December 20, 2016
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 in the Caln Township Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Dave Lamb.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Dave Lamb, Eugene Spratt, Jim Benko, Jill Hammond, Ken Simon and John Robinson, Jr., Ex-Officio Member.
Also in attendance was Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM, Township Engineer and Cheryl A. Lafferty, Planning Commission Secretary.
Others in attendance were Commissioner Jennifer Breton and resident Lorraine Tindaro.
Approval of Minutes – Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to approve the minutes of November 15, 2016 Planning Commission meeting. The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Spratt. Poll: all ayes. Motion passed.
Communications – None.
Public Comment – There were no public comments.
Wawa Reeceville CU 2016 – No one in attendance. The Conditional Use Hearing has been scheduled for January 19, 2017 at 7:00 P. M.
Wawa Bondsville LD 2016 – In attendance representing the plan were Louis Colagreco, Esquire, applicant Joe Botto, Joe Baran, PE of Bohler Engineering and Greg Richardson, PE Traffic Planning and Design.
Discussion occurred, with the following being noted:
With no further comments, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend approval of the Wawa Bondsville LD 2016 Preliminary/Final Plan contingent upon all comments of the September 4, 2016 review letter and attachments being addressed, as well as all comments of the December 20, 2016 review letter.
The motion was so moved by Mrs. Hammond and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: all ayes
The motion passed.
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until February 13, 2017. Applicant may be present at the next Planning Commission meeting seeking a recommendation.
Bondsville Road Apartments LD 2013 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until February 13, 2017. Applicant anticipates being present at the next Planning Commission meeting.
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until May 31, 2017. Applicant may be present at the next Planning Commission meeting seeking a recommendation.
3611 Lincoln Highway TVFC SD 2015 – In attendance representing the plan were Louis Colagreco, Esquire and Mick Arnold and John Cordisco of the Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company. The extension agreement is valid until January 15, 2017.
Brief discussion occurred, with the following being noted:
With no further discussion, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend approval of the 3611 Lincoln Highway TVFC SD 2015 plan.
The motion was so moved by Mrs. Hammond and seconded by Mr. Spratt. Poll: all ayes
The motion passed.
301 Bondsville Road SD 2016 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until February 24, 2017.
Wawa Reeceville LD 2016 – No one in attendance. Mr. McClintock advised the 90 day time clock has started, with the plan expiration date being March 20, 2017.
253 Municipal Drive SD 2015 – Mr. McClintock advised this project involves the installation of a cell tower on the Municipal Complex.
Brief discussion occurred, with the following being noted:
With no further comments, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend approval of the 253 Municipal Drive SD 2015.
The motion was so moved by Mrs. Hammond and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: all ayes
The motion passed.
Floodplain Ordinance – The deadline for implementation has been pushed back by all agencies involved, with a Letter of Determination anticipated in March or April 2017.
4060 Edges Mill Road Stormwater – John Jaros, Esquire has requested discussion on this item be deferred until next month.
No action occurred.
Old Business – None.
New Business – None.
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was so moved. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the December 20, 2016 Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl A. Lafferty
Planning Secretary
December 20, 2016
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 in the Caln Township Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Dave Lamb.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Dave Lamb, Eugene Spratt, Jim Benko, Jill Hammond, Ken Simon and John Robinson, Jr., Ex-Officio Member.
Also in attendance was Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM, Township Engineer and Cheryl A. Lafferty, Planning Commission Secretary.
Others in attendance were Commissioner Jennifer Breton and resident Lorraine Tindaro.
Approval of Minutes – Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to approve the minutes of November 15, 2016 Planning Commission meeting. The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Spratt. Poll: all ayes. Motion passed.
Communications – None.
Public Comment – There were no public comments.
Wawa Reeceville CU 2016 – No one in attendance. The Conditional Use Hearing has been scheduled for January 19, 2017 at 7:00 P. M.
Wawa Bondsville LD 2016 – In attendance representing the plan were Louis Colagreco, Esquire, applicant Joe Botto, Joe Baran, PE of Bohler Engineering and Greg Richardson, PE Traffic Planning and Design.
Discussion occurred, with the following being noted:
- The extension agreement is valid until January 13, 2017. The applicant will provide an extension prior to the deadline;
- Representatives were in attendance this evening seeking a recommendation of Preliminary/Final Plan approval;
- The Board of Commissioners approved the Conditional Use application with 14 conditions, five of which being standard;
- Plan is basically the same plan as previously reviewed with one change, reflecting a right turn lane on Lincoln Highway eastbound towards Downingtown and southbound towards West Bradford;
- Minor traffic markings and signage have been incorporated;
- All deliveries will be from Lincoln Highway;
- PennDOT has reviewed the plan and has specified the turning movements on Lincoln Highway
- The second Review Letter was issued today.
