored by security 24 hours a day, the site will be fenced in, and hours of operation will be 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday and 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Simon entered a motion for recommendation to support the text amendment for Article IV, Chapter 155, Section 155-27 C. to include Self-storage facilities, subject to 155-84 of the Code. The motion was moved by Mr. Caporale and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
- Christian Faith Fellowship Church
John A. Jaros, Esquire and Chris Daily are seeking a recommendation for Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan Approval for Phase 1. They discussed that the Stormwater Management system would be completed, about half the parking lot to be completed and presented a drawing showing the church in the middle of the site for Phase 1. After public water obtained in the area Phase 2 would be done with the remainder of the proposed church and parking installed. They will resubmit plans showing Phase 1 and Phase 2 more clearly.
Mr. Simon entered a motion for Conditional Preliminary Approval based on Arro’s letter dated July 11, 2019. The motion was moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
- 15 Fox Ave
Julie M. Slabinski with Melvin H. Hess of Gibbel Kraybill & Hess LLP, and Dave Rentschler of JMR Engineering, LLC representing 15 Fox Ave spoke. They are looking for several variances, 6 in all, to put in 2 separate Townhome buildings:
Section 155-54. B(1) Variance to allow for multifamily townhouse on less than 25 contiguous acres
Section 155-54. B(4) Variance to allow for density of 13.4 units per acre
Section 154-54. C(1) Variance to allow for minimum townhouse width of 16 feet
Section 155-54. C(3)(b) Variance to allow for building separation of 45 feet
Section 155-54. C(4) Variance to allow for minimum setback of 25 feet from property lines
Section 155-54. E(7) Variance to allow for minimum open space area less than 50 ft wide on less than 1 acre
Mr. Simon entered a motion for recommendation for the Board of Commissioners to support the variance relief requested. The motion was moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Robinson. Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
- Wireless Ordinance Discussion
Mr. Simon entered a motion for recommendation for approval as written. The motion was moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
Project timeclock expiration dates:
Christian Faith Fellowship Church 9/11/2019
Villages at Hillview valid until 9/26/19
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 10/31/19
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 9/30/19.
15 Fox Ave (No Expiration)
1103 Foundry Street Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
281 Norton Ave Benne Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: all ayes. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the March 19, 2019
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Henrichon
Planning Secretary
pc_minutes_71619_approved.pdf |