253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
April 28, 2016 7:30 p.m.
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance.
Moment of meditation.
Prior to the meeting, an Executive Session was held to discuss legal and personnel matters.
Attendance – Cynthia Eshleman, President; Jennifer Breton, Vice President; John Contento, Commissioner; George Chambers, Commissioner; Josh Young, Commissioner (absent); Jeffrey W. McClintock, P.E., C.F.M., Township Engineer; and Colleen Lockwood, Recording Secretary.
Citizens to be Heard – Carol Houck spoke to the Board regarding tractor trailers delivering cars to Colonial Hyundai causing a potential safety hazard for residents of Wedgwood. The trucks are partially blocking the view of drivers when pulling out of Wedgwood Drive and the recurring issue has not been resolved. Police Chief Elias said he will get in touch with the manager of the dealership to come up with a solution.
Ordinances and Resolutions for Consideration - None this evening.
Appointments to Boards and Commissions
I. Zoning Hearing Board - President Eshleman waived this matter at this time.
II. Municipal Authority - President Eshleman entertained a motion to appoint Tony DiSario to the Municipal Authority. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 4-0.
III. Park & Recreation - President Eshleman entertained a motion to appoint Dyneco Gibson to the Park & Recreation Board. Moved by Vice President Breton and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 4-0.
Public Safety
Police Chief Elias - Chief Elias gave his report for the month of March. He spoke about an increase of thefts to and from motor vehicles in the Township. In the ones where the vehicles were stolen, the keys were left in the vehicle and all vehicles were recovered. He noted that the Police Department will be supporting the Color Run and that the Department was recently recognized by PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Police Officer Kopil has been hired and is starting work with the Department on May 16, 2016. He was will formally sworn in at a future meeting. National Prescription Drug Take Back Day will be held on April 30, 2016 at CVS, in conjunction with Brandywine Hospital. Finally, Chief Elias recognized employees Lori Daniels and Barry Beach for Administrative Professionals Day for all they do for the office.
Fire Chief Cordisco – Chief Cordisco gave his report for the month of March. There were 36 calls for service with an average response time of 9 minutes and 6 responders per call. There were 130 hours of service for the month. Chief shared that there was an in-house CPR/AED training, Hazmat & radio training, as well as continuing education classes. Three of the first responders received national certification for Instructor I training. There were 230 training hours with 512 hours of service for the month. The former Codes Director's truck which was previously donated to the Fire Department now has a cap & will be lettered/striped. Chief Cordisco shared that Wills for Heroes was held at the Fire Department building on April 9, 2016
and 38 first responders took advantage of the free program to obtain estate planning documents. He acknowledged the legal professionals who donated their time and expertise to make this event a success.
Ray Stackhouse - Director of Building and Life Safety - The paperwork for FEMA Storm Jonas reimbursement is being filed this week with the county. Mr. Stackhouse reported that an Agreement of Sale is being drafted for the sale of the old fire truck to Hunterdon County, NJ. Regarding the Rental Property Program, 33 applications have now been received in order to help determine which properties are rentals. Inspections have begun on those previously identified as rental properties. Mr. Stackhouse and Mr. McClintock met with Cedarville Engineering to discuss the part-time employees working in Caln as well. He noted that it is going very well.
Township Engineer Jeffrey W. McClintock, PE, CFM
Replacement of Fire Department Sign on Lincoln Highway - Mr. McClintock requested that the Township waive the permit fee for the Fire Department to replace their current sign. President Eshleman entertained a motion to waive the fee. Moved by Vice President Breton and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 4-0.
Land Development Items/3521 Lincoln Highway Rudy LD 2015 – Mr. McClintock removed the matter from the Agenda for the evening at the request of the Rudy's and their attorney, Louis Colagreco, Esquire. Mr. McClintock read aloud a letter from Mr. Colagreco to the Board regarding granting a waiver for a variance regarding a 170 sq. ft. driveway connection. Modifications need to be made to the plan and will be presented at the next Board Meeting
Report Chart Review – None this evening.
21 Hillcrest Drive (Added to Agenda) - The property is being rebuilt after a fire and there is an additional front yard encroachment with the new structure. A variance will be needed for this reason. Mr. McClintock asked the Board to waive the fee for variance relief as a gesture of goodwill toward the property owner given this permit application was submitted in 2015 and we have had three changes in personnel involving those who have been reviewing this matter. President Eshleman entertained a motion to waive the variance fee for 21 Hillcrest Drive when the homeowner applies for their building permit. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 3-1 with Commissioner Contento voting no.
