253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
June 9, 2016 7:30 PM
Call to order and pledge of allegiance.
Attendance – Cynthia Eshleman; President, Jennifer Breton; Vice President, John Contento; Commissioner, Joshua Young; Commissioner, George Chambers; Commissioner; Peter Marshall; Interim Township Manager, Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM; Township Engineer, and Denise Miller Recording Secretary.
Executive Session
Commissioner Eshleman announced that prior to tonight’s meeting, an Executive Session was held to discuss legal and personnel matters.
Moment of Silence – Commissioner Eshleman called for a moment of silence for all first responders and military, all over the world.
Citizens to be heard
There were none
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration
Resolution 2016-13 Adopting Traffic Signal Specifications – Mr. McClintock offered Resolution 2016-13, for Board consideration. Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to approve Traffic Signal Specifications Resolution 2016-13. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Land Development Dedication Processing – Mr. Jeffrey McClintock PE, CFM-Township Engineer
Wawa Bondsville LD 2016 – Mr. McClintock introduced Mr. Colagreco of Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco PC, Michael Cooley of the Provco Group and Joel DeliCarpini of Bohler Engineering. Mr. Cooley presented a brief presentation and presented the Board with a power point pamphlet on the proposed Wawa/Bondsville project, to be located at the Southwest corner of Lincoln Highway and Bondsville Road in Thorndale. Mr. Cooley noted this project will be a new 5,051 square foot Wawa with six gas pumps. Mr. Cooley also noted that currently there are two large frontage curb cuts and a third curb cut for both ingress and egress closer to the intersection of Thorndale. He noted on Thorndale Marshalton Road there is a single curb cut for ingress and egress. Commissioner Young had concern with sidewalks to the overpass area. Mr. Cooley responded that they are open for conversation and discussion. Commissioner Eshleman asked if the current Wawa two miles down on Lincoln Highway will stay there. Mr. Cooley replied “they will stay there”. Mr. McClintock encourages Mr. Cooley to file with their governance plan, and asked if conversation was held on whether the frontage name should be “Thorndale” or “Caln Township”. After Board discussion, Board consensus was to forward this matter to the Lincoln Highway Committee for their opinion. No action was taken on this proposal.
Caln Park Hockey Rink – Tabled because no representation was in attendance.
Bondsville Road Apartments LD 2013 – Mr. McClintock noted that the Bondsville Road Apartments applicant is requesting to reconvene the hearing at the Zoning Hearing Board’s first available date. He also asked for permission to have Mr. Rathman and Mrs. Camp attend the hearing, on behalf of the Board, which would include the wetland disturbance and crossing of the flood plain. By consensus, the Board agreed to both Mr. Rathman and Mrs. Camp attending the hearing.
Report Chart Review – No items for presentation.
Engineering – Mr. Jeffrey McClintock P.E. CFM-Township Engineer
G.O. Carlson Boulevard East Pavement Overlay Project – Mr. McClintock noted work to begin Monday milling curb lines and Tuesday/Wednesday paving, as long as weather holds.
Sylvan Drive Culvert Replacement Project – Mr. McClintock noted Cedarville Engineering Group has issued a recommendation letter for Stevens Excavating LLC for the Sylvan Drive Culvert Replacement Project, in the amount of $95,200.00 in which would be Liquid Fuels Fund money. Commissioner Contento made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Young, to award Stevens Excavating LLC in the amount of $95,000.00, from Liquid Fuels Fund money, for the Sylvan Drive Culvert Replacement Project. Vote passed 5-0.
2016 Roadwork Discussion – Mr. McClintock discussed plans for Windsor Lane, Edge Lane, and the Sylvan Drive Culvert projects.
Other – Mr. Jeffrey McClintock P.E. CTM–Township Engineer
ADA SDLD Amendment – Mr. McClintock requested permission to advertise an Ordinance amending the Caln Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance requiring all sidewalks to be designed in accordance with the Americans with disabilities act standards for accessible design. Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to advertise the ADA SDLD Amendment pertaining to sidewalks in the Township making them ADA accessible. Moved by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Breton. Commissioner Contento noted he does not see the Chester County Planning Commission’s recommendation to make the sidewalks a 5 foot minimum in the ordinance. Mr. McClintock asked for permission to advertise as long as the minimum is in the Subdivision, and if not he will bring it back in front of the Board. Vote passed 5-0.
