August 20, 2019
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss items on the meeting agenda.
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 in the Caln Fire House Banquet Hall, The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the Chairman, Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Ken Simon, John Caporale, Jim Benko, John Robinson, John Thomas and Bill Schew
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary, Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc, and Thomas Oeste, Buckley Brion McGuire & Morris LLP
Public in attendance included:
Township Manager Kristen Denne. Codes Director Raymond Stackhouse. Board of Commissioners members Lorraine Tindaro, George Chambers, Josh Young and Chuck Kramer. Municipal Authority Secretary Noel Bernard. Lou Colagreco with Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco, Matt Hammond with Traffic Planning and Design Inc., Harry Miller Owner of Wild Meadows.
Approval of July meeting Minutes – Mr. Simon entertained a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was so moved by Mr. Simon and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
Communications – None.
Discussion Items:
Mr. Colagreco talked about the updated plan for the development. It will still be 55 and up. There will no longer be apartment buildings. Instead there will be approximately 92 Townhouse Units. A club house that will be about 10,000 square feet. The access will be on 322 with an emergency entrance on Lloyd Ave. The Farm House will be available for sale at the rate for retention of the farmhouse. Trails or sidewalks through the community to the entrance on 322 and to connect with Lloyd Park. A 50 foot buffer with Saint Martha Manor and a 150 foot setback with a berm on Lloyd Ave and potential Commercial businesses on Rte 322. They were writing an Amendment to make it more restrictive than the current C-2 zoning. No businesses with drive thru or anything over 20,000 square feet. He referenced a drycleaner, hair dresser, doctor’s office, urgent care, and restaurant.
Mr. Hammond talked about the traffic study to mitigate the impact of traffic. It was 600 pages and PennDot requested the 30 off ramp further north to create more of a barrier which will cost half a million dollars. They also requested that the end of Lloyd Avenue be widened and the end of Rock Raymond and Rt 322 be widened. With PennDot and The Township Traffic Engineer offered comments and they will comply with everything. They would not dedicate the roads they would be maintained by the community.
Mr. Simmon mentioned that with the new sketch plan that the proposed Commercial area had been reduced on Lloyd Ave. Mr. Colagreco said it was due to the input they received from residents.
Mr. Caporale asked why the roads would not be dedicated. Mr. Colagreco said that it would less of an expense to the township. He also asked about the Farm House and when it’s offered for sale is also 55 and up. Mr. Colagreco responded yes.
Mr. Thomas asked about the parking and why there’s only 1 area and what about overflow. Mr. Colagreco said that there’s 20 extra spots. Each single family home will have 2 garage spots and 2 driveway spots. Each Townhouse will have 1 garage space and 2 outside spaces.
Mr. Benko asked about the sidewalks and why not have it connect with St. Joseph’s Church. Mr. Colagreco said that they were considering going with the trail system. Mr. Hammond said that Taco Bell will be putting sidewalks in across from the entrance and exit to the development. Mr. Benko stated that Planning Commission is Pro Sidewalks!
Mr. Schew asked about access for the Wild Meadow residents to get to the proposed Commercial area. Mr. Colagreco said as soon as they know where the pads will be for the Commercial property then they can figure that out.
Mr. Caporale asked is the project financially viable without the Commercial portion.
Mr. Colagreco said that was a good question. It makes sense to have commercial in that area with the development.
Mr. Thomas talked about public access and connectivity. Mr. Colagreco said they were trying to tie into the trail but will do sidewalks if that’s what the township wants.
The Township Solicitor Mr. Oeste asked about emergency access on Lloyd Ave. Mr. Colagreco has talked with Ray Stackhouse about doing this to insure that Firetruck will be able to get in. This will be emergency access only.
Mr. Oeste also asked about why the right in right out way illuminated. Mr. Hammond talked about not having access on Lloyd Ave. due to residential concerns. PennDot did approve their plan in 2018.
Jim Spaulding 406 Lloyd Ave - wonder how 4 access points with 2 lanes went to 1 access point with lanes and how that will reduce the impact. Mr. Hammond said they are trying to keep it safe and minimize the access points to appease the comments that have been made by residents.
