By now, you may be aware of the tragic loss of life yesterday that occurred in Philadelphia due to a fire. Interestingly, the affected property was inspected only last year and was reported to have had working smoke detectors at that time. Tragically, there were no working smoke detectors yesterday at the time of the fire.
Caln Township has a Rental Housing Program. Each property that is a known rental in Caln Township is licensed and inspected every three years, and each time a tenant changes, by the Department of Building and Life Safety. Living conditions of the rental unit are noted as part of the rental inspection. Any unsafe condition or safety concern that is found during the initial inspection requires a follow-up inspection to ensure the concerns have been addressed and the occupants have a safe living environment. The number of occupants living in a rental is verified during the inspection to make sure that there is no over-crowding conditions. Caln Township enforces the International Property Maintenance Code, and the occupancy limitations contained within are enforced, including assuring each sleeping area is inspected to ensure that there is a functional door in place, along with a secondary means of emergency escape from the room.
The priority of the Department of Building and Life Safety is to ensure the safety of every individual that resides in a rental property in Caln Township. This department strives to prevent a tragedy like the one that occurred yesterday in Philadelphia from ever taking place in our Township.
Please take a moment to remember the individuals, including several children, who lost their lives yesterday.