PAW Fire Hydrant Agreements – Mr. McClintock offered the Pennsylvania Fire Hydrant standard agreements, for Board consideration. Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the various agreements and Chairman signature approval. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Farm House, Barn Building, and Administration Building Roof Proposal – Mr. McClintock offered proposals for roof repairs for the Administration Building, Barn Building, and the Farm House. After Board discussion, Mr. Marshall asked for a motion to approve the proposal for the Administration Building, in the amount of $6,700.00, and then use that proposal for the Barn Building and the Farm House. Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion approving the bid specification for the Administration roof in the amount of $6,700.00. Moved by Commissioner Breton and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 5-0.
Mr. McClintock noted he is still reviewing the demolition of the building on the golf course property.
Boom Mower Discussion – Mr. McClintock noted the need for a boom mower. He also noted they are currently evaluating other equipment.
Township Manager – Mr. Marshall
Tax Rebate Card Discussion – Mr. Marshall noted that he is investigating the Property tax reward program to see if it would pertain and work for Caln Township. Commissioner Eshleman recommended getting in contact with Senator Rafferty’s office. Mr. Marshall noted he contacted the Department of Community and Economic Development office and is awaiting a call back. He also noted that the Township Solicitor is reviewing this topic.
Bill List
Checks 38004-38068, and Bond check 1150 – Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion approving checks 38004-38068, and Bond check 1150. Moved by Mr. Young and seconded by Commissioner Breton. Vote passed 5-0.
Minutes Approval
April 28, 2016 – Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the April 28, 2016 minutes. Commissioner Breton noted the minutes reflect that Commissioner Young seconded the bill list motion but he was not in attendance. Moved by Commissioner Contento with the two changes of reflecting that Commissioner Young was not in attendance and listening to the voice recording to see who seconded the bill list motion. Seconded by Commissioner Breton. With Commissioner Young abstaining voted passed 4-0.
May 12, 2016 – Commissioner Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the May 12, 2016 minutes. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Breton. Vote passed 5-0.
Board and Commissions Updates-Summary by applicable Board Liaison
Park and Recreation – Commissioner Young noted the first Summer Series on Friday June 10 and also in July and August on the third Friday. Commissioner Young thanked resident Mrs. Bernard for sponsoring the flyer for the event.
COG – Commissioner Young noted they are working on moving towards a Regional Emergency Operations Center and Emergency Management.
Municipal Authority – Commissioner Chambers noted the Authority welcomed new member Tony DiSario.
DARA – Commissioner Young noted they are on change order #20 on the electrical project. He also noted the switch gear is radioactive and they are figuring out how to dispose of it, and noted their next meeting was moved to Tuesday, instead of Monday.
Fire Board – Commissioner Contento noted the lack of activity on the land acquisition and how to move forward. After Board discussion, Commissioner Young noted he will go back on Monday and say that the Board has already authorized moving forward however they are not going to pay for the additional appraisal that the bank wants. He also noted he will relay that they will offer the $35,000, pay for the title and the subdivision, and see what their response is.
Planning Commission – Commissioner Breton noted their next meeting on the 21st. She also noted they are working smoothly on the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. McClintock asked if there are any Board objections in inviting a few mentioned residents to the comprehensive plan meeting. There was no Board objection.
Historical Commission – Commissioner Eshleman noted she was not present at the meeting but the August Historical tour of Carver Court was discussed. She also noted the Beaver Creek Mill District being discussed.
Zoning Hearing Board – Commissioner Contento noted the Bondsville Road Apartments in the future, and the sign issues being discussed.
Additional Business
Commissioner Eshleman called for Additional Business. There was none.
Public Comments
A resident commented on Colonial Hyundai and the Summer Series movies.
Mrs. Bernard commented on Roberts Rule and the length of the meetings, as well as other township issues.
Adjournment – Commissioner Contento made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Young to adjourn the
June 9th meeting. Vote passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Denise Miller,
Recording Secretary

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