Donna Urban 54 Carlson Way – does not want the Planning Commission to accept the commercial piece of the development. Commission Kramer at the school board meeting talked about tax abatement due 50 empty store fronts in the township. The homeowner takes on this burden through their taxes. Say no to the Commercial overlay.
Mark DeYoung 20 Beaver Run Road – talked about various business like CVS, Super WAWA etc. Mr. Colagreco said these would not be permitted. Mark also talked about Rock Raymond Road and how it’s the only in and out for residents that live off or on that street.
Vanessa Thomas Beaver Run Road – wanted to talk about the Emergency access on Lloyd Ave. How do we help you keep all the students from 4 schools in a 3 block area cutting through this community? Mr. Simon told her it was with remote access so it couldn’t be a cut through. She also asked what time of day the traffic study was done. Mr. Hammond said the times were 6:30 am to 9:30 am and 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The time from 4:00 to 6:00 was actually busier that the time the kids get out of school.
Some asked out the 1 lane bridge and Mr. Hammond said that widening it was not an option. There are wetlands on both sides and its Historical. The Township has made a grant application to the state to request funding to signalize the bridge.
Mark Evans 103 Ayerwood Dr – we are offended by the team presented themselves from their last meeting and today. Mr. Hammond saying that we don’t need your approval. Mr. Colagreco saying we have a hostage. Give us our overlay or we’re going to stick it to you. Mr. Miller knows that when he bought that property what it was zoned for and what he could put there. He also discussed opened space. Something will be built there. He wishes that the developer would sit down and talk with them. The Farmhouse had windows, the door and chimney ripped out so it would be exposed to the elements. They don’t respect you.
Cheryl Spaulding 406 Lloyd Ave. – Asked Mr. Colagreco if it’s 6% building on the Commercial Spot they’ve designated on 322. He wasn’t sure the exact calculation but he did say the parking usually takes up a lot of room. He then proceeded say that what would be built there would be a drycleaner, hair dresser, child day care, veterinary clinic, retail business under 20,000 square feet, medical or dental office, and banks. It could be 4 smaller buildings, it could be 1 building. Mrs. Spaulding said a 20,000 square foot building versus 4 smaller businesses is very different. Mr. Colagreco said he's not trying to scare anyone but that different zoning has different requirements. Mrs. Spaulding said that the commercial element is just nuts and it should be 100% residential.
Jerry Beauchamp 6 Harvest Drive – feels that the Developer is using a strong arm tactic saying if we don’t give them this they’re going to give us that. As Commissioners we should be making the changes now to protect ourselves.
Arnie Davenport – There's a lot of could be maybe and you’re trying to get your variance, Why couldn’t it be the other plan? Mr. Colagreco said they doing the text amendment. Mr. Davenport wanted to know why they haven’t brought their final plan. Mr. Colagreco said this is a preliminary drawing and that they’ll need engineering to look things over to see what might need to be changed. They are just trying to show what might be done. There are environmental features that they need to look at.
Diane – Talked about how the weather is changing and that Lloyd Park has been flooded (she’s on the other side of Mary) many times and the water is coming into the houses. Do you talk with the other Townships about these issues? If you add more water to the creek what will happen. Mr. Colagreco said the Township Engineer will look into that and Stormwater Management will be looked into.
Rose 1234 S. Red Maple Way (Rock Raymond Community) – Have you ever interviewed people that live in a 55 and up Community and what they have to pay when the township doesn’t do our snow removal we have to pay for that and high school taxes. Our developer promised trails in our community and no trails were ever done. How long will it take for the builder to build these homes? Mr. Colagreco in this Municipality probably 10 units a month. His guess is probably 3 phases. She’s also concerned with getting in and out of the community with the trouble the Rock Raymond Community faces with the kids going to and from school.
Jeff Trego 2 Beaver Run Road – Concerned with the developer and if he’s in good standing. Concerned about safety and the map by FEMA with the 100 year storms. Where he lives the driveway was under water for a week. The ground is not soaking up the water it has nowhere to go. Maybe we just need to slow down. Look at some of these things to protect us.
