September 15, 2020
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss agenda items.
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 via Zoom as a virtual meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance were Ken Simon, John Caporale, Jim Benko, John Thomas, Bill Schew, Jacob Bashioum and Michael Irwin.
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Bryan Kulakowsky, ARRO Engineering, Raymond Stackhouse, Director of Building and Life Safety, Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary, Board of Commissioners’ Liaison to the Planning Commission Lorraine Tindaro and Paul Mullin BOC President.
Approval of August 18, 2020 meeting Minutes – Being no questions or discussion Mr. Simon entertained a motion for approval as submitted, moved by Mr. Caporale and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 7 – 0.
Agenda items:
No Representatives were present. Withdrawn from the agenda
2351 Miller Avenue – Minor Subdivision
This plan is for a 2 lot subdivision. It proposed to divide an existing .82 acre total 35.880 sq. ft. lot into lot 1 with a dwelling 19.108 and lot 2 -16.774 sq. ft. that will be vacant that can be built upon in the future. There is no land development or construction proposed at this time. When lot 2 goes through the process of building a house they will have to go through the full permit process with the Township. The Arro review letter dated September 10, 2020 listed items that need to be done before approval. For example; will serve letters for water and sewer, legal descriptions for the 2 lots and the closure reports to indicate the lots are properly created before they are executed and recorded, address for the new lot, add signature blocks for 3 signatures by the Board of Commissioners and an approval block for the Township Engineer on the plan, six comments dealing with CTMA regarding reserving their sewer capacity and having approval of the subdivision by the PADEP approval for sanitary sewer.. There are no other substantial change required on the plan.
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the public; None
Mr. Simon entertained a motion for action; Mr. Thomas made a motion to recommend to accept this Final as a Conditional Final based on them addressing the comments in the September 10, 2020 ARRO review letter seconded by Mr. P Bashioum. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 7 – 0.
Communications – None.
Old Business – Bryan Kulakowsky discussed the Small Wireless Facilities Ordinance. Kim Venzie with Buckley, Brion, McGuire & Morris LLP explained the Small Wireless Facilities Ordinance and Small Wireless Facilities Design Guidelines documents and answered questions from the Commission members.
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the public; None
Mr. Simon entertained a motion for action; Mr. Benko made a motion to recommend that the Board of Commissioners pass the small wireless facilities ordinance as drafted by the Township Solicitors Office and the design guidelines resolution section 5A would be revised for co-location preferences and then seconded by Mr. Caporale. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 7 – 0.
New Business- None.
Subdivision and Land Development Timeclock Dates:
Adjournment – With no further agenda items or Commission business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was moved by Mr. Schew and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 7 – 0. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M...
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the September 15, 2020
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Henrichon
September 15, 2020
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss agenda items.
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 via Zoom as a virtual meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman, Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance were Ken Simon, John Caporale, Jim Benko, John Thomas, Bill Schew, Jacob Bashioum and Michael Irwin.
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Bryan Kulakowsky, ARRO Engineering, Raymond Stackhouse, Director of Building and Life Safety, Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary, Board of Commissioners’ Liaison to the Planning Commission Lorraine Tindaro and Paul Mullin BOC President.
Approval of August 18, 2020 meeting Minutes – Being no questions or discussion Mr. Simon entertained a motion for approval as submitted, moved by Mr. Caporale and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 7 – 0.
Agenda items:
- Chester County Sports Arena – Subdivision and Land Development Application
- 2351 Miller Avenue – Minor Subdivision
- Chester County Sports Arena – Subdivision and Land Development Application
No Representatives were present. Withdrawn from the agenda
2351 Miller Avenue – Minor Subdivision
This plan is for a 2 lot subdivision. It proposed to divide an existing .82 acre total 35.880 sq. ft. lot into lot 1 with a dwelling 19.108 and lot 2 -16.774 sq. ft. that will be vacant that can be built upon in the future. There is no land development or construction proposed at this time. When lot 2 goes through the process of building a house they will have to go through the full permit process with the Township. The Arro review letter dated September 10, 2020 listed items that need to be done before approval. For example; will serve letters for water and sewer, legal descriptions for the 2 lots and the closure reports to indicate the lots are properly created before they are executed and recorded, address for the new lot, add signature blocks for 3 signatures by the Board of Commissioners and an approval block for the Township Engineer on the plan, six comments dealing with CTMA regarding reserving their sewer capacity and having approval of the subdivision by the PADEP approval for sanitary sewer.. There are no other substantial change required on the plan.
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the public; None
Mr. Simon entertained a motion for action; Mr. Thomas made a motion to recommend to accept this Final as a Conditional Final based on them addressing the comments in the September 10, 2020 ARRO review letter seconded by Mr. P Bashioum. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 7 – 0.
Communications – None.
Old Business – Bryan Kulakowsky discussed the Small Wireless Facilities Ordinance. Kim Venzie with Buckley, Brion, McGuire & Morris LLP explained the Small Wireless Facilities Ordinance and Small Wireless Facilities Design Guidelines documents and answered questions from the Commission members.
Mr. Simon entertained comments from the public; None
Mr. Simon entertained a motion for action; Mr. Benko made a motion to recommend that the Board of Commissioners pass the small wireless facilities ordinance as drafted by the Township Solicitors Office and the design guidelines resolution section 5A would be revised for co-location preferences and then seconded by Mr. Caporale. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 7 – 0.
New Business- None.
Subdivision and Land Development Timeclock Dates:
- Chester County Sports Arena (Expires October 29, 2020)
- 2351 Miller Ave (Expires October 19,2020)
- Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 (Expires December 31, 2020)
Adjournment – With no further agenda items or Commission business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was moved by Mr. Schew and seconded by Mr. Benko. Poll of members; all ayes, motion passes 7 – 0. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M...
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the September 15, 2020
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Henrichon

pc_minutes_09152020_approved_minutes.pdf |