Engineering Items
CDBG Contract for Sidewalks at Wedgwood – Mr. McClintock presented a contract to the Board which will be submitted to the county for approval. President Eshleman entertained a motion for signature by Board President of the required documents to be forwarded to the county. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 4-0. Regarding the design of the project, Mr. McClintock indicated that a recommendation will be given at a May meeting after review of the proposals submitted for the design.
Impaired Waters Investigation – Mr. McClintock discussed new municipal regulations due to take effect in 2018. The Board is interested in having samples taken from the West Brandywine Creek by Cedarville Engineering. It was determined that this will cost $6,959.00 and will include a summary report about the findings of the samples to aid in the development of the Pollution Reduction Plan. The President suggested tabling this matter for the evening.
SDLD Revisions/ADA and Procedural Items – Mr. McClintock discussed updating land development regulations to require all newly constructed sidewalks as part of a land development project to be ADA compliant. President Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the Township Engineer to submit a draft Ordinance Amendment to the Chester County Planning Commission for review and processing. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 4-0.
Norma Drive Open Space/Quit Claim Deed – The Township Solicitor received a Deed of Dedication form Toll Brothers for a parcel of open space south of Norma Drive and north of Windsor Drive, which is accessible from Municipal Drive. There was a concern that if this land ever went up for Sheriff's sale in the future it could be developed by another party. The Township had asked the current owner, Toll Brothers, to consider a Deed of Dedication of the parcel to the Township. President Eshleman entertained a motion to accept the Deed of Dedication from Toll Brothers for the open space located Norma and Windsor Drives. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 4-0.
Administration Building Roof Repair/Replacement/Permission to Develop Spec - Mr. McClintock requested consensus from the Board to develop a bid spec for this budgeted project. Upon completion it will be put out for bid. Board consensus granted 4-0.
2016 US 322 Traffic Signal ARLE Project - Mr. McClintock discussed that PennDOT's consultant is nearing completion of the traffic signal permit plan design. He had asked them to also design the fiber extension from Lincoln Highway to Reeceville Rd, which PennDOT agreed to. Mr. McClintock requested permission to develop a bid spec for this project. Board consensus was granted 4-0.
2016 Roadwork Discussion - Not discussed this evening.
Bill List - President Eshleman entertained a motion to approve general check numbers 37,774 through 37,876; and Bond check numbers 1145 and 1146. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 4-0.
Osbourne Road Bridge Project (Added to the Agenda) - Mr. McClintock added a request to pay H&K Group $318,549.93 for Caln's portion of the project. President Eshleman entertained a motion to pay H&K Group the aforementioned sum. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 4-0.
Police Pension Fund (Added to the Agenda) - President Eshleman entertained a motion to approve that a check in the amount of $200,000.00 be invested with Charles Schwab for the Police Department Retirement Fund. Moved by Commissioner Contento and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 4-0.
Approval of Minutes of March 31, 2016 – President Eshleman entertained a motion to approve the meeting minutes from March 31, 2016. Moved by Vice President Breton and seconded by Commissioner Chambers. Vote passed 4-0.
Additional Business - Vice President Breton shared that she recently attended the Multimodal Meeting, which is the transportation & development study from Lionville to Lancaster. There will be a public forum held on May 16, 2016 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Coatesville Moose. Presentations will be given about recommendations regarding the 322 corridor and Rt. 340. The group will give the Township a draft report by June 30, 2016 which will need to be approved between July and August by letter from the Board. This is part of the grant process. Ms. Breton offered to take care of this process since she is on the committee.
Ms. Breton discussed a concern from a resident who exited the bypass today at Rt. 322 and was nearly struck. She explained that at the intersection of Rt 322 & Lloyd Avenue, drivers are cutting to the right on the shoulder and going around the traffic to get onto Lloyd Avenue. Mr. McClintock will discuss that intersection with PennDOT to see if there is a solution.
Mr. Chambers commended all who came out to help at Caln Day and said it was a success. He thanked Noel Bernard for taking care of getting t-shirts for the event.
Adjournment – President Eshleman entertained a motion to adjourn the April 28, 2016 meeting at 8:40 p.m. Moved by Commissioner Chambers and seconded by Vice President Breton. Vote passed 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Colleen Lockwood
Recording Secretary

caln_township_board_of_commissioners_4-28-16.pdf |