Donna Hetzel 584 Lloyd Ave – Are the Townhomes going to be privately owned or rental. The townhomes will have an owner but once someone buys them they can rent them. The building may also rent out Townhomes while waiting to sell them. The law is crystal clear on that the legal government can’t put any restriction on that.
Michelle 586 Lloyd Ave – Concerned with the Commercial in a Residential Area. She’s very against having anything that will change this residential area. There are an undisclosed amount of entrances and commercial business right where her children are walking and playing and it’s not a good idea. Not fit for a community and doesn’t like that there coming to change the ordinance. Leaving it so open is a big concern to the residents. Mr. Colagreco said every township has a zoning ordinance has restriction. They all try to control through words what you can put on the property. Michelle said her neighbor will have a view of the commercial area from their house on Lloyd Ave. Why can’t it be right on 322 or not at all?
Mr. Colagreco said that there is some distance from Lloyd and 322.
Mr. Miller was asked what he thinks would be there. He has no idea at this time and no one interested at this time. It might not happen for 2 years down the road. He sees a drycleaner and hairdresser.
Alisha Evans 103 Ayerwood Dr – Heard they want to put a joint and hip center with Tower Health. This was denied.
There was discussion with the Solicitor Thomas Oeste to go over their options for their motion.
Mr. Thomas entered a motion they want the Board of Commissioners to consider an amendment to the zoning ordinance which would remit an age restricted development on the property without any non-Residential Development. The motion was moved by Mr. Caporale. Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
Project timeclock expiration dates:
Christian Faith Fellowship Church 9/11/2019
Villages at Hillview valid until 9/26/19
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 10/31/19
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 9/30/19.
15 Fox Ave (No Expiration)
1103 Foundry Street Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
281 Norton Ave Benne Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robinson. Poll: all ayes. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the August 20, 2019
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Henrichon
Planning Secretary
August 20, 2019
A work session was held at 6:30 PM to discuss items on the meeting agenda.
The Planning Commission held their regular meeting on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 in the Caln Fire House Banquet Hall, The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the Chairman, Ken Simon.
Roll Call – In attendance for the Planning Commission were Ken Simon, John Caporale, Jim Benko, John Robinson, John Thomas and Bill Schew
Township Staff and Consultants in attendance were Pamela Henrichon, Planning Commission Secretary, Bryan Kulakowsky, PE, ARRO Consulting Inc, and Thomas Oeste, Buckley Brion McGuire & Morris LLP
Public in attendance included:
Township Manager Kristen Denne. Codes Director Raymond Stackhouse. Board of Commissioners members Lorraine Tindaro, George Chambers, Josh Young and Chuck Kramer. Municipal Authority Secretary Noel Bernard. Lou Colagreco with Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco, Matt Hammond with Traffic Planning and Design Inc., Harry Miller Owner of Wild Meadows.
Approval of July meeting Minutes – Mr. Simon entertained a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was so moved by Mr. Simon and seconded by Mr. Thomas. Poll: all ayes Motion, passed.
Communications – None.
Discussion Items:
- Wild Meadows Zoning Amendment
Mr. Colagreco talked about the updated plan for the development. It will still be 55 and up. There will no longer be apartment buildings. Instead there will be approximately 92 Townhouse Units. A club house that will be about 10,000 square feet. The access will be on 322 with an emergency entrance on Lloyd Ave. The Farm House will be available for sale at the rate for retention of the farmhouse. Trails or sidewalks through the community to the entrance on 322 and to connect with Lloyd Park. A 50 foot buffer with Saint Martha Manor and a 150 foot setback with a berm on Lloyd Ave and potential Commercial businesses on Rte 322. They were writing an Amendment to make it more restrictive than the current C-2 zoning. No businesses with drive thru or anything over 20,000 square feet. He referenced a drycleaner, hair dresser, doctor’s office, urgent care, and restaurant.
Mr. Hammond talked about the traffic study to mitigate the impact of traffic. It was 600 pages and PennDot requested the 30 off ramp further north to create more of a barrier which will cost half a million dollars. They also requested that the end of Lloyd Avenue be widened and the end of Rock Raymond and Rt 322 be widened. With PennDot and The Township Traffic Engineer offered comments and they will comply with everything. They would not dedicate the roads they would be maintained by the community.
