Caln Township is currently accepting proposals from qualified firms with expertise in zoning for leading a process resulting in review, audit and recommendations for improvement in the Caln Township’s zoning ordinance.
This project was funded in part by a grant from the Chester County Planning Commission and the process will be monitored and proceed under the guidelines provided in the grant. The Chester County Planning Commission (CCPC) will provide professional planning and support staff to assist the Township in the update of the Caln Township Zoning Ordinance. The existing ordinance will be used as a base for this full update. Prior to the start of the process, the Township will create a Task Force, comprised of members of the Township Planning Commission and representatives of the Township Board of Commissioners and other municipal boards, commissions, or groups as deemed appropriate by the Township.
The ordinance update will support and be consistent with the Township’s adopted planning policies, including the Comprehensive Plan, address concerns with the current Zoning Ordinance, and respond to input provided by the Task Force and at public meetings. An updated and revised zoning map will be provided. The Ordinance will comply with the applicable provisions and content requirements for a Zoning Ordinance as prescribed by Article VI of the MPC.
The organization of the ordinance will be an early discussion between the Township, Task Force, and CCPC. CCPC will make recommendations regarding significant reorganization of the ordinance to create a more user-friendly product. Significant content from the existing ordinance will be incorporated into the updated ordinance, with that content reviewed and revised during the process.
Proposals received via the competitive bidding process will be reviewed by the Board of Commissioners and Staff.
This solicitation is a Request for Proposals (RFP). Proposals will be reviewed by the Board of Commissioners and staff that will evaluate each proposal according to relevant selection criteria. Interviews may be requested with one or more firms responding to the RFP.
Award of this contract, if any, will be to the firm deemed best qualified, in accordance with the selection criteria, to perform the services outlined in this RFP and other services as deemed necessary by the Township. Pricing, while an important factor; will be only one criterion used to evaluate the responses to the RFP.
Proposals will be opened at the date and time specified and each firm responding will be recorded as a respondent. Proposal content, including pricing, will be kept confidential until award of the contract.
The Township may reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements and may reject any or all proposals. The Township reserves the right to waive any requirement or condition of the RFP upon finding that it is in the public’s best interest to do so.
Current Zoning Ordinance
The state of the current Zoning Ordinance is not unusual for municipalities of this size:
- It was rewritten in early 2000’s
- It is large and sometimes difficult for residents and developers to interpret
- Many amendments and overlays have become burdensome
- The Zoning map may not be congruent with the goals of long-term development in the Township
- It is not user-friendly and lacks consistent graphics to improve readability. There is also a great reliance on Appendixes and Appendices to describe zoning requirements
- Board and residents have discussed making changes related to use type in specific zoning districts.
- Changes should be reflective of recent suggestions of Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in 2017
With assistance from Township Staff the selected consultant will conduct a public process to develop an updated Zoning Ordinance for Caln Township. It is anticipated that the consultant will work with the Board of Commissioners to make updates that take into consideration the Township’s built out suburban nature and the need for updated design standards for its business district. Unique features of the community such as traffic patterns, pedestrian and recreational amenities and design standards shall be taken into consideration when crafting a proposal.
The final work program will be developed in conjunction with the Board of Commissioners, Zoning Ordinance Task Force and staff, but the scope of work should include the following:
- Current Zoning Ordinance Diagnosis. The consultant will work closely with Township Staff and Task Force in producing a diagnosis of the existing code.
- Review of Comprehensive Plan. The consultant will review and identify Plan Goals, Objectives and Recommendations to ensure the new code will be consistent with recent planning documents
- Public Outreach. The consultant will develop a public outreach strategy designed to inform community stakeholders and hear suggestions of improvements from the public. This will include meetings with Township Board of Commissioners and Task Force in order for the consultant to understand the direction of the Board and the Residents of Caln Township.
- Evaluation of Existing Neighborhoods, Corridors, Overlays and Zoning Districts. Caln Township contains many unique areas that will warrant context-sensitive regulations. Staff will work with the consultant to identify these areas.
- Drafting the Document. The consultant will prepare drafts of the zoning ordinance, including graphics, for review by Staff, Task Force and Board of Commissioners culminating in a final version to be acted upon by Township Board of Commissioners.
Sign definitions will be revised and expanded as needed. Issues regarding non-conforming signs, temporary signs, and sign permits will be addressed. Ordinance provisions will be based on recent case law, including those addressing sign content.
Zoning Hearing Board, Nonconforming Uses, Amendments, and Administration
These articles will be reviewed and updated as needed for consistency with current MPC provisions. The articles will also be reviewed for completeness of regulations as well as clarity of application to ensure they reflect the actual administrative procedures. There should be consideration given to consolidating these articles at the end of the updated ordinance.
General Regulations
This article typically includes regulations that apply to most uses (such as landscaping, parking, lighting, etc.) and will be reviewed in its entirety and updated as needed. New provisions will be suggested for consideration as appropriate.
Planning Residential Development
This article will be updated as necessary to reflect current recommended standards. Consideration should be given to moving this article adjacent to the residential district articles.
Environmental Resource Protection
This article will be updated to reflect current recommended standards for wetlands, hydric soils, steep slopes, riparian buffers, and woodland/tree protection standards.
Cluster Residential Development Option
This article will be updated as necessary to reflect current recommended standards. Consideration should be given to moving this article adjacent to the residential district articles.
Mobile Homes
This article will be updated as necessary to reflect current recommended standards, and consideration will be given to moving relevant standards into the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
Historic Resources Preservation General Provisions
This article will be updated as necessary to reflect current recommended standards for preservation of historic resources.
Scenic Open Space Residential Cluster Option
This article will be updated as necessary to reflect current recommended standards. Consideration should be given to moving this article adjacent to the residential district articles.
Wireless Communication Facilities
The provisions regarding wireless communication facilities will be updated as necessary to reflect current recommended standards. Consideration should be given to moving the provisions within this article to a newly created Supplemental Use Regulations article.
Supplemental Use Regulations
Consideration should be given to developing a specific Supplemental Use Regulations article, which could consolidate provisions for uses that require the application of specific standards (e.g., wireless facilities, alternative energy sources, residential conversions, senior housing/continuing care, etc.). Any existing supplemental use standards will be reviewed and updated to reflect current planning practices. Uses currently not addressed in the ordinance may be added.
Proposals should contain the following information:
- An introduction to the contractor submitting the proposal.
- A listing of References of similar projects completed by your firm and the name, address, phone number and email of the contact person for whom the project was completed. The Caln Township reserves the right to contact these references to discuss their project experience with your firm.
- A completed pricing form for the project.
- Anticipated ability to start date
- Anticipated Calendar of Activity and Completion of New Proposed Zoning Ordinance
*RFP received after 4:30 PM on Friday, March 13th, 2020 will not be given consideration by the Board of Commissioners. Selection of a consultant will be made by the Board of Commissioners at a regularly scheduled Board Meeting in consultation with the Chester County Planning Commission.