December 12, 2017
The Planning Commission rescheduled and held their December meeting on Tuesday, December 12, 2017 in the Caln Township Municipal Building, which was duly advertised. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Dave Lamb.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Dave Lamb, Jill Hammond, Jim Benko, Ken Simon and John Robinson.
Also in attendance was Cheryl A. Lafferty, Planning Commission Secretary and Carol Schuehler, PE, Cedarville Engineering Group, LLC.
Approval of Minutes – Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to approve the minutes of November 21, 2017 Planning Commission meeting. The motion was so moved by Mr. Robinson and seconded by Mrs. Hammond. Poll: all ayes. Motion passed.
Communications – A letter was received from PennDOT, regarding our participation in the Adopt-A-Highway Program. A reply will be forwarded to PennDOT stating our continued participation in the program.
Public Comment – None.
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until April 17, 2018.
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until December 31, 2018.
301 Bondsville Road SD 2016 – No one. The extension agreement is valid until April 17, 2018.
3453 Lincoln Highway NTB LD 2017 – In attendance representing the plan was Bill Rountree, PE of Wright Thorndale, LLC, Jim Bannon, PE of Nave, Newell and an associate, along with Debra Shulski, Esquire of Riley, Riper, Hollin & Colagreco . The extension agreement is valid until January 17, 2018.
Discussion occurred, noting the following:
Due to the time of year and inclement weather, as a matter of procedure, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend denial of the 3453 Lincoln Highway NTB Land Development 2017 application, due to non-compliance with outstanding Township review comments, unless an extension of time is granted by the applicant prior to the current deadline of January 17, 2018.
The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Robinson. Poll: all ayes
The motion passed.
1103 Foundry Street Sketch 2017 – No one in attendance. Applicant is proposing 22 single family semidetached units. Cedarville Engineering had completed a review letter on the project, which was forwarded to the applicant noting 17 items.
125-127 Foundry Street Minor SD 2017 – No one in attendance. The expiration date of the plan is February 16, 2018. Cedarville Engineering completed a review letter on the project, which was forwarded to the applicant noting 23 items.
150 Parkside Drive Sketch 2017 – In attendance representing the plan were Gary Toll and Noah Kahn, Equitable Owners.
Discussion occurred, noting the following:
The applicants thanked the Commission for their time and comments.
281 Norton Avenue Benne Sketch 2017 – No one in attendance. A review letter is forth coming.
4060 Edges Mill Road CU 2017 – It was noted that the Conditional Use Hearing for 4060 Edges Mill Road, has been scheduled for January 11, 2018 at 6:30 P.M. before the Board of Commissioners.
Old Business – None.
New Business – This evening marked the final Planning Commission Meeting for Dave Lamb, who has diligently served on the Commission for 14 years. Mr. Lamb expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve our community and thanked the Planning Commission for their ongoing efforts.
The Planning Commission members and staff thanked him for his guidance and dedication, wishing him well as he is a valued member that will be missed.
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was so moved. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the December 12, 2017 Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl A. Lafferty
Planning Secretary
December 12, 2017
The Planning Commission rescheduled and held their December meeting on Tuesday, December 12, 2017 in the Caln Township Municipal Building, which was duly advertised. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Dave Lamb.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Dave Lamb, Jill Hammond, Jim Benko, Ken Simon and John Robinson.
Also in attendance was Cheryl A. Lafferty, Planning Commission Secretary and Carol Schuehler, PE, Cedarville Engineering Group, LLC.
Approval of Minutes – Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to approve the minutes of November 21, 2017 Planning Commission meeting. The motion was so moved by Mr. Robinson and seconded by Mrs. Hammond. Poll: all ayes. Motion passed.
Communications – A letter was received from PennDOT, regarding our participation in the Adopt-A-Highway Program. A reply will be forwarded to PennDOT stating our continued participation in the program.
Public Comment – None.
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until April 17, 2018.
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until December 31, 2018.
301 Bondsville Road SD 2016 – No one. The extension agreement is valid until April 17, 2018.
3453 Lincoln Highway NTB LD 2017 – In attendance representing the plan was Bill Rountree, PE of Wright Thorndale, LLC, Jim Bannon, PE of Nave, Newell and an associate, along with Debra Shulski, Esquire of Riley, Riper, Hollin & Colagreco . The extension agreement is valid until January 17, 2018.
Discussion occurred, noting the following:
- A revised plan was submitted in November as Preliminary/Final, with a review letter being issued by Cedarville Engineering Group, LLC noting 56 items;
- Most of the review items are technical in nature;
- Plan submitted reflects changes which was presented earlier this year as a Sketch Plan;
- Property is currently non-conforming;
- Site is .52 acres for construction of a 6,200 square foot building with 7 bays, a trash enclosure and 17 parking spaces, which includes 1 ADA space. Anticipating 4 – 5 employees;
- Proposing to keep the existing driveway into the shopping center, and closing the eastern driveway to Route 30;
- Landscaping and decorative street lighting will be installed along frontage;
- Site is located within the Lincoln Highway Overlay District;
- The Board of Commissioners can grant modifications in this particular Zoning District;
- Requested modifications would be:
- lot area, which is currently existing and non-conforming
- side yard 10 ft. to 3.35 ft.
- rear yard 5 ft. to 4.25 ft.
- parking stall size 9x18 as opposed to 10x20
- parking set back side yard 2 ft. as opposed to 5 ft.