Mr. Simmon mentioned that with the new sketch plan that the proposed Commercial area had been reduced on Lloyd Ave. Mr. Colagreco said it was due to the input they received from residents.
Mr. Caporale asked why the roads would not be dedicated. Mr. Colagreco said that it would less of an expense to the township. He also asked about the Farm House and when it’s offered for sale is also 55 and up. Mr. Colagreco responded yes.
Mr. Thomas asked about the parking and why there’s only 1 area and what about overflow. Mr. Colagreco said that there’s 20 extra spots. Each single family home will have 2 garage spots and 2 driveway spots. Each Townhouse will have 1 garage space and 2 outside spaces.
Mr. Benko asked about the sidewalks and why not have it connect with St. Joseph’s Church. Mr. Colagreco said that they were considering going with the trail system. Mr. Hammond said that Taco Bell will be putting sidewalks in across from the entrance and exit to the development. Mr. Benko stated that Planning Commission is Pro Sidewalks!
Mr. Schew asked about access for the Wild Meadow residents to get to the proposed Commercial area. Mr. Colagreco said as soon as they know where the pads will be for the Commercial property then they can figure that out.
Mr. Caporale asked is the project financially viable without the Commercial portion.
Mr. Colagreco said that was a good question. It makes sense to have commercial in that area with the development.
Mr. Thomas talked about public access and connectivity. Mr. Colagreco said they were trying to tie into the trail but will do sidewalks if that’s what the township wants.
The Township Solicitor Mr. Oeste asked about emergency access on Lloyd Ave. Mr. Colagreco has talked with Ray Stackhouse about doing this to insure that Firetruck will be able to get in. This will be emergency access only.
Mr. Oeste also asked about why the right in right out way illuminated. Mr. Hammond talked about not having access on Lloyd Ave. due to residential concerns. PennDot did approve their plan in 2018.
Jim Spaulding 406 Lloyd Ave - wonder how 4 access points with 2 lanes went to 1 access point with lanes and how that will reduce the impact. Mr. Hammond said they are trying to keep it safe and minimize the access points to appease the comments that have been made by residents.
Donna Urban 54 Carlson Way – does not want the Planning Commission to accept the commercial piece of the development. Commission Kramer at the school board meeting talked about tax abatement due 50 empty store fronts in the township. The homeowner takes on this burden through their taxes. Say no to the Commercial overlay.
Mark DeYoung 20 Beaver Run Road – talked about various business like CVS, Super WAWA etc. Mr. Colagreco said these would not be permitted. Mark also talked about Rock Raymond Road and how it’s the only in and out for residents that live off or on that street.
Vanessa Thomas Beaver Run Road – wanted to talk about the Emergency access on Lloyd Ave. How do we help you keep all the students from 4 schools in a 3 block area cutting through this community? Mr. Simon told her it was with remote access so it couldn’t be a cut through. She also asked what time of day the traffic study was done. Mr. Hammond said the times were 6:30 am to 9:30 am and 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The time from 4:00 to 6:00 was actually busier that the time the kids get out of school.
Some asked out the 1 lane bridge and Mr. Hammond said that widening it was not an option. There are wetlands on both sides and its Historical. The Township has made a grant application to the state to request funding to signalize the bridge.
Mark Evans 103 Ayerwood Dr – we are offended by the team presented themselves from their last meeting and today. Mr. Hammond saying that we don’t need your approval. Mr. Colagreco saying we have a hostage. Give us our overlay or we’re going to stick it to you. Mr. Miller knows that when he bought that property what it was zoned for and what he could put there. He also discussed opened space. Something will be built there. He wishes that the developer would sit down and talk with them. The Farmhouse had windows, the door and chimney ripped out so it would be exposed to the elements. They don’t respect you.
Cheryl Spaulding 406 Lloyd Ave. – Asked Mr. Colagreco if it’s 6% building on the Commercial Spot they’ve designated on 322. He wasn’t sure the exact calculation but he did say the parking usually takes up a lot of room. He then proceeded say that what would be built there would be a drycleaner, hair dresser, child day care, veterinary clinic, retail business under 20,000 square feet, medical or dental office, and banks. It could be 4 smaller buildings, it could be 1 building. Mrs. Spaulding said a 20,000 square foot building versus 4 smaller businesses is very different. Mr. Colagreco said he's not trying to scare anyone but that different zoning has different requirements. Mrs. Spaulding said that the commercial element is just nuts and it should be 100% residential.
