September 17, 2019
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss items on the meeting agenda.
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 in the Caln Municipal Building, The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the Chairman, Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Ken Simon, John Caporale, Jim Benko, John Robinson, John Thomas, Bill Schew and Michael Irwin
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary and Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc. and Board of Commissioner Lorraine Tindaro Liaison to the Planning Commission.
Public in attendance were as follows:
Lou Colagreco with Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco, Jack DelVecchio applicant for 2825 Lincoln Hwy, Alyson Zarro and Lou Colagreco with Riley Riper and Dave Gibbons with D L Howell & Associates, Inc. for the Villages at Hillview and Tim Towns the applicant for Hills at Thorndale Woods.
Approval of August meeting Minutes – Mr. Simon entertained a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Robinson. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
Communications – None.
Discussion Items:
Mr. Colagreco talked about Dell Toyota using 2825 Lincoln Highway as a lot for inventory. No changes will be made except for some landscaping to the one corner that currently has nothing.
Mr. Simon entered a motion to Recommend Approval to the Board of Commissions for Conditional Use. The motion was so moved by Mr. Thomas and seconded by Mr. Schew. Mr. Simon Aye, Mr. Benko Aye, Mr. Robinson Aye, Mr. Thomas Aye, Mr. Shew Aye, Mr. Irwin Aye and Mr. Caporale Abstained. Motion, passed.
It was discussed that it will be a 55+ community with 90 single family homes. They are doing cul-de-sacs rather than the previous plan which was a loop. They made this change due to the wetlands.
In their letter dated September 9, 2019. There would be sidewalks in the community but as listed for SALDO relief request #3 to not provide sidewalks specifically along the existing streets of Blackhorse Hill Road and Moore Road.
#8 the applicant is requesting that the project be submitted and reviewed as a Preliminary/Final Plan. ARRO does not support this due to the coordination and approval required from PennDOT, PADEP, Chester County Conservation District and CTMA.
Mr. Simon entered a motion to Recommend Preliminary Plan Approval to The Board supporting waivers 1, 2, 4,5,6,7 and 9 as presented in the September 11th 2019 letter. The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
It was discussed that it will be 87 single homes and 175 townhomes. There will be multiple access points on Eggleston Blvd. Because of slopes and topography they are trying to minimize the disturbance. There are some significant retaining wall at the back of some of the lots so that they’re not grating those areas. There is one that is in someone’s front yard that they are currently discussing. They need to leave the wall so they don’t disturb the steep slope areas and the roads. They’ve purchased sewer capacity on a payment plan and have already made the 1st of 3 payments. Over the years they’ve done traffic studies and will do another in the next 30 days. They are looking for Final Plan Approval.
Mr. Simon entered a motion to Recommend Conditional Final Plan Approval based on the August 28th letter from Arro. The motion was so moved by Mr. Robinson and seconded by Mr. Caporale. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
Mr. Thomas entered a motion Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
The new version vs. the old version was discussed. The Commissioners have decided to take time to look at it and discuss it further at the next meeting.
Project timeclock expiration dates:
Villages at Hillview valid until 9/26/19
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 10/31/19
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 9/30/19.
15 Fox Ave (No Expiration)
1103 Foundry Street Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
281 Norton Ave Benne Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the September 17, 2019
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Henrichon
Planning Secretary
September 17, 2019
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss items on the meeting agenda.
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 in the Caln Municipal Building, The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the Chairman, Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Ken Simon, John Caporale, Jim Benko, John Robinson, John Thomas, Bill Schew and Michael Irwin
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary and Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc. and Board of Commissioner Lorraine Tindaro Liaison to the Planning Commission.
Public in attendance were as follows:
Lou Colagreco with Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco, Jack DelVecchio applicant for 2825 Lincoln Hwy, Alyson Zarro and Lou Colagreco with Riley Riper and Dave Gibbons with D L Howell & Associates, Inc. for the Villages at Hillview and Tim Towns the applicant for Hills at Thorndale Woods.
Approval of August meeting Minutes – Mr. Simon entertained a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Robinson. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
Communications – None.
Discussion Items:
- 2825 Lincoln Highway Conditional Use
Mr. Colagreco talked about Dell Toyota using 2825 Lincoln Highway as a lot for inventory. No changes will be made except for some landscaping to the one corner that currently has nothing.
Mr. Simon entered a motion to Recommend Approval to the Board of Commissions for Conditional Use. The motion was so moved by Mr. Thomas and seconded by Mr. Schew. Mr. Simon Aye, Mr. Benko Aye, Mr. Robinson Aye, Mr. Thomas Aye, Mr. Shew Aye, Mr. Irwin Aye and Mr. Caporale Abstained. Motion, passed.
- Villages at Hillview
It was discussed that it will be a 55+ community with 90 single family homes. They are doing cul-de-sacs rather than the previous plan which was a loop. They made this change due to the wetlands.
In their letter dated September 9, 2019. There would be sidewalks in the community but as listed for SALDO relief request #3 to not provide sidewalks specifically along the existing streets of Blackhorse Hill Road and Moore Road.
#8 the applicant is requesting that the project be submitted and reviewed as a Preliminary/Final Plan. ARRO does not support this due to the coordination and approval required from PennDOT, PADEP, Chester County Conservation District and CTMA.
Mr. Simon entered a motion to Recommend Preliminary Plan Approval to The Board supporting waivers 1, 2, 4,5,6,7 and 9 as presented in the September 11th 2019 letter. The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
- Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015
It was discussed that it will be 87 single homes and 175 townhomes. There will be multiple access points on Eggleston Blvd. Because of slopes and topography they are trying to minimize the disturbance. There are some significant retaining wall at the back of some of the lots so that they’re not grating those areas. There is one that is in someone’s front yard that they are currently discussing. They need to leave the wall so they don’t disturb the steep slope areas and the roads. They’ve purchased sewer capacity on a payment plan and have already made the 1st of 3 payments. Over the years they’ve done traffic studies and will do another in the next 30 days. They are looking for Final Plan Approval.
Mr. Simon entered a motion to Recommend Conditional Final Plan Approval based on the August 28th letter from Arro. The motion was so moved by Mr. Robinson and seconded by Mr. Caporale. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
Mr. Thomas entered a motion Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
- Sign Ordinance
The new version vs. the old version was discussed. The Commissioners have decided to take time to look at it and discuss it further at the next meeting.
Project timeclock expiration dates:
Villages at Hillview valid until 9/26/19
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 10/31/19
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 9/30/19.
15 Fox Ave (No Expiration)
1103 Foundry Street Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
281 Norton Ave Benne Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the September 17, 2019
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Henrichon
Planning Secretary