253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, PA 19372
June 27, 2019
7:30 PM
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Breton noted an Executive Session held after the June 13, Board of Commissioners Meeting regarding legal and personnel matters.
Commissioner Breton asked for a standing moment of silence for Commissioner Contento, who has recently passed away.
Attendance – Jennifer Breton-President, George Chambers-Vice President, Joshua Young-Commissioner, Lorraine Tindaro-Commissioner, Kristen Denne-Township Manager/Secretary, Chuck Kramer-Commissioner, Chuck Wilson-Township Treasurer, Kristin Camp-Township Solicitor (Absent), Bryan Kulakowsky-Township Engineer, Tom Oeste-Solicitor, and Denise Miller-Assistant Township Secretary.
Commissioner Breton asked for those who would like to speak to approach the podium and state your name and address each time you speak. She also noted that “Citizens to Be Heard” is for agenda items.
Citizens to Be Heard
Jim Spalding of 406 Lloyd Avenue representing the Historical Commission asked for guidance on moving forward with their work on the Vision Partnership Grant. Ms. Denne noted that she has already gone through the grant interview and the mandatory meeting for the Zoning Ordinance revision for the Township. She also noted that you cannot do two applications in the same year however, you can participate in a multi municipal application. She further noted their first step would be to present a budget to the Board of Commissioners and Finance Committee by October. Mr. Spaulding and Commissioner Tindaro noted that they will present this information to the Historical Commission.
Township Solicitor – Mr. Oeste
Consideration to Accept Southdown Properties, Inc. Extension Request to the Review Period for the Thorndale Woods Project until September 30, 2019 – Mr. Oeste offered and recommended that the Board approve the extension request from Southdown Properties for the Thorndale Woods Project until September 30, 2019. He noted the Developer continues to work on the project and in June, entered into a new agreement with the Municipal Authority for their sewer capacity. After Board discussion,
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to grant the extension for the review period for the Thorndale Woods Project until September 30, 2019. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked if the Regal Plans on the website is a onetime deal and encouraged the Board put all plans on the website. She also asked where the Thorndale Woods Project is located. Ms. Denne noted that the Regal Plans were uploaded to the website because of the community interest. She also noted that Staff will take it under advisement regarding uploading other plans. Commissioner Young noted the proposed Thorndale Project is next to Bailey Station, passed LNP on South Caln Road to the dead end where the townhomes are. Vote passed 5-0.
Consideration to Advertise an Ordinance that Authorized the Incurrence of Nonelectoral General Obligation Debt by the Township – For consideration, Mr. Wilson offered an ordinance for advertising which proposes a General Obligation Note Series 2019 in the amount of $5,233,000 with a fixed interest rate of 1.84%, and a savings over the next twelve years of $263,200. After Board discussion,
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to advertise an ordinance that would authorize the obligation by the Township. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Kramer. Mr. DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road had several questions on the motion. Vote passed 5-0.
Township Engineer – Mr. Kulakowsky
Planning Commission Update – Mr. Kulakowsky gave a brief update of the June Planning Commission meeting.
ARLE Grant Approval – For Board consideration, Mr. Kulakowsky offered a final budget of $245,000 for signalization at the Lloyd Avenue Bridge, and requested authorization to submit the application tomorrow. He noted they are proposing a $20,000 match from the Township; $15,000 Engineering and $5,000 final design cost. After Board discussion,
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve submission of the ARLE grant application as presented, with the total amount of $245,000 and a $20,000 match from the Township. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Kramer. Vote passed 5-0.
Township Manager – Kristen Denne
Consideration to Adopt the Capital Improvements Plan – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered the Capital Improvements Plan for adoption. She noted that the Draft Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) has been on the Township website for comments however, none were received. She also noted that she has been working with the Consultant on minor changes. Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue commented on the draft not being found on the website. Ms. Denne noted that it is the third item under “News”. She also noted that the CIP was approved in the 2018 Capital Budget, and they have been waiting for the VPP Grant in order to fund it. Vote passed 5-0.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adopt the Capital Improvements Plan. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Cheryl Spaulding of 406 Spaulding Avenue commented on the motion. Vote passed 5-0.
Consideration to Accept Change Order #1 for an Extension of 45 days to the Fisherville Road Bridge Replacement Contract – For Board consideration, Ms. Denne offered an extension of 45 days to the Fisherville Road Bridge Replacement Contract.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to accept change order #1 for the Fisherville Road Bridge Replacement Contract. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Commissioner Kramer asked about the $1,496.28 increase. Ms. Denne noted the increased amount is for materials. Vote passed 5-0.