Jerry Beauchamp 6 Harvest Drive – feels that the Developer is using a strong arm tactic saying if we don’t give them this they’re going to give us that. As Commissioners we should be making the changes now to protect ourselves.
Arnie Davenport – There's a lot of could be maybe and you’re trying to get your variance, Why couldn’t it be the other plan? Mr. Colagreco said they doing the text amendment. Mr. Davenport wanted to know why they haven’t brought their final plan. Mr. Colagreco said this is a preliminary drawing and that they’ll need engineering to look things over to see what might need to be changed. They are just trying to show what might be done. There are environmental features that they need to look at.
Diane – Talked about how the weather is changing and that Lloyd Park has been flooded (she’s on the other side of Mary) many times and the water is coming into the houses. Do you talk with the other Townships about these issues? If you add more water to the creek what will happen. Mr. Colagreco said the Township Engineer will look into that and Stormwater Management will be looked into.
Rose 1234 S. Red Maple Way (Rock Raymond Community) – Have you ever interviewed people that live in a 55 and up Community and what they have to pay when the township doesn’t do our snow removal we have to pay for that and high school taxes. Our developer promised trails in our community and no trails were ever done. How long will it take for the builder to build these homes? Mr. Colagreco in this Municipality probably 10 units a month. His guess is probably 3 phases. She’s also concerned with getting in and out of the community with the trouble the Rock Raymond Community faces with the kids going to and from school.
Jeff Trego 2 Beaver Run Road – Concerned with the developer and if he’s in good standing. Concerned about safety and the map by FEMA with the 100 year storms. Where he lives the driveway was under water for a week. The ground is not soaking up the water it has nowhere to go. Maybe we just need to slow down. Look at some of these things to protect us.
Donna Hetzel 584 Lloyd Ave – Are the Townhomes going to be privately owned or rental. The townhomes will have an owner but once someone buys them they can rent them. The building may also rent out Townhomes while waiting to sell them. The law is crystal clear on that the legal government can’t put any restriction on that.
Michelle 586 Lloyd Ave – Concerned with the Commercial in a Residential Area. She’s very against having anything that will change this residential area. There are an undisclosed amount of entrances and commercial business right where her children are walking and playing and it’s not a good idea. Not fit for a community and doesn’t like that there coming to change the ordinance. Leaving it so open is a big concern to the residents. Mr. Colagreco said every township has a zoning ordinance has restriction. They all try to control through words what you can put on the property. Michelle said her neighbor will have a view of the commercial area from their house on Lloyd Ave. Why can’t it be right on 322 or not at all?
Mr. Colagreco said that there is some distance from Lloyd and 322.
Mr. Miller was asked what he thinks would be there. He has no idea at this time and no one interested at this time. It might not happen for 2 years down the road. He sees a drycleaner and hairdresser.
Alisha Evans 103 Ayerwood Dr – Heard they want to put a joint and hip center with Tower Health. This was denied.
There was discussion with the Solicitor Thomas Oeste to go over their options for their motion.
Mr. Thomas entered a motion they want the Board of Commissioners to consider an amendment to the zoning ordinance which would remit an age restricted development on the property without any non-Residential Development. The motion was moved by Mr. Caporale. Poll: all ayes. Motion, passed.
Project timeclock expiration dates:
Christian Faith Fellowship Church 9/11/2019
Villages at Hillview valid until 9/26/19
Dwell at Caln PRD 2011 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 10/31/19
Hills at Thorndale Woods Final LD 2015 – No one in attendance. The extension agreement is valid until 9/30/19.
15 Fox Ave (No Expiration)
1103 Foundry Street Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
281 Norton Ave Benne Sketch 2017 (No Expiration)
Adjournment – With no further business, Mr. Simon entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robinson. Poll: all ayes. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
To the best of my knowledge, this summarizes the minutes of the August 20, 2019
Planning Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Henrichon
Planning Secretary
pc_minutes_82019.pdf |