- Impervious Coverage 86% as opposed to 80% required
- No existing stormwater on site. Proposing underground infiltration basin under the parking lot;
- Applicant was unable to obtain an easement from the shopping center for employee parking due to Corporate issues;
- The Commission expressed concerns with the size of the parking stalls;
- It was suggested that 5 or 6 stalls on the side yard could possibly be increased to the required 10’ width, to address the Commission’s concerns. This would increase the Impervious Coverage;
- Architectural renderings were reviewed;
- It was noted the Township is attempting to revitalize Lincoln Highway and encourage business and growth;
- Information has been submitted to PennDOT for review;
- Commission was asked for their opinion/consensus on issues noting:
- side yard 10 ft. to 3.35 ft., consensus of Commission agreeable
- rear yard 5 ft. to 4.25 ft., consensus of Commission agreeable
- parking stall size 9x18 as opposed to 10x20, issue with size however if 5-6 stalls are 10x18, consensus of Commission agreeable
- number of total parking spaces required are 31 with 17 proposed, consensus of Commission was to leave the decision to the Board of Commissioners
- parking set back side yard 2 ft. as opposed to 5 ft., consensus of Commission agreeable
- Impervious Coverage 86% as opposed to 80% required, consensus of Commission was to leave this decision to experts.
Due to the time of year and inclement weather, as a matter of procedure, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to recommend denial of the 3453 Lincoln Highway NTB Land Development 2017 application, due to non-compliance with outstanding Township review comments, unless an extension of time is granted by the applicant prior to the current deadline of January 17, 2018.
The motion was so moved by Mr. Benko and seconded by Mr. Robinson. Poll: all ayes
The motion passed.
1103 Foundry Street Sketch 2017 – No one in attendance. Applicant is proposing 22 single family semidetached units. Cedarville Engineering had completed a review letter on the project, which was forwarded to the applicant noting 17 items.
125-127 Foundry Street Minor SD 2017 – No one in attendance. The expiration date of the plan is February 16, 2018. Cedarville Engineering completed a review letter on the project, which was forwarded to the applicant noting 23 items.
150 Parkside Drive Sketch 2017 – In attendance representing the plan were Gary Toll and Noah Kahn, Equitable Owners.
Discussion occurred, noting the following:
- Site is Zoned Industrial;
- Previous proposals for site included:
- a 140,000 square foot manufacturing plant
- an 82,000 square foot office building
- Proposing 47 manufactured homes 27x54 on 17 acres;
- A Town Hall Meeting was held with several residents in attendance, voicing concerns and issues;
- This would not be an age restricted community, but believe it would attract a majority of empty nesters;
- Zoning Code requires a minimum of 20 acres for mobile home parks;
- This will not be a mobile home park, they’re manufactured homes;
- Manufactured homes delivered on wheels, with the wheels being removed and strapped down to 36 piers;
- Homes would be insured as Mobile Homes, with HUD stickers;
- A Homeowners Association would be created;
- No rentals would be allowed with the community rules;
- Variances would be required for acreage and flood zone;
- The applicant indicated that FEMA was agreeable to approximately one foot of fill to bring a portion of the property out of the Floodplain, if acceptable to the Township;
- Public water and sewer proposed;
- Reconfiguration of the Parkside Avenue intersection with Rt. 282 was reflected on the sketch, copied from a previous plan for the SoftMart project. Intersection realignment of Parkside with 282 would be done if deemed necessary;
- No recreational space proposed;
- Fee in Lieu of Open Space questioned;
- No sidewalks proposed;
- Resident Barry DeCarlo of 5 Parkside Drive was present noting:
- he has owned his property since 1977 and hasn’t had any major issues with water or runoff. During heavy rainstorms, water dissipates
- residents currently have issues with parking in this development
- Concerns noted:
- water and runoff
- ReZoning of an Industrial area to residential and impact to Zoning Ordinance as a whole, possibly reducing our Fair Share Quota for Industrial Zoning. It was noted the Board of Commissioners should pay particular attention to this issue
- safety issues regarding children and lack of recreational space, no sidewalks, close proximity of homes proposed, street width and parking, driveway requirements and the dead end currently proposed on plan
- Mrs. Hammond stated the submittal is too preliminary to give any type of recommendation or opinion on feasibility, however the Floodplain issue should be directed to the Zoning Hearing Board and she reiterated her comments on the Industrial Zone. Mr. Lamb concurred on the location being appropriately zoned as Industrial
- Mr. Benko, Mr. Simon and Mr. Robinson did not oppose the concept of the proposed development.
The applicants thanked the Commission for their time and comments.
281 Norton Avenue Benne Sketch 2017 – No one in attendance. A review letter is forth coming.
4060 Edges Mill Road CU 2017 – It was noted that the Conditional Use Hearing for 4060 Edges Mill Road, has been scheduled for January 11, 2018 at 6:30 P.M. before the Board of Commissioners.
Old Business – None.
New Business – This evening marked the final Planning Commission Meeting for Dave Lamb, who has diligently served on the Commission for 14 years. Mr. Lamb expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve our community and thanked the Planning Commission for their ongoing efforts.
The Planning Commission members and staff thanked him for his guidance and dedication, wishing him well as he is a valued member that will be missed.
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Lamb entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was so moved. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the December 12, 2017 Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl A. Lafferty
Planning Secretary

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