Consideration to Approve the Pump Station Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP’s) and Conveyances Operation and Maintenance Agreement – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the Pump Station Stormwater Best Management Practices and Conveyances Operation and Maintenance Agreement. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Commissioner Tindaro. Ms. Denne noted this agreement states that the Township will maintain the pump station. They also would need to show the Auditor if they were asked. She also noted that all Developers are required to have this agreement. Vote passed 5-0.
Consideration to Approve the Vision Partnership Grant – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the Vision Partnership Grant Application. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Commissioner Young asked what the total amount of the grant is. Ms. Denne noted that $60,000 is the total cost of the output and $25,000 is the maximum you can apply for from the county. Mr. Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue asked if there is any role that the Historical Commission needs to take. Ms. Denne noted that the Consultant will contact them for their input. Vote passed 5-0
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2019-18 – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-18 for the updated fee schedule. Moved by Commissioner Tindaro and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Commissioner Kramer asked what the changes are. Mr. Stackhouse noted the $4.50 state fee was broke out specifically so residents do not have to pay that cost, the commercial and residential inspector rate were revised to both be $100. Vote passed 5-0.
Directors Reports
Police Department-Chief Elias – Chief Elias noted a few highlights from his May 2019 report, which was previously provided to the Board. Commissioner Tindaro asked the Chief if he considered having the “Coffee with the Chief event” in Caln. Chief Elias noted that they will in the future. Commissioner Kramer had a couple questions on the dates in the police report. Chief Elias explained and noted that one was a typo and will be corrected. Commissioner Chambers asked for an update on the new vehicles. Chief Elias noted the “Charger” is in service, and the other vehicle is due at the end of the month and will be on the street mid-July. Licia Carini of 103 Ayerwood noted that there has been a lot of gun fire around her development. Chief Elias recommended calling the police station when she hears the gun fire.
Thorndale Fire Department-Chief Donnachie – Chief Donnachie noted a few highlights from his May 2019 report, which was previously provided to the Board. He also noted a fire on Hazelwood Avenue.
Director of Buildings and Life Safety-Mr. Stackhouse – Mr. Stackhouse noted a few highlights from his May 2019 report, which was previously provided to the Board. Commissioner Kramer commented on the increase of signs that are in the Township.
Director of Public Works-Mr. Fragale – Mr. Fragale noted a few highlights from his May 2019 report, which was previously provided to the Board.
Ingleside Golf – Mr. Ward was absent however, his May 2019 report was previously provided to the Board. Mr. DeYoung of 20 Beaver Run Road recommended an appraisal of the golf course to determine if a third party should manage it. Commissioner Breton noted that Mr. DeYoung can contact Ms. Denne with his appraiser information.
Finance Department Report-Mr. Wilson
Finance Monthly Report – Mr. Wilson noted a few highlights from his May 2019 report, which was previously provided to the Board. Tony DiSario of 251 Loomis Avenue asked about the backhoe payment. Mr. Wilson noted that the payments are over four to five years.
Bill List for Approval – General Checks 43429 through 43516 – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve general checks 43429 through 43516 with Commissioner Chamber abstaining from check number 43446. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Minutes to Approve/Acknowledge
June 13, 2019 Board of Commissioners Minutes – Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to approve the June 13, 2019 Board of Commissioners Minutes. Commissioner Kramer noted that under the June 13 minutes the vote needs to be changed from 5-0 to 4-0. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
April 16, 2019 and May 14, 2019 Planning Commission Minutes – Commissioner Breton acknowledged the April 16, 2019 and May 14, 2019 Planning Commission Minutes.
Additional Business
Commissioner Kramer recommended asking Coatesville Area School District to reinstate LERTA in the Township. Ms. Denne noted if they could do something for Denron Signs because of what happened to them. Representative from Dan Williams’ office suggested that the Township request to be on the school board meeting agenda. He also noted their office would like to help. Commissioner Kramer noted that he will contact them both.
Public Comments
Dave Stewart of 14 Parkside Avenue noted that he did not receive his trash bill in the mail and received a late fee. He also noted that he appealed it and was denied, because he has lived in the Township less than two years and you have to live in the Township for 2 years in order to get a one time waiver of the fees. Municipal Authority Chairman, Paul Mullin was in attendance and suggested that Mr. Steward attend the next Municipal Authority meeting and make an appeal again. Commissioner Breton was in favor of waiving Mr. Stewart’s late fee.
Discussion was held on purchasing microphones for the meeting room. Commissioner Kramer noted that he will get multiple quotes to present to the Board, for consideration.
Mr. Spaulding of 406 Lloyd Avenue spoke on unhealthy negative patterns. Commissioner Kramer noted that he appreciated Mr. Spaulding’s comments.
Commissioner Breton entertained a motion to adjourn the July 27, 2019 meeting at 9:30 PM. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Denise Miller
Assistant Township Secretary

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