With no further comments, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend approval of the Wawa Bondsville LD 2016 Preliminary/Final Plan contingent upon all comments of the September 4, 2016 review letter and attachments being addressed, as well as all comments of the December 20, 2016 review letter.
The motion was so moved by Mrs. Hammond and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: all ayes
The motion passed.
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until February 13, 2017. Applicant may be present at the next Planning Commission meeting seeking a recommendation.
Bondsville Road Apartments LD 2013 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until February 13, 2017. Applicant anticipates being present at the next Planning Commission meeting.
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until May 31, 2017. Applicant may be present at the next Planning Commission meeting seeking a recommendation.
3611 Lincoln Highway TVFC SD 2015 – In attendance representing the plan were Louis Colagreco, Esquire and Mick Arnold and John Cordisco of the Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company. The extension agreement is valid until January 15, 2017.
Brief discussion occurred, with the following being noted:
- Plan involves the Open Space;
- Project will be assisted with a Grant;
- Township will be acquiring all of the Floodplain along G. O. Carlson Blvd.;
- An Easement Agreement has been completed between the Fire Company and the Board of Commissioners.
With no further discussion, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend approval of the 3611 Lincoln Highway TVFC SD 2015 plan.
The motion was so moved by Mrs. Hammond and seconded by Mr. Spratt. Poll: all ayes
The motion passed.
301 Bondsville Road SD 2016 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until February 24, 2017.
Wawa Reeceville LD 2016 – No one in attendance. Mr. McClintock advised the 90 day time clock has started, with the plan expiration date being March 20, 2017.
253 Municipal Drive SD 2015 – Mr. McClintock advised this project involves the installation of a cell tower on the Municipal Complex.
Brief discussion occurred, with the following being noted:
- Per the County, Grant funds were used for Municipal Park improvements. Therefore a subdivision is required to subdivide Municipal Park from G. O. Carlson Blvd. and the Municipal Complex;
- The Township Building, Police Department and garage and Public Works garage to the stream would be one property, with the stream and beyond another property;
- Walking Easements in Thornridge Development were discussed, noting Easements between 250 & 252 and 258 & 260 Thornridge Drive;
- Mr. McClintock will discuss Easements with the Township’s Solicitor, Kristin Camp.
With no further comments, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend approval of the 253 Municipal Drive SD 2015.
The motion was so moved by Mrs. Hammond and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll: all ayes
The motion passed.
Floodplain Ordinance – The deadline for implementation has been pushed back by all agencies involved, with a Letter of Determination anticipated in March or April 2017.
- The Ordinance will become effective within 6 months, with the Township’s prior action required;
- The Ordinance will require a Floodplain Administrator, noting Mr. McClintock, PE, CFM has the credentials;
- A Floodplain Permit will now be required once the new ordinance is in effect;
- Mr. McClintock asked the Commission to give some thought on allowing development in the Floodplain or not, or allowing Floodway development. He asked them to be prepared at a future meeting to discuss this item.
- Comp Plan Update – It was noted this evening’s Comp Plan Update meeting was cancelled.
- The Final Draft of the Comp Plan was received and distributed;
- Mr. McClintock requested everyone involved review the document, mark it up and provide comments to him prior to the Public Meeting on January 17, 2017;
- Advertising for next year’s Planning Commission meetings, will include the Public Information Meeting for the Comprehensive Plan Update being held in conjunction with the January 17, 2017 Caln Township Planning Commission meeting;
- The Public Information meeting will describe the plan, etc. to the public and will allow any public comments;
- The Planning Commission will then submit the Act 247 Review to Chester County Planning Commission for their review of the Revised Draft Comprehensive Plan;
- Mandated County review time is 45 days (approximately mid March);
- The Board of Commissioners can advertise and hold a Public Hearing prior to the completion of the County’s Act 247 Review. Any changes would need to be incorporated into the Plan;
- Timeline for the Board of Commissioners’ recommendation and adoption is anticipated to be March/April;
- Mr. McClintock requested a Six Month Extension Request to the County, which was approved;
- Mr. Lamb requested all review comments on the Final Draft of the Comp Plan be forwarded to Mr. McClintock by January 5, 2017.
4060 Edges Mill Road Stormwater – John Jaros, Esquire has requested discussion on this item be deferred until next month.
No action occurred.
Old Business – None.
New Business – None.
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was so moved. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the December 20, 2016 Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl A. Lafferty
Planning Secretary

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